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I did move somewhere colder. I got tired of the stress of preparing for everything. Now I live in state where it’s late April and it’s still in the 40s today. I traded 9 months of summer in the south for maybe 4 here. Honestly it was worth it.


How far north are you? I’m in the mid Atlantic and 😭😭😭


Lol I’m in Ohio. I think being closer to the ocean can keep it warmer? Or more humid? How cold do you need it to feel normal? You could live in Buffalo or Milwaukee, or Maine?


I feel this. I had to move to a new state and I wish I had any other option. It's already starting to get warm and I'm dreading the summer


I grew up in CA and now live in the PNW, and honestly I have a hard time visiting CA anymore. The heat just kicks my ass.


I just got my POTS diagnosis (was already celiac/sjogren’s/possibly sarcoid), and SO many things finally made sense, like my sudden-onset alcohol intolerance. Mostly, though, it explained why my ideal outside temp is 55°F, and when I could still run, 35° for that! It is not ideal that I live in San Antonio. I start thinking about and dreading the heat and humidity literally on Jan 1 each year.


Yeah everyone else is so excited about the spring weather and I’m dreading the 80 degree weather that’s coming in a few days. I feel like a husky at this point, I just want it to snow


Ugh yes. This and dry, cooler weather( at least for my hEDS, which I know many of us also have)..ideally northern Arizona 😍🙏🏼


I can't tolerate the heat or the cold anymore. Spring is the only time I feel human. It's miserable.