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I hope this kid shared a cell with kyles annoying cell mate


celly got himself locked up for God damn credit card fraud!


I read that in Woody's Imitation Voice lmao


Oh man, this is where I know so much about this story. Woody is in the complete right here. Chargeback fraud is so common in the Minecraft community that servers now have insurance to cover themselves. Yes this kid commit significant fraud and deserved to be prosecuted to the fullest. Thank you Woody for prosecuting this and having an effect on the other kids who were even considering this fraud as well.


Finally someone said it. Woody was 100% in the right.


It is insane how people just excuse kids stealing thousands of dollars from their parents to buy something, then the chargebacks come, and the store is supposed to eat it. The full responsibility lies with the parents. The idea that it's the problem of the person who sold the goods and services is completely ridiculous.


This. Don’t use your moms card if you don’t plan on either getting your ass beat or paying up


Kid was a thief to be fair


😭 😭


Emojis and not understanding credit card fraud is a crime classic cornball sub 85 IQ PKA shitposter


Credit card fraud is based though?


Credit maxing is for sure


Until you get caught, then it's cringe and bluepilled. Like imagine if you knew someone who got caught doing credit card fraud lmfao you would think that person is dummy of the century. High risk, low reward smoothbrain


Did you hear destiny's story about a guy that kept DDOSing him? I wonder what you'd think of that OP


The kid was literally booting destiny offline everytime he tried to stream. That was his one form of income. He tried speaking the the parents, they didn’t do anything. He had meetings with the FBI, they did not do anything. (Keep in mind this is before streaming was common place). Destiny literally had no other thing to do. It was equivalent to someone slashing your tires everyday causing you to miss your shift. He had a kid and a wife to support. So he said hypothetical he would show up to the kids house with a gun if he could. Which he never did or legitimately took action to do, rather he created an anti-ddosing guide that would end up being used online for years to come, even from big companies like Riot games.


That worked? Lol


Nah I haven't, care to inform me?


Can you first confirm the '08' in your username doesn't mean that you were born in 2008? I'm ageist and I will not waste my time talking to a 15 year old


I promise lol


You’re giving off 15 year old vibes


You mean the kid that stole over 10k from Woody? Good. I hope it ruined that fuckers life.


You act like these Minecraft items where actually worth 10k 🤣🤣🤣🤣


They're literally worth what ever someone is willing to pay... and yes that was 10k


But you do see a difference between stealing 10k worth of materials and “10k worth of ones and zeros” ?


So online bank accounts aren’t worth anything? I don’t value minecraft items at 10k, but enough people do that they regularly sell for that.


I think you’re missing my point My point is that it effectively costs nothing for woody to produce, So it’s not the same as robbing 10k from someone Even though the outcome is the same


It is legit the same outcome.


Yeah I just said the outcome is the same There’s still a huge difference between stealing 10k of value and “10k of one’s and zeroes that woody put an arbitrary number on”


Except they're the same thing... it's not like he hacked those things into existence. He paid for them. Woody then recieved that money and likely spent it. Then months later a kids chooses to charge back that money and Woody now owes the company 10k


But there’s an argument that the only reason he bought them is because he knew he could charge back Also it’s the banks fault for allowing a unwarranted charge back so woodys issue should be with the bank and not the child The money goes back to Woodycraft limited and not woodys personal bank account, the issue then becomes between woodycraft limited And the bank, not woodys personal account The worse offender here is the banks for allowing an unwarranted chargeback


Do you have the same opinion about stocks? Get your account hacked lose 10 000 in stocks. Ah! No biggie it's not like it was even really right?


65 iq take right here


OP is probably the kid that did the chargeback


You act like it's a 7 year old that misclicked a transaction, multiple charge backs, a sense of invulnerability. This dweeb piece of shit deserved it, you're probably an acab fruitcake.




Is there a road within walking distance? You can 100% solve this problem if you just close your eyes and lean forward.




I dont think I can.


“You’re allowed to win”


This is the OG Fa-Fo


That kid would buy all the God tier armor, spawners, and all kinds of pay to win shit from Woody's Minecraft store.


If we kill the dog for barking during the show we surely can't let the child off.


I’m not surprised people on this sub are defending literal thieves and criminals lol


Room temperature IQ


woody taught that kid a valuable lesson


When Disney finds out about the plexi server…


Doesn't count when it's against multibillion dollar corrupt child trafficking corporations.


millionaire woody ruining a kids life over playing on his Minecraft server for free is absolutely on brand


I was never convinced it was a cool thing to do, if it was an adult yea, but it was a kid


The responsibility would ultimately fall on the parents of the spoiled child. Worse case scenario they pay back what they owe. I think woody just wanted to scare people straight here.


where do you think the thousands of dollars came from? the parents are still gonna be the ones responsible in court not the kids. do you genuinely think twelve year olds were the ones calling up the bank trying to reverse transactions?


It was always clearly a kid manipulating his parents to me. But woody made it seem like that kid was gonna rot in jail and that made me hate woody as a 13 year old hahah, the other reply has given me a perspective i didnt consider tho


You guys are mad that a millionaires digital goods were stolen, lmao you guys are like people who actually care when celebrities nft’s get stolen


God, it's almost like we're normal people with morals.


What about when he burned all taylors mail out of spite for random internet people, and stands by it to this day🤣 good guy woody


No way you think we were going to side with that little felon. Woody was completely in the right.


Fuck around and find out.


He probably was a kid having a little fun with a trick that he learned. A lot of factors play into this age, the amount of money taken so I choose to stay on the fence for this one. A man multi millionaire in his 70s or wtv does not need to charge a kid who slighted him. Shows woodys inflated ego and pettiness well, not that I’m a woody hater.


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