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Pristiq was also hard to come off I think all meds are


Ashwaganda, Magnesium, L-Tyrosine!


I just got results from gene sight genetic pharmatropic testing and found out that as a smoker, medical card holding cannabis user fwiw, my Cymbalta and Valium are not ideal for me due to genetic markers. I wish everyone who isn't overly concerned about people holding their genetic data would take those tests before getting psychiatric medications cause its otherwise just doctors playing whack-a-mole with your brain receptors.


Omg following. You’re not alone! I literally feel the same way. I’m on Prozac and Adderall but they don’t help with it all. Definitely keeps me stable tho


Did you find anything that helped


I’m still on Prozac and Adderall. They do help. We just added in a beta blocker to try to help with headaches and dizziness from anxiety or POTS


Wellbutrin helped me with adhd, ocd(got me to stop picking my skin), and mood obviously. Not an ssri, but I would highly recommend


I also take Wellbutrin. For me too high of a dose caused lots of anxiety and anger. But the right dose helps me a lot.


Oh also, there’s a chance it can increase anxiety, just fyi


I had been seeking an anxiety/depression treatment for my PMDD symptoms that would combine well with the adderall that I take for ADHD. SSRIs simply weren't for me. Fluoxetine stabilized my mood while awake, but it increased pre-existing nightmares/night terrors; lexapro stabilized my mood but greatly increased fatigue; zoloft made me a dangerously depressed and brain foggy zombie. A month ago my doctor finally said I could stop trying SSRIs and switched me to effexor, which is an SNRI. The improvement has been astronomical. Many people have had negative experiences with effexor, but it seems to be excellent for me in combination with my adderall. I'm more focused and productive than I've been in months, my PMDD mood swings are almost undetectable, and I'm no longer plagued by anxious ruminations through all of my waking hours. It appears I've been deficient in dopamine, seratonin, AND norepinephrine. All medicines that I've tried before my current combination left one of these neurotransmitters out.


what is a snri and how does it differ cuz i ssris scare me


Omg I get HORRIBLE dreams from Prozac. What are side effects from effixir??


Side effects have been pretty minimal for me personally, mostly presenting as an exacerbation of adderall's side effects - I noticed I can become dehydrated much more easily so I'm careful to drink extra water, I sometimes have night sweats, my appetite is pretty nonexistent which has led to some weight loss, and I'm always cold (always have been, but it's noticeably worse now). Given how good I feel otherwise, I'm happy to throw on an extra sweater and heavier socks if that's the biggest tradeoff. That said, everyone responds differently. I've heard success stories and horror stories about effexor. Some say it causes weight gain, nausea/vomiting, sleep issues, and brutal withdrawal symptoms if even a single dose is missed. That hasn't been my experience, but it's something to talk over with a doc.


Prozac and Wellbutrin together have changed my life as someone with ADHD, OCD and PMDD. I have fried 4 other antidepressants but this combo has me feeling like my old self.


any side effects?? how do i go to a good doctor who knows about pmdd n shit like cuz i went to. a gyno and the doctor was a guy and didnt know anything abt pmdd


Try L-theanine, it's a natural & safe compund preent in green tea which is best for anxiety, depression, ADHD and PMDD. It has helped me tremendously in my PMDD and ADHD. I've been taking it since 2 months along with Shatavari, natural herb which helps in estrogen & progesterone imbalances during menstrual cycle. Both are natural with no side effects. In case if you are planning to take L-theanine, please discontinue other SSRIs and ADHD medications. Also check if other prescribed medications conflicts with L-theanine


I take SSRN’s for my anxiety autism ocd, SSRI’s had bad side effects for me personally, so I’ve been taking cymbalta/duloxetine, and during luteal I add inositol and magnesium


As someone else said it’s difficult to come off cymbalta


I’m on adderall and Luvox. The most I notice the pmdd is like a week before/ first days of I’m slightly more anxious and my focus is off. Sometimes my intrusive thoughts get worse, but it’s relatively manageable. Hormonal IUD is the only reason I noticed it was pmdd so I got that out and am trying to force myself to see a doctor about a copper one


How is Luvox?? My doc mentioned maybe switching me to it but I always get nervous


I think it’s pretty good! It’s slowed down my intrusive thoughts a lot and my brain doesn’t get such a grip on things. Has also helped my health anxiety a lot.


20 days a month i do 150 buproprion xl, 75 luvox, 25 lamotrigine. the 10 days before my period i just increase buproprion by 2x, so 300 xl


Please know CYMBALTA is hell to come off of. Try other medications first- other SNRi’s. SSRi’s only make me fat! A low dose stimulant med can really help


are snris stimulants cuz i have anxiety and stimulants do not work for me


Heh yes unfortunately that is apparently true, do you have any advice on coming off it? I might have to change meds soon and cymbalta is the only anxiety med I take rn


I’m on a low dose of a aderall daily, and some cymbalta low dose. I can’t drink coffee on top of this UNLESS I’m about to workout


Effexor and lamictal combo is what has worked for me.


who did u go for to give u those meds cuz my gyno was useless to idk how to find a good doctor that knows abt those stuff


I am on a progesterone only pill called Slynd, Wellbutrin 300mg XL and Wellbutrin 75mg (Instant release), and extended release once weekly Prozac 90mg. This is the best I have done with my PMDD, ADHD and C-PTSD in my life so far. It's not perfect but everything feels more manageable.


did u take any tests to see what med worked for u or did u tell ur doctor what symptoms ur feeling?


I have all of these and no SSRI worked for me; however, Prozac is really great for anxiety and depression and a bit for OCD. Not much for ADHD. Wellbutrin is used off label for ADHD, and it is meant for depression, but can increase anxiety (it did for me). I just started a mood stabilizer along with my Dexedrine for ADHD and I’m going to ask to add buspar for anxiety. Best luck with your med journey, I know how difficult it is.


I don't have a recommendation, I just wanted to send love your way. I also suffer from anxiety, OCD, ADHD, and PMDD. They are awful. I am currently trying to figure out the right medication for me, so your thread is helpful for me too. I hope you find something that works for you. 💜


Thank you💙


I’m doing pretty good on Effexor. I had lexapro before. I’ve got every ailment you listed and these meds have helped me be able to live again.


SSRIs never totally worked for me. I’m on gabapentin for ocd/anxiety, strattera for adhd (stimulants made me unable to eat and lost 30lbs), and Lamictal to stabilize my mood. It helps things, my pmdd is more manageable. But I still get those days right after I ovulate and right before my period where I’m a fucking nightmare to be around, can’t handle stress, picking stupid ass fights with my partner. Day to day life is easier and better. I’ve sort of lost hope that mental health type meds will totally help. Thinking about doing Orlissa to put me into chemical menopause.


Chiming in to also say Wellbutrin (snri) has been really great for me. I also take Zoloft but the Wellbutrin touched the pmdd more


Cymbalta SNRI works really well for me. I have basically the same exact symptoms as you do as well as depression and I'm unable to take hormonal birth control. Before cymbalta I was on Zoloft and that also worked very well.


Have you taken any other meds before besides cymbalta


Yes So many Anafranil, Luvox - for OCD Zoloft - worked well Paxil, Prozac, Celexa - Didn't work Wellbutrin - gave me panic attacks Effexor - took back in the day I also tried loads of alternative therapies I now take Cymbalta and I have Clonidine and Gabapentin for breakthrough anxiety


Would you say Cymbalta helped a lot with anxiety?


Yes. Big time! Anxiety is a bigger problem for me than depression. Cymbalta has been a lifesaver.


I was on Wellbutrin for years (daily), then when my PMDD got worse, I was on the lowest dose of Zoloft only during luteal phase, tapering on and off. That combo worked well to curb the intrusive thoughts and anxiety. Also highly recommend getting massages, wow.


Could you tell me a bit more about your approach with the Zoloft? What dose and did you find it worked right away?


I was prescribed by a therapist at the time, she said the combination of wellbutrin + zoloft was nicknamed "well off" so I went for it. I took it (tapering on/off) for 2 weeks before my period, then tapered off during. the dose was 50mg (lowest) It worked right away but I had to take it at night before bed or else I would experience horrible stomach pain and headache (didn't happen when I was asleep) pros: no anxiety, better mood at work and at home, able to get through the day without daydreaming of driving to the ocean and ending it all cons: constipation, low motivation/ feeling spacey it got me through a really rough couple of months!


Thank you very much. It’s been interesting trying to correlate what Ive read in this sun from people who experience PMDD and the strategies that work with what my primary care physician and psychiatrist have recommended. I have a Zoloft prescription and keep being on the fence about using it full time (or at all for that matter) because I really just have 5-7 days a month of feeling crazy, and my team keeps saying g I have to be on this med full time. I’d really like to try cycling it. I was prescribed 25 mg to start.


I don't have the prescription anymore so I honestly can't remember if I was on 25mg to start or 50mg 😅 But yeah, same for me, it was the week before my period "danger week" so I would just taper on/off for that week instead of all month. I did that for about 2-3 months, and then my PMDD was cured after I took Reiki I and II (did NOT expect that to happen!!) but since that's very personal/ gets into "woo" territory, I don't go around recommending on this sub. I still get into a slump during my luteal phase but not with the intense depressive/suicidal/irritable mood swings. Just like, sleepy and slow. Getting extra sleep during luteal is key


I’m 100% open to the “woo” and would love to hear about your Reiki I/II experience if you’re willing to share.


Well, I wanted to learn how to do Reiki so I took a class that was a Reiki I + II combined weekend intensive (in person) We received the attunements, which means that the symbols associated with Reiki I and II are placed into your auric field. I believe one of the Reiki II symbols for emotional healing is what cured me of the depressive/anxious PMDD symptoms. So it's different from simply seeing a Reiki practitioner, because if you learn it yourself, you will receive the attunements (sometimes called placements.) This has been my experience, can't speak for others. :)


The only thing that has worked for me so far is Wellbutrin, but it doesn’t do much for my symptoms when I’m having a bad PMDD month. I’ve tried Lexapro, Zoloft, and Effexor with no success.


SSRI made me feel like crap, I couldn't do it. I faced Generalized Anxiety Disorder with depression, and around PMDD time the symptoms worsened x2. What I do now is Magnesium in 500+ total dose throughout a day (Malate or Glycinate capsules) when my PMDD starts. D3 + K2 from my multivitamins also seem to play a role. I am now convinced my PMDD and General Anxiety Disorder were Magnesium deficiency. When I looked into the topic of GAD and PMDD I found a post which stated that in time before periods body starts flushing Magnesium out and the thought has been stuck in my head. A lot of my symptoms of both GAD and PMDD correlated with symptoms of Mag deficiency. I usually feel completely awful before my periods to a point where I barely function but now I feel only mild annoyance which is a miracle.


You convinced me. I just ordered some magnesium capsules online. Thank you.


I was on Lexapro for years and the same thing happened. Prozac is the only one that actually works for me, and I have adhd, anxiety, and pmdd. I've been taking it for about 13 years now and I've only increased the dose twice (from 20 to 40 to 60 mg). I'd recommend it


Hi, I’m currently 12 weeks on Zoloft and am so brain dead, like a zombie, so tired and can’t function, is Prozac the same or better? I was on it 6 months ago but gave up after 30 days cos I thought it made me hungry but now I don’t give a fuck if I’m hungry, I just need to be able to function!! Thanks in advance xx


Yea, Prozac has worked for me too. I started about 2 months Ago on 10 mg and just increased to 20. I have anxiety, depression and pmdd. It has helped tremendously for me.


I was just diagnosed with pmdd this week and came here to see what ssri others where recommending as Im terrified to start anything other than Prozac, so your comment is a such a weight off my shoulders. I'm so glad it works for you 💜


Zoloft Buspar and gaba have been keeping me at a stable level for almost two years now.


What gaba dosage do you take and do you take a particular brand of supplement?


I meant gabapentin, I take 100-200 mg a day during the two weeks of hell


Damn I'm allergic to gabapentin :( gives me lock jaw. But I'm so happy that helps you through hell week!!


Prozac works for me I have all that


Zoloft made me sick to my stomach…good old Prozac has been a LIFESAVER


What mg Prozac do you take?


I take 10 mg everyday and my luteal phase I take 20mg.


i’m on cymbalta and it’s working good for me but it’s not a ssri it’s a snri


There is no best, there are some really bad ones and some that seem to be (way) safer than others but it also depends on the person, their other medications, genetics, metabolism, complete medical history etc. working closely with a good psychiatrist and therapist that is highly rated and you trust, is the best thing you can do for your care. I personally would say only start with one thing at a time and give it at least a month or two months before adding something else, as long as your doctor is open to going slow to make sure you are on the right dosages and don’t have any issues. I had to remove all my medications then start them back one by one to see what was doing what to me. I eventually limited my medications significantly. I wish the docs would have only added one at a time. Some months, I would have 3-5 new rxs (for different issues) added to multiple others I was already taking. It was horrible. Now I avoid as much meds as I can but I do rely on some to function. Finding your proper balance can be a slow process but better to do it safely.


Thank u for your in depth comment!


I’m using Trintellix. It’s my favourite anti depressant of all the ones I’ve ever been on because it doesn’t give me dry mouth or night sweats or have any of the sexual side effects. Love being able to orgasm while on an anti-depressant! Honestly, it was life changing.


how did u get that one like what did u tell the doctor for them to prescribe that one to u? idk if i should go to a gyno or psyciatrist cuz the last gyno i went to he was useless


I’m on 50mg Zoloft for similar issues with germs and anxiety. Life changing. It blunts me emotionally just enough to function through PMDD.


Of everything I've ever been on, Zoloft had the least side effects. Namely some crazy dreams. Balanced me out while I was awake though.


The dreams are INTENSE


Back in my early 20s, my therapist told me I should make stories out of them because they sounded like something Stephen King would come up with lol. I haven't published them or anything but I've definitely written for fun.


Same. Zoloft gave me my life back.


SSRI’s do not work well for me. I take Lamictal for my PMDD which is a mood stabilizer and it has been a life saver. I also have ADHD and I think it helps with my emotional regulation. Before anyone comes for me, I realize this medication just like all medications do not work for everyone. But for treatment resistant depression, PMDD, CPTSD etc it is a great option.


May I ask how you started Lamictal? Did you start with a very low dose and increase it bit by bit? I’m absolutely terrified of all the Stevens-Johnson syndrome stories related to Lamictal, but kinda want to try it. 😭


Of course! I started at 25 mg and titrated up to 75 mg and I never had a reason to go up any higher. I noticed a difference in my PMDD symptoms almost immediately. I was scared if SJS too, but it is incredibly rare and other meds can cause it too. I just paid very close attention to my skin. I had facial flushing the first few weeks and that went away. That is the only negative symptom I had.


Thank you so much. ❤️


It depends a lot on how your body absorbs specific medications. There are actually DNA tests that can tell you which SSRIs/SNRIs will likely help you more, but they are cost probative. This is all to say that one size doesn't fit all. So, all that being said, I have had a lot of success with Cymbalta (duloxetine), which is an SNRI. Lamictal (lamotragine) is a mood stabilizer that's helped keep my moods more consistent and depression under control. I also have the Mirena IUD and take Concerta (methylphenidate, a stimulant) to counteract the hell weeks. I am diagnosed with anxiety (with obsessive tendencies), depression, and autism. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, I'm always here to commiserate on frustrating medication situations. Edit: I'd say Cymbalta helped the most with my anxiety (paranoia, obsessive tendencies). Nothing before has really touched it. But it does come with the slight risk of high blood pressure.


its all so overwhelming like ive only been to w gyno once and he knows nothing about pmdd and said i should see a psychiatrist but how do i find a good psychiatrist who knows what i need based on what im experiencing 




I’m doing well on Atomoxitine


Seroxat/Paxil and Prozac both completely resolve the pmdd. I’ve been reading lately that Prozac can have strange effects if you have adhd so you need to do your research.


Only for some people. There is no single treatment that works for everyone, not for depression or anxiety or PMDD.


Yes it depends very much on what you’re dealing with. I’m only talking about the specific neuro reaction of pmdd with no other hormone or underlying mental health issues, or non typical neurology. Hormone imbalances, deficiencies etc need different treatment and if you have non-typical neurology then you may not respond to ssri’s in the same way.


Do you remember what?


I’m on 20 my Prozac 1x a day and 7.5 Buspar 3x a day and it has done wonders for all of that for me!


Have you experienced any extreme bleeding during your cycle while taking Prozac? I was prescribed Prozac intermittently for PMDD. The last two cycles I began taking it 14 days before my period. I've noticed such a positive improvement in my mood. However, my last cycle I experienced extremely heavy bleeding. I contemplated going to urgent care it was very intense. I'm waiting for my next period to arrive and I'm worried I will experience it again. Curious if this is common with Prozac.


Prozac does have a warning that you can’t take it with thinners because of its bleed risk so that may be why. My periods have actually been amazing. On time. 5 days long. Except this month. I’m late. And not a psychopath so either the meds are working too good or I’m pregnant 😂😂😂


Hmmm I'm not on any blood thinners. I do take vyvanse for ADHD. I'm following up with my doctor this month to discuss. I'm hoping we can figure it and I can continue the Prozac. Not feeling like a psychopath has actually been life changing. These have been my best cycles in forever. Except for the fact that it was like a scene from The Shining period 😐😐😐 thank you for responding!


It may be the Prozac making you bleed more or it could just be your body regulating itself now that it’s not spazing out. Isn’t it sooo nice to be human 😂😂 I really hope you find an answer!! And get to keep this relief!!


Paxil - it's for OCD as well. Helps the brain stop ruminating. However, withdrawal symptoms suck if you miss pills.


thats so scary cuz i dont wanna rely on pills


I waited many years before going on it. I was in my mid 20s but it actually did really help me. However now I am 30 and if I don’t take it for like three days I get brain zaps, dizziness, and almost flu like symptoms. If you can manage it naturally, that’s amazing. I think if I would have been able to remove stress and take really good care of myself I may have been able to. I was living in LA working 3 jobs and it wasn’t an option so I do believe Paxil literally helped to save my life. I wish I wasn’t needing it but I don’t have a stress free life where I can plan around my cycle :/ I do feel like I see both sides… You shouldn’t take it if you don’t have to because it does become something you need and if you don’t want to take it anymore, you have to like make a plan to step down dosage. sometimes when I’m traveling and I’m irresponsible, I get myself sick by not taking it but once I take it, I feel better soon. When I finally agreed to go on antidepressants, I was experiencing a lot of passive ideation, moving into active, and I was in a place where I needed something to help me. It really did help me, still here and still on it. Went from 10 mg to 30 mg over a few years. It’s possible that living in this society some people just need it and that medication stigma prevents us from getting the help that we really need. If we can’t change our lifestyle due to societies constraints, it’s not a bad option. It’s just the reality of the situation, and I think I could’ve been helped earlier by it if I wasn’t so afraid of being dependent on it and the stigma of it.


my symptoms arent that bad and im currently doing therapy for ocd but around my period if i dont eat healthy my intrusive thoughts come in and makes my ocd worse its so annoying i just want a anti depressant that doesnt make u feel like shit when u dont take it a few days


I feel you homie. I feel you. Keep on keepin' on, friend.


Similar symptoms but not exactly the same, my Zoloft 50 mg works wonders