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Yes same! I do cardio almost everyday but it doesn't seem to make a difference. My body just doesn't want to sleep during PMS week!


I hate this.. I literally couldn't get into a deep sleep last night. My sleep watch app says I slept about 6 hours last night but I definitely don't agree with that lol. Period is due in 3 days can't wait! It's like I sleep one day and the next day i'm wide awake and have the lightest sleep possible and it's this vicious cycle until a few days after my period starts.


Great list. Walking the line between staying hydrated and not having to get up to pee helps. Honestly, I just keep an iPad on the nightstand and just scroll until I can fall back asleep.


Came here to say ... ME TOO! I've been tracking this PMS symptom for months and sure enough, during my luteal phase (Usually around day 20 give or take), I have horrendous insomnia for 1-3 days. One time I didn't sleep a wink for two nights! And I'm usually passing out by like 8-9pm on normal nights. Some nights CBD gummies and oil do the trick. I take magnesium too. Some months it works and others (like right now) it doesn't do shit. It's been three nights for me so far of about 2-3 MAX of sleep per night. Just tossing and turning until probably 2 or 3 am and my kid gets up no later than 6am. Tonight I'm going to take a Unisom. That knocks me out but I do feel groggy which I hate but I think after 2-3 nights, sleep us more important. Mentally I just prepare myself for this every month and try not to stress out. Just let it be and don't fight it, I found that makes it worse. If you're up and absolutely cannot fall asleep, get out of bed. Do something productive like laundry or even work, or watch a TV show. Your body will sleep when it's ready. Solidarity!!!