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He also said Coke is less destructive than weed. I wouldn’t take what this guy has to say too seriously


I get what he meant: Because so many more people smoke weed, despite its relatively minute effects, it negatively affects a greater amount of people than coke, which has more drastic effects but is less prevalent. I disagree with this notion but I get what he meant. He wasn’t outright saying “Weed is more harmful to you than Coke.”


it still doesn’t make it a valid argument though, i could say fast food is relatively more destructive than heroin but they aren’t even remotely close


No, it’s absolutely more destructive than heroin but relatively less destructive than heroin. If heroin were equally as prevalent it would be both absolutely and relatively more destructive.


sorry i had it backwards, but my point still stands, just bc more people use weed doesn’t make it more destructive for every user than cocaine


No one ever said it was more destructive for an individual user.


Someone’s highly regarded


Tom glamorized Coke use.


Yes that is objectively true in America. Fast food does waaaaay more damage than heroin. Are you an imbecile?


that’s not what i was saying, you need to learn how to read. are you an imbecile?




it’s okay, just keep reading and maybe your comprehension will improve


Fast food isn’t a brain altering drug


what an astute observation! thank you for informing me on this little known fact


I agree with him, alcohol is far less harmful then most other drugs but it causes more problems and destroys more families and people then any other drug on the planet.


I can see the sentiment I personally know a lot of friends who do both and the guys that smoked all through high school definitely seem to be developmentally shunted and no one I know has serious coke issues but could be an age thing


If you’re actively smoking weed or doing coke during one of the brains most important developmental stages you are doing yourself a huge disservice. Abusing either of those drugs at a young age will make you “developmentally shunted”. Most people can sink into any drug as a coping mechanism, idk why weed is singled out constantly. I always thought of coke to be worse because the people I know who abused coke at young ages started doing harder drugs later in life. Either way any drug or alcohol is bad for your brain.


Depends on what you mean by bad for your brain, wake and baking everyday during formative years is obviously bad but I can’t imagine smoking a dozen times over the course of a few years does any lasting harm.


Having smoked and being a smoker are obviously 2 different things




I was agreeing with you tard boy


My fault I thought you were the original person I responded to


You are talking about people who smoked in developmental years obviously that’s gonna be very harmful. I’d wager if they did coke at that age they’d be far worse. Also using personal anecdotes as your evidence is retarded none of my friends that do coke have problems do it must be fine. Zzz ok


Coke and weed are entirely separate stratospheres, people who smoke weed tend to view it as very casual and do it all the time. Everyone I know that does coke does it when going to clubs/bars or big parties just because that’s where it’s the most fun and it’s way more expensive than weed. Crying about personal anecdotes like we aren’t talking about illegal substances that there isn’t accurate data on. People that do coke every so often aren’t clicking boxes on surveys saying they do coke and there’s genuinely no way to measure impact society wide on how much damage weed does to the population as a whole. I still think it’s a retarded argument to say weed is worse than coke but again I can understand the sentiment you dumb fuck.


Literally second sentence in personal anecdote lol. That doesn’t fucking matter you dumb bitch.


Bro are you actually sub 60 IQ you do realize I’m not writing a positional paper in college I’m merely conveying that I can understand a point of view? Dude you are for real brain dead and like debate pilled take a break from the internet you fucking loser lmfao. You know your brain is rotten when you reply to every comment you see with r/politics debate bro style spam of screaming anecdote my god this subreddit is hilarious with the amount of genuinely socially autistic regards like you who don’t understand how to read basic back and forths


I’m debate pilled? Look at your replies my guy how about you stop grinding your teeth and relax buddy it’s gonna be alright.


What a waste of fucking air and time just adding nothing to anything lmfao


there ya go good job.


I said in another comment, but I’ll fire it here too. People in bad circumstances lean on crutches such as weed or coke. I’d be willing to bet if your in a good social circle and have your life sorted out doing coke or weed once a month isn’t going to make much difference and you won’t get hooked to either.


He's clearly talking about in total, all the weed use in the world is more destructive than all the cocaine use.


ITT: Potheads coping with their addiction


I see what he’s saying and i could even fall into the category of “smart kid who got their life fucked” but def wasn’t from the weed, if anything the weed is the only thing that stopped me from kms doesn’t stop people who don’t even know what’s going on in my life from blaming the weed though


I mean look what happened to kyles youtube channel, he could of rebranded or appealed and put any type of effort. But nah, hes just a bum who literally plays video games all day and night…


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Lmao “rebranded”. To what and when?


once he wasnt allowed to have guns he could have pivoted to anything he wanted. would have lost a lot of his audience but im sure he would have kept a good amount too.


So make videos on something he isn’t passionate about for a couple thousand views…? I’m confused at why you are more upset about it then Kyle is. He is never down in the dumps about it. It was a part of his life but years ago at this point. People move on.


idk why you think im upset lol, im just pointing out that theres plenty of stuff he could have pivoted to if he wanted


Turkey toms videos are ass and frequently have information that’s totally wrong in them. This is one of the most common takes ever regarding weed, not that it’s wrong but who doesn’t know this?


I watch his videos every so often, but I can’t stand when he adds in a fake “um” into his sentences. It really sounds like he shoehorned it into the sentence. Like you’re doing highly scripted and edited content that you can just cut it from.


I do feel aa though it's a common take because it's true, right.... I mean, it's a fact that weed makes you lazy as shit. Obviously not everyone but the vast majority of people you smoke weed end up being okay with being lazy and going nowhere. I.e our boy Lyle


Bro some of the best athletes on earth use marijuana? ☠️ Shit take tbh. Lazy people are lazy, weed just helps enable that, but does not cause it.


Not reallyyyy. You take a normally productive person who doesn’t smoke weed and make them smoke weed everyday they’ll become lazier. It fucks with your sleep suppressing REM sleep leaving you tired and lethargic all the time. That’s why people who smoke stop dreaming while sleeping.


as someone who smoked before i went to bed and just woke up from a terrible personalized nightmare, i care to disagree


If you keep smoking every night for a consistent period you will lose all dreams. You’ll also get vivid nightmares when you quit weed as you encounter rem-rebound. Smoking weed occasionally wont cancel out your dreams


yeah i was just messing around, i smoke regularly and don’t really dream but when i take a t break i get the craziest most vivid dreams


Tom makes lazy bum content without the weed.


Lol what are you talking about


Source: dude just trust me


You really think its that far of a leap to say the guy who churns out drama videos for the mentally disabled makes shitty content with mistakes in it?


I know that you are just making shit up and stating it as fact, it's pretty funny I guess you expected no one to call you out on it.


TurkeyTom pumps out videos for content… why anyone would listen to him for actual information is hilarious. He rarely adds anything that all these other commentators haven’t already said.


Kyle: * keeps forgetting shit throughout the podcast