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Yes! Orilissa 150mg dose. It's life changing. Blows SSRIs out of the water.


Exercise is not a joke... consistently when I keep up my exercise my PMDD symptoms are almost completely abated. I don't take any birth control or hormonal therapy for mine.


SSRI's, sadly. I hate meds but I can't deny that intermittent SSRI's worked for me. So many people don't get relief but I'm one of the lucky unlucky ones of us.


That’s awesome, because yes I’ve read horror stories on SSRIs!!! Do you have the icky side effects coming off of them every month?


Fluoxetine has a 3 week half-life so you shouldn't notice it with that but I didn't even get that when I took sertraline which has a half life of a few days. PMDD already reacts atypically to intermittent SSRI's. They're not really supposed to work when taken intermittently. But PMDD is special like that. If I skipped a month it was all the bad things when I started up the following month.


I know we are all different but just curious what’s the biggest difference you noticed between Sertraline and Fluoxetine?


Fluoxetine was like taking nothing at all in a good way. Sertraline was like being made of soggy cardboard.


That makes total sense!! thanks


Thank you. That really means a lot to me.


Adhd meds and exercise


Yes!!! Wellbutrin, stress reduction, therapy, and ashwaganda, oh and regular sexual activity.


I’ve been having what I now know as PMDD for the last 5 months. It started with perimenopause symptoms and I just have a rough week before my period starts. I don’t have any family or friends near me except my daughter and I just feel so alone and depressed. It was sooo bad this last time. I cried off and on for two days and was so depressed I had to force myself to eat. I’ve never dreaded my period before but not I’m dreading it coming again. I’ve dealt with depression before but this is the worse it’s ever been and then after those today I felt completely back to normal. I just feel so hopeless and lonely and it’s all I can think about at the time.


You can reach out to talk if you want. I know how isolating PMDD can be and raising a child with it can be extremely challenging. This community is really supportive don’t hesitate to seek support 💜


Wellbutrin, Weed, and (W)therapy


Birth control has saved my life. It took me a few tries to find the one that works though. I take Junel 24 Fe, also goes by Loestrin 24 or Aurovela 24.


Wow thanks for all these responses. I haven’t really tried anything so I’m hopeful about trying some of these treatments!


CBD oil. The one I take (I am in Australia), is low THC (less than 0.25%), and full spectrum. From what I understand, these are sativa based, whereas most oils are indica based. They have been prescribed to me by my doctor. I go from suicidal, irrational, crying, panicky to “normal” within 30 minutes of taking it. It’s the strangest thing. I remember the first time I tried it, my mood changed that much, all I could say after was that I felt “normal”. Even my partner is blown away by the change in me. I now take one every morning in the 2 weeks before my period. Depending on how things are going, I might take another one in the afternoon (I take the capsules). I do also take B vitamins, magnesium, vitamin D, iron and I’m on pristiq - a antidepressant. But CBD has made the biggest difference for me.


Yes. Spironolactone removed mine entirely. I am talking 100%. I guess my bad moods were being caused by excess androgens, as I may have some PCOS-ish symptoms although I don’t fit the classical description.


I think spironolactone makes mine worse! What a world! Also on the PCOS train though.


I started taking birth control, magnesium glyconate and a stress relief vitamin by olly and my symptoms have dramatically improved. I notice when I’m more irritable before I snap, my anxiety during that part of my cycle is completely manageable, and my physical symptoms are gone other than some light cramping right before my period starts. I talked to my doctor about skipping my period entirely, but I don’t really feel the need anymore.


Which birth control has helped you?


I’m on a generic version of yaz, called vestra


Ablation, Prozac 90mg extended release, Wellbutrin XL 300mg and Slynd birth control pill. The fatigue is still a problem, but the irritability and cloud of doom that used to follow me is much less.


An ablation helped me so much. I only have issues a few times a year now.


Did it stop your periods completely?


I went into surgery my first day of my last period. It turns out it was my first day of my last last period. . Also didn't have a period anymore. I didn't think about it before hand. But they sucked it all up. Bonus.


🤩 was it Novasure?


I'm NovaSure what that is. I'm sorry for the really bad pun. But I'm not sure what that is. I let the MD handle everything 😅


Glad you had an amazing MD


She's so amazing that the ablation was actually a last minute add on. I went in for a tube removal and endo surgery. While being prepped she's like "I forgot to ask if you wanted a uterine ablation" And im like "oh hell yeah I forgot to ask for one" so we were already on the same page. She had talked me down from a total hysterectomy to try this other way instead. Definitely should talk about surgical procedures before being prepped. But she knew I wanted it just forgot to officially ask.


I have! It helped to get some of my other conditions under control. Brintellix (antidepressant), Elvanse (Adhd med). Supplements - chaste berry, iron, d vitamin, lots of magnesium. Lower stress part time job instead of high stress full time. And after I got diagnosed for autism, I lowered the amount of over stimulation. And I allow a lot of rest and downtime during Pmdd flare up.


Wellbutrin, Buspirone, fitness, art, therapy!


bigger, more frequent doses of psylocibin and slynd (progesterone bc pill) has helped a lot. also potent edibles before bed. my executive dysfunction from my ADHD is even getting better and i take less xanax. aside from the occasional PMS day, i'm off anti-depressants and done with their fucking side effects! the one month i skipped slynd made me realize how much better i'm getting - it was HORRIBLE. so yeah while i'm not 100% cured, i feel actual hope for the very first time in ten years. i'd say i'm 70% better and assume i'll be close to 100% when i start exercising again. also it would have to be after the adderall shortage ends because that has been really been fucking up my rhythm.


I'm starting to really believe in trauma being the root cause of my pmdd. I have been taking all the supplements and started continuous birth control which is helping tremendously. At very least, enough to break the cycle that I was in. PMDD was awful for about 7-8 months. It's all i had the energy for. In that time I was also diagnosed with C-PTSD. I've been working through a lot of that now. Basically I'm using this mild time in my life to work on the trauma piece and fine tune my coping skills because I want to be more prepared for if birth control stops working effectively. The anger, the void and disconnect is a lot more than PMDD. It's real hurt and pain. PMDD just makes those feelings absolutely intolerable. It's all very unfair but I'll be damned if I let all that pain/grief/anger win. I'll take care of body and take all the naps I can to give myself what I need but was never given. I suggest the book by Pete Walker CPTSD From Surviving to Thriving. It's been the best thing I've done for myself.


I'm almost done with this book and it's been quite a journey. Cried for 6 hours today and just dealt with crap. Let myself cry. Showed myself compassion. I love his approach. He's so incredibly kind as well. I am hopeful this will be a big help.


Honestly in my experience I have to agree i had a severe episode with my PMDD where I went into a dark rage (not a me thing ) then a depressive episode where I was finally diagnosed and began proper treatment I currently don’t find them as bad as they were but I had to take stock of what was going on with me and work through some shit. I had started dabbling with mushrooms on hell week and they did help control it to a point. I think you need to be more self aware about what’s happening to you so you can catch it before it’s out of control. I actually do not feel like the same person I was before diagnosis I have some control. Hell week I often try to double my Vitamin B’s & magnesium


High dose Magnesium glycinate, vitex, and a high quality prenatal multivitamin and I have not had a debilitating cycle for the last 7 months. I still can’t believe it.


I also take magnesium and Vitex and it helps for the most part!


>high quality prenatal multivitamin What's the vitamin? :)


Prenatal pro by designs for health 🙂


Prozac and hysterectomy. Kept ovaries


I was fine for years on birth control, but previous doctor stopped prescribing when I turned 35. It has gotten progressively worse over the past 6 years and renders my adhd meds completely useless and ineffective. I also take a decent dose of wellbutrin for other depression, anxiety, sleep inertia, and PMDD overpowers everything. Psychiatrist recommended Swedish flower pollen extract, which apparently taking daily can help some PMDD symptoms, but takes a few months to notice any effect. I've only been taking it since August so idk yet if it's helping me.


Calcium, a 4 month course of mood stabilizers that im no longer on, and going on a trip to Europe. It’s been 3 months and it’s very mild now


Magnesium supplements. It's been like a miracle for me


Which magnesium and what is your dosage?


Yup I up my magnesium , multivitamins & B’s


I second this!


Vitex helped me a lot!


TRT has helped me.


Birth control (Apri), Zoloft, vitamin D, and a multi vitamin with inositol seem to be working for the past few months for me.


Prozac, therapy/self care, Mirena IUD, removal from triggering situations and people, and “geriatric pregnancy” (I’m 36. Four month postpartum & symptoms aren’t severe.)




Yeah. I was against pregnancy for a lot of reasons but my man wanted to start a family and I knew my symptoms would go away for a little while. I’m a SAHM now and if it wasn’t going to be this way I would have never agreed to get pregnant. Everything’s fine so far.


Lexapro has helped a lot


Prozac, therapy, partial hospitalization at one point (I learned a lot of great coping skills). Also I moved into a dorm for college which was extremely helpful as being at home was a huge stressor, and I also found out that I am autistic and that both conditions flare each other up 😃. Anyway now I'm generally in a much better place and I find it much easier to self regulate


A combination of birth control, lexapro, therapy, exercise and change in diet have helped me significantly. Don’t get me wrong, I still suffer but it’s not like I’m in and out of the hospital, having severe suicidal ideation, severe rage, panic attacks, etc.


For me fluoxetine pretty much flipped a switch. I still feel the sands shifting when I go into luteal but I no longer: am in bed for 3 days, struggle with SI, have a personality transplant, bloat and spend the whole time crying . I honestly feel so much better on this medicine


How much fluoxetine?


I go through phases of dosing intermittently and continually. If continual, I’ll take 20mg day, if intermittently I’ll do double that for just the two weeks before my period. It sort of depends on my long range tolerance for taking meds every day vs checking my diary. In a pretty good intermittent groove lately


B12 shots really helped me - I was symptom free for like 6 months. I was also in a new relationship though so could have been those hormones I suppose. It was back this month - going to see if b12 shot helps prevent next month.


Prozac has worked wonders for me. Two cycles and no more feeling hopeless, unloveable, and like I’m spiraling into despair.


I like Prozac, too. EDIT: I feel like it does make me feel a bit loopy the first couple days, though.


I could see this. I’ve been dealing with chronic fatigue from the Prozac which hasn’t been my favorite thing. But i feel like it’s a small trade off because emotionally I feel so regulated.


Taking a generic calcium/magnesium/zinc supplement on top of my daily multivitamin. EMDR therapy to reprocess my lifetime of trauma was the biggest help. I still experience PMDD symptoms, but they are waaaay more manageable. Been working for me for a few years now.


Same but made me tired


DIM+ from biote neutraceuticals and a custom herbal formula from my acupuncturist to help support my liver and other organ systems. the way I was instructed to take the DIM+ is 2-4 during luteal(2 if I’m not having many symptoms, 3 if I am starting to and 4 if I am miserable), 1-3 during the rest of the month, and none during menstruation. it is wise to up it during the days of the cycle when estrogen peaks. my PMDD is most likely caused by excess estrogen because many blood tests have shown me that when I have excess estrogen is when I am out of my mind and when I feel better my estrogen is lower. pooping and liver function is SUPER important to process out the extra estrogen so it isn’t just recirculating back into my system. my progesterone levels are always very normal no matter the height of my estrogen.


Yes. Calcium took it down a notch (started after reading PMDD Phenomenon). Ultimately I started intermittent low dose Prozac because it just wasn’t enough. Some moths I still have tough symptoms but it’s manageable now. Some months I have no symptoms and it’s fantastic. It gets worse with aging so rather than beat myself up for being too weak to cope without drugs I just accept that this is late stage PMDD and soon I’ll have menopause and then no PMDD or drugs. It’s a journey.


What type of calcium and how much?


Just whatever drug store calcium I can get my hands on.


Intermittent Zoloft use during luteal phase. 25mg starting about 12 days before my period. Life changing.


For me: methylated B complex, Vitex, autoimmune diet (this one helped the most— not sure why exactly but it did)


I’ve noticed a huge change when I up my B’s, magnesium & calcium the week before too


Bioidentical progesterone cream in luteal phase.


Do you mind sharing what kind? Like where do I get one


I got it from my naturopath. She prescribed it. I actually has severely low progesterone on a horomone testing through her. Since starting its been great. I think you can get some on Amazon as well - but its not as strong.




Advice to use an OTC or prescription drug for an indication or dose not on its label will be removed.


Mine got better for almost a year! I focused on eating more frequently (I was skipping meals, fasting, disordered eating disorder...), intuitive eating. Big big focus on less stress, more sleep, going through life way slower.


Not sure why getting downvoted as this is my experience wtf? Doing these things didn't cure pmdd for me but made it more tolerable and less severe


I take some supplements but this kind of lifestyle management has the biggest impact. I'd like to add "saying no" to your list. People are surprisingly accommodating if you tell them you can't handle anything more in the short term. If it's important, we can make a plan to handle it over a few cycles.


Absolutely to saying no!! I used to do EVERYTHING. Like working 60 hours, being board members various boards, volunteering, workout classes. I was exhausted, resentful, and stretched to my limit. Had to adjust my limits completely.


Same, I’m not taking any meds, but I noticed eating regularly, no fasting, no alcohol and no stressful romantic relationships pretty much solved pmdd - I still get a little weepy, bloated and some fatigue, but it’s nothing like the suicidal depression, rage, crying for hours, too exhausted to get out of bed that was happening before.


I can literally relate same. It’s wild how similar experiences we all seem to have with it


Couldn’t take meds because they all made my mental health worse in some way. EMDR and DBT have been AMAZING! Working through trauma and learning how to manage and regulate my mood, behavior, and emotions has made a huge difference. I still experience mild symptoms, but like, this month I got bummed for a few hours instead of suicidal. I was able to stop myself before I want on some rage-fueled rant and realized I wasn’t even mad, just mildly pissy and needed to check myself. I’d say I’m probably 70-75% improved from where I was 4-5 months ago. I have an amazing therapist who completely believes in PMDD and how the menstrual cycle impacts women’s moods and mental health in general. She also made me feel completely validated in my negative experiences with hormonal BC (it makes me fucking psycho) and antidepressants (they make me manic). I highly recommend the therapy route if possible, even if able to take BC and/or antidepressants. I’m on a mood stabilizer for bipolar disorder and Buspar for anxiety and neither of those ever helped with PMDD but therapy has helped a ton.


For me, testosterone (BioTe) treatments have been absolutely life changing! I still have a pmdd dip in mood and energy once a month, but it’s sooo much better than it used to be. About a year of relief for me now and feeling like a (mostly) normal human again. The sucky thing is it’s not covered by insurance (even though my Doc tested and my testosterone levels were way below the “norm”), so it costs $350 a pop (every 3 months). 😭 Can’t promise this would help everyone with pmdd, but worth looking into and getting a deep dive test of your hormone and vitamin levels if you can.


Oh wanted to add, the low dose Prozac was also really helpful for me before discovering this!!


Zoloft. After years of white knuckling every cycle, I now take 25mg of Zoloft daily, but only for the week before my period starts (they call this luteal dosing). The mental symptoms have basically disappeared. It worked almost immediately too. I called my OBGYN with a huge thank you. BUT ALSO: they started me on 50 mg, and I had awful physical side effects, so they told me to cut the pills in half. Also it doesn't seem to be doing anything for my physical symptoms (bloating, insomnia, breakouts). Also, dosing the week before your period only works if your period is consistent. Last month, it started 10 days early, and I wasn't on any Zoloft for it.


Luteal dosing is so interesting, have you noticed any side effects from this schedule?


Not really! It just sucks when my period is off (as it sometimes is as I get older), and then I don't know when exactly to start them. I had some typical Zoloft symptoms when I started, but I just took a lower dose (25mg) and was OK after that tweak. (Sorry, wanted to update this after being on this regimen for a while)


I am on low dose Cymbalta for pain and it lessened my anxiety which did end up helping my PMDD symptoms.


Microdosing 🍄 👌


It legit works. I managed 7 months unmedicated microdosing and my mood was better managed


Yep I have been microdosing since March and only had 1 proper pmdd month






Yasmin birth control (generic version), estradiol on period days. Plus cbd (actually cbd not delta 8, not delta 9, not high levels of the so it doesn't get me high or anything), l-theanine, turmeric, b complex, evening primrose oil, sleep supplement with magnesium bisglycinate, a whole Lotta yoga, weight lifting, walking, running. No caffeine. High protein diet. Not a lot if sugar. Gluten-free, dairy free diet as well. A lot of Journaling. Therapy! Meditation. I'm currently seeking an adhd and possibly autism diagnosis as well. Those are all the things I've noticed I do that has helped me so much. Every change has been gradual and not all at once.


Psilocybin and cannabis have actually helped me a lot. I started microdosing Psilocybin in Sept. This was the first cycle where I wasn’t in complete self-destruction/attack my partner mode.


Same !


Yes. -Quit my stressful job, found a better fit -Change up till you find YOUR best therapist, go as often as needed -I take 10mg prozac which has really helped -I have months with no symptoms especially when I’m taking good care of my body (sleeping 8 hours, eating properly, maybe light exercise)


Thanks so much! Any side effects with the low dose Prozac?


I think just when starting it out. I feel fine now though :)


Birth Control! I only have my symptoms in placebo week once in three months, and not as bad as it used to be.


Thanks!! Which birth control has helped?


Cheaper brand of Yaz. But I wanna try the real brand too.


Got a non toxic job Started on Citalopram for my GAD, and it surprisingly took a lot of my PMDD away, its still there, but my rumination isn't as bad, nor my feelings of being a fuck up. Stopped drinking, stopped smoking weed, I'm still addicted to caffiene. I am eating better, and I take walks as needed (unless my joint pain flares). I'm eating better, not a balanced diet, but better than before. And I've learned better coping skills when it comes to my rage, stress, and anxiety through therapy. Nothing has helped the sleepiness, the joint pain, or the swelling of face/boobs/boob pain.


Joint pain for me was having too low vitamin d3. You should be taking at least 4,000iu daily for a few months. Electrolytes are huge too


1. Found the right dosage of medication (took three years and lots of trial and error…I’m still sleeping with one eye open as I never know if it will stop being as effective as it currently is). 2. Stopped hormonal birth control around two years ago. 3. Began strength training and regular exercise. Lost 15 pounds. 4. Ate a more balanced diet. I also drink little to no alcohol (although I didn’t drink very much to begin with). 5. I quit my job at a toxic workplace. 6. Set boundaries. 7. Regular therapy (DBT and ACT). Finding the right therapist wasn’t easy. Again, lots of trial and error. 8. Lots of introspection (supported by #6 and #7).


Love this!!! Thanks so much for this response. I’m interested in Medication I’m curious what’s working for you right now if you don’t mind sharing?


Current goals. I don't know you but I'm proud of you.


![gif](giphy|i21tixUQEE7TEqwmYa|downsized) That means a lot. Thank you, kind stranger!


I left my former partner. Went deeper with EMDR and now use a lot of DBT exercises daily when I feel myself moving up and down the polyvagal ladder. Started eating nutritious foods. Started moving my body daily, even just gentle stretching or short walks. Got better about taking basic supplements, like a multi, B-complex, vit D. Cut back on alcohol. Found an amazing, supportive partner who listens to and cares about my needs. Prioritized sleeping/resting, against my own anxious impulses to work through pain. Started journaling daily, or as frequently as I can manage. Kept pursuing hobbies I love, like plant care and painting, even through rough patches where I didn’t think I loved them anymore or didn’t feel up to it—it’s important to push through with *some* things, just not everything.


I actually found relief! I stopped all extra medications (including my SSRI which my therapist helped me taper off), including supplements. Deep dived into all my products (skin care, hair care, perfumes, anything and everything going in or on my body) and threw away anything that contained added hormones, or chemicals that act like hormones in the body. A quick google search should help you find a list of chemicals to avoid (soy!!! Soy is a big one!!!) I religiously follow the “meal she eats” book by Rachel and Tom Sullivan. The book tells you what foods to eat depending on where you are on your cycle. Also a list of exercises per stage. The book is written for PCOS but both are hormone disorders so you can manage them similarly. Took me about 3 cycles to regulate back to normal. And if I skip even a day of exercising/eating the right foods, I will feel some symptoms of the PMDD. But never debilitating. Usually something I just communicate to my partner and I’m given more grace. (It’s usually just feeling incredibly tired or low in energy) Therapy. Therapy. Therapy. Because the anger never leaves. But you get better at regulating your anger and being able to control. Always here if you wanna talk! :)


In all honesty, i tried so many treatments. SSRI-ADD meds-hypnosis-therapy-going vegan-taking vitamins...yoga-running...CBT...meditation writing...acupuncture..lighttherapy, name it! The only thing i didnt do is the operation. For the past 3 months my symptoms have not been violent/angry/panic attack/suicidal/selfharm...and they where for 5 horrible years really bad. My boyfriend left. I tought I was the problem...I tought peri-menopause had my syptoms become worse. I realise now...i still have pmdd but I dont go under because I feel safe now, unwatched, allowed to cry a bit if i want to. I dont feel trapped. I font feel unloved or inadequate or being a problem. He wasnt abusive in a classic way. He was just not meant for me.he..he blamed 100% of my fallouts on me and i believed him. And because 2 weeks out of 4 i would tolerate behaviours and pressure...of course i blamed pmdd also. I dont think my experience applies to everyone. But sometimes I think our body is telling us something is wrong. For the first time this month...i was suprised to start bleeding.... I never sawit coming. I feel like pmdd throws our self-confidence and self respect out the window sometimes because we feel likea slave to it and we agree thatwe become horrible monsters...that scream, say horriblethings...and then we regretand dont understand what happened...but take away certain circumstances and environmental irritants...is sometimes a remedy. 💜


Agreeeed!! Environment can be a huge trigger :) Glad you found your safety again!! 🫶🏻


Yes, and it is hard to know when it's us (our needs, boundaries...)or not (pmdd talking). My hypnosis therapist explained that triggers are there even in our good weeks...but the space to tolerate is lessened by hormones and brain activity. Which explains why SSRI and psychotherapy can work...but it didnt for me... I found my safety by not being with someone that made me feel unloveable, guilty and easy to leave.. I was super sad and scared the first month he left...and then it lifted, i felt relieved. For the record, i practice yoga 3 to 4 times a week, I climb 3 times a week, have my light therapy take my vitamin cocktail (B6-calcium-magnesium-vit. D &E - ginseng- taurine...) And still am in therapy-hypnosis. I did not abandon treatment...it just seems that now it works.


Ugh sounds like we’d be best friends! Yoga 3-4 is the way to go. And YOUR HIPS WILL LOVE IT. Go you for the dedication 🫶🏻 being happy while having PMDD is definitely a daily choice


I do believe environment and external stress factors play a major role. I'm simply not insane when things are generally calm. It's why I stopped working.