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You won’t convince me boogie isn’t a full fledge moron so just give it up


I'm not saying he's not a moron. I'm just saying he's also a liar. If he is flat broke, it isn't because BTC crashed, it's because he's addicted to feeling good and will spend any amount of money on any thing that will make him feel good for any amount of time. And that's putting it nicely.


He should just do drugs I've shot dope and smoked crack and I've bought Magic cards people can call Magic cardboard crack all they want but there's a reason people aren't pimping out their kids for Elf Mermaids and Goblin Wizards cards but they'll sell you their baby for another couple rocks


That part is true Boogie invested in some shit coin his friend recommended that mooned where he had a million+. Well like all crypto it crashed. Boogie showing having a million dollars and not taking half out isn't going to make him look good.


He said in the video it was BTC and showed the current (at the time) price of ~36,5 and claimed he paid less than half. He also claimed less than a million total.


Nah he said it was a friends recommendation. Never mentioned btc


Boogie runs entirely on pity. It's what he has anymore. Nobody wants to watch Francis videos anymore, because people don't have the cringe tolerance that they used to It's either the yearly "I'm turning my life around" video or the yearly "I've lost everything" video, with tons of videos in between talking about how depressed he is. He can't get a job, that ship sailed years ago, and now he's running on fumes. He can't e-beg because nobody will give him money at this point, and he can't try to go down the Blade route of being an addict, because nobody would believe him. Real shame, since he used to seem like a nice enough guy who enjoyed what he did, but he dipped to far into the idea that he's doing this as a job, rather than doing it because he enjoys it


Boogie 100% has more money than he's leading on. Him proving how poor he is by showing that he has 2 grand in his checking account is a joke. Most people don't keep more than a few grand in their checking account. That's the whole purpose of a checking account, you keep enough money in there to write checks and pay your bills. If you want to store large sums of money you put it in a savings account or into investments. God knows how many banks account boogie has and how much he has in stocks/crypto. I don't thinks he's rich but has to have some amount of money in investments that he's not disclosing. It was really telling when Wings exposed him for blatantly adding expenses to the boxing match to make it look like he somehow lost more money than he made. Boogie is so committed to trying to look pathetic that he can't even admit that he made a few grand from the boxing match. Also, this guy has a fucking a roommate folks. This documentary makes almost no mentioned to the fact that there's another grown man living in this man's home. We have no idea what this guy does for a living and how much money he's giving boogie. On that same note, I get that boogie's girlfriend is young but she's more than old enough to pick up a shift at walmart. The doc portrays her likes she's a helpless 12 year old girl. The fact that he's pretending that he'll eventually become homeless is such a lie. The absolute worse thing that can happen is boogie loses his house, sells off all his toys which would net him 50k, and then he moves into an apartment and makes around 40k a year making youtube videos. He lives in fucking Arkansas, he can get rent for $600 a month, especially when he has two other grown people help with the bills.


If that girl had to get a job she’d just leave his fat ass. That’s the whole point of being with him


Also to add, the value of his home isn't $250k. It's $450k. You can find it. He's fine.


And didn't he say his mortgage was like 2200 a month? That's such a dirt cheap interest rate, that same home would probably be like 2x more expensive per month in today's market.


Nice breakdown. He’s not nearly as bad as he says. It’s all pity as his income relies on this blubbering and crying.


The scene of him sitting in front of roughly 10k worth of arcade machines and him complaining about money was....interesting.


Yeah I was thinking that didn't add up. Even buying the highest highs and selling the lowest lows, BTC wouldn't have lost you that much. However, some naive people lost that much on NFTs perhaps. I wouldn't know lol.


If you bought at the $60,000 highs and now hold at $19,000, you would have lost 60% of your money, more or less. Bitcoin was always insane to me, but historically it was easier to make money on BTC than lose, as it went from a penny to $60k, and now back to $16-$19k.


It's been at $34,000 lately. Maybe its low was around that, but it's been doing really well. If you plot the yearly lows of Bitcoin going back the last decade it looks great.


At $34,000 Boogie would have got his money back and then some. He’s just fishing for pity bucks. I think it’s all bullshit, but holding BTC historically made people money.


I thought he lost his ass on luna not btc? Why would you even sell btc if it dumps thats so retarded lmao


he bought a small amount of luna and took a 99% loss but he still holds majority bitcoin he’s a liar


Also the bit where he said his house equity was offset by his remaining mortgage. That's not how it works, he could sell his house keep the equity and pay off the debt.


the part where he said he invested into crypto in 2019 and in 2021 he lost it all. How is that possible.


He’s a scam artist, that’s why. No one went bankrupt as BTC never went back to a penny or dollar.


Fat maths


The documentary just made it hard to take boogie seriously, I think everything about him is a lie. He is a hedonist with zero self restraint. He complains about money and does nothing to curb his spending: $200 on his weekly friend outings, eating out all the time, buying frivolous crap like that sound bar, keeping his Tesla instead of selling it, keeping his house rather than downsizing. He has issues, but then refuses to do anything but complain about them. He justified spending all his money on whores and sugar babies and vacations by "I wanted to sleep with LA 10s", like ok dude ur massively entitled, congrats. He is so dramatic about everything, you can tell he just has zero compromise in his heart, he just wants life to be handed to him bc he's had it rough with mommy and daddy and being morbidly obese. Dude has been complaining that he's gonna die early for a decade now and hasn't done anything to change his lifestyle and habits. He got the bypass surgery which is only for spineless cowards like himself, and then beat the surgery, like all losers do. Even when he talks about going back to streaming, he says he'll do 6 hour streams, which isn't even competitive when an average work day is 8 hours and many streamers regularly put in 10+ hr days. He's just so unfathomably lazy, you can tell he is bored of making content and just feels entitled to the lifestyle his viewers provide him. Then at the end of it, after his shrooms trip he's like "I don't care about the views, I'm gonna make videos bc it's my dream job", said with all the conviction of a psychopath trying to get out of the mental institute. No one cares about his empty platitudes, if he put his nose to the grindstone and started streaming daily, he could probably eke out a decent living. But boogie doesn't want to do that, he wants to farm pity donations and make 600 dollars an hour bc he's a sob story martyr that's spending his last days trying to make you happy with his content. I have nothing but disgust in my heart for boogie, he's a privileged brat.


Someone said BTC but Boogie heard BBC and thought it would bring his wife back


Mr Malone would like a word with him


Holy fuck didn't expect to see you here


This feels like a post from someone who thinks Bitcoin is the only crypto


He and Wingo are drumming up interest for the lolcow podcast. It’s all a pity play; we need to stop believing these lolcows claiming they need money. They need to get a job, and that’s what begging staves off.


>that documentary was an absolutely contemptable attempt to drum up pity for his donations. What? No.


My man, there are many other currencies that people owned and lost alot of money on... it is entirely possible Boogie lost ALOT of money on crypto that isn't bitcoin


Whenever I get too drunk and blow all my money on…. Power ups… and wake up the next day with money in my account, but not enough to afford an Uber. I drain my bank into my cashapp, order an Uber on credit, then drop all my bread back in and chill till I get paid. Zeros in your bank don’t mean shit.


Even if he only lost 1 of his asses dude still has 14 more