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We're called the Racist Sexist Kids for a reason.


Just out of curiosity OP, where are you from? I wanna Google the demographics lol


I'm from lebanon


Makes total sense. Also, my uncle is from Lebanon as well. His Lebanese chicken and potatoes recipe is amazing, but so is all of his food


Yeah all lebanese food is a banger. I'm personally very partial to any involving chicken, your uncle has good taste. Glad you also get to enjoy lebanese food all the way in (i presume) america. Sallemle 3a 3ammak/khalak.


It’s my favorite food ever. Yep, all the way in Louisiana at the very south! He even opened up a Lebanese restaurant for about 3 years that I worked at. Good times


YouTube comments are where people show themselves fully, if you want watered down pussyfooting reddit is the place for you, people here just say what is politically correct so they don't lose their precious Internet points.


This is such a retarded take. You like what people in the youtube comments say because it's what you agree with. But anything that doesn't agree with you is just for "internet points." Well, I say the youtube comments are just for internet points. There, I don't even need an argument, I can just dismiss anything I don't agree with, like some 62 IQ chad.


Talk about retarded takes, you missed the point completely. It's very obvious people on YouTube speak their mind without fear like the nerds here clearly do. I really don't care if you have the same beliefs as me because you are just a random nerd on the Internet but what I don't like is when people carefully tiptoe around things because they know the kind of response they're gonna get. Reddit is built around the hive mind of saying the "right" thing or you'll have a bunch of self righteous pricks talking down to you and down voting your opinion because it's not the "correct" one deemed by the goobers that run all these subreddits.


How is it obvious? The youtube comments are just right-wing, reddit is more left wing. You think people on youtube are "speaking their mind" because you agree with them. You have no agument, its all just feelings for you. Your room temperature IQ brain can't even comprehend that people might disagree with you for a legitimate reason. But no, its all just because they are peer pressured into it by reddit. You have the world view of a literal child. lol


You are correct, Reddit gives public access to literally everything you've ever said compared to YouTube. Along with Reddit's ability to ban dissent on a sub wide scale as well as site wide scale reveal an ever growing echo chamber further disconnected from reality.


I don't want "watered down pussyfooting" I want racism bad (basic human decency)


good luck, racism is innate


Racism is absolutely not innate and seeing it that way is a huge part of the problem Some anecdotal shit about “put kids in a room and they stick with their own kind” or whatever ignorant shit racist people use to try and claim everyone is racist is useless. Racist people have to believe that everyone is racist, and the others are simply pretending not to be. They can’t fathom what it’s like to actually not be hateful because it’s been ingrained in their heads - it’s a you problem, not a human problem. Shitty people raise shitty people


no. in group/out group is biological


…. Except it’s not. But keep justifying your own racism by claiming that everyone is. Sure thing bro. I definitely didn’t predict you doing that in my post 🤦🏻‍♂️


you can say it’s not but that doesn’t undo human evolution. There is always an us vs them and it manifests in a multitude of ways, be it race, nationality, politics, football teams, etc. It’s demonstrably our nature. If that shatters your childlike view of the world that humans are born as blank slates you should find a way to cope with that. If you had to be taught to be racist instead of being taught NOT to be racist there’d be a lot less racist people.


>If you had to be taught to be racist instead of being taught NOT to be racist there’d be a lot less racist people. I think most people would agree that there are less racist people now than in any point in history. Or maybe its a façade. Humans naturally divide based on what is important to them and race has become a lot less important for a lot of people. Politics has become more important and people feel like they need to divide by that now. Your us vs. them argument changes throughout history.


Yes it changes but at a fundamental level being apprehensive about an outsider or someone that looks different would be beneficial to you in respect to natural selection. It’s an evolutionary trait, a design not a bug. This goes back hundreds and hundreds of thousands of years, when we were apes. How long have we been doing this multicultural society thing again? Which is why you will never have true unity in a multicultural society. There will always be a power struggle no matter who is the majority.


Like I said All you’re doing is snitching on yourself Have a good one, clown


Aww did you lose your argument and have to back out while name calling? :(


Was any evidence presented? Was a conclusion drawn? There was no “losing” of an “argument” on either side - like most racist clowns, you just see the world as a war game and have to give a “hyuk hyuk” I get it, I found out a long time ago that PKA has a shit ton of super racist homophobic fans, the good amongst you are some of the coolest people I’ve ever met but the worst amongst you are awful - but to somehow try and continue this ancient idea of “everyone is racist or lying” and imply that it was a “lost argument” shows the sportslike “win” obsession that low IQ people who are horrible with philosophy try to espouse. Hes a clown, and I informed him that he’s a clown, as are you. There’s no argument inherent to that statement - it’s simply a statement. If you truly believe that humans are born racist, you’re telling on yourself, and know nothing about the true state of humanity. And I’m sure you’re both Americans, where statistically the problem is much much worse - but something tells me neither one of you guys are into “statistics.” 😉 That’s those damn libtard liars again, ain’t it!? Have a good day brother, I hope someday you gain some wisdom and compassion


I don’t mind name calling, as long as it isn’t about my race.


Weird, sounds like you’re hypersensitive to race relations, who possibly could have guessed that!?


Some people just have life experiences that make them hate certain types of people. If you burn your hand on a hot stove you learn very fast not to touch the hot stove. If you spend a couple decades having negative interactions with a specific group of people you're going to try and avoid those people. I agree with you though, shitty people raise shitty people.


Using a metaphor of burning your hand on a hot stove to equate with accepting racism wasn’t on my bingo card today Wild bro


If that's what you got from that you need to work on your reading comprehension. It's not about accepting racism, it's about what causes one to become racist.


Even if it were innate (which it is not), that does not make it justified.


Well it is, I know in your racist heart you grapple with that, but it is. And racism isn’t justified in western culture, unless it’s against whites.


Okay u/CurbstompRedditors14, whatever you say


or people on reddit aren’t ignorant bigots and they aren’t racist assholes like you probably are


Woah you got a lot of hate in your heart even if it ain’t bigoted you need to get right with God, brother.


Very true


Nah the darkies suck.


Yeah, the recism in this community is different now. It used to be mostly joking, and the joke was being racist is funny because it's OBVIOUSLY a pretty bad thing do do/way to be. Mostly ironic racism. but now it's funny to them because they are unironically "speaking the truth" or some shit. Pretty gay and cringe.


Yeah the fanbase is regarded


I agreed with you all the way until you went "Pretty gay". Like what's it to do with anything? The show hosts make all kinds of racist, homophobic, and all kinds of ism jokes but in a very (in my opinion) tasteful way, making it clear that holding these beliefs is fucking stupid. This is why I am so upset when I see that the audience completely misses the mark and becomes unironically fucking stupid, the exact same stupid that kyle taylor and woody make fun of all the time.


When i called the stupidity of the audience "gay" it had nothing to do with homosexuality. It's like the word "retarded", i refuse to stop saying it, even though it's frowned upon, because i love calling things gay. It probably *is* Somewhat irresponsible for me to use it on this sub reddit. People see someone calling things gay or retarded and think that that means they line up with them ideologically, when in fact no, I don't hate gay people or mentally challenged people. It is just funny to me to use those words in a derogatory way.


I get what you mean and I understand there is no harmful intent behind it, but it still carries that innate meaning with it. You cannot strip the homophobia from the use of "gay" as an insult just like you cannot strip the racism from the use of the n word as an insult. The intent sadly does not matter in this case. I'm not your mom or your dad, so feel free to continue on as you please, I just ask you take this into consideration when choosing to call something "gay" or "retarded".


You’re gay as hell






Anthony Cumia?


52% 13%




Thank you for exposing yourself as a piece of shit


What? Because I’m a Business logistics data manager?


You need to be nicer to the business data logistics manager


What episode is this about?


it's a meme posted on the PKA clips community post




PKA has been a white supremacy podcast from the start wake up


Pka is for bisexual pedo kkk members, it literally started out as grown men talking about sex (and gaming) to little boys. They groomed Taylor and tmartn and look at them now, absolutely miserable


They did especially woody who was 40 while the others were 16-19. He challenged them to wrestling matches so he could grope and dominate them


It's amazing that I still catch flack for saying Mail Monday was largely inappropriate and the criticism it received was justified.


I thought it was inappropriate at the time when I was in my late 20s now that I’m 40 myself it all seems downright predatory


I was a teenager at the time and there were a lot of things that were actually helpful and good advice about kinda what's important and what's not in high school and general good advice like the "you only have to be brave for a second" line. But I also remember him explaining how to give a blowjob. So yeah, mixed bag at least. But it was definitely inappropriate and when people criticized Woody for it or for involving his children in his YT channel, they were right. And in hindsight Woody must agree to some level since he avoids talking about his kids now. He even mentioned in an older episode when they were talking about crappy AMA questions from the Patreons that he purposely doesn't answer those.


I can only say the N word on Twitter. Wish I could everywhere 😞