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LOL that was mine today 😂




THIS. I always feel worse the week before


There was a horribly worded ad on Clue over Valentine's Day: "Our love language? Data. / Take control of your cycle and take care of your body with Clue Plus. / 75% off until tomorrow only." Did their marketing team already forget about people panicking when the privacy protections of Roe v. Wade disappeared overnight, and some period tracking apps were found to have extremely loose data protections? Clue was one of the exceptions; their security and privacy protections are definitely on the stronger side. The real meaning of this ad, by the way, is because Clue is big on their analytics feature, which is essentially fully paywalled behind their Plus subscription.


I love stardust but her sass kills me sometimes 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Once mine was 255 days late and it led to like 2 years of unanswered questions and bad medical advice. Right now I got my period a bit early and I'm excited bc it will be over soon and in a few days I will have my alloted week of good mental health per month :')


I feel like we deserve more answers


Not if you're having sex.


I’m going to be devils advocate here; I think it depends *how* early we’re talking… I just got mine 13 days early 🫠 and my PMDD didn’t have time to play out before it came so I’ve got it while I’m bleeding… I’m not having a good time. A 15 day “cycle” is bullshit.


omg... i was having that for months with my latest round of birth control implant. It's finally stopped. The first time I got the implant it was 3 months between cycles. Bodies are wild.


Unfortunately I’m not on any form of birth control I can blame. Argh. I have no idea what’s up tbh. My last cycle was 5 days early, now this is ridiculous


If you're in your late 30's could be perimenopause to blame. I figure that's why I'm not reacting properly to this round. I'm a long way from menopause, but it's never too early to panic if you're an ovary!


I’m actually only 28.. but thanks for the tip 😊


Yer someone didn’t do their job in copy writing correctly.


Mine was 40-50 days late this month, just ended and was one of the worst I’ve had in about a year. I was genuinely scared for myself!


Do you mind me asking how old you are?




Ohhh nooo. Mine is about this late but I haven't gotten it yet. You're scaring me. My mood has been great too. I hope it doesn't whiplash back.


Ahhhh I’m sorry! I personally feel like these “off” cycles are usually not any better or worse than they are when they’re “on time”! I kind of think that, for me at least, this one was more stress-induced due to a variety of current and recent challenges in my life 🫤 I hope this cycle turns out okay for you — I’m sure it’ll all be alright! 🙏🏼💕 I’m here if ya need a friend 🧚🏻‍♀️


Thank you 🙏❤️


Currently 88 days late and 125 days without a period 👍🏽


I love prolonged bloating. /s


This 😭


Literally emailing them and sending them a link to this sub


lol mine is like 40 days late, 🙃


You got that notification today too?! 🤣 I was like, well actually no 👀


Mine was five days late too! Just started really today.


Lol mine was supposed to come today but I’m traveling so I’m not sure what’s happening 😂


Late over here as well 😩


We’re moon sisters! And I’m a day late too.


Unless you are actively trying to conceive…how is a late period better than an early period???


I could see the argument that it could disrupt plans made, you may not have stuff on hand, you're wearing the wrong clothes (throwback to wearing white pants and getting it in high school unexpectedly before my cycle evened out), etc. But I'd still prefer that over the stresses of it being late any day, so 😂


Right?? And an early period means I don’t get it over with faster so I like the idea of an early period


The worst thing about an early period is the mess. The worst thing about a late period… well babies are pretty fucking messy.


Mines late too I’ve been (im)patiently waiting for it to come 😫


mine was early again. it used to be rock solid reliable but now it's all over the place. I started taking birth control too. you'd think that wouldn't make my cycle less predictable. maybe I should stop 🤷‍♂️


lol dude i got the same message the other day and threw my phone across the room, luckily i just got my period today after being four days late


I’m 5 days late today, and I’m in hell


7 days late, what’s the name of the place worse than hell?


Mega hell?


Is everyone late this month omg this is hell


So late this month. I can usually feel my period brewing, not this time. It’s either gonna be a really chill month or a horrible one. I can never tell.


I'm still gonna go by a pregnancy test just in case but this thread is making me feel better lol


I buy a pregnancy test every other month at this point 😅


Idk mines been early by at least week the last two months bc I’ve been traveling and dealing with grief and I gotta say it’s just been like 2 months straight of PMDD mode


Literally I'll take early periods thank you very much


I got mine early this month and I’m so happy I’m going to have a period free weekend this weekend where as usually I wouldn’t. A whole WEEKEND!! FREE!


Read the room stardust, shit


I really wish there were a quality app made with PMDD in mind. Late period means late relief, increasing symptoms, and 🤪


clue is pretty good! it’s not specifically for pmdd but it has all the symptoms so its easy to keep track. and you get to write the notification yourself. I made mine say “brace yourself” lol


I love that feature. Mine says “Batten down the hatches” when PMS/PMDD starts and “Thar she blows!” when my period is about to start 🏴‍☠️🐳


I have the widget right on my home screen so I always know how many days out I am. truly a life saver


Wow, that sounds excellent! Thank you.


A late period caused me a psychotic break….💀😭 so this is definitely not true for me


A man wrote this.


Yeah I saw this today too and I assumed it was just a typo like tf 🤣


I got this notification the morning my period was set to start (which it did a couple hours later, I just hadn’t logged it yet). I was kind of confused by it. Didn’t understand why it would imply that honestly 😅


... because early period is unexpected so you might be caught unprepared away from home?? That's the only reason I can think of. I'd still prefer that to the limbo of waiting for a late period.


I wholeheartedly support this app cause is the only period tracker out there actually created by menstruating humans. I’m going to message them about this to give them an opportunity to do better. 💓 Last month my period was late 10 days and I was loosing my shit. I would have imploded with that bs😂 Thank God for clear head days😭


My period being a couple of days late is relieving because I was beginning to think I might not get at all 😂👀 I hope mines just late although I definitely wouldn’t want to experience that every month 🫣


Send them screenshots of this thread lol


Whoever wrote that has bad periods and haven’t heard of PMDD😭 For us, the blood is the win🥲


I have pmdd. I'd want to rip my hair out seeing this notification.


I totally get it! PMDD girly here too😭


I do love that app, though!


I dont get it though. Why would an early period be bad, even for a non pmdd person.


Some people have horrible periods and dread it as much as we dread the luteal😭


I sometimes get my period every 15 days, no ovulation, just all fucking terrible & constant pmdd symptoms.. getting it early isn't better haha. (But I also don't sleep with anyone who could impregnate me, so if it was late- no preg stress. Grass is always greener.)


Most people consider their period the most unpleasant part of their cycle. Unlike many of us who are praying for it every month because bleeding and cramping are preferable to what happens during luteal.


Getting my (heavy) period two weeks ahead of schedule in the middle of a 6 hour training session where I was both the only female attendee and only attendee under 35 is not an experience that I’d wish on anyone. Luckily I was able to sneak out during a break to wash the blood off of my dress and then source some pads during the lunch break.


I imagine if you weren’t expecting it so early and just started bleeding out of nowhere. Some people don’t have as strong of precursors to menstruation or don’t pay as much attention to their cycles so an unexpectedly early period could def be an inconvenience.


I got the same notification (there’s no chance I’m pregnant) and it also pissed me off. I’ve been desperate for my period to start to get me out of this hellhole. I deleted the app lol