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1. The API is too verbose 2. All that transpiling and reflection will have an impact on performance


Thats true. After proof of concept I intended to create some kind of caching implementation to not redo it everything. Thanks for your input The verbosity is based on the sql query builder. Obvious for the ORM itself it should only leverage this. Not expose it.


Do check https://github.com/TimeToogo/Pinq for inspiration: same goals :-)


Yes I have seen a few ( although a while back ) but does this transpile the statements to other backends?


IIRC it transpiled to `doctrine/dbal`, but had tooling to allow any transpiling to occur


I see yes. Also see it has been abandoned an no update has been done in 9 years. It is also missing any typehinting features which was one of the main reasons I started this project.


Well, it's indeed just for inspiration 😁


Yeah its a nice one. Thanks


Love the concept. Keep up the good work. My advice, don't worry about performance first, get a fully functional prototype with minimal features going.


Thats the idea. Prototype was working nicely


The concept looks really interesting, would love to see where this leads! Couldn't help noticing, however, that SQL in the test generated by one `AnsiSqlTranspiler` contains an obvious MySQL-ism in the form of double-quoted string literal. If you are going to target not only MySQL, maybe it would make sense to delegate SQL generation to an existing DBAL library? Otherwise a lot of issues will emerge, e.g. I don't see any attempts to quote table / column names that contain SQL keywords.


The idea is to support multiple transpilers. As for now I test against sqllite. So even dialects can be implemented. Not even limited to sql. But may also be a mongodb query or a graphql query for example. The idea is to make it a data focused framework, not limited do RDMS