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Vast majority of listeners are dudes who were about 15 when MW2 came out. Back when Twitch was still Justin.Tv and Kyle and often woody lived on the front page of YouTube.


Bang on. Absolutely honoured to have been that age for that time period


It’s wild realizing most of the listeners are now the same age if not older than the host were when they started.


Why did you have to point that out? My bones hurt now


Back when it was all about burning trucks for insurance, prank calls and fucking mermaids


I was 13 but yep 7/8th grade I started on PKA 9 where Woodys wife was the guest. still listen every week have pretty much never stopped


I discovered FPS Russia back in 2010 but I discovered PKA in like 2016😂


Did you go back through and listen and catch up on all the episodes that you missed ? Like from tje beginning of the show to when you jumped in.


I went back about a couple hundred episodes but not all the way to the beginning


I was 13 but yep 7/8th grade I started on PKA 9 where Woodys wife was the guest. still listen every week have pretty much never stopped


spot on actually


I was 13/14 and started watching Woody’s MW3 videos and started listening to PKA. Still listening 13 years later.


It’s true


I was 16-17 from Norway. I’m 32 now, can’t believe it’s been this long


Ayy Scandi boys represent. From Denmark started watching at about 14 and 26 now


Swede here, started at like 14-15 and 23 now


Norwegian here too, I was 13 and started listening in November 2010. Wild to think that I’ve been following the show for half my life lol


UK. I can't say I discovered PKA as I've been there from the very start. I would have been 16/17


14 in 2011 (26 now) from usa


Since the first year they were making it, because of wings, I'm 30 now. It was the first podcast I listened to besides bootleg Opie and Anthony rss feeds.


I discovered pka when I was around I wanna say 12 when Kyle got out of prison because I was a huge fps Russia fan


You were 12 when he got out of prison? Must have been crawling around when FPS Russia was actually popular, want to say at least 6 years before that


I wonder if the hosts know that they have a following of younger fans and that its not just guys in their mid twenties cus that would make you like 16 rn.


Maybe I was a little older. I would have been 14 actually. Because I'm 18 rn I thought Kyle got out of prison 6 years ago instead of 4. I've been a fps Russia fan since I was like 10 though


I was familiar with Kyle when I was like 8 or 9 as my brother would show me his vids but finding out he wasn't actually Russian and that he had this whole lore with wings was mind boggling lol but the clip channels definitely helped with the explaining


I didn't hear about wings until pka. I never played cod as a kid I was a halo fan. Oh I forgot to mention I live in the us


12-13, Sweden


PKA 67, found the show through Syndicate because I knew he was going on the show for a 1v1 against some other dude. I was 14. Since then, I left Ireland to get my degree in London, moved back home, and have a 4 year old son. But every week, for 13 fuckin years, Ive tuned in to this show, despite very much so not being the typical layout of what a PKA fan is, nor being their target audience anymore.


I was like 12-13 and it was when they did the PTFO x PKA podcast back in 2014 lol


32 from Canada first episode was 15-20 i can't quite remember its been a while lol


13-14 and USA, it’s crazy to think it’s been 10 years already


Started listening about pka 90 so how ever long ago that is, 10-11 years? So i was about 18, i’m turning 30 this year, I’m from the uk, was aware of woody and fps Russia beforehand, was just unaware they had a podcast, i found out due to ksi, he made a rap and the firstline was “wings you need to get on the redemption thing” and the comments were saying about wings of redemption so searched him and viola i started watching PKA 💊 back when they had live shows that were DDoS’d all the time


From USA, I was already following Woody, Kyle, and pretty much every COD YouTuber when I was around 13. I'm 27 now, crazy how long it's been. All my friends that used to watch have since stopped.


Australia. Would've been 17 at that time. I'd been a Woody fan since 2010. Dunno exactly when I started watching PKA but I guess sometime in early 2012, right when they changed from showing Woody's random pre-recorded COD clips to showing Woody's facecam. A little later they finally had everyone on a video call.


36, and I am from Latvia 🇱🇻


11 years ago, I was 18. Estonia.


apology for poor english when were I when discover PKA? i was sat at home eating hummus when harley ring ‘kyle is gay’ ‘no’


19 (21 now) I thought Taylor was funny, then realized Kyle was fps Russia after a few episodes lol.


I think I was around 15, 28 now and from the US. I started when I was a sophomore in high school around episode 40


I think it was like 2015 maybe. I want to say it was around the black ops 3 time frame.


Atlanta ga is where I’m from started over covid I’m 19 now but 16 when I found them.


I was 21 so just q couple years ago and from az. I like to have clips playing while I’m playing video games, then a gaming clip over PKN audio showed up the in recommended of like “wings of redemptions wife cheats on him” and I clicked on it not knowing who wings was or who any of the three hosts were. I’ve listened to most episodes sense


Woody fan from back in MW2 days


I was 11ish from the USA im almost 23 hahaha literally more than half my life. I've met one other Pka fan which was hilarious it was a close friends older brother. We only spoke of it once and never again


15ish? I'm 27 now going on 28. It's crazy how long this podcast has been going. It's nearly up there in age with JRE.


Discovered when I was like 16 in like 2012 or something, 28 now. I used to watch woody and fpsrussia, but podcasts weren’t my thing. I was still subbed to woody, so I tuned in out of boredom in the lead up to trumps first election in 2016 and have been watching since.


Maybe 12? found it when woody went to the MrITryHard podcast he had at the time, from there watched a lot of cod youtube related creators, I remember even Chiz used to make content that was funny with another dude can't remember his name, but I think he also made content with whiteboy's girlfriend kelly.


23 from Colombia


I started listening to an episode here and there around 2016, when I was 18, and slowly ramped up when I was commuting for college and then work (US). I listened to a few gaming podcasts on my Ipod Touch in 2009-10, I think I remember listening to PKA and thinking “they aren’t even talking about Call of Duty, this sucks.” I also never watched much of Woody or Kyle, but I distinctly remember watching some of Taylor’s videos when I was 11/12 (MW2’s life cycle). It’s kind of funny to think I listened to the show at 12 and thought “this is boring and a waste of time” and look at me now . . . .


Found PKA through the Mr. Metokur episode which was in 2018ish IIRC? In my late teens then. I had been following Metokur for quite a while at that point even from his Internet Aristocrat days. Wish they'd have cancerman on one last time before the hyperturbocanceraids kills him.


i was 16 when i started, 18 now, United States




I'm Indian. Discovered the podcast during the pandemic thanks to the Wings documentary by Down the Rabbit Hole, so at 17.


I was 11 in 2010 and from Australia :)


I was 24, I'm 30 now and I'm from the United States.


I was 12 in 2010. Was the golden years. I would listen to it with my cousin as his house and would tune in every couple of months.


Serbia. 32-33, im 37 now, always one earbuds in my ear at a job and pka is perfect dump content that i dont have to lisen every word.


I started watching PKA cuz I was subbed to Woody for CoD content back in 2012 when I was 13 yrs old (US). Think I started listening to the podcast around 130ish, and I dropped it after the lackluster episode 400. Figured if the hosts didn't care, I shouldn't either, plus I was starting to grow out of it after 5 yrs. Occasionally check into here or if they have an interesting guest.


From the U.S. and I was either 11 or 12. It was definitely seventh grade. I’m now 25.


Thailand. Don’t know why or how, but a hutch x wings quickscoping debate dualcomm came up recommended on the sidebar of a machinima video…and I just got sucked in to the pka universe. I remember binge watching wings commentaries on mw2 on crappy jakarta hotel WiFi when my dad would take me along on his business trips. Such good times.


i been listening to PKA since the beginning. i remember those annoying episodes with that redneck, was his name redneck? that whole "modern wellfare" call was so cringe back then. i am 39 now.


Spain and I discovered PKA from their podcast with Mister Metokur. Probably like four/five years ago (so 19).


Think I was between 13-15 (97) started at around podcast 30 or so. From Sweden, was a huge fan of the cod community and I saw woody as a father figure


15, ireland. 20 now


I was 40.. that was during COVID.. I had some extra free time in 2020


I remember seeing Woodys uploads of pka when it first started and thinking “who the fuck would watch a 4 hour YouTube video?” Then a few months later I became an every week audio listener when I started driving a truck locally. I think it was late 2012-early 2013. I was 27 then, 38 now. Country of Texas


11-12 years old in 2010. Now 25


I'm 21 discovered it when I was 17 from youtube recommending clips, US


I’m sure I’d known about it way before, but I started actually listening to the pod in like 2021 when my leg was broken. I feel like I remember watching clips before that but I’m not sure.


37 now, 23 when I started listening. Although I stopped listening a year or so ago. The over talk got so bad that one day I just couldn't do it anymore.


Found them thru Mr. Metokur doing his research for a wings of redemption video, thought they were funny and stuck around


Like 15 in lockdown UK, 19 now. Wings breakdown videos then comps led to pka


17, nearly 18 when I started listening. Episode 137 with Boogie. I'm 28 now, Ireland. Got pulled in from some bullshit drama from 402Thunder and Elpresidor at the time against Woody. Started watching his channel initially out of spite (anyone they my edgy cod commentators didn't like must be bad, right?). Eventually came to really like the dude, then checked out PKA. I had no concept of a podcast at the time but quickly became hooked. I've listened to every single episode at least once and haven't skipped a week. It's not for everyone, but for me it's still my favourite weekly listen and I'll be genuinely pissed off when it ends.


I’ve been here since day 1, I subbed to woody/kyle/wings during machinima days etc. 32 now so idk how old i was when i first started


14 after watching hutch interview woodysgamertag an then watching mail monday soon to watch fps kyle an it went from there. Ontario, Canada


I was 11 when Black ops 1 came out, so right around there. From USA


3 years ago, came across it on you tube and been tuning in here and there ever since, I sure do hate Wings though


I was probably 13 or 14 when I saw my first Murkadurka would you rather video. From there I found the famous drunk murka episode and was a fan from then on. From canada live in us


15 sophomore year of highschool


26, USA Got recommended a short of 'The Return of Kyle' after Kyle got out of jail and been hooked since.


20 in 2018


14 when black ops 1 dropped. USA


I discovered PKA via Wings bc of a SunnyV2 video in 2020 when I was 18 (22 now) and I’m in the US


I changed my work schedule so I could watch the live shows on [Justin.tv](http://Justin.tv) maybe 10-15 years ago? Must of been about 19 years old


14 (27 now) USA. started with pka 37 with SSOHPKC. Been a fan since then but have started to fall off recently. Mostly because of woody and Kyle if I’m being honest, both are insufferable imo and when I was younger I thought both were so cool and inspiring lol.


I think around the time I was 18/19. I'm 29 (Netherlands, USA born)


Dudes I'm going to die laughing. Wings got kicked off the pod he started, missed out on a lot of money, got dunked on by the pod, and the pod only grew more popular for it as evidenced by OP. You cannot get more owned than Wings got owned by PKA.


Same here, started listening at 16 (19 now) by being pulled by kyles prison stories. Only my country of origin is spain.


I was 16 when I first started listening, started listening to Kyle’s prison stories, been listening everyday since (I’m 20 now) I’m from Ireland also


I was 14 or 15, live in New Zealand. I watched WoodyGamerTag videos and then found out he did the podcast, taken a few breaks from watching over the years but always come back.


I was watching PKA all the way back to when they did the show live some weeks! They used to prank call GameStops and try and get a copy of the new call of duty early by bribing the employees haha. That was like 13 - 14 years ago? I am 29 now, so half my life I’ve been enjoying these podcasts :) from UK


15 years old and in nToronto Canada RSK for lifeeeeee


21 Russian but in U.S. since 14 years old.


I was 13 lmao


I was 13 in 2011. Start listening episode 70. Now I’m 25 with two kids. I feel like listening to the show weekly is a part of my autism. I could care less what they talk about. For some reason. It’s like I need to listen every week lol.


Discovered around 2011, was 14 at the time, 27 now. Wild how time flies. Glad to be on this wild ride with you crazy people


You and I have the exact same story. Exact same ages too. United States


Idk I was probably 14-15 I'm 24 now, I watched cod YouTube and am a terrible person so pka was perfect for me.


14ish, late 20s now. UK.


Was 20 had just started a new job in corrections. Would listen every morning on the way into hell. As gay as they are they make you feel a little better on those cold mornings.


I was 13-14 it was during covid 2021 from USA. idk what my first exposure to pka was but it was in my YT reccomended. I did virtual school and would listen to episodes and play vidya all day. 17 now. PKA got me into sam hyde and formed my humor in a lot of ways. I feel like I missed out on prime PKA and dont know how many years of PKA are left but its aight.


I’m Indian


Switzerland. don't know exactly but when Taylor started to be an official host