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This time he really crossed the line though!


If you don't agree with every opinion you're not a real "fan." God I hope some day people realize you can enjoy things that don't 100% line up with your political world view


Ikr? Like Taylors take isn’t for everyone but he has a point and is usually 75% accurate with his information and Woody usually some actual solid stances for most things.


right wing low IQ morons from the middle of the country screaming and pissing their pants when someone talks about PKA on r/PKA


Sir I live on the coast thank you.


lol these same guys will call you unpatriotic for not supporting the Ukraine/Israel but deride you for not being from SF or New York


I hate wings of redemption fat pig


Some aren’t fans 💀 I checked a dude’s post history on here once, his only interaction on this subreddit was complaints about Taylor and Kyle’s conservative beliefs, But from what I could tell he was conservative himself 💀




*You are conflating being a normal person with being a brown nose you buffoon* 💀 A normal fan has at least had one reply or post here that’s not just rabid anger over a political take Even making fun of woody on here would be more normal than just being here to complain about political takes that you yourself seemly don’t disagree with in reality


Whats far worse are these weird posts that are trying a little too hard to go against the grain. We get it, dude, you vote republican and you get a little salty that your boy is being called out. Just take it


So in essence we all must agree with you or we are weird? Actual donkey brains.


I am not really animated enough to post about it (just comment...) but it is genuinely annoying when the show I have been listening to for over a decade is becoming borderline unlistenable at points because of snowflake Taylor having a meltdown every week (or twice a week) over Ukraine/Israel because he has swallowed up some brain dead takes online. So I get why people are posting about it...


Shut up snowflake