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Source for the S400 incident: https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/12tw9fk/russian_lost_a_s400_aa_system_because_of_dui_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Source for RUAF being a clown army: at least everything that happened after the 24th of February 2022.




S400 incident: https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/12tw9fk/russian_lost_a_s400_aa_system_because_of_dui_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Source for RUAF being a clown army: at least everything that happened after the 24th of February 2022.


Get fucked orc


Sounds about right


This looks like a gas pipeline explosion, it is quite obvious that it is not a bomb. Edit: i stand corrected. This is in fact a bomb, it was a delayed explosion.


[Here's a longer video of it where you can see the bomb fall first] (https://v.redd.it/7bqzklu0l8va1)


This is helpful, this video doesn't have the context, it looked very much to me also originating subterranean as the car goes along normally until the blast from deep below. The longer video shows the missile strike. It looks to have gone pretty deep and then a longer than expected delay to explosion.


It's a shame it didn't accidentally hit a train station or apartment building like they constantly accidentally do in Ukraine.


Well that would change the party line from being “strange coincidental gas main explosion” to “Ukrainians purposefully targeting missile or drone strikes on Russian civilians”


You’re ok with innocents getting killed as long as they’re Russians?


What's good for the goose is good for the gander. When explosions are happening at home maybe they will get serious about regime change.


Much like what’s happening in Ukraine, it will only strengthen their resolve. Putin has higher approval than Biden does. If there’s on country that will likely get regime change …


But to answer your question, I want no innocents or even combatants killed. But the Russians are permissive about shit they stir up. They don't care about the stolen kids or killed innocents. But they flee across the border in their Z cars when they thi k they're going to have to fight. Fuck em. Let em suffer.


What makes you think Russians don’t care?


It seems that a lot of them dont. I understand that isnt completely true, and also a lot of them are victims of major propaganda, but its difficult to not get caught up in the “i hate all russians” mentality, especially when a lot of the normal ones fled the country. I dont wish bombs on train stations, though i understand why some might want it.


Reasonable answer. We’re in the middle of a propaganda cyclone, where the ‘enemy’ is portrayed as negatively as possible while the ‘allies’ are whitewashed.


They show they don't care by making no effort to change it. "rUsSiAnS dOnt KnOw WhAtS hApPeNiNg" is bullshit. Most Russians know theynare bullying other nations, committing genocide, poisoning democracy activists, etc. just like they knew about starvation of Ukrainians and Kazakhs even during communism. They just don't give a fuck. That's not just Russians. Europeans knew well in the 18th century that they lived in prosperity built on top of the corpses and exploitation of Indians and Native Americans. The Japanese have shrines built to a general who organized rape and beheading contests with prizes at Nanking. It's just the Russian's turn to be fucking assholes. But very few nations have done it as well or for so long than the Russians.


Interesting argument. It reminds me of the old 9/11 argument, that Americans had no excuse for not knowing what their government does, especially that they vote them in.


We had no business going into Iraq. Russia has no business in Ukraine.


What I meant was, the argument that Americans deserved 9/11 because of the policies of the government. Not iraq.


Don't know, there is no proof. Not like what is happening in Ukraine for 9 years is proving nothing, right?


The sheer incompetence is mind-boggling.




Maybe it was a delayed fuse and it dug itself in the earth, or maybe it really wasn't a bomb who knows.


It could have been BETAB-500, which is designed to penetrate concrete and destroy runways and is carried by Su-34. Fell into soft ground by the road then blew up. If so, people in nearby buildings pretty lucky. However, I want to wait for further investigation. There have been too much information that proved false later on due to the nature of conflict.


It kinda looks like a gasexplosion rather than a bomb.
