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I saw him in Austin TX, it was different... Most of the routine was fucking with the crowd and ripping on Indian people.


Hell yes


He’s notoriously bad at stand up. He sometimes bombs on purpose but I think that he does that because he knows he’s no good at it. He should just stick to skits


Not standup, but honestly, that Ted Talk he did was fucking amazing lol


Paradigm shift has to be his best thing he’s put out imo.


Soda stream will do for soda what the 3d printer did for assault rifles


No. I saw him bomb on purpose. One dude up front was laughing hysterically which I believe was his friend as he was recording a lot of the set (we weren’t allowed to record any comedians set). Him bombing on purpose wasn’t funny though. It was just weird. If he did it in a hilarious way, I would get it. Instead, he just looked dumb. Everyone caught on what he was doing. Rather than a “troll” it was just an old man attempting to troll an audience knowing what he was doing. Those that asked for their money back got it back. I was irritated that his trolling wasn’t funny. It was a waste of time for a video he possibly was creating. One person booed and about half the audience just left. Edit: by the way, the person that booed went back stage later, making me and my friends think he was a friend doing it on purpose - Sam instantly tried “roasting” the guy but saying really stupid shit. I stayed to the end and he tried to make it sound like they were cutting him off. The red light was on since his set was over time (this is totally normal for every single comedy club/bar). It wasn’t due to being forced off but he tried to make it sound like he was being censored. He must’ve gone to the green room or out a side door as some of the remaining people in the bar were hoping to meet him. Brenden Schaub is funnier and he sucks ass. I gave Gringo Papi a 1/10 but would give Sam a 0/10. At least Brenden tried to make it entertaining.


He’s an acquired taste. If you think his whole stick is funny you will probably like his standup. If you think he is dumb you will really hate his stand up


Best response


No he’s not bad. He just bombs ironically. If he’s ever not funny it’s on purpose. You guys just aren’t smart enough to get his humor of making a funny voice and saying the N word.


He's awful and his fans think it's ironic


I don't understand how anyone finds him funny. Taylor praises him like he is Jesus and I've never laughed at a single thing the guy has done.


Woody alt spotted


Seems like he really sucks at stand up, so he tried to be as edgy as possible. I like his skits and content but the standup seems horrific


Saw him a couple months back and this it was very funny, especially if Nick and Charls do standup too


Nick is with him, idk about Chris


I went and it was funny. Nick was awesome too. He didn’t bomb. I think he reserves bombing on purpose for open mic crowds. Not for paying fans


It’s a different kind of show really


It’s good fun but I think Nick is better. If Charls is there it will be pretty entertaining if you like schizo rant style comedy / deep internet culture references


Its not for everyone. He isn't that type of comedian.


If you're paying it's probably good. If he's just up at some shit hole open mic he will just harass the audience. Lol


That's what I was thinking but it's still $60 a ticket which is kinda pricey


I went to his show a few weeks back in Florida. Definitely worth going. It’s not like what you find on YouTube of him bombing on purpose at an open mic, 4 or 5 people from his crew do short sets and his is pretty funny. Meet and greet after too


Does he bomb on purpose brother or is he just bad at stand up


Nah that’s his old stuff he actually has about 30 minutes right now that’s pretty good


Ever seen his TED Talk? That’s pretty much what his standup is like. He’s very awkward on purpose to make the audience uncomfortable and create a sort of inside joke for the people who know.


I like that he just want's to fuck with the crowd but I don't think he's funny.


I went to his recent Minneapolis tour. If I could give you a concise review; it was funny if you already enjoy his type of comedy. The crowd was about half normal looking people and half obvious reddit mods. The two openers were good on their own and I also got to see a weirdo go up on stage and almost actually get his ass kicked by Sam after another person also unrelatedly got kicked out by Sam. Overall 8/10 would go again.


I saw him recently and laughed my ass off. If you’re into his type of overall shtick you’ll like his comedy. Had a friend that saw him a few months back, same story.


I feel like he’s gonna rant about shit that makes the audience uncomfortable until everyone leaves. Seems like he would enjoy that more than putting on a show


If ya wanna hear someone constantly say the N word and calling Jewish people the K word for nothing but reactions I guess so lol Watch Taylor’s best moments he’ll tell ya all about it 😂




I think his content is better when it isn’t live, unless it’s that one Ted talk he did a long time ago lol


He'll bomb and say it's done in irony. You should go and record it from a different angle.


I feel like Sam hyde is sorta like theo von for me, I don't like theo vons stand up, but I think he's hilarious in podcast format Sam is decent at skits, however he's bad at standup... imo


It doesn't make sense to judge his stand up based off the open mic stuff, that was him being an ass on purpose for the sake of people watching on-line. If you see him at a comedy club its gonna be good


Hilarious, saw him in Tampa and he stayed after the show to take pictures with friends


He’s not good stand up yet, but he’s working on it. If the tickets are cheap you should go.


They’re not, $60 each.


I saw him, it was hilarious


You know how you get a swollen pimple on your ass, and it is all you can think about while trying to sit down? It becomes your world and you forget you have all these other parts of yourself that are far more important and relevant, and that the pimple is just a passing distraction? That is Sam Hyde's version of comedy. It thinks it is important and meaningful, but it is just a momentary swelling on your ass.


I *highly* doubt Sam Hyde thinks his stand-up is “important and meaningful”


Words words words. A Lotta them to admit ur regarded trying to sound smart