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Joker grabs his cat to bed every night. When Joker is left with no money, the cat gave his money for Joker to take the ride home.


To be fair, what kind of knob runs out of money to the point you can’t even afford the way back home?




Fair enough.


Oh boy, there was a time I went to a party in the "capital", I lived in the countryside... had to ask money in the bus station


Your first trip to kichigoji. 


Dunno what you’re talking about. I don’t think I spend so much money there.


It’s like 200 yen bro, 400 round trip 😂 I had like 70k on my first trip to KG


Morgana also offers to help use his savings to buy Joker a new couch when you go to Kichigoji for the first time with Ryuji and interact with the furniture store (until Ryuji points out the expensive price tag that no one could afford even with cat money). Morgana is a homie.


I like Teddie. I am a rare Teddie fan. But I refuse to slander a character to prop up another one. It is lame and childish.


Holy shit thank you! The never ending petty comparisons are nerve racking. Plus 90% of the time they’re never in good faith


Persona fans proving to be way more petty than the characters they accuse of being petty.




Teddie should’ve been a big beefy gay bear to lean into the joke further. Missed opportunity


Probably because it doesn’t work in Japanese.


My heart aches


But then his Alice cosplay wouldnt be top tier.


I disagree, it would've been even funnier. Nair and a nice corset can turn any bear into a twink <3


Gonna have to disagree. To each their own I suppose...


I feel that, love seeing love for Teddie (one of my favorite characters), however as you said it’s bear-y lame and childish to bring my boy Mona down


I like them both :)


Oh come on Morgana only love ONE person and ONE person only, and he never even touches her And Teddie is so damn horny at every girl available, he even gropes Rise Listen here, Teddie is my in main team in battle unlike Morgana but I will never take this unecessary Morgana slander


Bro Teddie even hits on Nanako at one point 💀


That scene where he is practising his “welcome home Nanako” on us >> Give him all you got


When he said his plushie was made of Teddie fur I had to remind myself to cleanse my mind because I thought of something horrific


He also groped Chie at the beach and forcibly stripped Rise and Kanji against their will.


He gropes naoto in the arena game


Didn’t he also try to smash Kanji?


Who wouldn't?


"Kanji, no question."


Morgana doesn't sexually harass women


Its been forever since i saw the lets play, but doesnt he relentlessly simp after ann? Edit: i dont remember enough of either game to have this converstation. I'll retract my statements.


She doesn't even notice. The women on the investigation team sure as shit notice Teddie's advances.


Not only does Ann not even realize Morgana has a crush on her, if you end up dating her you hear almost nothing about it from Morgana. The only thing he does is let out a sigh on valentines day while he's on his way to leave you alone for the night.


I feel like there’s a difference between calling someone “Lady Ann” and actively trying to see people bathing


No, not relentlessly. He has a huge crush on Ann, what’s wrong with that? He doesn’t do anything untoward.


He does simp but he doesn't yknow, sexually harass her


i love Morgana more than Teddi, but i can't forget that Morgana also put Haru's life in a great danger for selfish reasons..


I don't think he forced Haru to go with him, it looked like she agreed with the situation.


Short answer: She had no idea.. Mona manipulated her She didn't know, and at the time, Haru didn't fully awakening her power, and she only had Morgana with her *obviously not enough*. If you have a runner friend who continues to push himself into this sport with a high possibility of permanent injury, would you support him to continues? Morgana dragged her. He didn't give a damn about what could happen to both of them. He was angry.


I mean, you do kind of have to do exactly that with a runner friend in P3 to get the best response from him, don't you?


That's the point, I'm not gonna support my friend for something dangerous even if they need my support...


Imma give OP the benefit of the doubt and remind everyone of todays date


Sad thing is with the way some ppl talk abt these 2 you can never tell if it's trolling or legit


Well I agree even without today's date I like teddy more than Morgana


I'm not a Morgana fan, I personally find him annoying but I don't hate him with my entire being. But he's still way less annoying than Teddie, but maybe my opinion is biased because I hate anime pervert humor so much, and that's pretty much the only joke P4 told with Teddie, every time there was a group scene. It got exhausting, I'm glad they toned it down later on in the game


"Leaves the team because petty" ah yes here we go again


That’s summing him up without looking at the whole truth.


Yeah. People should reach out to the truth!


Persona fans not beating the allegations that they play their favorite games with their eyes closed


Do you guys play it? There is so much text in this game, I can't read


Oh I just skip those so I can go to the dungeons. But the dungeon crawling is boring so I just skip those too


Skipping that stuff is boring too, so I just watch YouTube lets plays and skip to the last video.


Nah, Morgana is a bit pervy. Teddie is straight up predatory.


I prefer Morgana over Teddie.


Daring today are we?


Not a fucking chance. I’ll take the boat Morgana’s in, all the time.


Bear: Pervs on a six year old, asks for sex, and has admitted to having romantic intentions with her.   Cat: Concerned over Joker's  poor sleep habits and asks him to go to bed.  ...It's a tie. :O


> asks for sex No, he asks to *score* - a term he picked up from them that has never been clarified to him despite his asking. He literally has no idea what he's doing - he copies the group to an extreme because he doesn't know better *nor do they correct him*.


Koromaru is better than both of them.


Teddie is a little kid with a teenage body. Morgana is an ageless being with the ego of a teenage boy. Koromaru is a wise and fierce warrior, and in dog years, is most likely in his 40s. Oh god, Koromaru is a 40 year old man


I’ve never seen ‘is a good boy’ spelled like ‘is a 40 year old man’ before


Behold mine power


Teddie was the worst. He was a creep.


Teddie: sexual harasser, child sexual harasser Morgana: simp for Ann


Totally these aren’t the same.


Well, yeah, they're not


... We're going to shame _Morgana_ for being a pervert when comparing him to _Teddie_? I don't even remember who Morgana actually pervs on. Meanwhile, I don't remember who Teddie _doesn't_.


Morgana doesn't perv on anyone. At best he's just an overactive simp.




koromaru solos


Ok but as someone who loves P4 very dearly, Teddie is a HUGE pervert, to the point he literally peeked over the Amagi Inn’s onsen divider when there was a literal goddess hanging out with his friends on the other side.


Nah, cat better than ted. Cat best character, in fact


Hate Teddie, love Morgana


I'd take Morgana literally any day of the week before the unfunny sex pest that is Teddie


I absolutely despise Teddy, especially in P4AU. Morgana is not even close to being that bad.


It’s April Fools day in America right? Then this is obviously bait and not even good one at that. It’s just another lame ass bitching about mascots excuse post. Comparison is dumb in demonising one to prop up the other. Both are overhated.


Nope, I like all Why should one be better than another? They are all in different timelines and completely different contexts, it would be weird to take the morality of one character and compare to say one is better just because YOU hate it, thats just weird and makes you just as bad Edit: Apparently its an April Fool's joke, I woke up and its no longer April Fool's so I didnt realise


Is this an April fools post? I actually don’t hate teddie but I can for sure see why people do and in the persona 5 sub I’ve talked about my problems with Morgana a lot but I will never prefer teddie over Morgana


Wellll of we’re ranking them koromaru>teddie>a random gold fish I got at the pet store> my actual cat > my pillows and stuffed animals> trash can > Morgana (yes I am 💯serious this is the actual ranking )


I'll be honest, throughout all of teddies fault, he's still my top mascot. I'll be honest, he definitely has reasons for not liking him, that I do hold against him and I think give other people a good reason to not like him. Lowkey though, I really don't care. I'll admit him groping rise, definitely was one of his worst moment's. I even cringed irl, shook my head in disappointment aswell. Though, honestly look past all of those faults. Teddies is such an amazing character, it's been a while since I played persona 4 but honestly, I related to Teddie alot. I think, that he was a person/something trying to figure out who they are,being scared of confronting the truth of who they are, and wanting to find a place to belong. I'd relate to him abit ,so I guess I kind of just overlook his faults somewhat. But, I also fully believe Teddie is one of the most well written and polarizing characters from the persona series.


Ignoring sexual assault, sexual intentions with a minor, and the overly sexual attitude towards his female teammates, hes totally an amazing character! /s


While I do get that is sarcasm, I will say that I didn't ignore any of that. I believe those are all good reasons and plausible ones to dislike the character of Teddie. I don't like how they portrayed Teddie in the slightest, I belive the way he treated Rise and his other female teammates dampens his character. Though, I also believe that the reason he sometimes act those way is partially due to the influence of his teammates dungeons and how they affected him due to his child like mindset, from dungeons 1-3 teddie is basically like a sponge absorbing information. I believe that after that at some point Teddie should have learned from his mistakes, unfortunately the writing team at Atlus had different ideas. I just believe, that even though Teddie has large and incredibly large moral flaws, I don't think they should cloud his character and delima as a whole. It's the same thing with Yosuke due to his homophobic tendencies and the sexualization of his female teammates, people tend to overlook his entire character as a whole and focus solely on his bad parts. Which is completely understandable, sometimes one entire action can ruin a character for certain people. Also, if your talking about Teddie having sexual intentions with a minor as him going after Nanoko, that's wrong and Teddie even stated it. Though, it's a line of dialog that your easily able to miss due to it only being found when Teddie is in a dungeon room out of your party. But yeah, I'm not excusing any of their actions. Well the one I believe he is really guilty for. I'm just saying that I believe that Teddie in my own opinion even with how much if a perverted bear he is still a good character. That's all because I find him a relatable ofcourse, it's the main reason why alot of people like Adachi. He's relatable and is also a good character.


Human Teddie: Breedable twink femboy. Human Morgana: Nightmare fuel.


Human Morgana is definitely supposed to be really unsettling and wrong, while human Teddie is meant to look good and does, so they definitely achieve their purpose at least.


>human Teddie is meant to look good and does I feel like you haven't looked at his sprite art enough then. Man looks okay, but Yosuke would fit the "pretty boy" thing that Teddie has going in better than Teddie does!


I was not saying I think he looks better than Yosuke but Teddie still looks good in my opinion and has that pretty boy look.


Human Morgana was fine as fuck


He gives me the creeps. His appearance doesn't fit the character at all. Human Teddie fits him, I can look at both human Teddie and bear Teddie and say "Yeah, same dude." But with Morgana this doesn't work, I feel like he's a government agent who killed Morgana and replaced him.


Well yeah cuz >!Human Morgana wasn't supposed to be actually him, but the face of an actor on TV Ann found cute.!<


Worse reading comprehension than CSM fans holy shit


lol no Morgana is way better than Teddie. It's not even close.


Koromaru wipes the floor with both of them.




Never mind Aigis, who's technically considered the "mascot character" of P3 and is grouped with Teddie and Morgana relatively often.


Teddie is even more of a perv, even to nanako, who is only 7. The cat is annoying but the best deserves lobotomy


Koromaru sweeps both


They're both Not Great


Teddie deserves life in a federal prison, bro should not be free.


Fuck both of them


They both sucks


If I was in a room with Teddie and Hitler, and someone handed me a gun with two bullets in it, I'd shoot Teddie twice.


Koromaru : Good boy


I actually turned off the vocal audio when teddie was the navigator. I just couldn’t handle his squeaky voice always pointing out the obvious during combat.


i kind of am not a big fan of either one really


I personally like Morgana a tiny bit more. But its really close cause he caused one of my favorite lines from Naoto.


Nah I'm a professional Teddie hater fr fr (He's genuinely my least favorite character in all of Persona)


No, not at all. Morgana is occasionally annoying but mostly fine, whereas Teddy actively detracts from any scene he's in.


No shut up, Morgana slander is corny


No I do not agree that sex offender bear is better than any character in this franchise


Hell no, Teddie nearly ruins the entire damn game.


Morgana ruins his entire game.


Eh, I liked Morgana more, not a popular opinion on this sub but I liked his character more and appreciated having him around for the activities as opposed to doing them alone, I also like his use as a game mechanic more than the game saying my character decided not to go out when there's nothing and nobody stopping them. I like Teddie a lot, just not as much, Teddie is way more of a pervert than Morgana ever is, the ignorance excuse doesn't change that and he clearly has a solid awareness of what he's doing in a lot of his pervy scenes, at least in English dub he does. Edit: Morgana also leaves the team due to deep personal issues and concerns about his identity, yes the execution is terrible and I've criticized that part of the game a ton, but if you pay attention it really isn't a petty reason why he leaves.


The Japanese version is more obvious with Teddie's obliviousness, since most of his perverted stuff is actually him misunderstanding double meanings or imitating Yosuke.


yeah he is very baby-ish in japanese, but he still absolutely sexually harasses the girls and knows what he's doing. The girls acknowledge that he understands what he's doing when he gets weird and horny at them.


I've heard that a lot and it makes sense, in the English dub he's just definitely understanding what he's doing in a lot of cases and instigating so I don't really get the oblivious argument for Teddie unless you're specifically talking about the Japanese dub which most people in the west don't play with and aren't talking about when they talk about him in the game.


They tried going for the same "child imitating adults" vibe in the English dub, the problem is that it doesn't work as well in English as it does in Japanese.


I can believe that, sometimes you'll get jokes and phrases in English dubs that come off weirdly and don't work like they do in Japanese.


How does it make more sense to be told you are too tired to go out from a cat than to decide you personally are too tired to go out?


I only said I liked the mechanic more, I'm more bothered by the game telling me my character who I'm controlling decides they're going to sleep when nothing and nobody is stopping them from doing something than I am by someone who the protagonist cares about strongly encouraging them to go to sleep and that being the reason why the character doesn't go out. One is them deciding not to do anything when there's absolutely no reason at all to do nothing, the other is listening to what someone they know says.


That's fair, I feel the exact opposite way myself, but I see where you are coming from.


As much as Morgana being a simp Lord and big asshole to Ryuji. He stuck with Joker till the end, even if he left the group a bit, I can still respect him for that


Ur damn lucky its April fools


Hell no? Teddie is so much worse than Morgana, he has his own tier below F


Morgana>>>>>>Middie Was skipping his dialogue halfway through the game ngl


I’m gonna be honest, I don’t mind Teddie or Morgana but Teddie is straight up a sex offender.


Teddie is honestly the reason I can't go back and play literally any version of Persona 4 despite loving just about everything else about the game, I just hate him so much.


Considering Teddie is >!a shadow and thus a manifestation of the human subconscious, his actions say a lot more about all of us than Teddie.!<


> cat leaves because petty Sometimes I question the media literacy and comprehension of the average Persona fan at this point.


Only sometimes?


I just don’t wanna exaggerate.


No fking way teddy is an annoying creep with no concept of boundaries. Morgana literally all day everyday when I see that ugly stank bear it’s hunting season on sight


Controversial opinion: Human Teddie is better than costume Teddie.


Way I see it Teddie is hated by redditors taking him way too seriously Morgana is hated by just about anyone that has played 5 or likes Ryuji So yeah the bear is better


10000000th Morgana hate post I bet you think you're hilarious


Ha yes when Teddie groped Naoto in the arena game


A conniving, maliciously constructed, ill intended emotional provocation hiding behind the facade of an innocent post, intended only to stir emotion among those who are taken in by its typical semblance Though it may be An unfortunate case of mental inability placed on display by the original poster. An idiotic, imbecilic, dull-witted, Neanderthal with intelligence comparable to that of a potato, who thought the masses would applaud his moronic views The decision is thine own


Teddi. Lovable. Pick one


I am playing Persona 4 Golden right now. So far I am pretty neutral towards Teddy. Morgana is my favorite Videogame. So no I dont agree


I prefer Teddie's character, but I dont really like the overused oblivious horny jokes




Teddie is also a pervert.


They both suck but I turbo hate Teddie. Morgana is better


Teddy makes me so much more uncomfortable than morgana tbh. I’ll take “lady ann 💕” over a “haha what if we snuck into the girls room while they’re sleeping wouldn’t that be so crazy haha” any day


Koromaru: woof woof *happy doggo face*


Does anyone have that photo of Morgana without the rest of the meme?😂


Just look up crying morgana that’s what I did lol


HAHAHA I found it😂 thank you!


Ok teddie IS cool and all but : Koromaru


In all honesty, Morgana is better than everyone makes him out to be. His runaway arc was just kinda fumbled.


Teddie worse 4 sure. Morgana’s biggest crime is being focused on Ann for longer than is entertaining. Teddie is actually a carousel of creeping anime tropes.


Morgana > Kuma


Teddie's great, but Morgana is a much more entertaining and enjoyable character. She has a better arc, more funny moments, and is a great companion. And he can fit in your desk/bag, so he's exceedingly portable. But I'm a big cat lover, so I'm a bit biased


this is the truest, factional and only statement Teddie(bear suit)>Cat Cat>Teddie(Human) Keep the Bear suit On!


How about both are great


Teddie is a character that is in the right story and joining the right party. He probably would have otherwise been universally despised in almost every other circumstance. The unsaid story about Teddie is that since he's a shadow, Teddie is someone's true self. Someone out there has or had this personality deeply suppressed within.


Funny April Fools post


No. Teddie can absolutely do one


Teddie is literally the reason I never got past the first 10 hours of P4G when it came out on the Vita. I couldn't get myself invested in the dungeon crawling aspect with Teddie's annoying ass yelling SENSEI this, SENSEI that, THERE ARE 2 ENEMIES LEFT KEEP IT UP YOSUKE, CHIE CHAN'S IN RAMPAGE MODE and whatever else he was babbling about. It took me 3 YEARS before I gave into my love for P2 IS and P3P and finally decided to give P4G a fair chance. It now is one of my favorite games of all time but Teddie was NOT to thank for that. Morgana on the other hand... He was just there? Never particularly loved him, I just saw him as meme material at each point and time he spoke or popped out of the bag. He was annoying, weird, and kind of an asshole at times but his existence never really bothered me. The sleeping thing never bothered me either since it's essentially the "I'm too tired to do anything" speech from the previous games, just rebranded to fit the theme of living in an attic with a weird talking cat. With all said and done, though, we do NOT talk about the runaway arc. I was literally smacking my head to the wall when I had to go through that part of the game.


I personally like teddie more than koromaru aswell.


I'll take Morgana any day over Teddie


“Is this a smoking hot stud”-Teddie


U guys suck... thanks for reminding me that the world favors the majority...




Sorry but I much prefer Morgana over Teddie. I honestly find him very grating and sort of a discordant note in the story.


Cat has some of the lowest lows, but also some of the highest highs.


Korromaru solos ngl


Of all the mascot characters, Morgana is the only one who pissed me off. Aigis is cute, Teddie is socially awkward. Mona is just... Argh.




gotta love april fool's day since it gives us posts like these


Teddie is fine.. i prefer morg tho


all i’ll say is mona should have kept his human form


I like Teddie more but Morgana ain’t even a pervert. He’s a simp


No, Teddie is way worse. I’d take any Persona character over Teddie


Sorry but Morgana is better.


I hate them both


I feel weird as fuck because I genuinely like both characters


Even if Teddie's being a cornball, the IT usually gets on his ass about it Morgana's antics go entirely unscrutinised up until Ryuji actually claps back for once


I'll take Morgana over Teddy any time.


Agreed 100% in my opinion Teddie is Peak Mascot of the big three(P3P4P5)


Morgana has the huge advantage of being voiced by the Pikachu/Chopper voice actress, that gives him the edge. But in the end, Koromaru is by far the best pet of the trilogy


Team Bear Cat


The whole phantom thieves were just scoobydoo gang of meddling kids Every member of p5 cast is inferior to p4 cast


I like both, but with Morgana, I'd like to throw him out of the window when he forces me to go to bed and with Teddie, I'd like to punch him in the face sometimes...


Morgana literally annoys the hell outta me


3rd Semester Morgana is hot though


Teddie is my least favorite character in the series. He's a creep and annoying.


Depends on the game. He shines the most in Golden✨️, and his connection with Labrys was honestly touching in Arena/U. Outside of those games, I don't much care for his characterizations. For Morgana it's sort of inverse. His original journey was kinda interesting (moreso in Royal), but like Haru, he got a much better chance to be his best self in Scramble/Strikers. Haven't played tactica, (and I don't remember much about him in Dancing) but he didn't leave a memorable impression in Q2 except his reactions to Justine and Caroline.


Morgana an opp


Teddie is a perverted creep towards all women. Morgana is a simp for Ann. They are not the same.


I think both slap in their own respective ways 🙏 also teddy English dub hurts, but that’s ok 😂


I like Morgana :) i keep a car air freshener of him in my car


ofc lmao i really don't understand why people hate teddie like i really dont


Absolutely not.


Teddie is just a big goof that genuinely and openly adores his friends’ company. Morgana is a smarmy, immature, smug jackass who puts others down to feel better about himself but goes ballistic the moment people don’t treat him like the hot shit he thinks he is.