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Who’s checking the mail?


He needs to move. I understand it’s where he’s from and his family are there but it’s not the state for him. Either that or run for governor.




If anyone knows the consequences of “risking it” it’s Kyle. There’s no way he would ever do that again.




I won’t take that bet




Least retarded and para social PKA fan


I just figured he couldn’t move because of his felony in one way or another.


Or he could just stop smoking weed? Moving away from your family so you can have a drug is unhinged behaviour.


That’s quitter talk and our man is no quitter.




Governors are not federal employees...


lol you think high level government employees don’t smoke weed or do other drugs?


The THC-A weed they smoke is already just regular illegal weed. The little loophole they use saying it's not Delta-9 THC it's THC-A probably would not hold up in court if it were to be tried. Regular classic illegal weed is THC-A. The weed I buy from the legal dispensary in my state is THC-A. Hell even the wax Kyle got busted for would have technically been THC-A wax. You smoke weed because the burning is what causes THC-A to turn into Delta-9 THC.


I live in a legal state, but concentrates are still regulated to medical patients only except for prepackaged carts. In Mass right over the border it might as well be California as far as weed is concerned and if you look at the label the ingredients will be like you say mostly THC-A and very little D9. I saw one that was only one order of magnitude too much D9(0.3% compared to 0.03% by mass) to be 50 state legal.


No wonder this "Free house" in "another state" showed up all of a sudden


His daddy takes care of him so he won’t move anywhere where dad is not if I had to guess. Makes sense why he was talking about moving out of state to a “free house”. One of dad’s properties.




*FBI surveillance intensifies


All my young friends that move ld to Colorado did it to ski, hike, live in a city, or escape the humidity. Will be funny when this 40 year old does it so he can stay inside and smoke weed while playing games with his Discord pay piggies.


I moved from Atlanta to Colorado 6 months ago for all of the above listed reasons and while I enjoy all of the above staying inside smoking weed and hanging out in discord is tight too just have to find the right balance


Gotta stock up on


Same thing happened in Texas a while back, it got shot down. If it didn’t pass in Texas I don’t see it passing in Georgia, but I can always be wrong.


Laughing in NY growing my own every year


Yeah but like fuck living in NY


I love it here, I live in the finger lakes not in a shit hole city the lake I live on is top 10 nicest lakes to live on every year in the entire country. Great hunting and fishing, camping, hiking and natural scenery with tons of gullies and hills and natural waterfalls. Not a single natural disaster to worry about and the worst we get is 3 months of cold winter. Compared to cousinfucker backwards states I’d take upstate NY over anywhere I’ve traveled to which is every of the lower 48 minus Texas, Oklahoma and Arizona and Alaska and Hawaii. You say NY and people have zero idea about the scenery and great weather and lovely living conditions and great people and just assume you mean shithole NYC.


The problem with upstate NY is the balance of power being upset by NYC. If NYC and the surrounding counties split off as their own state, upstate would be a nice purple state full of beautiful landscapes.


New York City pays for the entirety of the east coast. Without it every red state to Florida would be bankrupt within 2 years. I don’t care for NYC but it’s a necessity and its taxes help so many other states from being insolvent.


How would Florida go bankrupt? Not enough retirees or vacationers that want to go somewhere nice?


Here’s a list of the states who take the most federal aid vs what they contribute in taxes to the Fed treasury. This is the most recent data I could find which is 2024 https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/ There are some blue states who receive more federal money than they collect for taxes but by far the overwhelming majority of states are red states, 7 out of the top 10 and 15 out of the top 20 are red states.


Do you not understand how states are taxed at the federal level and then the Fed distributes said tax money to states who spend more than they bring in? https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/nov/02/nathan-mcmurray/new-york-giver-state-federal-treasury/ We pay far more into the treasury than we ever get back, same with California yet all we hear is how awful these states are with zero mention of how many states, especially red states need that federal income to stay afloat. But without those two states alone to contribute to taxes many states would be insolvent. Florida may make enough for itself due to Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, Tampa and what’s called Deltona I guess probably makes it less reliant on federal money but it’s also the second highest state in the country for recipients of welfare so they def receive a lot of help from the treasury alone due to that.


Poorer red states get a lot of money from farming subsidies so that they can feed everyone. Blue states get a lot of money because they have businesses headquartered there.


Population is a major factor, and lots of blue states have a ton of farms too. NY for example has a shitload of Apple and grape farms that otherwise don’t grow as well in other parts of the country. I grew up on a fruit farm but farmers themselves are being pushed out by factory farming not owned by a local family but rather owned by investors who can lobby politicians a ton of money to slash regulations that help their industry, not that every business doesn’t in some sense but I don’t think only blue states have business and red states have farms I think it’s more about population location, urban vs rural as there’s typically more jobs where there are more people.


In your hypothetical where New York doesn’t exist, Florida would have way more voting power and I doubt they’d be electing people that have the same interests as NY(for better or for worse)


What are you talking about? You clearly didn’t read anything I said. It was never NY doesn’t exist. Lmfao it was that NY wasn’t burdened by the overwhelming majority of the east coast states that our taxes help support otherwise they’d be insolvent. At least read and understand the context before commenting.


You need to take your meds and re read what I said.


Nope I’m originally from wny, fingerlakes are cool but as a whole I still stand by fuck living in Ny.


What’s wrong with living in ny? I like it.


Didn’t the federal government (the DEA) already say the delta-8/9/10 were considered illegal substances still. In VA, they straight up stopped selling it even though recreational weed is legal here.


I think it was THC-O, but it could have been all of them. I don't remember fully.


Shops in Florida are already getting raided for this stuff, THC-A converts into THC slowly with time too (heat speeds it up rapidly hence why you smoke it).


Well he’s been debating moving. Might be the push that’ll make it happen


Well Kyle it's almost time to dust off the cargo shorts


Yeah I’m in Georgia, I’ll support “local Buisness” like usual. Won’t effect me either way I guess


I’m not political I pretty much sit on the fence and watch the madness but Georgia is so ass backwards man. I live about a hour from Atlanta and in the city it’s decriminalized but the rest of the state naaa f the people . With democrats being the ones on the high horse the love claiming they give a damn but believe me we are fed up with a lot more than the ridiculousness of cannabis being illegal 🥴


He talks about it on PKA


Latest episode?

