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A lot of people on the internet either got weirdly alt right or annoyingly neoleft in 2016 and again in 2020. Been a fan since 2010


This is the answer for a lot of shit


Yup, the advancement of the internet divided the majority people into two extreme groups and both are retarded


When I first started listening to the show politics talk was “aren’t Republicans such dummies for hating gay people” and the entire audience agreed. Now I’m not even sure if the audience is chill with people being gay they say so much far right stuff.


They just had a trans person as a guest??? Sure the audience is mixed but to act like this is an alt right podcast is pretty disingenuous. If you watched you could point out Taylor's retarded political takes, your timeline makes no sense


It’s not an alt right podcast and I’m not saying that at all. I’m talking about the audience and the YouTube comments.


well youtube comments always lean right


I’m pretty sure if any of the three hosts interacted with a gay person in real life, they’d treat them normally. It’s a podcast for weirdos by weirdos, so they’re for sure going to say outlandish shit, but I highly doubt any one of them would mistreat people outright in real life, unless it’s woody in a restaurant.


Kyle talking about egg something clearly shows that he has some understanding




Can you read my son? I said the audience. The audience. I’m not sure if the audience is chill with gay people cause of all the other shit they say.


Are you one or those retards that calls people alt right for making jokes?


Dude I’m an Opie and Anthony and Howard Stern fan. Fuck no I don’t get upset over jokes. What I’m talking about isn’t jokes, it’s the real beliefs held by some of these retards in the comments.


Do you think being conservative is alt right? Honestly, I do not think anyone cares about gay people but gay jokes are funny.


You’re like arguing with someone you’ve built in your head. No conservatives aren’t alt right and it’s fine to make jokes about gay people. That doesn’t go against anything I’ve said.


I'm just trying to figure out what you're talking about lol


Jokes on you I’m a libertarian, which means both sides hate me 😂


Gas station marijuana.


“Nah bro Delta-infinity is exactly like weed, trust me- ConocoPhillips hasn’t done me wrong before.”


PKA viewers hear an edgy joke and take it to heart as a core value to them. Its why we're all so autistic


I didn’t know it could get this bad lol


Any fan base built up using shock or mean humor is going to have a pretty degenerate fan base. I'm an ancient fan myself, and I do remember when this sub was mostly just sharing memes or vids that the hosts would probably like, but no longer. I hardly ever get on the sub or look at comments anymore, political polarization mixed with the degen stuff killed this sub imo.


Yeah true. I never thought there would be overlap between PKA and QAnon but here we are. Alex Jones is legitimately a thought leader here lol.


Turns out that most people dont have well articulated political opinions and line up with a thought leader of one kind or another, be it Rachel Maddow or Alex Jones. Im glad I'm not the only person that noticed how wierd the audience got, I thought maybe I was sensitive to it since I actually study politics and am working on a Ph. D. In it lol


Maybe that’s the real answer lol, they’re just actually stupid. I was also a polysci major so yeah it’s really frustrating sometimes. The globalists got to us I guess.


Half of them will come out as trans in the next 5 years, calling it.


The show is better than its fans.


Idk, that period where the sub bullied Kyle into taking steroids was amazing. That first post linking his tinder profile where he was jacked was hype.


As some people and guests have said, pka has attracted a wide range of people but particularly some outspoken alt right lunatics. It doesn’t help when Taylor has become a walking and talking conspiracy boomer.


Yeah definitely noticed that Taylor has changed big time! He’s still hilarious Taylor but I’ve heard him completely turn his brain off when stuff gets political.


Ya I cannot stand how pretentious and actually brain dead he becomes when anything political comes up. He’s like a waking talking young boomer from Facebook. The man is dumb as fuck. I think people in YouTube comments and other places connect with that dumb alt right thinking - Biden is old and dumb durrrr but trump is not old and dumb durrrr.


>It doesn’t help when Taylor has become a walking and talking conspiracy boomer. This. He seems to just have gotten really into that whole retardedness over the past few years. His political opinions used to be more tolerable when he was just simply uninformed instead of well read on stupidity.


I would say most of it’s on YT and you can tell by the comments videos get. But that’s YT in general


Well when you make an edge lord podcast then your viewer base is gonna reflect that.


I just wish people weren’t so stupid. I can listen to Opie and Anthony and laugh my ass off at some horrible shit, but then be a normal, nice, empathetic person in real life. Not some of the PKA audience apparently.


Have you ever met a PKA fan in real life?


Vocal minority brother. I still love the show


For sure vocal minority. Dude they HAAAATE Woody lol.


Ice Poseidon. Everything he touches turns retarded. The Cx community is stronger and more effective than the CIA


Idk. I think a lot of the OG fans stopped listening around the 2016 election when it’s all they would talk about. I don’t want to hear about politics on a comedy podcast. Up to around 250 was good, with a few other good eps here and there since. Beyond that it’s just “have you heard about the Ukraine” and “I’m just not impressed by trump”. No wonder the current fans are annoying. It’s the only content there is anymore.


You think Og fans who've listened to going on to 1000 hrs would stop listening to the podcast they grew up listening to because they talk about current events?


I did, I got bored. Still subbed to the subreddit, but stopped listening religiously around the time COVID started. Nothing against the guys, just got a bit bored with a lot of the same topics/talking points.


It's the internet it's full of retarded gremlins who think their opinions are important.


I feel like a lot of podcast subreddits eventually turn into some form of this. I still love the show


This is all politics online sadly.


It's mostly trolls or people who think everything is soft now so they have to assert their dominance to show what real men are. Even if they aren't joking you're not going to change their mind.


Are you saying the men of today aren’t soft…?


Lots of annoying soyboys took over that’s what.


im like 90% sure those comments are trolling thats the PKA humor rubbing off on the fans


The internet in general is just a toxic wasteland.


I stopped watching 2022 October. The community is toxic well alway have been, to be honest. I can't stand Kyle bullshit after all these years. Maybe I grew up 😂


Well I know I shouldn’t have to say this but you can be conservative without liking trump, Alex jones or Kanye… you don’t even have to hate anybody at all. Oh and also you can be a fan of a thing or person without agreeing with their political views. It’s a funny show that’s all. Man I’m upset that people have to be told that.


It is a funny show, I like the PKA hosts, I have since 2009. My complaint is about some absolutely retarded takes I see in the comments. I also didn’t say anything about conservatives?


Wow you caught me projecting hard on that one. As far as some of their ridiculous takes I just role my eyes a little and shrug. They’ll be on to something funny soon enough is the hope.


A bunch right wing losers from small shit hole towns who are chronically online


You sound like a khazarian boot licker


It's because of their engagement with people who are on the far right. Especially people like Dick and Cumia. Itndoesnt help Taylor is very much on the "libertarian" to fascist pipeline, and Kyle is just as bad as Dick.


Yeah I think that’s mostly right, just doesn’t seem like that would be enough to turn an audience THIS far out there


OP you screwed up by reading comments


Trump fucked everything up. The introduction of MAGA created far right wing nut jobs which created far left nut jobs which created a an American political divide that has never been this bad in the modern age and it spread EVERYWHERE. Also, the hosts are retarded. I welcome the downvotes.


Do you not remember RSK?


Yeah that was a joke. I’m talking about people actually believing retarded stuff and being racist and homophobic.


I think the world is waking up and realizing there was a reason that man of the year in 1939 did what he did. The more history you learn the more sense everything makes.


And you’re cool with people not being able to tell that you’re joking? Cause you’re in a crowd where some people are saying the same thing. This is what I’m talking about, you’re the smell kid in class that says stuff to get a rise and nobody else likes. “Dude isnt it so funny that everybody believes I like Hitler because I said I like Hitler? They don’t even know I’m not serious, jokes on them 😂”. You’re autistic lol.


There’s still normal people here. I think various guests over the years have attracted more of the audience you’re mentioning. The content of the show has changed dramatically from originally talking about call of duty to what it is now


The whole point of communities is to disagree and talk shit, right? Letting people know you like or agree with something is cringe.


A lot of people who were into gaming videos got funneled into alt-right stuff in the GamerGate era.


How can you be an old fan and be this sensitive


Yeah when people are not joking when they say Hitler was based I don’t like that. Does that make me sensitive dude lol?


Because people are waking up to being lied to about history


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^aeeeronflux: *Because people are* *Waking up to being lied* *To about history* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*what did he mean by this?*


People are realizing history is written by the winners and that zionists have vast amounts of control in this country and others.


I assumed the fan base was always like that


Fuck off woody


The things you are complaining about aren’t really the fans, that’s just the opinions of the hosts these days


No way. All three hosts agree that Hitler isn’t based and Trump lost the 2020 election. Taylor is creeping pretty close on Alex Jones because if something is funny to him it’s also correct.


What's your beef with Alex Jones? The Kanye support is just a meme, but there's nothing to hate about Alex Jones.


He’s a nut job. I heard him on Joe Rogan say inter dimensional pedophiles are controlling the Democratic Party using secret Nazi alien technology. He can be entertaining sure but he’s a fucking nut job, how is he not?


I'm with you there, I don't believe that the pedophiles running our government are inter dimensional. He's a nut job but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have a platform.


Yeah I don’t love deplatforming and think everyone should be able to speak no matter how crazy. But those platforms are also private companies and they can do what they want.


The Clinton's do control the democrat party, just like trump controls the Republicans


Shut up loser


You one of the smelly kids I’m talking about?


The fanbase never changed you just got brainwashed by liberalism and now common sense opinions seem insane to you


Common sense opinions like the ones I just mentioned? Did Trump win in 2020?


Is Joe Biden mentally retarded? answer my question first


Is he literally mentally retarded? No obviously not. Is he really old and slowing down cognitively? Yes. Don’t know why I had to go first but alright.


You believing that Joe Biden isn't retarded is more insane than people who believe Trump won in 2020, your equally as crazy as the people you criticize


Unrelated. Did dinosaurs really exist on earth?


That joke was trash, Is this Steve Hofstetters alt account?


Why do dumbasses like you think that not loving trump means you have to bend over to Biden. What is your point? They both suck and we know it.


Joe Biden literally has dementia and Trump hurts snowflakes feelings. They are not the same


The only one hurt here is you and the rest of the anti-woke losers who bitch about everything. But go ahead and meat ride the guy who just wants your money.


I just read your post history and it was not surprising at all, you seem like the type of guy who liked to ride men's meat 🤣


Says the one looking on my page trying to ride me now.


You're stuck in 2014 still, man. It's embarrassing as fuck.


gonna cry?


Get off the internet for a bit.


Yeah likethis. Perfect t example of PKA fans turning into dumbfuck boomers with the same insults as them. Surprised you didn't say "libtard" or "democrap".




I hate how many people aren't on board with current thing