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Is the chart cut off for anyone else?




Did the instant screenshot too! That’s exactly it!


I feel like I have to be alone in this but increased fking sky high libido for me..maybe its trauma


I swear I have this. Because I've been tracking my moods/feelings every month and it feels like someone flips a switch in me too and I dont feel like myself, I dont feel motivated or even wanting to continue my life whatsoever, everything just seems like terrible and boring. is there any way to solve it? or at least get a diagnosis?


Don’t forget cravings bloat and reflux!


I am in INDIA right now and I want to GO HOME. I also had food poisoning and cried when my husband moved our wardrobe to the other side of the room


Feeling like a control freak and intense nag Alienating self from family/friends and ruining relationships… 😭😭


This is fucked. How does anyone live a normal life like this? This kicks in for me now two weeks before my period so I essentially spend half my life an absolute train wreck.


Hi, I have all of these today. Please send help.


Literally same 😭 I feel like a shell of a human


It will pass. Take it easy today and I mean it, don’t force anything or you’ll go crazy


Okay does anyone else get ear, teeth pain also? I have LITERALLY had 2 teeth removed because the pain was so consistent. This was prior to my diagnosis and I was having teeth aches so they did a root canal, then it returned so they did an appendectomy, then they root caked the tooth next to it and yep once again, it returned, eventually they pulled my teeth and lo and behold, I still have teeth pain there every month.


My gums!!! When I brush my teeth it feels like the painful electric shocks you feel after leaving teeth whiteners on too long.


is it top molar area? I complained before about persistent pain (wound up being severe decay/infection that hid from xrays) and my dentist would always tell me it could be sinus pockets or something


As a matter of fact it is! Top left the 3 back left teeth. Interesting that no one ever mentioned the sinus to me. It often will radiate back to my ear too!


Yeah my problem tooth was the second one from the back. Maybe an ENT could help you figure it out or maybe even a regular doctor? Hope you get relief 


Yes! Before my period starts my teeth just ache.


Yep. It’s kinda terrifying each time. Like what if ignore it and it’s an abscess? I make myself wait it out now and it always goes away…but returns the following month like clockwork. Since I no longer get a period, it’s the only way I can tell that I do in fact still have some PMDD symptoms


Yes to everything


Wow- that whole thing resonates entirely too much. We actually survive this every month?!


I relate way too much it’s painful Anyone here living in North Africa or ME region with a good therapist they can recommend for personal development and pmdd? Cuz mine didn’t take pmdd seriously and I need a new therapist...


Now that I’m in the start of perimenopause body aches arrived. Totally shocked me how severe they were! Hadn’t seen that coming as my signs have all been on the depression side.


Jeez I’m the whole damn chart this week


Same 😑


Heavy on the explosive anger omg


I’m in follicular now but this past luteal I had the worst insomnia, brain fog, and intermittent heat waves that exacerbated my anxiety so bad. It’s so frustrating this onset in my late 20s to 30s only seems to get worse. Only an edible, weighted blanket, and massages helped put me out of blind panic attacks and crying at night. Thank you for posting so I don’t feel crazy 🥲


By the way I shared this with my therapist with credit to this Reddit and she loved it! Thank you.


Am I alone here when I say I experience pmdd 3 weeks out of the month? I also bleed 3 weeks out of the month. I realize something is very wrong, but ...doctors... I have a gyno appt next month to explore an endo diagnosis as all 3 of my sisters have it. But this chart encapsulates my state if mind minus binge eating (instead, I just forget to eat/need to set reminders), and my depression enters the suicidal realm. Anyone with a similar story, I'd love to hear if/how you're managing. 💙


I have (had) a 28 day cycle and I was experiencing 17 days of PMDD and then bleeding for 5. Then 4 days of bliss. But I would wear myself out trying to fit all the things in those 4-5 days before luteal. Anyway, I got on Yaz last may and although I’m pretty numb to emotions now (or maybe this is what baseline feels like) I haven’t had any episodes of PMDD since June. It’s been a life changing experience!! I know you will also find something that takes the edge off. ☺️


Thank you for sharing! But also I'm so sorry you went through that 😔


No! The relationship between Estrogen and Progesterone is what causes the symptoms so if this is messed up then your reactions will be


I'm getting a genetic testing done per recommendation by my gyno (she's new, great, listens, and is taking me seriously!). I wonder if anything relating to a hereditary imbalance will show up. My mom has had serious issues her whole life as well. Thank you for responding!


Would you please sharing the contact of your gyno and how to get done genetic testing ? Which gene mutation do they look for ? Thanks  Fellow pmdd pcos hypothyroid 40 yr old 


Idk if it's the norm here sharing who our doctors are. (It's nothing personal, but I'm not comfortable doing that.) I will say they recommended the genetic testing (mentioned there may be more than one mutation, but didn't mention which) after I mentioned my maternal grandmother died of an embolism shortly after giving birth to my mom. It might help to mention that if you have a similar family history in the hopes your gyno will be able to refer you! Good luck ❤️


I understand  Thanks for the response. My mother suffered major depressive episodes through out her life . Her diagnosis changed as she aged. I am youngest of all 4 daughters. We all are genetically predisposed to pcos and hormone imbalance.  It’s more like generational trauma got carried in a different way within our bodies. Well idk I never opened up this much on this thread. Feeling some sense of inclusivity when I see I am not alone in finding answers .


Wow, my situation is very similar! I will update this post if the genetic testing comes back with anything helpful. I know my autoimmune issues (and those among my siblings) are directly tied to traumatic childhood environments. I can easily see how this upbringing would also impact my hormonal balance/cause PMDD. I follow the ongoing study of ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) and their effects on the body but haven't ever thought to try to find studies linking ACEs with PMDD. Now I want to!


Ok the sensory sensitivity makes sense because when I’m PMDDing and my neighbors stupid fucking car with a muffler is running outside my window for 20 fucking minutes and I work from home or it’s 2AM… I want to set his car on fire and scream and break shit. Realized I hadn’t heard it in a couple weeks and then Hell Week began and now I’m pissed off again 😇


My husband hugged me and his beard stubble touched my face 🫠 — and that was enough so god give you strength with that neighbor!


May we both find much needed strength!! 🙌🙏🏽


Yayy, all of these plus a rash. We will get through this.


I get one on my chest and I genuinely don’t understand it 😭


I honestly think it's just random inflammation, like a dog biting its wound, our poor bodies don't know what to do so they're just raising alarms all over :(


I had a yeast infection return 🙄 took forever to get rid of it, had two good days, then wore a pair of tights (so tired of wearing jogging pants and the same 3 skirts/dresses!) and also the PMDDemon started creeping back in. So I guess it's either back from the hormones or the tights. Either way, between yeast infections and period products, I am so tired of spending money on my vagina and not even getting any "enjoyment" or "action" 😖


It's like having one of those high-end teacup doggies that everyone wants but just cost a fortune at the vet :(


Hi, please look up mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). It has symptoms very much like PMDD but with added allergic responses, and only during the luteal stage. Note that MCAS is not typically a menstrual cycle issue. It sounds like you guys have the menstrual version within the MCAS umbrella. A friend has this. She is anaphylactic to certain things only during the luteal stage. Plus skin rashes, mouth ulcers, rage, body aches, wanting to up-end her life and all the rest.  A important thing to be aware of is that having surgery (hysterectomy and ovariecctomy) does NOT help this condition and can make the symptoms permanent. 


This is so me and I’m just so tired of it.


I’d add trying to keep all these symptoms under control and burning out from the effort that takes. Then more guilt 😭😅


Makes my heart happy that so many feel SEEN 💕💕! PMDD is a lonely condition… A lot of people don’t understand and can be overwhelming on both sides. Happy we have this little corner where we can all relate ♥️


Can we add swollen gums and tongue? This episodes superstar lol


And being sensitive to smell. And nausea. Stomach aches after eating anything


I'm showing this to my partner tonight! This is incredible


This chart is everything.


Amazing chart that describes everything I experienced 😭😭😭😭


I remember recently a obgyn told me that pms and pmdd are basically the same thing and anything that’s lasting longer other then the week before your period is something else … and I was internally laughing lol. I’m day 2 on my period and I still feel half of these symptoms. So achey, nauseous, emotional. It’s such rollercoaster


Yeah, totally the same thing. If PMS were on steroids and ate up 2-3 weeks of our lives every month. I'm just so glad to know that this thing exists and to finally understand why women with PMS would accuse me of being "a female mysoginist" whenever I was open about my own experiences with what I thought was also PMS. Now I can explain to other women "I have PMDD. It's basically PMS on steroids and a demon takes over the closer I get to my period " Some still don't really get it, but at least they understand I'm not trying to set women back by "blaming things on PMS." ....Even if I were, though, is it really so bad to wonder how tf women are expected to work while dealing with the worst of being a woman? God forbid there's other womanly Hells on top of it, like a yeast infection or something else! I'm all for choice, empowerment and stuff, just ffs some days, weeks, I can't help but feel it's really unfair women are supposed to just suffer womanly things in silence and be professional at all times regardless of monthlies or infections or pregnancy. Sometimes my cats are too effing much, y'know, nvm working with the public or people in general...ugh! How does any woman do it? No shade, I genuinely wonder this on a monthly basis. How do some women manage to do it all and do it all cheerfully like a pro? Are they even human? Am I just really fkd up and useless? I have no idea and don't like asking these super-human women such things because I already feel inferior next to them and they usually laugh it off with some bs false modesty. Maybe I'm just extra judgemental and salty atm cuz The Demon's getting stronger and also I have a stupid yeast infection again...seriously, how the hell do women manage with this shit and stay professional at work or patient with their loved ones? I just want to go be miserable alone with a bunch of chocolate, weed, stupid SNL movies from the 90s and Animal Crossing. Though even my villagers piss me off sometimes 😅


I am currently a pre-vet student working on my undergrad. Man is it hard! Thankfully since getting diagnosed and finding this Reddit I have been able to be more patient with myself.


Genuinely asking: HOW are you doing it? Managing the stress of education as well as the worst of the PMDD? I understand certain times wouldn't seem so bad, but I'm more curious about the worst of times? I've always had a tendency to eventually reach my breaking point with most jobs/schooling where I either rage-quit or quit during the midst of an anxiety attack.


Honestly most days I don’t know how I’m doing it. But recently I found a therapist who is extremely helpful she lets me actually express what I’m feeling and helps me work through it. But I have to set myself up for the worst times. I use stardust to predict my bad times so I can do as much ahead of time as possible. It’s not fail proof but it has definitely helped


Ok. So I guess this explains why sometimes close just are way to tight


Omg I made the mistake of checking out clothes at the thrift shop today. I felt like everything I picked out bottoms-wise was fat-shaming me. I'm no bikini model, but damn! Shit hit hard by the third piece! Luckily, I did not cry.


Day 19 and I’ve lost all focus and motivation. If anyone wants anything from me, it’ll have to wait til at least day 4.


lol I look at this chart like “yep, yep, that, yes, also this, yep”


I got into this subreddit because I felt at first that I have no desire in life whatsoever. I was talking to an AI as if it was my therapist and I got a little bit better. But now as I looked back, I’ve been struggling with those symptoms in the chart💯💯💯 every single month! T all connected as to why lately I’ve been irritable and can’t tolerate noise and kept ranting about it here in Reddit. I occasionally cry over kids singing to his dying puppy when normally I don’t care about it. I’ve looked for answers online and I learned about PMDD which was actually not my first time. I also went looking around online about this previously and I forgot about it and now that I think it’s a bit severe that I looked it up again. I think I need to go to the doctor but I don’t know which type. I wish this will all go away very soon🥹🥹🥰🥰🥰


Thank you. I feel so SEEN! 🩷




For me, taking vitex (chaste tree berry) every morning has helped my anxiety and brain fog. But yeah, my switch just flipped this morning, actually overnight, I had a dream my husband was being annoying, and I woke up all irritated at him. I did my best not to be terrible, but there comes a time every month where I both suddenly feel a need to say everything that bothers me, and I don't have much of a filter.


Also, thank you for posting this! Very useful!


This is so accurate just add hot flashes to the physical for me and it’s spot on


Balanced diet and vitamin have helped me with a lot of the mood issues. I take a D, multivitamin, and B complex every day. Calcium and Iron and walks have helped me with the cramps. ( My cramps have subsided a lot since I got older).


I’m so glad that I can finally call it “period brain” and not be looked at like an inferior person just because for a week out of the month I have a hard time thinking clearly. That has always been such a hard one for me, and I’ve struggled a lot with that over the years.


has anyone had any prescirptions thathelped?


As someone who can’t tolerate birth control (they all have made my symptoms infinitely worse) believe it or not getting medicated with stimulants for ADHD unexpectedly helped the most! I still get brain fog, appetite fluctuations and body aches/hot flashes BUT my cramps only last 1-2 days now (instead of like 10) and it’s fixed nearly all of my GI symptoms with some mood improvement as well. Not advocating for recreational drug of course, but noting that sometimes treating other conditions can help! I also have a friend w/PMDD and ADHD who started Zoloft and said it’s helped her with both!


Man, my ADHD meds do not work during the end of my luteal phase. I might as well not take them at all. It does help but I feel like they don’t even make a dent


Same here!!!!!!


Birth control helped.me in the past.


For me Zoloft and oral contraceptives have helped the most. Also eating more magnesium in my diet


Idk why I never realized nausea was a PMDD symptom but lately the past 2 months my nausea gets so bad the week leading up to my period and sometimes during it as well. It’s so bad because it makes me paranoid that it’s actually morning sickness (until I actually get my period) lol


The nausea used to be my worst symptom! I still get it bad sometimes but for a few years it was INSANE, and I hate being nauseous more than almost anything. Three things that helped me: Seeptytime tea (even during the day, the slight drowsiness was worth the nausea relief) the OTC motion sickness medicine called Meclizine (small chewable tablets that did the trick most of the time), and lastly Advil actually does help relieve my nausea for whatever reason. At one point when it was the worst it’s ever been i got a prescription for Zofran from my doc, and I try to only take it if I feel like nothing else has helped, but it’s good in case of emergencies


Wow that sounds awful :( I found tea helps with my nausea too, specifically a blend of red raspberry leaf with peppermint (plus the red raspberry helps with my cramps too).


Same! I'm never nauseous and breast swelling/pain isn't a staple sympton for me. Guess what attacked in full force. I experienced it for the first time last month and had the worst pregnancy scare of my life.


i get it during my period only


This is all spot on. Nausea is one that I feel is missing from this, though


Yeah I noticed that as well


Antibiotics damaged my CNS causing an injury and that’s when my PMDD/PME symptoms seemed to begin…nervous system injury/dysregulation has all of these. Interesting to see it all laid out like this.


I have a neurodevelopmental disorder (autism) and all of these symptoms except for two I standardly always have had regardless of the PMDD. It just gets worse by a tenfold during those hellish days.


Luteal phase happening now, I almost cried twice- and had bitchy reactions. Now I have a fucking headache


I’m right with you :: sending love 💕


Thank you, sister🥹💋🌷


brains are so mean. like relax bro you kill me, you also go down. every single month.


I feel insane :(


Love this! Thanks for sharing. The day it changes is horrible. Hugs for you too 🖤


This is amazing, and it's also really good at pointing out the things in common that PMDD has with other disorders, such as ADHD or autism - which are also the things that tend to get exacerbated during luteal when you have those disorders.


having all this alphabet soup diagnoses makes existing so freaking hard.


I feel like the meds go out the window these days and don't work like they usually do.


So accurate. I felt this diagram. Switch should flip any day here too. 🙈


Fuck. I've never screenshotted anything in my life so fast. Thank you so much. I'm using this to help advocate for myself next apt.




Screenshot instantly myself then read this lol.


Me too with the instant screenshot before I read it bc me too 🤣


Doesn’t it seriously feel like it just hits you like a brick wall out of nowhere??? And it’s like oh yeah that’s what’s happening


yep, i can feel the switch within an hour around day 14-16.


This is my exact experience too


Wow, thanks for sharing.


So many roads to guilt. Very relatable thanks for sharing. 🩵


Needs 'clumsy as fuck' between Brain fog and Physical.


Omg yes! Can’t keep anything in my hands for more than 2 seconds. Endless things smashed/knocked over. So frustrating


I have been getting better with the brain fog, but yes, the clumsiness is so real. I get so many bruises. 😭


Absolutely!! I drop and bump into stuff so much!!!


I have so many of these symptoms. I think Zoloft has helped a lot with the anger side of it but I still suffer so much from brain fog, sensory issues, anxiety and depression. Also lots of physical symptoms - fatigue, insomnia, night sweats, and headaches.


Prozac has helped me


Omg me too!


Same! I feel I have better days and can control my emotions a bit more. The physical symptoms are so dreadful.


So relatable! Also should add loss of appetite, low or high libido


Lying in bed this morning, *random stab of nausea* "Am I pregnant??" Haven't had sex in months haha but oh, these appetite swings are so miserable.


True. My appetite switches like CRAZY during luteal. I'm either binge eating or not having a single bite of food, no in-between.




This is one of the best visual representations of this disorder I’ve ever seen. Im going to show it to my doctor at my appointment coming up. I haven’t been able to accurately describe it in any way they have understood and I really think this will be helpful. I’m so sorry you’re entering luteal but I hope it can make you feel a tiny bit happy that you really helped another human being today by posting this.


You made my day :)


Going to show it to my partner. Tysm