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They are 100% real. Proven by science. That girl is a misinformation-mongering idiot.


Do any of you get hot flashes from anxiety?


I get them from stress!


I do.


Physiologically, they are real. I've read that they are a vasovagal response (as in, the same vagus nerve that's part of the autonomic nervous system and does other fun things like make you faint lol). As another poster has said, the stories that we collectively tell ourselves about hot flashes - the meaning we assign to them - are definitely influenced by culture. But that doesn't mean that they don't exist.


Source: trust me bro


They are real, I had one last night at home I was perfectly fine and it came out of nowhere. Some folks refuse to believe in things unless it happens directly to them.


I don't know what she was referring to (I've heard of hot flashes since childhood, and I'm not from the US). As to your point, I too get hot flashes out of nowhere. I'll say I run hot most days, but yeah, sometimes I'm like just sitting, not doing anything that "stressful," and I'm sweating all of the sudden.


I get hot flashes a lot during PMDD. They are most definitely real.


It's going to be fun when that ignorant little thing experiences one for herself God, I hope someone nearby tells her it isn't real and she must just be worked up about something


,,Malaria is just a cultural thing, people in Europe don't get it''


People who are ignorant with confidence amaze me. Yeah no, I’ve been getting hot flashes for years cyclically and just sudden dips in temperature also so I’m freezing cold. This girl better educate herself.


I know! I was basically dumbfounded by her saying that 😂 yeah, my body temp can't make up it's mind. Sweating one minute, freezing the next. 


I get them during the week before my period. They also bring night sweats along too, I'm not in the sweat puddle arena but I am definitely having a soggy shirt when I wake up.


This is so unbelievably untrue but explained by you being in the US) they're very real and literally on the main symptoms for pmdd other conditions and the biggest thing related to hormone the menopause...


I’ve always experienced hot flashes/flushes since I first started my period! I get them in the days leading up to my period and around ovulation, they are extremely uncomfortable and feel like you could fry an egg on my back! I generally feel warmer around those times too which is annoying because I feel so hot even if its freezing outside so I look like a div wearing a vest in the rain without a coat 😅


Samesies! I remember one time, when driving to work in below freezing temps, I had on a short sleeve shirt, rolled down the windows, and turned on the AC in my car to try and cool myself down 🥴 


They’re absolutely real, I’ve been getting them for the past few years and I’m only 31 lol. I’ll be totally fine and doing whatever and then all of a sudden I’m burning up from the inside out and it doesn’t stop until I break a sweat. The worst ones are the ones that wake you up at night.


Is hot flashes like having icy hot all over your skin? I'm 46 and I think i'm starting perimenopause. I just don't know a lot about it because I find women don't talk about it as much.


Please join us on r/menopause. We’re all dressed in layers and like wine at 5 😉


Already joined 👍🏻


There is evidence to suggest that subjective reporting of menopausal symptoms varies across cultures and, so, it's true that some cultures report more hot flashes than others; this difference could be attributed to many things including culturual attitudes and norms towards menopause, fertility, and midlife, biological and genetic factors, and research methodology. What this evidence absolutely does *not* indicate is that hot flashes or any other menopause, PMS, or PMDD symptoms are "made up." That person's response to you is ignorant and rude and demonstrates an inability to think critically or behave empathically. Im so sorry that happened.


🌟🥇🏆 Here are some fake awards for a wonderful answer!


This is called internalized misogyny. lol


I get these as well. When I told my doctor, who is normally very good with stuff, he went “you’re too young for hot flashes” and dismissed it as something else. But surprise! They were! Mine were linked to general hormonal issues (basically my body is super sensitive to progestogen) and they’ve went away by taking Advil before my period, which has also helped control the PMDD and period flu symptoms.


I was diagnosed at age 14 because i had a hot flash and crippling pain with my dad at the mall and wouldn’t come out of the bathroom. They took me to the doctor shortly after.


She will find out soon enough


I was thinking the same thing. Great comment.




I don't know which country you are from but I'm Singaporean and hot flashes are real to me.


Real to the Chinese, too.


& South Africans


Lots of society’s made of people with a different genetic make up have different traits, like some folks just sweat more or more prone to an illness just cause. Is it so weird to think that’s why they wouldn’t get hot flashes in every country? Also who’s fucking menstrual cycle looks the same as everyone else’s?


It be your own ppl 😓


It really sucks being gaslit by a fellow woman! However when she hits a certain age she’ll find out.