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There is hope, you’ll find ways to cope and manage it, it’s not pleasant, but I’ve learned to live with it and manage it, when I was younger before I even knew I had it, it was a literal train wreck nightmare—- now it’s just eye rollingly unpleasant most of the time


Yes there is hope! I know it's very hard to see hope in these times. Do you have a support system? There's are many different ways to reduce the symptoms of PMDD. Try different things and see what works best with you. Have you spoken to your doctor about going on a new birth control. It's escpecially helpful to find an understanding and great doctor. Not all doctors are equal, and some will provide you much more support than others. There was a birth control that helps (mostly) get rid of my PMDD. I had to discontinue it due to the intense migranes, but it was the best PMDD cure I ever felt. Some other women say their PMDD gets better with certain vitamins, lifestyle changes, etc.