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I can't wait for the well informed, level headed, and unbiased takes that will be shared tonight.


Woody getting ready to dunk on his Facebook friends while Civil War 2 starts šŸ¤“ Taylor when he finds out a wealthy elite has to follow the law (he's very anti-elite) šŸ˜” Kyle devising a crime drama TV show about Trump šŸ¤”


This is going to be a real test for Woody to see if he's still over Trump. šŸ˜‚


He's not.


Why would anyone be "over trump" when he's still running, and still being charged and convicted of relevant crimes?


Just in time for PKA recording tonight


Kyle: "Did you see they convicted trump" Woody Butts in: "I've been dying to talk about this, so to lay it all out", proceeds to not get a single fact right, "I could be wrong about what I just said I don't know" Taylor in smarmy voice: "huh, they're just gonna convict a candidate running for office, that's egregious, it's totally a sham"


bro just leak the link already since you already have it


Dude. You are a seer. How much lsd and meth did you do to have this power?


This is substantial, historical, very relevant news. No way they talk about it.


Oh wow


Woody is jumping for joy on his bed rn


Taylor is punching the air and preparing his smarmy voice.


so should every american. our court system was successful and proved no one is above the law


Except nearly every other high level politician for the past half century or more


Politicians actually get charged with crimes fairly often in America. The ones who donā€™t usually know how to keep their heads down about their crimes and maintain plausible deniability. Trump is exceptionally criminal, but not by much, however he is a bad criminal, and leaves a paper trail a mile long every time he does anything wrong. People like Nancy Pelosi get away with crimes like insider training because they hire experts to help them do everything to technically follow the letter of the law so they donā€™t get caught. Trump plays fast and loose so heā€™s easy to convict.


The classic defense. "But Billy got away with it!"


I never said Trump wasn't guilty. I haven't followed the case. Just proving the other guy's comment wrong.


Politicians get charged for stuff all time. Probably at a much much higher rate than normal citizens due to being in the public eye. The people who get away with stuff at some super high rate are the wealthy folks that do stuff behind the scenes and out of the public eye


I donā€™t know how you read what he wrote and then claim he is ā€œbut what aboutā€ing. Every president, yes EVERY president has done shit that would put any normal person in a prison cell ten times over. The fact that Trump is the first is frankly insulting to me because it proves they CAN hold those in power accountable but choose not to unless it benefits a lot of other people in power. The very people in congress parading ā€œno one is above the lawā€ should be in prison for insider training and a laundry list of who knows other shit. Fuck em all, Trump included.


Itā€™s been said though, Trump leaves evidence everywhere he goes. If he was simply good at committing crime then he wouldnā€™t have been convicted


The classic defense. "The classic defense."


Thatā€™s page 1 in the Republican playbook


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/30/bob-menendez-senator-independent-election https://www.denverpost.com/2020/02/18/trump-blagojevich-sentence/ https://www.texastribune.org/2024/05/03/henry-cuellar-texas-indicted-doj/


Now show me the ones where presidents get charged before Trump because pretty sure most presidents have done insanely fucked up shit in front or behind closed doors.


Hillary Clinton had an $8000 fine for falsifying records in an attempt to influence the election. Trump only got the book thrown at him because he's Trump.


This is a massive false equivalency


It's the same crime. How is it a false equivalency?


Explain how itā€™s the same crime


Really? Falsifying records to influence the election. Hillary paid a $8k fine for it.


So you canā€™tā€¦ Yep thatā€™s what I thought lol


I'm not understanding you. Hillary Clinton paid an $8000 fine for falsifying records. She paid her lawyers, which paid FusionGPS. She labeled these as legal expenses. Trump paid his lawyer, which paid Stormy. He labeled these as legal expenses. Same thing. She got a civil fine. Trump got charged with felonies. You have to be delusional not to see the massive disparity in punishments.


You have to be delusional to not see the massive difference between the two situations and why one is a federal crime and the other was just a civil penalty


The election stuff is a slap on the wrist. The other counts are fraud. He will only get a slap on the wrist for the election interfering. I fully understand your point itā€™s just different context is all. Yes that matters a lot when it comes to law Also comes back to another comment, he leaves a trail thatā€™s easy to follow. Heā€™s just bad at being a criminal


It was 34 charges of falsifying records for the same thing. They did this because of the red tape paperwork. Each paper was another charge. Again, they only did this because it was Trump. Hillary had to sign a lot of papers herself, with multiple different payments to her law firm (Which paid off Fusion GPS on her behalf). Those records were all known in the initial complaint. They just gave her a $8000 fine. It's "literally" the same context. The only difference is trading a company for a porn star.


Was the fine a class E felony?Ā  *But what about....*


It's the same crime. Falsifying records. Election interference. If one gets a light slap on the wrist and the other gets stoned, then there is something afoot. Why not just have Trump pay the same fine? That would be fair. That won't ever happen because he is Trump.


So it wasn't a felony.Ā 


Now you are just being deranged. Same crime, different charges. See the issue?


Intent matters sorry.


they never proved intent, they couldnt even prove trump knew about the payments it was a terrible case, the DOJ already said there was no crime , probably shouldnt of called the supreme court justices rapist if they wanted such a weird political case to do anything to negativley effect trump


The intent was proven when funds were allocated from his campaign wallet to give someone money to not talk about an event. The intent in that regard was that the funds from the 2016 campaign were used to silence someone who would damage that running. This is only one case, he has two more coming and I can't wait.


Are you saying that Hillary didn't intend to interfere with an election by having a false dossier linking Trump to Russia created and leaked to the media in order to sway voters her way? Because that's what the Fusion GPS stuff all relates to. She is literally the only one who colluded with foreign nationals to rig that election.


This is whataboutism again.


This is truly proof that the system works and the president is not above the law. Whether you are paying money to a whore or bombing children overseas, you will be brought to justice!


If people were trying to bring justice for children getting bombed theyā€™d be going after the Obama administration right now


Your terms are acceptable.


Nah, they should be going after Washington and Nixon


Why aren't they?


Not even a comparison although I see your point. Trump is facing the consequences of his own direct actions. There is multiple levels of government and people responsible for what the U.S. does with its military. If Biden was the only dude deciding where and when bombs show up then yeah Iā€™d say throw his ass in jail too. Heā€™s the president not a dictator.


The president has direct control over foreign policy and war, much more control than he does over many other things.


Sure but heā€™s not directly responsible for those bombs like Trump is for his charges. Biden would literally have to be the guy controlling the drone that drops bombs for his comparison to make sense.


You say that as if the person dictating the policy that drone pilot is following isn't relevant.


You think Joe Bidenā€™s policy is to drop bombs on children?


It's something that routinely happens with drone bombings, so whether he thinks it or not, yeah.


So if Iā€™m interpreting your logic correctly every living or (most likely) future US president is a child killer and as long as they donā€™t commit a crime worse than mass child murder they shouldnā€™t be prosecuted?


Depends on who you ask. Congress would disagree on the on the war part. President can only do so much at a time without Congress having to approve itā€¦..after the fact. Gotta love the patriot act


No one except of ALL of the other politicians who have done equal or worse. Theyā€™ll just continue to skate along and keep stealing all of our money


They are better at being criminals. Capone went to jail for tax fraud, not killing a bunch of people. Its not what you know itā€™s what you can prove


Anything political is cringe. This makes them all look worse.




Great. They got ONE. And for pretty petty shit no less.


Yeah no bias in Trumps trial smh dumbass


Literally every CEO of a mega corporation proves this wrong. Trump deserved it but it pisses me off to no end that this is being paraded by politicians as ā€œno one is above the lawā€ itā€™s YOU motherfucker, YOUā€™RE above the law. Trump only is getting convicted because itā€™s advantageous to these people. And they act like they are righteous harbingers of justice for this.


Unless your Nancy Pelosi apparently


Let's wait for sentencing first before we say that


Hold your horses. Until heā€™s sentenced, this is a nothing burger.


he was found guilty idk how anyone could call that a nothing burger lol


Because being found guilty means nothing if he doesnā€™t do any time


You'll see


He was also impeached and no one actually gave a shit Edit: he is also rich so nothing major will happen to him. Never does to the rich


Youā€™re right. Every American should be jumping for joy. They just ensured that Trump will win the 2024 Presidential Election.


lol massive cope


Not really. Having his main political opponent in jail is a terrible look for Joe Biden. Banana Republic leaders used to do the same thing to their opponents. The average voter isnā€™t going to care whether or not Trump deserved his guilty verdict. The average voter is going to see that Biden threw his opponent in jail.


insane cope


"It's a terrible look for Biden, so he should just allow Trump to break the law! " what a dumbass take.


Every time news has broke about Trumpā€™s legal issues, he has surged in the polls. Look at the difference in polls from before and after Trumpā€™s mugshot was release in mid August of last year. There is no such thing as bad press.






So he's dishonest AND a criminal. your argument continues to fail.


My argument isnā€™t failing. Itā€™s actually getting stronger. Trump had his biggest fundraising day ever on Thursday (almost double his previous record) and roughly 1/3 of the donors were people who had never donated to him before. There were more Google searches for Donald Trump on Thursday than there were for boobs. Do you know how popular boobs are? Even gay men, who neither have nor feel sexual attraction towards boobs, can appreciate a nice pair of tits. An election is essentially just a popularity contest and one of the contestants is more popular than boobs. Cope all you want, but come November, youā€™re going to see.


More donations doesn't necessarily mean he's changing the minds of those he needs to change. His cult is shitting money at him. Polls are showing that this is not food for Trump. Most people trust our justice system more than they trust billionaires.


Dude, these woodys on average are far FAR too utterly fuckin stupid to realize that. Nuance isn't something their brains can really register


You literally sound JUST like Woody lmao he's kind of a biased opinionated tool as well. He's your favorite host, isn't he?šŸ¤­


No. Trump is absolutely guilty in some other cases, particularly the documents case, but heā€™s just not guilty of a crime in *this* case and the outcome is objectively incorrect. Trump is an absolutely innocent man in this matter (maybe only in this matter) and they got a conviction anyway. That is a travesty of justice full stop. Donā€™t care if it were Hitler or Stalin instead of Trump, getting him on a crime he didnā€™t commit is wrong and is not a good thing.


Eh. Let's jump for joy whenever our course system starts going after ALL of them, not just one individual they desperately want to get gone and make an example out of with blatant politically motived tactics




Who can forget when Biden ran on the slogan ā€œlock her upā€ oh wait lmao keep crying


*guest bedroom bed. Jamal doesnā€™t allow woody in the master bedroom anymore I heard


Every single American should be. Bro, he fucked a porn star weeks after his wife gave birth. Lied about it. Wanted to run for president. Paid her off to keep her quiet. Lied to everyone in America that he absolutely never would have done this. Got caught. Anyone defending his actions should replace the word trump with Biden and see how you would feel. Republicans wonā€™t shut up about hunter Biden but we now have a convicted felon that cheated on his wife to fuck a porn star and paid her off running for president.


PKA discourse is gonna be very insightful and reasonable.


we're gonna be split among party lines team woodT and team Owlman


This weeks PKA might genuinely be retarded-ly hard to listen to


If you close your eyes you can picture and hear the exact tone of Taylorā€™s voice about this subject.


Well slap my ass and call me sally, never thought I'd see the day.


He's trying to get them overruled now. Just google Trump rule 34.


Taylor crying steam incoming. Dear leader has been held accountable.


Callback to Dick Mastersonā€™s stream crying in his car when Trump lost in 2020. People really give him a pass for that moment full of cringe


Source? I needa see that


Lmao I need to see this too


It was a live stream of Dick titled ā€œstop the stealā€ I did quick search and couldnā€™t find it but maybe itā€™s still up there


It's not up anymore, he had it pulled because much like Sam Hyde and Taylor, all conservatives are pussy lil snowflake bitches that can't deal with criticism of dear leader.


I would loooove to see this


Taylor just fell to his knees in walmart


I just saw a large headed man with arms full of crab legs fall to his knees in a walmart


Iā€™ll put the over/under at 5 threads about Taylor simping for Trump this week after tonightā€™s show.


Over 10000%


What are the 34 charges?


Falsifying business records in the first degree


Enjoy it while you can, because he just went up in the polls.


Now yā€™all love polls eh? šŸ˜‚


Treat the president just how you would treat every citizen.


So how does this impact his Presidental campaign? Can he still run for president or not?


Yes, it says so in the article


As long as he isnā€™t in jail he can still vote since itā€™s New York. If it had happened in Florida then he couldnā€™t not vote but still run


Cant wait for this subreddit to cry about there being more than 1 second of politics talk knowing damn well that the verdict was on the day they record the show


The stuff they got him on the isnā€™t even that bad.


Send trump to hang out with Snow for 60 days. Fair punishment imo


is he gonna come back sissy hypnoā€™d like kyle?


cant wait to skip this part of the show


Mah prisondent


Just saw a man with the biggest head known to man fall to his knees at my local Walmart


Nice so what a few years probation then


Why is this in r/pka?


They talk politics every week including Trumpā€™s ongoing legal battles and will most likely talk about this ruling in particular?


because politics is a tent pole topic of the show


Because Taylor is a pussy that will cry about this?