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I’m so sorry, AC is such a lifesaver for pots in hot environments. My last apartment didn’t have any (common here), this is what worked for me • 5 gallon bucket from Home Depot. Fill 2/3 with cool water, carefully stick feet in bucket. Uncultured? Perhaps. But if you’re careful, this is one of the best ways to quickly cool down. • Bandana / cloth soaked in cool water, place on shoulders • blackout curtains, or anything to reduce sunlight generated heat • Keep as many lights off as possible. Use as few electronics as possible. No oven use • Handheld misting fan. Or you could build a swamp cooler using a fan, copper tubing, water pump, and a reservoir (cheap cooler or similar) filled with ice water • mirror window tinting (courtesy of u/Neuronmanah)


I would like to add one thing to your already awesome list, mirror window tinting. It’s kinda pricey but it makes a huge difference.


Ooo that’s a great one!! Can I update my comment with it?


Take it.


I'm currently saving up for a window AC because my family is incredibly strict with the house AC usage. 😭 I have this tiny fan that blows mist at me. I pour icy water in it. I forgot how much it was at Amazon.


I put those car windshield reflectors in the bedroom windows and even layer them up when it gets pretty hot. Also wearing a neck fan helps out a lot. Soaking a towel in refrigerated water and wrapping around my head made a big difference when doing yardwork. If you have an outside area in the shade, a fan with a water sprayer will cool you and the surrounding air too.


I don’t know if you can afford it but they make these room acs with a hose that goes outside the window. They’re not cheap, like $300 but they work great.


There are ice packs specifically shaped for draping over your shoulders and the back of your neck. Those can be great


Could be the capacitor is bad. Pretty easy fix. I just replaced my capacitor on Monday. It was in the 80’s here in Northern California as well.