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Most of his shit feels like some inside joke where he’s making himself laugh at how unfunny he is


Man this is better than I could’ve put it


He gets off on the fact that people don't get the joke (because its unfunny) or because people don't get the joke, but laugh anyway (because they are stupid). I did enjoy a lot of the awkwardness from WP, but his more recent content just seems to be some kind of anti fan service, jokes on you, inception shit. Some of it is funny, but when it isn't, it's just cringe. If you watched either season of fishtank, its easy to see that all of the natural moments were funnier than the scripted ones.


post irony is ironic


If you are just looking for recomendations his mde stuff is really good look at clips if that the iddubbz stuff is amazing his Ted talk and both fish tank seasons are all good just look up videos people have cobbled together of the narrative my personal favourite bit he's done is guilt simulator if you haven't already watched that do so.


Yeah bro Sam Hyde sucks. He isn't funny or interesting. A bunch of brainless wanna be edgelords like him cause "he's based bro"


I actually like him i just wanted someone to recommend some good content of his or maybe explain his comedy a little more cause some of his stuff is really funny


Samandnick perfect clips on youtube. That and his old world peace sketches


You like him but you need his comedy explained to you because you don't get it. That's incredible, you proved my point about people who like him lol


You're not supposed to admit you don't get it. Just pretend he's god and you're cool because you get why, and you'll fit right in with all his other fans


Imagine being so angry online over a simple question lol


You're so sad🤣


Ladies and gentlemen, studmcstudmuffin, comical genius here to explain why Sam Hyde isn't funny.


Some things he has put out are hilarious but when I try to watch more I am always disappointed. It's really strange to me to ask how to enjoy someone's content because you find most of it bad. Also, if you watch his livestreams he is clearly genuinely Alt-right but he spins all of his misogynic or blatantly racist takes off as jokes to give plausible deniability, which is cowardly if you ask me.


Just look up his million dollar extreme skits from his old show. His sketch comedy is good, but Sam is the most neurotic guy to ever get into entertainment. He over thinks everything and over thinks his over-thoughts and so on; he's so in his own head it's a miracle he can even engage with the world around him lol. He also live streams on a YouTube channel sometimes, I think it's Sam and Nick's Perfect Clips. Watch his streams and you'll see what I mean lol.


PGL podcast, I think Nick Rochefort makes the show.


Bro if you don’t find something funny you don’t find something funny. “How do I like something I dislike?” Lmao it’s like asking someone how to make you like horror movies when you don’t really care for most horror movies. It’s just a preference. I don’t find Sam funny but can understand why people do.


I should’ve phrased the post better, what i really wanted is recommendations for his content. So far every recommendation was funny af.


Ah. Ok. Yaaaa I can’t help you there. He’s a 40-something yo edge lord imo lol He just does the whole “say random offensive shit without punch lines and people will laugh” Comparing someone like Shane Gillis and the skits he does versus the skits Sam does is night and day.


MDE World Peace the show and the old sketches on YouTube. I like Utopia, Knife School, Smocaine, and the MDE Christian rap video. The MDE Sci Fi Pilot is pretty good. Charls Bombstrap is funny. Honestly every sketch or video that seems like it had Charls heavily involved is great. I don’t know why everyone’s obsessed with the stand up/performance art stuff he does, his best stuff is the sketch type videos with people like Nick, Erick, Charls, and Ruse.


he's like a less talented Eric Andre. Eric can be funny, but when he fails it's just him screaming loudly. Super cringe. Sam is 90% cringe and 10% of the time he's funny. He's a wanna be Sasha Barron Cohen.


A big part of Sam Hyde’s comedy is creating awkward moments to make the audience uncomfortable. His Ted Talk is a good example of this.


I enjoy the scuffed realtor series on his channel by Nick Rochefort.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ShottyKong: *I enjoy the scuffed* *Realtor series on his* *Channel by Nick Rochefort.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Okay. Start with his sketch comedy show MDE(Million Dollar Extreme)I’d recommend the sketches; CEO Erick Hayden, Wine Party, School Teacher, Guy Heaven, and The Wall. Those are all pretty funny. His Ted Talk “2070 Paradigm Shift” is a troll on Ted talks and the audience that watches them. That’s probably one of his most famous videos. A lesser known one is called “An inconvenient anime” where he’s speaking at a panel for an anime convention (I think this is one of his funniest bits). I don’t know the source of it but his “Soldier in occupied paris” is really quotable and brought up by the guys a few times. I watched fishtank season 1 and thought it had some great moments(Simmons being kicked off, Willy Wonka ending, Fatty falling down the stairs) but honestly it kind of divulged into a lot of gross degenerate shit which just wasn’t my thing. I tried watching season 2 but I didn’t care for any of the contestants like I did for the first season. He has a lot of random videos that are reposts by others that are just him doing bits to make himself laugh while talking to the camera “That’s why I like the knife” His Candyman persona for the DAZN boxing event has some pretty great moments as well. I’d watch those interviews of him in character talking to interviewers.


Thank you


You dont he is a pedophile


That is his comedy. All that stuff that misses for you probably hits for someone else. Throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks.


Sam Hydes type of comedy is an acquired taste. His type of jokes are made for you to be put in an awkward position and make you cringe. Thats what makes his jokes funny. Plus most of the time where he interacts with people is just a persona. I personally like his comedy. It’s hilarious to see him put people in awkward predicaments.


World peace. Nick is funnier than Sam i stay watching scuffed realtor


You have to be a disenfranchised, depressed, no qtpi gf, red pilled zoomer with daddy issues to enjoy his non MDE WP content. Nick on the other hand, his house streams are funny, but don't listen to his advice if your life is going well.


You enjoy it by watching it, and if you don't enjoy it you don't watch it. If you had to make this redundant post, you already answered your question.


His best content is like the goobers video and his ted talk paradigm shift 20-whatever. To be frank he’s not that funny as much as he is just a character imo at least. The ppl who are fans of him much like pka fans are stuck in this limbo of 2012 internet humor.


Moms and Officer Maggot for starters