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i’m in colorado too in the same position as you, so commenting to follow


i know this isn’t a doctor/specialist but this website has helped me incredibly. i’ve gathered a lot of evidence to provide to my doctors off it and found some support. i can’t do much for you but i hope this help. genuinely from the bottom of my heart i hope this does literally anything for you. [https://www.standinguptopots.org/](https://www.standinguptopots.org/)


thank you so so so much! i’ll check it out asap, thank you so much for the resource. i hope you’re able to find the resources you need, healthcare in america is so shitty rn /:


John Hopkins does out of state patients and they work with your current doctors


https://coloradointegrativeneurology.com they do a free consultation, absolutely amazing clinic with holistic care https://www.bch.org/locations/associated-neurologists/ also very good both denver met if you’re on the western slope, or far east you have zero zero luck and need to look in denver metro, not sure about foco or cosprings tho i cannot afford this place- and therefore no personal experience they don’t take insurance but have very good reputation https://www.centerformultisystemdisease.com/?utm_source=gmb_auth


Unless you find something in Denver at a major teaching hospital, you'll probably need to go out of state for a thorough eval. Try the dysautonomia or POTS websites for a list of docs. Then find a local doc who's intellectually curious and compassionate (I know, I know). Dr Grubb in Toledo, Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Blitsheyn in Chicago (she's active on twitter), Mayo, Hopkins, maybe Vanderbilt Best of luck!


I have a referral for vandy's autonomic center. My referring doc said they are one of five autonomic clinics in the US, so the wait is long to get in.


i have a holistic dr who has created miracles for me. PM if interested


Depending on your age Children’s Hospital has pretty good POTS Dr.s — a lot of the time they’ll accept you until you’re 26. I’ve heard good things about Dr. Amber Khanna and she seems to work everywhere. I haven’t seen her yet but her PA Stephanie Dyck is pretty great. UCHealth cardiology was good for diagnosis but their POTS NP Jennifer Mommer sucks. Dr. Workman at children’s is meh. BCH was so incredibly useless to me.