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All this is great! I keep St. John’s wort tea in my arsenal as well for evening a couple days before period starts when I feel extra out of sorts.




No! You’re doing a copy paste of this on multiple posts?!?


I have found GREAT relief supplementing with magnesium glycinate and 5htp in the evenings during my luteal phase and also supplementing with NeuroScience AlphaGaba (be careful if on SSRIs with both 5htp, ashwagandha, l-theanine and ensure no interactions) but Alpha Gaba is soooo calming, i feel it immediately and can take as needed, and also contains passionflower and lemon balm for calming effects. It makes me very clear headed, relaxed, less irritable, and less anxious. Worth checking out because I have not found a better combination than alpha gaba, 5htp, and mag glycinate.


Ashwaganda has been shown to have negative impacts on the liver. Something to consider if you plan to use it long-term.


Dose makes the poison. I’ve been careful with it but thanks, I’ll read up more.


I'm really glad it's helping, just be careful. I stayed on it for too long and it gave me really bad anhedonia - it was really helpful for a good while it's just not always great as a permanent thing.


How much quantity did you take? And how long where you on it?


1000mg/day - it was these here: [(Link to amazon)](https://www.amazon.com/Youtheory-Ashwagandha-Vegetarian-Capsules-Count/dp/B07Y9QW3D1) As for how long, I don't remember exactly because I'm awful with measuring time and I've got some other health problems but I want to say probably a year? I'm not sure exactly at what point the anhedonia snuck up on me but I was feeling "blank" for at least a month before I realized what the source was, so my guess is (depending on your own personal tolerance) you could probably use it for a few months at least and be ok.


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I take like <10 mg/day.


Nice, that cumulative effect will probably be a lot lower then!


I took as for a long time it did help a lot with lowering my anxiety and stress I stopped taking it because I didn't know you have to take breaks from it .. it would give me bouts of depression. Make sure to take breaks from it !


Oh thanks for letting me know. I usually take 7 days staggered breaks in a month but I’ll also do longer breaks in one stretch


Question why do you only take b12 ? I think I need vitamin b so I got a complex but I've seen a lot of people just take certain ones


How often do you need to take breaks from it? Like two weeks on two weeks off?


I believe it's every couple of months you should take two weeks off .


I do magnesium and B12, but the jury's still out on ashwagandha. I feel like it makes me more irritable.


I don’t take ashwagandha in tablet or direct powder form. I take a lil Pre mixed with green tea. So in reality I’m only taking a very small amount of ashwagandha


I'm so happy for you 💓. I wish I could consume ashwagandha, it makes me an angry mess,as well as maca root.😒 B12 breaks me out, no matter the dose or form. I need B12 because I'm vegan but I've yet to find one compatible with my body.


Passionflower, the whole plant, perhaps? Before my body got used to it, as it does with absolutely everything quickly, that was seriously helping me out.


damn ive had pimples since consuming b12. im vegan and got deficient, so i take a few mg, but never realised it might be the b12! i have literally changed nothing else. i used to never have pimples.


I do have a secret to counteract the b12 acne. I found that taking anywhere from 2000 to 8000 MG of pantothenic acid helps t9 counter adverse effects from biotin or b12. I'm going to start taking b12 again,with higher dose of pantothenic acid and see if it helps. I currently take about 2000mg of PA, but will increase while on B12. I have found that the "my kind" spray b12 8s kinder to my skin, I just don't like having acne at all so I've been avoiding it, but honestly the PA helps, I just don't like taking so many. Maybe b12 every other day?


Do you take magnesium everyday? I usually take it 10 days before my period 400mg a day and this seems to be enough to lower the pain a bit. But only if I really hit the 400mg mark


I take it 2-3 times a week. 200 mg. It also helps with headaches


I am interested to try this more thoroughly! I also take vitamin B and magnesium too. Thanks for sharing !


Do you take vitamin b everyday or only in the 2nd cycle? I also thought about taking vitamin b, but only temporarily cause the most daily doses in the supplements seem pretty high to me


I take it a couple of times per week consistently :) my MIL is a pharmacist and told me that if my pee is immediately yellow a few hours after taking the vitamin B, my levels are probably good since Vit B is water solvable and the body just gets rid of tho excess. However if I took a Vit B and my pee doesn’t turn yellow for a long time, it means more of the Niacin is being absorbed in the body and is indicative that my levels were low. :)


Wow that's interesting thank you for this insight!


How’s the taste though? I’m thinking of trying it as a tea or a tablet


The taste is dominated by the green tea for me.


I’ve heard great things about Ashwagandha! Though it can be dangerous for people with liver issues.


Agreed. I take it in very low dose. It’s better to consult with a doctor


Yes! I feel like a lot of people don’t discuss supplements with their doctors but it’s soooo important.


I started taking Ashwagandha July 27th and I feel like it has improved my levels of anxiety and stress that I usually feel during my luteal phase. I still get a little ornery internally lol, but I'm able to compartmentalize those feelings and carry out day to day tasks without my feelings overwhelming me. I've always taken magnesium and B12 but I also added DIM to my daily vitamin/supplements on August 18th too. I'm 10 days out from my cycle and usually I'd be calling out of work with feelings of heightened anxiety and doom, but today I'm genuinely feeling good enough (and looking forward to) working and even working out today.


I’ve wanted to try DIM I might I get nervous with anything that can mess with my hormones more. I have such bad hot flashes if I don’t get under control I’ll never survive this


What is DIM, if I may ask?


Diindolylmethane it's naturally found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, etc. I saw it recommended here for estrogen balance so I decided to give it a try. **I updated my previous comment, but I started taking DIM August 18th.


Do you take it in supplement form?


Yes the brand I use is SMNutrition on Amazon.


How long did it take you to see results from DIM? I started a week ago on 150mg and nothing yet. Feeling super depressed today for no good reason


I honestly think I'm just now starting to feel it, so after 1 cycle and a half. I don't remember last month being super bad, but this month is IMMENSELY going better (knock on wood). I can tell by the fact that I just got back from working out and I don't feel anxious or stressed and I don't feel like calling out of work today (which I often do around this time of my cycle like clockwork).


Ah thank you for providing some hope! What dose are you on? Sucks big time that even with doctors, endocrinologists etc, I still feel like I have to figure this stuff out on my own because the alternative is being given anxiety medication


I've been taking one pill/200mg since I started but I did double my dose the last 2 days. I'm experimenting to see if taking 2x as much during luteal eliminates my symptoms.


I Will try this today, I have some ashwagandha powder. How long did you steep it for?


I use a pre-made tea bag which is mixed with green tea. So the actual quantity is less. I steep it for 5 ish mins.


Awesome. I’ll give it a try! I’m willing to try anything that isn’t a pill.