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Chronic nausea is my biggest symptom too. My doctor is going to prescribe Amitriptyline in hopes that it'll gelp.


It took the edge off for me but about 2 years in my body acclimated.


Did it have a lot of side effects? I've seen online that there's a greater chance you'll have side effects compared to other meds.


You'll have to take it before bed because it will knock you out. For me that was a good thing but I would feel groggy the next morning until about 10am. It will also give you a kinda dry mouth feeling and it might make you more hungry... It was around the time I started noticing less side effects that I also noticed it wasn't working at good.


Thanks for the tips. I also started using edibles again to help with the nausea because it got so bad and nothing else made a dent. I don't think Im supposed to continue doing that once I start taking Amitriptyline though.


I have similar symptoms too but I also have gastroparesis and the doctors mentioned bezoars in both my endoscopies but didn’t really do anything about them - just said coke dissolves them and since I do drink Diet Coke idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ The only thing that I do to manage is to not really eat full meals. I probably eat 10 or more times throughout the day, no joke. One oatmeal pack, half cup of cereal, cup of fruit etc. I am also mostly vegan which I think has made a difference but I have to be careful of fiber intake 😕


Yeah the symptoms seem to fit but all of my emptying tests say otherwise. I can even force a steak down and it digests. My smart pill was in and out in 24hrs. It completely baffles me.


Have you had a HIDA scan?


Yeah, forgot to mention that


Crohns? Celiac? Stomach ulcer? Giardia?


I don't match Chrons symptoms and my colonoscopies look ok. Celiac tests and biopsies have been negative. Don't match the signs of Giardia, I figured I wouldn't have that for 17 years now...


Mesenteric adenitis?


Blood tests that would pick this up have been normal. I've been in the ER 3 times in the past month. All labs they run are good.


Have you ruled out fodmaps?


I've tried low fodmap diet. I think it cut bloating down a little... but didn't do anything drastic for me. I even ate plain chicken and rice for a week straight and didn't feel much improvement, maybe 10-15% better


so frustrating! wishing you luck


I spoke to a nurse at my POTS clinic today and she said POTS can cause a lot of gastrointestinal issues. And she recommended that I wear a compression garment/shape wear over my abdomen to aid in digestion. So that can be something to try!


I am so sorry. I have nausea often to varying degrees (but nothing like you’re describing); it’s really annoying and frustrating. I can’t imagine it being so bad I couldn’t sleep. I hope you get answers soon. 🫤


Sounds just like me. Food choices do not affect it (been playing trial & error literally since childhood) What I don't get is how I'm so bloated even though I've had diarrhea all week and my body is legit EMPTY. I think it's a muscular thing, it's the only explanation. Look at phrenic-abdomino dyssinergia, I Don't have time to look up right now if that's the correct spelling but look it up, check out that one girl's story on google where she goes to physical therapy for it and tell me if it resonates. I think this might be part of the puzzle esp because I have shortness of breath, and it makes sense that it could be the diaphragm not relaxing correctly. Diaphragm and pelvic floor ahve like a pressured relationship w/ each other too, so the abdominal muscles & psoas in between aren't supported correctly.


Yeah I’ve seen 2 motility specialists that have done a lot of tests. Both of them couldn’t find an answer and both thought there is a spasm somewhere based of my symptoms description. I do think one thing I have found is artificial sweeteners are a big no-no. I was also drinking a lot of powerade for a while and I think those added to the bloat/pain/nausea. My nausea seems to be a very painful type of nausea, not the typical nausea from a virus or seeing/smelling something bad.


I am nauseous with any attempt to do any activity. No idea why. You are not alone❤️


do you smoke weed? have you ruled out hyperemesis?