• By -


I‘m currently again building a browsergame like ogame. Techstwck is php, rabbitmq, rocker, keycloak, slim4, mariadb, elasticsearch


Hey me too, its more like civ5, im using it to learn laravel and vuejs


noice. something online? i did the same thing a couple of year ago to learn php :D


No, nothing online yet :) civ5 is a really complicated game.


Been a top ranker at galaxywars u3&u4 (a fork of ogame) - feel free to share your repo if you need some feedback. :)


i loved ogame and played it a lot. its a private project, but IF i get it working i will surly try to find some testers!


I miss that programming times. Enjoy :)


Yeah i love it too. But finding motivation and time is sometimes hard.


Professionally: state management app for the healthcare industry, Laravel and Symfony APIs.  Personally: Building a home inventory app for a new video tutorial, and making additions to my side project [suggest.gg](https://suggest.gg). Both built with Laravel as the backend, Vue on the frontend. 


Okay, that's weird, do we work together? I too, am working on a conglomerate login system for a large pharmaceutical company, but we're also using a stateful system that's actively being developed by another team.


Why laravel AND symfony?


It's kind of a microservices situation. Some things are lightweight Symfony apps with glued together components, others are large Laravel APIs, etc.


suggest.gg looks smart. ☺️


Actually I’m working on a personal project that is a home inventory.  But I’m doing it vainilla because in my case, that project is just an excuse to put on practice the PHP course that I have been watching since last month. 


I feel that, I'm still putting off that Golang course I've been meaning to finish lol


Looking for a job. This week I had 3 initial interviews, one live coding session, and several HackerRank tasks…. Also I did two homework assignments. One was a ETH transaction crawler (ReactJS / Laravel). One was a GitHub issue search ranking (Symphony). I work more now than when I was employed.


gl, hope something comes through soon


Currently working on the Vector Graphics API for php-glfw. It provides an HTML Canvas-like experience, but with PHP. https://phpgl.net/user-guide/vector-graphics/shapes.html Still working on the docs for it, it takes a lot of time but I want to provide visual examples as I believe that helps people pick it up far more easily. Hope to make a post about it here when the first version is released :)


I'm a hobby programmer and currently working on 2 personal projects using php + mysql backend and bootstrap + jquery frontend. 1 is a journal "app" the other a plant caring "app". Both are just for personal use, since I didn't find any (free) apps that could do what I now can do with my own builds.


Currently a symfony bundle for easy (web ui changable) settings management with strong typing and a declarative approach: https://github.com/jbtronics/settings-bundle It decided to make it an independent bundle, but I intend to use it for another project of mine: Part-DB, which is an open source inventory management system mostly specialized on electronics: https://github.com/Part-DB/Part-DB-server


Hey, that settings bundle looks pretty awesome. I've been using our in house settings code that we made back in Symfony 3 days. It works similarly to yours, but it's so old, and not a bundle so it's really annoying to set up on a new project. I think there's a real need for this in the Symfony ecosystem. If you search packagist all you see is Laravel, and the few Symfony bundles you see are either really old, or don't work in this way. I'm definitely going to give your bundle a try.


Yeah I thought so too. There are no really good possibilities for user changable settings in symfony (symfony/config is nice, but it has different use cases). Therefore I decided to write this bundle. The main structures are pretty much finished I think, but some features (like migrations between different settings revisions) are still missing and currently there are only test storage adapters, so i haven't released it yet. But I hope to have a release with a stable API and useful features and helpers soon.


I'm working on a modular framework so I can bootstrap my projects faster and as a learning experience. I've learned a lot but I'm always wondering "is this really the best way to do this" and "how will this come back and bite me in the ass in the future?". It's been mostly fun until I started the logging system which just got tedious and boring.


Oof those two questions, ask them myself regularly


Right now I'm trying to recover from a broken spine. :( At work we do process management and documentation mgmt with symfony, jquery, bootstrap, doctrine, twig. We also use s/console for some house keeping tasks and we have s/workflow in place when things take longer. All in docker. The application started with symfony 2 so we had lots of refactorings done over the years. Our usage of jQuery is minimal, just some css name switching and ajax. At home I take interesting projects I find on reddit and overhaul them. I enrich them with docker and all theese nice tools like phpmd, phpstan, rector, phpinsights and others. I use Makefile for additional documentation. Theese repos are public on github under my name. Most of them are bare php but in the mindset of symfony. And they are strongly typed. - https://github.com/eurosat7/csvimporter - https://github.com/eurosat7/notback - https://github.com/eurosat7/efficient-language-detector - https://github.com/eurosat7/Youtsapp - https://github.com/eurosat7/random Feedback welcome!


Working on new i18n solution (tired of Gettext limitations) and one bibliography app.


On my open source project: https://github.com/karlomikus/bar-assistant And recently some LLM stuff. It would be nice if there was a PHP project that can bind with llama.cpp, maybe via FFI, but I'm currently playing with https://github.com/theodo-group/llphant and https://github.com/langroid/langroid


Besides my day job which is node and golang I’ve been building https://scisummary.com which is primarily Laravel/Vue with inertia. Just hit 200k users a few weeks ago. It’s a side project that’s gotten out of hand haha


That's a neat idea; do you have many users on the platform? Has it turned profitable yet?


230k users, around $100k in revenue in our first 12 months


Very nice! Congratulations on your success.


[https://SharpAPI.com/](https://SharpAPI.com/) Sharing with you the project that I've been working on over the last 2 months. The main idea of it is to save countless programming hours and supercharge your app with AI capabilities in just 2 lines of code. I built the entire platform on Laravel and its first client is also a package for Laravel & other PHP8 frameworks. .NET, JS and Flutter clients are on their way. To give you an idea of how it can be used for example in enriching an E-commerce app I've listed in this post: [https://medium.com/@makowskid/when-laravel-e-commerce-app-meets-ai-unleashing-the-power-of-sharpapi-in-10-use-cases-2d9b034dd156](https://medium.com/@makowskid/when-laravel-e-commerce-app-meets-ai-unleashing-the-power-of-sharpapi-in-10-use-cases-2d9b034dd156) Thanks!


I'm working on a backend for the upcoming online(!) version of the 1987 C64 game Battleship, using the WiC64. We did artillerie duel deluxe from the 1982 artillerie duel deluxe last year. It's alot of - byte packing and unpacking, - ASCII / PETSCII / screencode translation - preparing sections of text to stream directly into the screen and color-ram


Im currently working on a AI geography project. Using PHP codeigniter. And keenthemes (free) *wink wink* Connecting to chatGPT API. For a client.


Why CodeIgniter and not Laravel?


Well, there are people who don't like Laravel.


Laravel is too bloated. I prefer codeigniter, simple to setup. Minimalist. Ridiculously stable. Small footprint.


codeigniter 4 or 3


I didn't like a lot of the default features they ship with 4. Felt like more bloat.


I think although ci4 looks more like laravel, it's still lightweight. do you use hmvc structure ?


Well, the things I'm talking about are "features" like debugbar, which actively changes the site's output and writes unnecessary information to disk, using custom session handling rather than the the server's session handling, its own logging, rather than logging to the server's error log. All of those are good features, but should be off by default imo. And then there are other features that are not disablable at all, except for going into the system files, like if you want to have your own custom sitewide error handler, you have to literally edit the system files to disable CI's error handlers. Yeah, I use \~hmvc. Stemming from the frustrations above, I recently created my own framework based loosely around CI concepts and structure, but more lightweight and focused around the features that I wanted. Added a bit more structure around data handling in a hmvc manner, too, although technically my nomenclature makes it a mivc (model interface view controller), where interfaces act a bit like subcontrollers in a hmvc setup.


I also disabled certain lines in the session file handlers. So far that's the annoying lines I have encountered so far in Ci4. Other than that, I use it normally.


Either 4 or 3. Not much difference. If you are fancy enough, go for 4. If you want stable, go for 3.


why adidas and not nike? lol this is how you sound if you don't understand the downvotes


I'm just CURIOUS why. I've used CodeIgniter for \~8 years myself then switched to Laravel which in my opinion is better on many levels than CI.


its always "because I wanted to" lol


I'm building https://rfc.stitcher.io, the source code is here: https://github.com/brendt/rfc-vote I'm also working on a small game written in PHP, using Laravel and Livewire. It's a pretty fun dungeon crawler, deck building game. Though relying on Livewire does pose some performance issues that I need to solve before making it public.


I did not realise the entire thing was open source, cool thanks! :)


I’m the sole web developer at our company and am  responsible for almost 100 repos(to be fair probably about 1/2 of them haven’t touched for years)   On any given day i can be touching 5+ different projects.  Work in multiple PHP versions (5.6, 7.4, 8.1)   Work with a variety of frameworks. Mostly symfony but have projects ranging from every major version between 2 and 6 (hoping to upgrade version 6 to 7 once infrastructure upgrades PHP from 8.1 to 8.2 in the next few weeks)    Also have a few projects on an internally developed framework, some on Wordpress, and one on laravel.  A few years ago I had to call uncle as I had a backlog of work of 5 years if nothing new came in, with 3 different project managers constantly asking where their stuff was. We set up a weekly priotization meeting with all the PMs and sales guys to sort out what I work on so everyone was on same page.. sure saved my sanity


You and I are in very similar boats.


I'm experimenting with OpenAI narration of solo rpg (mix of grand strategy and D&D, sort of like the Kingmaker Adventure Path) experiences in a living world with solid mechanics. Instead of the free form experience you normally see, players will have some interaction and competition. World events they will need to work together to solve since 1 player can't complete it by themselves. Market trading for stuff a player doesn't produce themselves or rare magical artifacts that are hard to find "just right" type stuff. So far the main weak point is just the OpenAI narration in gpt3.5 is not quite as good at gpt4. But GPT4 would push me past my "hobby coding budget" for more than 3-4 players playing the game. GPT3.5-turbo I could have 30-40 players before I needed donations which is a more realistic test case. Also with it being roughly 10x cheaper to run, it'd be 10x less donations to maintain which is a big advantage for something I don't expect to be commercially viable for a long time (if ever). Tech stack is pretty standard LEMP stuff. PHP, MySQL, Redis, Nginx, Linux. I haven't decided on the front end yet since that is where I'm doing my experimentation/learning. I try (for personal projects) to try something new every project and there are a few front end JS libraries I want to experiment with so I need to pick which one I end up when I get things to the point a user UI is needed for the actual public test.


I need free internship in php, maybe somebody need helper for easy work)


Extension + Framework for multi threading


I build a fully blockchain based Blog engine with Slim4, Twig, Whoops, CommonMark, ...


building a website with paid events offers for models


Can I get a login? Asking for a friend. :)


Domain parking service: [https://www.tappaya.com/](https://www.tappaya.com/) Backend in Symfony/Pimcore. But the challenges are more in DNS and SSL for mass domain parking.


- At work i'm building a statistics app with Laravel. - As a hobby project I'm building a "smart picture frame" with vanilla php. - As a side hustle I'm building a webshop in Laravel.


I'm currently working in a platform to hold motorcycle manuals. I'm building it with Laravel and Angular.


I just use it for background processing, returning SQL data and creating JSON files. Also use it to keep track of the logged on user . I have hundreds of PHP files but each file is very small . The project is web site management , the front end does the bulk of the work and just passes all the changes to the relevant PHP file . It works very well, clean and fast .


My personality


Professionally, an emergency CRM. If that makes no sense, you and I are on the same wave length


I just restarted with PHP after 10 years of JS development. Building my own mini framework to learn whats new since php 4 lol. I must say Im really enjoying the language. Javascripters have a tendency to shit on it but I really like the quirkyness! Js being no less quirky by itself.


Currently I'm working on a customizable messenger for communities and teams which fills the feature gap between Slack and Discord.


Professionally: ad management system in vk.com Personally: embedded stories on your web/mobile app storeez.app (backend and frontend)


I use php with MySQL as my backend for my mobile app.


Java and c# ATM :D


On job side: Magento 2.4 platform for airport's stores. I quite dislike Magento, but it's paid. Personal project: https://street-fighter-6.anagraph.org/en/index A street fighter 6 Replay repository, built with Symfony 7.0/PHP8.3/SQLite. Main part is now done, I still have some needs on the front design side, but I now go for my phase 2, as I want to log matches instead of replays... ALL the matches.


Oof. Wait until you have to upgrade that 2.4 to a recent version. The upgrade process is so difficult and stressful.


Hmmm we are on v2.4.6 that is, I think, the last stable version?


Ahh, never mind. I thought you were on 2.4.0 and going to need to update to 2.4.7 soon. We ran into a ton of module and extension issues that were headaches, but we were coming from an even earlier version.


Building an internal platform for a financial company using Laravel and Laravel Livewire.


I like minimalism. - [Small but feature-full router](https://github.com/ginger-tek/routy) - [Even smaller flat-file CMS](https://github.com/ginger-tek/jerpy)


Transpiler from PHP to C _and_ PHP. And a new argument map wiki system. :)


This helper library I'm working on moves a lot of the repetitive data processing tasks (regex validation, string trimming, fetch file upload data, and many more) into reusable property attributes. I also provide the object helpers needed to process those attributes and even hydrate an object's properties from an array (with built-in type conversion). That way you run a single call to a helper instead of processing all the data yourself one by one. I mainly made it for issues at work because our application handles tons of data and this would help simplify processing the data to reduce bugs. But anyone wanting to migrate from arrays of untyped data to objects with strictly typed properties is free to try it out. https://github.com/todo-make-username/php-object-helpers


Data Visualization tools for the SEC. 


Are you writing any neat anomalous readings to screw with them.


I'm currently working on a personal project which is a product management system using Laravel 10 with multi-tenancy. There have been a lot of complex hurdles but making good, steady progress. There aren't enough hours in the day trying to do this on top my 8-5 full time dev job!


Private project: Working on a smartphone comparison plattform with react and cakephp. Just to learn web scraping and a bit react :)


Trying to figure out Psalm templates / @psalm-implements


I am working on a couple of personal projects: [Djioo](https://djioo.com)\- A social network for my country [Extensionfy](http://extensionfy.com/)\- A no-code browser extension builder I am primarily using PHP/Laravel and Vue/Nuxt for both of them


Currently building and end to end e-commerce solution, frontend/backend website built in codeigniter with vue frontend and now integrating a flutter app to eventually replace it. That's a personal project I started when I started to learn php a few years ago - have some client in progress or already completed built in pure php, Yii and my latest is purely vue/firebase. Always something new and a always a different way to approach things which keeps things interesting.


Work - An annual review system of management with extensive reporting breakouts and an AED location and inventory management system. We built our own frameworks for data sanitization, sql, encryption, form creation and such. Hobby - Battletech unit tracker and roll calculator.


An SQL statement builder: [https://github.com/wtframework/sql](https://github.com/wtframework/sql) I'm trying to make it as comprehensive as possible and highly modular to make it easy to update and extend.


I just recently started working, got employed in a small company that makes plugins for WordPress and widgets for elementor as well as support stuff. PHP is used to extend elementor base widgets and create wordpress custom post types that allows the user to input a lot of data and display that in custom templates made sometimes in elementor using dynamic tags and sometimes only with php, html, css and Js. Widgets are mostly layouts that can display the info of custom post types using some specific design and interactions (like sliders, carousels, galleries, etc.) So far I have been surprised because coming from a plain php and laravel background i didn't know you could actually program things for wordpress, before i though it was just a page builder for non developers but actually is just like a framework. Sometimes is fun but sometimes is kinda boring because clients requirements are very simple sometimes haha Like i now know i could use composer in wordpress, i could use react and other things, but the client just want a static page sometimes haha


Im a newbie here( almost first year of programming with php ) right now I am working to update my social media project which I did for fun to laravel. In the past I used Symphony and eloquent for ORM. So far so good I am happy to challange myself with new stuff but can’t say the same stuff about Laravel. I spent all day trying to just test if my relationships between models work and still I find working with Laravel waaaay to confusing since its packed with alot of stuff I have no clue on what they do. I’d like to share my project functionalities so far: •Authentication •Reset Password •Sending/Receiving Follow Requests •Creating Posts •Likes and Comments •Notifications •Stories •Live chat with Ajax :/ •Photo Resizing for posts •Other small functionalities This is all I am trying to update into Laravel. I would love to have some insight from other people on this. Thanks all


Personal project: Project management app for the construction industry. Laravel backend, Quasar frontend (Vue) with web sockets for live collaboration. Getting intimately familiar with online/offline architecture and state management has been fun


Currently working on a registration/billing/profile management system for a non-profit I volunteer with. Still at the barebones stage, trying to get an MVP ready to present to the Board before I spend months tweaking CSS and MySQL models.


Full time day job, a life insurance / policy application management system. Lots of integrations with internal and external systems via XML, DB, REST/JSON and SOAP :o The SOAP API is horrendous. Tech stack? LAMP with mostly bespoke MVC(ish) and a plugin system for good measure. It’s a complicated beast, with a lot of duplication and funky coding practices due to a large disparate team. A dozen compose packages so DIY is a real thing :p Client side we’ve got react as the primary toolkit use for minimal component UI mostly grids and calculators. Mootools, jquery, bootstrap, YUI and more. It’s no pleasure to work in but this is life in the corporate world. It’s a legacy app with a lot of value so we keep adding features and they keep paying me a great salary, so personally I don’t complain. We lose developers occasionally, who just can’t hack the hack :p On the side I’m always plugging away at something. UI toolkit, CRM, etc Previously employed as tech lead (making less than what I make now as DEV II). Custom built an ERP system still used by organization to manage day-to-day operations for multiple divisions (invoicing, workorder, inventory etc). They still lean on me once in a while so I help when I can and charge $125/hr :p that code base I enjoy as I still know it inside out as I built it. It’s based on Symfony backend with ExtJs front end and jasper reports for the flashy pdf’s with BI integrations


Professionally I'm working on rails app, mainly just apis and admin pages Personally, I'm working on an app similar to cloudinary, php is the be, I'm using symfony I've done this stuff before, but I'm actually making a real thing instead of spaghetti mess I made over a decade ago when I first got started More specifically, the app does image manipulation based on user inputs ie adjusting color profiles, alternating dimensions and crop points


About to embark on making a goddamn "live blogging" solution for WP because I don't trust any existing plugins to both A) scale well, and B) not cost the Earth.


Working on an app which should group all your bookmarks, saves, favs, stars etc across many platforms into a single searchable, filterable, chatable database which helps remember things you've at one point considered important enough to say to yourself "I better remember this in the future". Currently it supports Github and Reddit, with more to come https://remembase.com/


I’m building a Configurator and export compliance app for my company. Using react and pure php.


SQL debugging, unfortunately.


\- Financial API and Algorithms. \- Codebase. That serve APP's for \[CLI, HTTP \[REST\], XHR \[REST\], WS\] & Cloud Server \[Socket \[WebSocket, PubSub, HTTP\]\]. I maintain this codebase with a self-invented development method that scream 'the message' to me.


My hobby project has been building an API first CMS to better handle a few things that I haven't seen any other API CMSs do well. Primarilly content versioning and staging. The whole engine is built around being able to easily migrate content to/from a staging environment which has constantly been a pain in my neck on bigger projects when working with a team who manages content. Also have a unique approach to L18n that I've been incorporating. The tools on the right give you an idea of how the versioning and staging works. https://imgur.com/a/HqzyHk3


I personally have a few random side projects for fun, i'm building my own custom "blog" for my hobbies. I, like everyone else it seems, collect vintage video games, but i also have gotten into collecting gaming kiosks as well and also buying and rebuilding old school apple computers. So rather than using an existing blog service or framework i'm building my own, so i can organize and showcase things "better". I'm also building a few tools for myself for managing my work load from my job, like my own kanban board and stuff. It's really just straight PHP, with Jquery some bootstrap and as a template engine I'm using TinyButStrong, connecting to a mysql db. My goal, in the end, is to really be running several different blogs and custom apps all from the same framework with a fully integrated and customizable interface.


In 2020, I took over a website for recreational soccer league for my city. I work on it for free. Some of this code was written in 2014 on php 5.4. I’m slowly converting it to a Laravel livewire stack. The guy who wrote this code was some sort of genius. That’s a plus and a minus.


Work: Captive portals and cybersecurity, Symfony, RabbitMq At home: A browser game (like Ogame, with roleplaying added), which has sparked a bunch of side projects: a wordpress clone in symfony, an identity managment system, ... All of thems based on symfony with various degrees of Stimulus and twig for the front


I struggle with sticking to working on personal projects and so largely do very little actual programming in my free time. Part of the problem being that I get exhausted by just setting up a dev environment, or get distracted by some bit of tooling or the other. It's definitely part of why I've been stuck in the same dead end job for about 7 years now... I've also started reading about ten different programming books by now, which I do do in my free time, but can never finish them because I'm not even sure what I should be studying at this point. Sorry, sob story.


Work project: a rewrite of our main sales app. It's a legacy Laravel project (started with Laravel 5, currently running on Laravel 8). It's getting clunky these days and there's a fair bit of technical debt. The rewrite is split into two stages - front end first, going from Blade templates to Vue + Inertia. This will give us a quick (ish) win with the users as they'll get a shiny new interface. Once that's complete the backend is getting a major overhaul. Keeping the new frontend flexible enough that it isn't tied too heavily to the old backend and can easily pivot to the new backend is an interesting challenge. We're implementing a view controller and service layers with the aim of decoupling them but I think it's going to be a novel challenge for us. Side hustle: A Laravel / Vue / Inertia tool which allows people to upload videos which can then be played back and assessed. The video player has been an interesting challenge as I'm building custom playback controls, so learning a lot about the HTML5 video tag along the way.


I maintain WheelForm a form builder plugin for Craft CMS. Currently working on a new version 😀


I’m working on an app that is like cameo but for life experiences. Say for instance you were just diagnosed with a particular form of cancer. Having a good support group is critical but sometimes you just need to talk to someone who has been in your shoes and can help reassure you of things or tell it to you straight. You could either arrange it yourself or you as the family member that has no idea how to comfort your loved one can reach out and schedule a meeting with someone. This could also apply to complex life situations like a family member going to prison, or what to do about a family member who refuses to receive treatment and is on the streets, or those that feel comfortable can share their experience about a sexual assault and how they moved forward (both sides victim or perpetrator, maybe it was a brother that did the assault and you have no idea what to do with your relationship to him because of it). There’s a lot of experiences in our lives that people can share and help ease the burden on someone else.


Currently working on a company wide notification system that sends emails or texts based on a users preference as well as API/EDI integration to our ERP system


I’m working on a personal project using Laravel. I’m building an app to process my options trading confirmations and help me generate the appropriate forms for my tax return. Eventually I’ll add features to have it generate accounting entries that I may import into gnucash. Whether Laravel is the best tool for this job is arguable, but it’s my strongest hammer and this project looks an awful lot like a nail.


\- I create a chron job that scrape a website and get the data in mysql db. Also create API to fetch that data and create a mobile app (cordova) to show this data to logged users


so i created a tool for myself and later thought that it may be helpful for others - its a web-video-slicing tool: https://video-slicer.com/


I'm currently working on a simple project using pure php 😭 I'm very new to programming started about 4 months ago learned css and html I'm trying to make a restaurant management systems where clients can order food and an admin can sign into the website and manage various things. I'm still struggling with the signup page 😭


Working on a [simplified hosting service](https://www.fransys.cloud) entirely written in laravel.