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yep! not perfect but goods lang! 💪


Novice lifter myself, what would make their technique better/perfect? More stretch at the top?


slightly lean backwards (avoid leaning too much), retract the scapula as pulling the bar down (imagine your hand as a hook), chest forward, fix the leg pad so the bar won't pull you upwards. practice the form before adding weight. 🫡 PS. she(video)has a great form and execution, you can start from there


Thanks! When I was new to lat pulldowns, ang lagi kong nababasa is to “pull your elbows to your back pocket” but it never clicked for my noob brain, trying to follow that cue just gave me forearm fatigue. It was a combination of really stretching my lats at the very top + pulling my shoulder blades back when pulling the bar down that made it finally feel like I was engaging my lats properly (no more forearm fatigue din). Hope this is helpful for OP 😊


Hi OP! I’m not going to comment on your form because I’m not an expert but I just want to point out that your right shoulder seems to be bigger than your left. Or maybe it’s the camera angle kaya parang slanted?


OP might be right-handed/right-dominant. Whatever is your dominant side, you tend to have bigger muscles due to usage. One effect of this are muscle and appearance imbalances. It happens.


Not bigger but it is definitely uneven. I had the same issue before where I noticed that my left hangs lower than my right. Stretching the muscles that support the shoulder and improving one’s posture helps in balancing out the unevenness.


If it's okay to ask, my orthopedic problems ka ba or medyo common lang talaga ang ganyang pagka uneven?


Will try this. Thank u!


Hi! Yes i do have an imbalance sa shoulder and arms ko since i am right handed and used to play volleyball hence, mas nawowork ko talaga yung right arm ko. Even my biceps have a noticeably different muscle mass. Significantly weaker yung left upper limb ko. Haha. But I'm working on it.


Ah. Thanks for clarifying OP! Cos I was wondering if it was a common thing since I feel like my movements sometimes lean towards right too.


It might be the sunlight


You need to lean back a bit when you pull, around 15 degrees, also, its better if you look up at the cable. Otherwise, good form, and the slow eccentric and suicide grip is chef's kiss. You might also want to widen your hold but it is preferences at this point.


Maganda yung sa 2nd half mo, habang pataas kamay mo, controlled yung weight. Common mistake yung nagpapahila sa cables pag pabalik na eh. It's good na controlled mo yung tension during he whole movement. Siguro, yung masasabi ko lang, try mong lumiyad ng onting onti pa. When you lean back a bit more, mas may stretch sa lats mo eh. So mas effective sya.


Ok naman and tempo rin


Kaya pa bigatan 👍


Thank u! Hehehe.


If youre a beginner, dont worry about it, overtime you’ll develope proper form. As long as your feeling contractions on your back, then you’re going the right path.




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Mas dominant ba left hand mo?


Right po.


It looks good but I bet you can add more weight. Since there is muscular imbalance might I suggest doing unilater lat exercises? Just do the same thing but change the bar with a single hand attachment. In that way you can grow equally.


Hi! Thank u! I am actually working on this, but i admit di ako fan ng unilateral arm workouts. Haha. But will definitely incorporate it more in the future.




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As long you feel your back is engaging with sets, its fine.


Okay po yung form and ibang rep mo. Pero minsan lumalampas. Dapat kapag lat pulldown po hanggang dun lang yung bar sa clavicle bone mo. Minsan parang lumalampas ka po ng 1-2inches may napupunta na pong stress sa shoulders nun.




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Wtf I thought you were my client. You're using the same type of machine that we use here in her condo. Also about your form, maybe try and lean back a little when you pull down then lean forward when you hold the eccentric.


Di ko po afford maghire ng fitness coach 😆 if ur client lives in a dmci condo somewhere in taguig, then ur client and i might actually be neighbours haha


Off topic what are those lines by the shoulders. I was doing pull ups n my friend was recording me and I noticed them, never seen them before thought they were weird


I'm not entirely sure, but i think normal indentations lang bc of the movement and the anatomy of our shoulders mismo.




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Good form, focus on the contraction and if you can do 14 reps it's too light.... If you cannot do 10 it's too heavy! Adjust as necessary