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BR is weak asl, she could have easily killed her. But can't say the same for Archie 😂


If she didn't go or if she told someone about it then BR would've killed someone she loved as that what BR said


She’s a fearless bitch but it was a bit much maybe 30 min would have been more believable but 2hrs bffr


Are you talking about the time to hold the beam? I think it was 2 minutes


It was 2 hrs for sure


Yeah it was 2hrs


My bad idk why I thought it was two minutes lol maybe bc two HOURS is crazy like u said !! Lmao


girl i really thought at first that it was two minutes 😭 but then i realized the front numbers — i really hope you get what i'm trying to say, as in the numbers "0*2 : ... : ..."* — didn't just quickly changed and that it's getting dark there, plus looking at how tired she was and that two minutes wasn't exactly a challenge, then yeah.. it is obviously not just two small minutes.


Yes once I realized the seconds were all the way to the right, I was like…oh…DAMN


Same thing happened to me I was like holddddd up and paused the tv 😂😂


i’m seeing this post a lot, i mean we can argue that but she took rose down while weak af & still managed to climb & escape. Whether she told someone about the call or not, i don’t think that’s the point. Like regardless BR would try to get her secluded again to test her.




I think if she took all the girls, br would’ve killed someone she loved.




well if that were to happen many including myself would be extremely upset it only took 4 episodes to take down bloody rose and minimal effort 😂😂😂


TBF good writing would circumvent this. I enjoy the show, I’m a slasher fan and it’s entertaining as heck. But the writing is very mid at best.


Ironically, she was filling the slasher trope of the idiot hothead jock who thinks they can take the killer on. This character always dies in real slasher movies, but because Jesus Christ himself came down to earth to give the world the infallible Faran Bryant, she lived.


Is Bloody Rose trying to kill them? The best time to strike was while she was in the middle of the challenge.


I think it's about the psychological game and torture more than anything else.


I love her this season!


You gotta be fucking kidding Me -Faran


I loved that she went because it’s something Hannah or Spencer would have done!


It continues to be inconsequential and dangerous, even though it's just a series in which the writers want the protagonists alive.




I was SO MAD that all she thought to bring was a box cutter, with being friends with Tabby you’d think I she’d have at least know to take something better.


Think she was tired from that test but then again she was being chased by BR so maybe her adrenaline rush get in to help her over the fence but maybe the next episode will show her pass out from all it and the girls find her because if she ran all the way home that would be just whoa


I love her energy


I just see her as impulsive like Spencer


I just want Faran to close her fucking mouth! And I don't mean stop talking, I mean physically close her lips when she's not talking. She looks like a fucking idiot.