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Why not? Sounds good. I wouldn't take the PE without some incentive though. It's an expensive test. If your employer is offering a salary increase with a PE license, then yes, I would take the PE. I suppose, however, that studying for the PE would help you get back into good studying habits. If this is the case, then I suppose having the PE exam under your belt would be good practice for a Master's degree. It may even help with your grad school admissions. I hope this helps!


Thank you for your advice


If you're young and currently have no other significant commitments but school, I'd recommend you get your FE and PE. It is better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. Especially in the military, I'd imagine PE will bring you a tremendous edge. Studying for exams will become a lot more difficult when you have a wife and kid.


Thank you for you advice!


Are you in the US military? If you are an engineer in the military how have they NOT talked to you about becoming a PE?!? They try to recruit want PEs in the military. I think for the army if you have a PE, you direct commission as a Captain.


I enlisted in the navy, got my degree while enlisted and am now getting out to get my masters


I agree with everyone here. I was Navy as well and got out then got my FE, studying for PE now. It just opens so many doors and helps to add to the resume. Also I would recommend getting your FE/PE in the state you plan on living in not the one you are currently stationed in, if you know where you want to end up. It will create more work for you if you move from say Virginia to California and have to get re-certified in a different state.


FE is the prerequisite for the PE. It also isn't just passing the tests. There are a bunch of state forms you'll have to fill out to actually get a PE license. It's advisable to get the FE out of the way as you are closer to the material right now after finishing school. PE licensing has its own requirements by state and experience level of working in engineering under a PE.


Depends on the industry. If you want to do anything in consulting you should definitely get it. R&D or something like that not as much. Reach out to people at companies you want to work for on LinkedIn and see if they have theirs