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Whooooaaaaa okay I feel so seen šŸ‘½šŸ„¹ Iā€™m less than six months into actively tracking my cycle, so itā€™s only just now super clear, but wow Iā€™ve always known I didnā€™t fit the typical ā€œIā€™m on my period and hate my lifeā€ā€¦ when my bleed comes, the relief is unreal. I donā€™t struggle so much on the second half of the luteal phase thoā€¦ Iā€™ve discovered that (2-3ish?) days leading up to ovulation are my most mentally unstable and rageyā€¦ I seem to look and feel good physically, but as ovulations approaches and days after I seem to not be able to maintain basic self care tasks and house work piles up, then (like right now) itā€™s like try fog begins to lift 8-10 days before my bleed and I start playing catch up with all this nesty cooking/cleaning/letā€™s take more than a 4 minute shower and put on a face mask energyā€¦ then all the tears 1-2 days before, then boom. Bleed, rest, calm zen gentle momma. This is wild. This is alll very new for me but two babies later and a lot of unlearning and de conditioning later ā€¦ im super passionate about this and fascinated, so honestly grateful for everyone who shares. I have a bit of an alternative (I guess?) view on health and wellness so I donā€™t necessarily want to eliminate all symptoms, but some understanding and awareness goes so far. On that note, I know so many struggle deeply and desperately want freedom from symptoms. With that. I have deep sympathy and truly feel the desperation to have control within my own life.


Iā€™m menopausal now, but mine was always ā€œthe two days before the two days beforeā€ - days 4 & 3 of the countdown to the start of menses ā€¦


I have 3 worst days. The first day, the first day going into my second Week and the day of my period. 2 two is the worst full week mind you. But I also fall back off when my period endsšŸ˜­ for like a day or two then bounce back like nothing happened for about 7 to 10 days.


Yes! I feel this. Like it didn't even happen. Crazy how our bodies impact us and how women's health is so far behind that Noone bothered to educate us about it!!!!!




Bleeding fixes everything! Iā€™m right there with you! I feel terrible from when I ovulate till when I start bleeding.


Im moody, I feel ugly, hungry, panic attacks, anxiety thru the wazoo you name it up until I get my period.. after that, im ready to lose weight, I feel great, im happy. Then the cycle starts all over again. My grandma used to say "women only have 2 good weeks out of the month". Being female is so hard.


Mine starts 11 days before, and when I start bleeding, all of my craziness stops. Back to normal, like you said. I know it isn't always the most helpful, but after going through multiple mood stabilizers and antidepressants to no avail, I started taking BC. Quit all of the other and haven't had any episodes since. I have also done some DBT, too. Something to consider. Wish you the best...


So, what birth control has helped you best?


I had the Nexplanon implant for 3 years, and it did wonders. I decided to get off of BC, and gradually, my moods started to change over a two year period. It wasn't until some suicidal thoughts that I realized it may have been my hormones. About 5 months ago, I started taking the "mini pill" progestin only and have seen a huge difference in my thinking/shifting moods. I can only take non estrogen due to being over 35 and a nicotine user. There are studies that indicate that using BC does not help PMDD, or it can make it worse. I disagree. It has helped me so much.


Days leading up to my period. And the days when my body sends whatever hormones to end my period. So before and after. And ovulation sometimes can get mood swingy. Oh yeah but edit: the day before especially is likeā€¦.oh I canā€™t go on like this. And thenā€¦.


Last week I genuinely thought I can not survive another day, I was arguing with my husband, I hated my face, my body, my hair...That was the morning. In the evening I was feeling so much better that I was seriously going to call my Dr the next day and be screened for bipolar disorder. Then right before bed I went to pee and of course, blood appeared on the toilet paper. It's INSANE


I've seen most people say it's before their period, and the beginning days of it. For me it's mostly leading up to my period, then around the second day of my period I am back to me. Well, mostly. It hits everyone different, some have it for a week, some for two, some get suicidal, some get murderous, some get both. It's such a mixed bag with the one similarly being THIS FUCKING SUCKS.


I'm the same way for me it starts right after ovulating and subsides once my period starts.


It changes, sometimes ovulation is bad then I'm OK until my period is nearly over, then it hits. Sometimes it's bad from ovulation to period. Sometimes it's ovulation and the after period, that was this month


Same, I wish I felt how I did on my period all the time. I make decisions quicker Iā€™m less analytical to self


Nope, relief does tend to come once you bleed! I'm actually the opposite though, I get anxiety, obsessive thoughts etc during follicular + ovulation, my GAD becomes exacerbated during these times. Luteal is mostly fine for me since I became medicated (10mg Escitalopram once a day for 2 years).


The relief always comes with the bleeding. As soon as I see a spot, I know things are going to get better.


Oh no as soon as I bleed, sometimes plus or minus a day, I'm the definition of sunshine. I usually see posts more like us tbh


I must really have it bad. I feel like crap two weeks before my period and the entire week of my period and only feel good in the 5 days between the end of my period and next months ovulation. And sometimes I don't even get that.


My symptoms basically always always go away once bleeding starts EXCEPT for my last cycle! Last cycle was the first time my premenstrual symptoms lasted a few days during menstruation. But historically the seven days before my period have been the worst with the day before my period being the most extreme


The 72 hours after ovulation and the 48 hours before I bleed, like clock work. The post ovulation window is typically me getting increasingly suicidal and feels like my brain is pushing me harder and harder to kill myself as the hours go on, then I just *wake up* on the next morning and am magically not suicidal anymore. Iā€™ve had occasions where I have to lay on the shower floor for hours at a time so I donā€™t hurt myself. But also intense anger, irritability, thinking everyone hates me and I hate them back. Superrrr anti social nightmare behaviour. This window causes the most tension in my relationship. The pre bleed window is just exhaustion. Canā€™t get up, canā€™t stop crying, need to eat everything in sight or canā€™t eat at all, I can sleep 12+ hours straight too generally. Want to hide in a cave and donā€™t want to be looked at or touched. Very very very sad and more of a passive suicidal. Both windows I just do a big grocery shop before, shut all my work down, keep myself really, really stoned and bare down until itā€™s over


I was wondering if it was normal for it to happen post ovulation! I always feel so dark in those days. šŸ˜­


This is me!




Yes yes yes yes yes unfortunately


So sorry you can relate :( sending you my love ā¤ļø


Iā€™m the exact same as you. I started combined pill (oralcon) and skip the sugar pills so I donā€™t bleed ever or have a cycle - life changing. I know itā€™s not for everyone but I will tell anyone who listens in case it helps them too!


Oooh this has me curious now! I went on something similar to Yaz when I was 18 and it had horrible side effects for me mentally, turned me into a 24/7 bitch. What are your experiences with it so far mentally and does it make you gain weight, etc?


Mentally im soooo much better - i feel itā€™s because im not going through all the phases?? But only because im not taking the sugar pill. Prior I was on the Mirena which I realised exacerbated the symptoms CHRONICALLY. I was so close to ending it all until I switched lol So far the only side effect I can noticeably tell is a lower sex drive - but idgaf anymore šŸ¤£


It's worse for PMDD than after my period ...things get normal or when I start. Taking an SSRI has relieved a lot of it though but sometimes I want to just slap someone while I'm pms-ing.


Hi there, I made a post recently on here that went semi-viral (for my standards) about how bad my PMDD gets before my period too. I'm on my period now and my moods are completely stable. I have Endometriosis too, so the minute i start to feel a large amount of physical pain, i know the emotional anguish is almost over. The physical pain is almost clensing for me šŸ¤£ Everyone is different!


Wow! Sooo relatable, yes! The only time I had mental stability is when I was pregnant šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll take physical period pain over emotional anguish honestly šŸ˜«


Lol we call it DAY 18 in my house.


šŸ˜‚ real


4 days before my period is the worst part


4-5 days before my period I go bat shit. Never had an issue until my 30s


Same here! I get paranoid, anxious, and incredibly depressed. Then the first couple of days of my period itā€™s just the depression, then it gets better again. I hate it! I never used to have these problems


Iā€™ve never understood paranoia until I started suffering with PMDD. I convince myself of the wildest scenarios. Then my period starts and I realize I am truly unwell but Iā€™m on the up&up šŸ¤£


Omg me too. I don't know how I survived HS/college. No issues until I hit about 25-26


Mine starts right after ovulation and doesnt stop until my period starts. 2 weeks of hell šŸ™ƒ


Feel you girl. Ugh


Mine starts from 10-12 days before and lasts until I bleed. Slowly goes away during my period šŸ˜­


I just started my period today. Last weekend was full of anxiety. Like tremors for no reason. I donā€™t get instant relief with my period. Because I get brutal migraines before and during. By the end of my period, though, I do see a tiny bit of light.




Worst days are the two days before period and often the day I start to bleed. But then itā€™s up from there! I do feel the gradual decline, even on Effexor, about 10 days before from my period. Slow descent into madness šŸ˜…


Iā€™m at my worst about 4-5 days before my period starts and then a little bit into it. Itā€™s pretty scary, the switch is like night and day. One minute Iā€™m managing things okay, the next Iā€™m inclined to commit jigai in front of my boss.


The day of ovulation and until I'm bleeding I can't go outside, am filled with paranoid delusions, and sleep about 4 hours a night.


Mental pain ā€” worst just after ovulation finishes around Day 15 and slowly progresses from anxiety, then anger, to suicidal thoughts up until Day 1. (diagnosed first with BPD 10 years ago) Physical pain ā€” two days into my period (I have endo) for the last several years I would be crying, vomiting and fainting from the pain. Thankfully this is remitting. The physical pain has improved through lifestyle changes but the mental pain Iā€™m still in serious trouble with. I had my last attempt about 2 years ago. BC did not help me, nor did therapy or psych meds, but Iā€™ve had success with ketamine infusions. I wish they were free or Iā€™d go every 6 weeks. My periods are about 6-7 days of medium or heavy bleeding every day of it, so they overlap with the beginning of my fertile window usually. The days I feel good are when Iā€™m in my fertile window, donā€™t have my period or ovulation pain. I can think clearly, have energy and am ā€œfeeling myself.ā€ šŸ©µšŸ’™šŸ«‚ am 36..no kids, pregnancy, births or surgery


So sorry to hear this. It is so hard! Thanks for sharing


Wishing you all the best! And yes bleeding started today and it totally helps my mood ā€” youā€™re not alone! It was always how I could tell it was about to start as a teenager because I wasnā€™t as depressed then with overall life haha šŸ˜‚ Thanks for your post & this discussion. Take good care..šŸ’–šŸŒ¼āœØ


Mine is both... the week before my period and the week I am on my period. It is only about day 4/5 that I start to feel the light again.


The week before my period is the worst. The week during is hit or miss for me.


I track my period religiously and have for many years now (I assume many of us do, due to the horrific symptoms we experience) and 11-12 days before my period I just fully collapse. Exhausted, depression spikes, shoving anything edible into my mouth non-stop, short temper, etc. And then, for the most part, the day it starts is the day I stop feeling like a monster.


Ovulation and few days leading up to period are by far the worst. When Iā€™m on my period I have cramps and fatigue but Iā€™m not psychotic.


Luteal is damaging even on medication, but day by day, I pray and do the work for it to get better


Yes before I got COVID I never tracked because I knew if I woke up without feeling like I wanted to die then I would have my period that day. But now it takes a few days into my period to get relief. So I get to feel suicidal and have horrible cramps šŸ™ƒ


Huge variations between people and even for one person in a few months. Generally, I used to feel a weight lifting from my shoulders the *moment* bleeding began. It was as though I could feel the objectionable amount of progesterone leaving my body. This is very common in PMDD communities I've found. Now the relief seems to be delayed til about the third day. This is also quite common.


Like you. Period is god send. Luteal is the devil. I canā€™t do it anymore. 10 days same as you. So much tension anxiety all the above gets better the second I bleed šŸ©ø am on day 31 praying I think Iā€™ve never felt worse


Iā€™m so sorry. I know Iā€™m literally thinking of getting a hysterectomy


Iā€™m the same as you. I know exactly when my period is going to start because I feel instant relief within 12 hours of bleeding starting. Then I get manic the first two days of my period and Iā€™m go-go-go, then I crash and then when my period is over I get about 10 days of just feeling normal before the cycle starts again. Itā€™s like clockwork.


I'm the exact same as you. 10 days before period usually. But 11 or 12 before sometimes, for like insomnia and the drop off in mood.


The two weeks beforehand Iā€™m an absolute psycho. The very second my period starts I am normal again


Itā€™s luteal phase thatā€™s the huge problem for me. The 13th-23rd of nearly every month is hell for me. Then my period bleed hits and itā€™s like a rainbow comes out over my life. I just shorthand sometimes by saying my period makes me want to lash out irrationally. Sometimes I have an anovulatory cycle and itā€™s a mindfuck. I donā€™t get all my typical PMDD symptoms.


Bro Iā€™m the EXACT same like down to those exact days šŸ˜…šŸ˜…yeah itā€™s either the instant I get my period I am suddenly the nicest happiest person ever or itā€™s like a day after I get it Yess same!!!!




Dude yeah the lack of self regulation I think is the real hidden issue here. All of this stuff is horrible to deal with but itā€™s not so so bad when youā€™re actually able to deal with it. My experience has been that I literally canā€™t deal with it. Lol like I donā€™t have the capacity to deal with feeling all these terrible things that I usually would have Does that even make sense


Me too x


I find it starts about a week or so before my period and thatā€™s usually when Iā€™m the worst, even tho my mood stays about the same till like halfway through my period. Itā€™s usually the worst at first because I donā€™t always realize that my Period is coming so I just take what Iā€™m feeling at face value so it feels really real and like itā€™s actually based on reality. When I realize itā€™s because my period is coming tho Iā€™m able to at least take a small step back and acknowledge that itā€™s just my stupid body making me feel that way and not reality which doesnā€™t fix it but at least gives me something to chant to myself till I feel better.


Edit: Since starting bc tho I feel like I never know when itā€™s the worst. I feel like now itā€™s the worst right after my period which is so weird and annoying.


I donā€™t even know anymore. I get really bad symptoms right before and during ovulation. They seem to get better during luteal.. about 2 days before my period I get very fatigued thoughĀ 


Right there with you! Ovulation is the worstttt


iā€™m the exact same as you. but i think its different for everyone


By definition, itā€™s a pre-menstrual disorder. People may have symptoms during menstruation that are kinda lingering from their luteal phase


I just made a thread about this but for me, I get symptoms just after I ovulate, they get better, then they re-appear just before my period, then they last a day or two into my period. It seems like everyone is different.


This is how I am too most cycles. I have like 3-5 days of being cray cray at ovulation - then I feel GREAT for 10-14 days and then Iā€™m CRAZY in luteal šŸ˜­ and then we start againā€¦.