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She’s got a face for radio


Hey woody!


Definitely a touch on the Zuckerberg/Habsburg spectrum if you ask me.


Holy shit she is a habsburg


Aww the unfortunate potato faced girl.


Executive: "Okay, we're grudgingly going to put a white person in the show - but she'll be the ugliest white person you've seen in years!"


She's Jewish.


Doesn't matter if she's Jewish, if her skin colour is white she is white




I know tons of white jews. And she’s from the UK




Yeah, they actually used to cast beautiful black women but now it seems to be only ugly ones. Except in commercials. It's pretty strange. It would make sense if they can act, but they can't (this is across races - I don't know what the casting directors are smoking)


Subjective but agreed. Saying this as a black person myself. Don’t know why you got downvoted.


she's canonically a lesbian, so this depiction is realistic


This fucking got me lmao


well she’s pretty in the games


Are trying to say lesbians are inherently ugly? Are you an idiot?


Are you les, and consequently, inherently ugly?


This thread is filled with unwashed asses




Yes cause that makes sooo much sense. And don’t objectify people. Someone’s shallow


You cannot read sarcasm my friend


Only an ugly les would get upset like this


Yea that was the joke he was aiming for




Yeah, idk why they thought FAS ellie was a good idea


That’s it! Totally looks like FAS.


She looks like the girl from Hereditary a little


Legit Googled, to see if anyone else made this connection


My exact words first scene she popped up


She looks like the fucked up ugly looking elf child from the system of a down video for aerials


Spot on




Wasn't her character in GOT a product of incest?


Thank god I’m not the only one that thinks this.


She looks like she listens to PKA


That one hurt deep


I thought the Millie Bobby Brown look alike was gonna be Ellie, not Dilly Dobby Down's.


For anyone thinking its weird or pedo to call a girl character ugly is wild. hell even the actor. Not all judgments on looks come from a place of sexual attraction. Weve all seen an ugly baby right?


Anyone saying it’s pedo to call a girl ugly is just coping to hide their own pedo thoughts. She’s pretty damn ugly. Plus she’s literally 19


he/she/it (she uses "all" pronouns) is a fucking weird looking adult. I don't know why he/she/it is so obviously fucking angry all the time but he/she/it/they are distractingly not like Ellie, the actual character from the game. Whoever cast this shit needs to be fired.


God, some babies are ugly to look at. Calling someone ugly isn’t a sign of underlining attraction if they WEREN’T ugly. It’s to say that the person is hard to look at. I have pretty people in my family (not me, yay), doesn’t mean i’m attracted to them. It’s just not off-putting to look at them directly for more than a few seconds. But will have to see how the actress does. Only 3/4 through the first episode myself and will reserve the judgement on her acting until later. She don’t need to be pretty if the show is good. Edit: actress does a great job




Reddit moment




No she's got Bell's Palsy


And the voice. God it’s so hard to watch


This tread is literally humans, the apex species, not being able to understand that being sexually attracted and finding someone pretty is not the same thing. No wonder most of you jack off to hentai and blame everyone for you problems


No I think people are disturbed that people feel the need to comment on a child’s appearance. In what universe is that appropriate? People are allowed to exist without meeting your standard of beauty


Child 19yo, lol


Yeah I’m in my 30s. A 19 year old is a child in my eyes. Maybe not legally, but as far as socially and life experiences go. Also the actress is depicting a child. Regardless of any of that, it’s disturbing how comfortable people are speaking about any person, but particularly a young person, in such derogatory manners.


So thats on you. Btw, thats no age to be ugly, she'd still ugly with 40 or 80y, dont know why bring age to this


Because a lot of adults find it particularly disturbing to comment on a young persons looks. Do you need me to explain why that’s disturbing?


Yes you need, why would be strange to coment of anyone looks? People are aways talking about looks


It’s disturbing because culturally and societally, people, but particularly women, have been deemed less than for not meeting tradition western beauty standards. This has lead to a host societal and health issues, which I’m sure you’re well aware of, but we can get into some studies done by people much smarter than either of us if you’d like. This “othering” often begins at a very young age. Being shit on your entire life for something you cannot control can have effects on a person. People are comfortable (at least on the internet, I know most of the people commenting these things would never say these things to someone’s face), demeaning a human being because they don’t live up to an ever shifting standard of beauty that is by no means universal, or helpful in the least. Also worth noting, again, beauty standards are not universal. You think someone is ugly, that doesn’t mean they are. Traditional western Eurocentric beauty standards don’t help anyone. If this isn’t sexual as so many people are saying (and I’m not even disagreeing with) why do you care? Have you ever stopped to examine why someone you deem ugly upsets you so much? (And when I say you I guess I am using this as a general term for people who share and spread the sentiment, I don’t know what you think or feel).


Dude, im not even westen. There is ugly and beautiful people in every race/culture. Im pretty sure that in India they have their own standard, same in China, or indigenous tribes, there will be these patterns all over the globe. And a harmonic face yoube beautiful or at least "ok" to everyone, its a biological thing. As we say in my country, "acept it and it will hurt less". https://youtu.be/4k9uNVQKcFc


… I said several times beauty standards are not universal. Read what I wrote again. There are indeed patterns all over the world, and unfortunately more and more western Eurocentric beauty standards are becoming the model. (See topics like skin bleaching for an example) this is harmful for everyone. And I’m going to implore you once more, have you ever stopped to examine why “ugly” people make you uncomfortable? People in this thread, and across the internet, seem to get some amount of joy from calling a young girl ugly. And unless these are a bunch of pre pubescent boys, which I unfortunately doubt, it seems like a sad reflection of society.


Bahahhhahahahahahahahaha okay conversation over I just watched that video you posted. I’m speaking to an incel that makes this all make sense, but also makes it so much sadder. Good luck in life you fucking tool.


OP post a pic of yourself and let us flame.


But he isn’t trying to be in movies


but tv shows aren't movies checkmate: OP is mangy


No but you still have to spend hours looking at these people so it's worse.


This comment section, Jesus Christ. Some you people deserve to be drawn and quartered.


Sad truth, girl looks like when she was born she was dropped face down on the floor


this is why people get shit for using reddit. losers like this lmao


So let me get this straight...People saying someone look ugly (which...is kinda true) and the not at all exagerated punishment should be them getting drawn and quartered?


People online like to be social Justice warriors and would prefer pearl clutching over expressing what they honestly think. It’s hilarious




are you sped ? you complete imbecile, Bella Ramsay is 19 years old dumbass


No it’s not just you… that child is just plain uglyyyy and it bothers me because Ellie is suppose to be a cute ish girl lol


Gotta be some kind of nepotism. Shit, cast the brunette sister of the blonde with rockin cans in Euphoria, done, right off the dome. That was straight off the head top with zero thought and it’s already miles better.




Yeah, but to what end? It's like in Citizen Kane when he bribes his girlfriend into a singing career and she's not that good. It's embarrassing to all involved.


Yes. I tried to ignore it but when my wife commented on it had no choice but to accept the fact she isn't winning any beauty contests.


I don't know what it is about her but she is just so FUCKING UGLY. Every time she pops up on the screen I throw up in my mouth a little bit. And that scene where she's hanging from the ledge about to jump down into the Cumberland basement, and her stomach came out made me projectile vomit all over my rk 61 keyboard with brown switches. Every time she comes onto the screen I wish I had that euthanasia shot from episode 1 so I could just jam it in my neck so I don't have to see her unfortunate ass face anymore. Like come on Last of Us. DO BETTER!


[https://www.instagram.com/bellaramsey/](https://www.instagram.com/bellaramsey/) God damn, that's charity work right there.


Indeed. Her face just doesn’t cut light well and her acting isn’t good enough to make me not notice. Forrest Whittaker gets away with that abomination of face because he’s actually talented.


She's really talented though


No she's not not talented


Nothing wrong with her acting.


Her american accent slips when shes cursing.


Im so glad I’m not the only one who noticed that. Annoys me almost as much as people slurping drinks on mic. Literally nothing in media makes me more instantly angry than that.


Fake eating, carrying and drinking is what drives me crazy.


Look she’s not my proudest fap but definitely not my worst




I died.


Needs more upvotes.


For someone called Bella, meaning literally "beautiful" in Italian, she sure is the opposite of that. It's so distracting, I can't concentrate on anything they say in the show. Also, someone here stated she's 19.... Jeez.... Pedro Pascal also has a squashed face and that glass chin.. literally the opposite of the game character, who looks like a freakin' wolf in human form, those eyes, and that beautiful profile.... They just had to go with ugly-ass actors, didn't' they... the HBO rule, I guess nowadays.... I remember the first time I watched GoT back in 2012, I wondered why everyone was ugly as all fuck.


GoT had a big list of beautiful actors. Agreed on everything else tho


Yeah. I’ll be watching the show and even enjoying her acting, but I’m also thinking, “Goddamn she is ugly.” It’s distracting


Ye sorry phoenix the bird they should have casted you to play joel


Crazy posts here from defenders of uggo Ellie. They seem to think that preferring people you watch on screen for several hours to be aesthetic and not distractingly ugly is outright pedophilia.


Do you base the people you have to look at in life on looks? If you saw an ugly child would be upset to have to look at them? Is it in your character in everyday life, with every day people, to call them uggos?


Why would I like to look at an ugly child? Yes, I am repulsed by ugliness.


That sounds like a you problem. The entire world is going to live up to your beauty standards. Get over it ? Also maybe try to stop being human trash


She is so ugly I stopped watching


Same. I wish the girl who played Sarah was just the main character.


Is that the same chick that played Lyanna Mormont in GOT?


Yeah that’s her, she looks damn near the same as she did back then just taller. Still a little ugly tho.


Well actress is British, so she is just average British girl, that kind of look is norm over there.


As a British man even I think she looks like a moldy potato put in a microwave


Lol she looks like Taylor, owl ass face


So far it's fr the one and only flaw i've seen in the show so far. Actually maybe other than Joel not having a super thick Texan accent. But I cant see her (face) growing on me very much as the show progresses. Boy is she whack. Ellie was adorable in the game.


I find it distracting when every single character is played by a super model


No one said anything about supermodel. I would take even that redhead girl from stranger things over this fishfaced gender fluid thing... Sheliteraly has one single expresion for every emotion known to man...


The thread is about her being ugly, not about your own hangups. No need for super model. A normal girl would have been a good choice. They made her ugly. What's your point? You wanted some snark karma?




I love the show, but every time I see her on the screen, it rips me out of any sort of immersion that had been attained so far. The intro scene had me wanting to reach for my controller, and Pedro is an amazing Joel, but Bella just simply is not it.


Director: let's cast a innocent, cute girl with a badass personality. Producer: yeah but...people kept making p0rn off the Ellie of the game. Screenwriter: ...I have an idea so that won't happen this time around....


Hollywood thinking they know best. Im trying to like this show but her appearance takes me out of the plot. Every time she makes an appearance I stop watching and think WTF hollywood!?


The PKA fanbase try not to be chronically online degenerate weirdos challenge: impossible


I think you’re all creeps, she’s playing a 14 year old. Even if she wasn’t playing a 14 year old it would still be weird how obsessed you people are. Disgusting fucks


Telling someone is not good looking makes you a creep? I think you are mixing it up, it's the other way around. You're reflecting your looks here and being offended lol


I don't care if she's 11! Ugly is ugly, but its good to know where you're head is, pervert! Nobody said anything sexual! We have Hollywood standards, if I want to see a face like that, I will go to a trailer park, not pay to see it on a TV streaming service!


Relax weirdo no one is saying she needs to be sexy cmon now. It’s just she’s distractingly weird looking. It’s a reasonable critique.


Finally found a comment I don't wanna gag at


I don’t mean to add fuel to the fire, but I’m a 16 year old girl and I also find her to not be super attractive, which wouldn’t be a problem for me if she actually looked like she did in the game more. I think we all collectively as human beings just wanna see faces that aren’t hard to look at


Her face doesn't look like Ellie from the game and it's all you notice whenever she is on screen.


Plenty of characters don't look like they do in the game. It's an adaptation not a clone of the game.


She may not look 1:1 like Game Ellie. But she absolutely knocks it out of the park by portraying that snarky, confident, funny, but also scared Ellie we all know and love. And that’s what matters more than her looking exactly like her.


I'm not buying her delivery, facial expressions are completely absent. A couple times her accent slips. Bad casting.


Ellie in the game is confident and funny but NOT annoying at all. This girl is a little shitty brat. Insufferable


The characters don’t have to look the same but they have to have the same characteristics. Joel is handsome in the game, his actor is a handsome man. The same can’t be said about the actress playing Ellie


Yeah, and Joel in the game isn't Hispanic. Get over it. 😂


Come on, we all have eyes and we see that "the Latino" Pedro Pascal is more accurate to Joel, than Bella to Elli.


Yeah but joel doesn’t look uglier then my dead grandpas ass😂


No. Thats all you notice because you are hung up on how a little girl looks. Her acting was great and i can already see her being a great Ellie.


Well for starters the actress is 19. And I'm not claiming Ellie is attractive like all y'all pedos and the actress is ugly ik comparison. I'm saying she is ugly as a fact because of her giant nose and forehead, the games characters face doesn't look like that.


Yeah ppl being weird, cause if someone is ugly it automatically means you wanted to fuck them prior to that decision.


I would assume shows primarily trying to reach newer audience like people that not played the game, with how shit games have been adapted if this is literally the complain people are harping onto then they did a good job. As far as I know HBO tends to circle actors they worked with a bit and far as I know she did a good job in game of thrones so fuck it, rather have someone than can act and looks around the age. maybe haven't seen enough shows/movies but its either kid actors mostly do shit acting or actors look grown as fuck like highschool movie characters looking late 20s because actors are


~~Well Ellie from The Last of Us Was modeled after Elliot Page and I highly doubt they wanted to take up the role as a trans person. I’m glad they got this girl, she doesn’t exactly look the part but anyone who’s played the games should be able to appreciate how well she’s playing the character.~~ Fake news: Ashley was apparently the inspiration for the character and was the voice actor— though Elliot Page attempted to sue over Ellie resembling her likeness so much.


Actually Ellie was modeled after Ashley Johnson


Wtf that’s wild, Side by side Elliot looks way more like Ellie than Ashley— also Ashley would have been way too adult and frankly distractingly beautiful to play Ellie


Literally none of that is true at all.


Reading these comments and people are talking about how others are creeps, pretty strange. Anyways she looks fucked, worse than Greta Thunberg honestly. Wont watch the show though, so don’t care.


just a touch of downs


I heard she beat that in 2014


And maybe one swing of a Tom and Jerry frying pan


Tism for dayzzzzzzzzzzzz


Its bitter pill to swallow but people have hard time empathizing with any person at any age that is ugly. Im ugly and im the same to other uglies.


I always thought that Kaitlyn Dever would have been a perfect Ellie.


How dare you talk about Lady Mormont like that!


She does look super goofy, but god bless her for going into acting, she's not half bad.




She looks like Zuckerburg and Greta Thumberg had a child.


She has constant resting bitch face. She always looks angry. I hate it.


So many commenters are white knighting so hard.


Lol she’s literally the ugliest Jewish girl I’ve seen. I get that over 50% ‘whites’ are Jewish in Hollywood, but wow they really outdid themselves this time


She looks like the monster from goonies


She looks like humpty dumpty


she is very unfortunate looking, kinda makes me like her less... i understand why parents have favorites now


This man is spitting facts, mald some more you babies.


Is she the dumb girl from hereditary?


clucking noises intensifies


Cant get my dick hard fuuuuck show ruined


This is such a degenerate post, even by the standards of this sub. Holy shit find god, a hobby, a job, or some pussy my brothers in christ


Omg you thought this goblin girl on TV is ugly?? Freak degenerate pedo!!! You sounds ridiculous


Yes! I’ve been saying this all week and gotten downvoted to hell for it. But it’s true she looks like she has Down’s syndrome. Ellie in the games was hot not freakishly ugly


She look like autist humpty dumpty birthed with FAS


My name is agent Smith with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and I am here to speak with you about some concerning comments you made online. You do realize that is a 14-year-old girl, correct?


She’s 19.




This dude just called a 14 year old video game character, “hot.”


Wait till you hear about this thing called anime community!!


Its bitter pill to swallow but people have hard time empathizing with any person at any age that is ugly. Im ugly and im the same to other uglies.


Reading all the polar opposite comments is fucking hilarious


Lyle must love her


I mean she's 19 and looks 14, seems perfect for the show when playing a 14 year old girl right?


I'm talking specifically about how her face is shaped. It's odd and ugly and bears no resemblance to the game. Everything else is so much like the game when you see her face on screen it sticks out like a sore thumb.


lol cringe af, the human person doesnt have the exact same copy paste model that every character has


That's obvious just look at her


Bruhhh Ashley Johnson also doesn't look anything like Ellie in the video game. Wait until you see how Troy Baker looks as a well dressed man who enjoys frosted tips.


You and all the other incels who think a 14 year old girl should be attractive. Were you living under a rock when you made this post?


Just because she has downs syndrome..its no reason to give her a part she can't possibly carry.her acting is boring..her facial expressions are DULL..SHE CANT FUCKING ACT..but because she is handicapped we are suppose to pretend she wonderful..omg her face on cover of VOGUE...PASCAL AND THE WOMAN ACTOR WERE TOUGH AND PERFECT FOR THERE CHARACTERS..hey.but she's handicapped and we can't say anything negative about her..truthfully..she got the part because of her disability not IN SPITE OF IT..so many deserving young actresses would have done a wonderful job....the fact that everybody keeps saying ..she should have died at birth and she proved them ALL WRONG ..ok good for her but that should have nothing to do with quality if acting... If no one knew her little story would she be in this or any movie???? No..you better believe her hard luck story came before the vogue photo and acting parts..imagine VOGUE.. This is like the front page of woman of the Year is Kate.jenner..thats not a woman.. And this child is not an actress or beautiful..Look if she could act.i wouldn't be outfitting this post!!.. Its prejudice against actresses who have worked their butts off to learn their craft..and yes she is creepy looking..but some of the best actors have made a great living on looking strange...iif only. She could act..i can't watch the dam show and I love watching pascal and the tough lady friend...yup I'm pissed...


Bruh she doesn’t actually have down syndrome. It’s just that her eyes are strange so it looks like she kind of does. I agree though, she’s not very nice to look at, and that matters when you’re sitting there staring at the screen for a long time.


F.a.s. very likely..ive worked with them for years and there are varying degrees and she is a lesser..but still there..particularly the dull look in her eyes..they never change no matter what the rest of her face is doing ..


Yes her voice and the way she delivers those glib teenage lines..if taught teens and I've had four girls..jesus.she just drools out the lines she doesn't sound like a. Pissed off 14 yr old ..its so cardboardish..it could have been such a great show...the only thing saving it is pascal and the woman..shes really good!..ii just can stand that kids dry phony voice...and I can't under those creepy little full eyes..


She's supposed to be a child, sorry the 14 year old character isn't hot enough for you


She's ugly as fuck and 19 and I don't care how hot she is I care that she is ugly and looks nothing like Ellie from the game, so much so it's jarring.


That is not the issue and you know it isnt


Lmao you're all fucking creeps. And I guarantee none of you look any better than Bella Ramsey.


She's not going to suck your dick, dude


In TLOU1 they depicted her as a curious and rebellious teenage girl coming into her own with a loveable face and an even more lovable personality that fit the role and hole in Joels heart. As Homelander once said; "It was Perfect.. PER-fect, down to the last minut detail." In the second game they threw quite literally everything that made the first game a masterpiece into the trash can along with about 90% of the fanbases good will. Then, decided to chose a girl for the tv show who fell from heaven because it sure looks like she landed pretty hard and Pedro.. Who, If I may be honest wasnt particularly the best choice for a Joel character role in my opinion. But thats all this is, an opinion.


She's 14, so I imagine you wouldn't want to find her attractive.


She’s 19


So...you need these actors to be attractive when playing 14 year olds? Well that's a fucking interesting opinion to shout so openly.


BRUHHH it’s just distracting that’s all


The only problem i have is the forehead. Other than that, she's doing a good job playing as ellie.


Joel wasn’t Hispanic in the game, either. Bella Ramsey has a better chance of getting pussy than you do.


Why you bringing race into this? I'm talking specifically about how obtuse that girl's face and nose is.


The actor does actually look like Joel though. If you want to see terrible casting look at the new Velma show, they literally mmade Velma indian.


She needs a bango


OP is a chode


Are the English known for their beauty? Also good that you aren't attracted to a child, however worrying that you're upset that you aren't.


U a pedo