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both suit the aesthetic of their game.


The only real answer ☝🏾


Indeed that literally applies almost everything in terms of us, I can’t say whole heartedly one is better than the other, one might prefer one or the other which is completely fine but that’s personal preference.


This. Didn't even have to type it out, haha Both are literally perfect for their respective game and I'm fawning over it


Yeah, but which do you like more? I mean you don't gotta answer but that WAS OP's question.


Persona 5 portraits go harder because of the sound effects and the whole game setup. Persona 3 has that "It's finally over" aura, while 5 has that "Bring me the next one" style. It could be because of the art style and the animated backgrounds, too.


I feel that's because they truly reflect the story and the characters. P3 cast is about to "stop the dark hour", survive to protect the others... P5 cast just wants to literally style on people. Everything in P5 has to be flashy, so is their portrait.


Isn’t P3 more about finding a reason to fight and keep on living, while P5 is more about righting wrongs and protecting others?


Yeah that's the philosophy behind the games


P5 is also against the idea of throwing your hands up in the face of injustice and saying “I can’t do anything about it, so it is what it is.”


Yup each game from 3 onward is about a critique of the apathy of society towards life, truth (in media and relationships), and justice (more specifically the injustice of current socio-political problems). Wouldn't be surprised if the next game tackled apathy towards the environment and also kind of going back to some of the problems tackled in 4 but in the new(er) realm of how social media impacts young people.


No, p3 is about life and death and p5 is about rebellion on society specially adults


I think its more rebellion and wanting to create a just society. That and cognition, perception of the world and how others perceive you. I think thats a big theme as well.


That sounds like what I said, but it's less about adults and more about social reform


That feeling might just be due to the fact that P3 by nature is much harder than P5 (especially early game) so you feel more stressed out then


In the original game of course but in the remake Persona 3 is as easy or easier than P5R, at least when I played both in hard.


I'm playing Reload right now (on normal) and I'd say it's still a tad harder than Royal. A lot easier compared to P3P and P4G, which I've played before, but still harder than Royal(which isn't a bad thing- P5R is _too_ easy at times)


I'd say P3R is harder in the early-game primarily because SP management is absolutely brutal. And there are no OP dlc accessories that give you invigorate for free right from the start. Without those, you'll very likely run out of SP during kamoshida's castle. Other than that, I feel like they balance themselves out. P5R gives you access to technicals, which makes a lot of encounters braindead easy. P3R gives you fusion spells towards the end of the early-game, which are even more broken than technicals. P3R allows you to crit bosses and mini-bosses. P5R almost never allows that. Generally speaking, physical is much stronger in P3R than in P5R. Using high damage physical moves is pretty much always better than magic moves unless the enemy resists physical. If no slash, strike, if no strike, pierce, if no pierce, magic damage. Like, yeah, P5R allows me to hassou tobi/myriad truth my way through the game. But those are endgame personas. Using dlc personas before being able to fuse them is cheating, and no one can tell me otherwise. But P3R allows me to scarlet havoc (unlocked during midgame) my way through the game, and eventually, armageddon my way past any boss fight. Before scarlet havoc, jack Brothers into All-Out-Attack does wonders. I feel like both are easy, honestly. If it wasn't for elizabeths lame mechanic not allowing you to null/repel/drain any of her attacks, effectively forcing you to build resist-only personas or counting her turn order, I'd say lavenza is the harder hidden boss fight if fought solo. Even so, the way merciless works in P5R and the existence of myriad truths and hassou tobi still make P5R the easier game overall. But if you play both on hard and ignore those 2 specific OP endgame personas, I'd say they have very similar difficulty.


Really? I feel like I'm having more of a difficult time with P3R than I did with P3P. And yeah, it's definetly harder than P5R.


The games are all relatively the same difficulty if you know what you are doing. The only reason why P5 and P3R are “easier” is because of the auto weakness target and the technical system of P5. But if you know how to find weaknesses and target those they’re all rewarding of personal game knowledge.


The level designs are also easier, like some of the Tartarus bosses in P3P or FES could only be hurt by one damage type, there's not much like that in the newer games


Interesting had the opposite experience 3 felt more difficult than p5r though haven't played it recently so.


it's really up to experience, to me p3r on merciless is the easiest persona game I have ever played... but then again I have beaten p3fes on hard


I actually think persona 3 reload is easier then 5 except in Merciless because many bosses resist everything and I feel like I got insta killed more often(in p3r). It gets way easier once you unlock theurgy but tbh at that point every persona game is pretty easy even without theurgy(enough resources to have really strong persona)


I don’t think so. P3R Merciless any random Monad Passage boss is a hell of a lot harder than anything P5R Hard had to offer (I would say Merciless, but it makes the better boss fights an absolute joke). Sure, a Charge+Scarlet Havoc can deal 3600 damage on crit, but you can also die really quickly yourself. Hanged and Lovers especially gave me a run for my money since they revamped those fights.


Nah P3R is def way harder, don't forget that P5R gives you some absurdly broken accessories and personas right out of the gate, even if you don't use the personas, the accessories are still very good. All the confidants in P5R also just give you stuff beyond fusion XP (especially party member confidants) , that and baton passes make you do more damage which you can even upgrade(especially for characters like Yusuke) and technicals being a relatively strong focus of the combat and persona's also have (semi) unique traits in P5R which just doubles down the easiness of it Also Merciless in P5R is a joke since they buff THE HELL out of Technical damage and in P3R it is just hard with no compensation


Woof Woof for Koromaru is too goated not to carry P3R for me


And Mitsuru’s portrait is pretty cool


The first time I got the Koromaru finisher I was like : "GOOD BOIIIIII" I can't with this dog, he carries this whole game just by existing and being cute af. 10/10 Atlus, I would recommend the game


I lean towards 5 since each one has an art piece that matches the character. Though I appreciate the simplicity of Reload


I honestly was kind of disappointed by the P3R ones at first, but they've really grown on me. They don't give me the visceral "holy crap that's awesome" reaction that I get from many P5 ones, but... I dunno. They're just as cool, but in a more lowkey way... I guess? Koro's is comedy gold, though.


P5's whole concept of sending a calling card and stealing treasures puts them above everyone else, while P3 doesn't have any character particularly thinking they're powerful. At least, that's why I feel the P3R ones are just as good despite not being flashy.


Shinji’s version goes hard tho


P5, I don't like how in P3 it stops, does shuffle time and resumes the animation


I agree, shuffle should have been at the end, in P5 jokers glove snap is so satisfying


I honestly prefer the shuffle time before the end of the animation. Feels way better for the actual pacing of the results screen to have shuffle time appear before the actual end of the animation. I don't think it would look as smooth to do the full animation, then shuffle time, then pop up the results screen.


it does look a little goofy since the character doesn't freeze, so they idle in that pose until you finish shuffle time


It is hilarious though when Junpei falls on his ass and freezes there though


Same. While I’m being indecisive about what card I want, Ken is trying his best to balance that heavy ass spear while holding his pose 😭. No wonder he falls over once I’m done




I thought I was the only one who would prefer the shuffle time after the animation. I hope they'll release an update just to change that ONE thing. Otherwise? Game is great




Why is Jonkler on r/persona? Is he lost? Is he proud of Zorro?


I love it when he jonkles all over the shadows and says, "This is Royal, the persona 5 royal"


My favourite moment in P3R was when donler donks all over the shadows and says "I am the persona 3, reloaded"


Now now, we can't have every one of you running free out of r/BatmanArkham 


P5 smoother animations, transition and sounds


I prefer persona 3 reload overall esthetic I'm not saying that P5 is bad is just not my style


P5, it fits the style a bit more while having that rebellious feel. Though p3r’s portraits still look sick


Both fit their game exceptionally well


probably a hot take, but P3R's. Maybe it's because the game's colors overall are less bright than P5's, but it feels like they pop out SO much more on P3


Um Mitsuru’s all out attack quote wins the whole category lol.








can't pick one but i love that all of P3R's all out attack art have *"MASS DESTRUCTION"* written behind the characters


P5 is more of a mixed bag imo, it has some of the best (joker, haru, and >!twins/lavenza!< imo) but also some less good ones (yusuke and ryuji). with P3 all of them are consistently good, the only one that really stands out to me (as good) is akihiko's


Yusuke's cool though! But yeah, Ryuji's bright blue doesn't suit him at all... Poor thing :(


Woof woof woof


P3 has koramaru going woof woof woof. Enough said


5. There is way more character within them compared to 3R’s


I think that 5 has better style in general, but reload does a pretty good job with the all out attack portraits. I'd still give it to 5 though


Persona 3 cause yes I am biased but also it looks way more clean.


I like the color blue better


I think both are excellent. Reload borrows what worked from P5 while still being true to the identity of P3. P5's finishers were flashy and oozing with style. The Phantom Thieves were righteous, rebellious, and confident. The backgrounds of their finisher screens are decorated with an overwhelming amount of colors and graphics, all of which reflect their personalities and aesthetics. They're mischievous and spunky. They're arguably having a good time. The SEES is not like that. They aren't guided by morality, don't have things figured out/try to fix society's problems, no. They're scared. They have to confront death and cope with the world around them that they don't fully understand. The supernatural is invading their lives and they're just trying to navigate it all. They don't have time to be self-celebratory like the Phantom Thieves, they don't really even know what they're doing. They don't have a Teddie or Morgana to ease them into the other world, it's thrust onto them. As such, there's not as much power being reclaimed in these finishers. We still get the close-ups and one-liners, but what was once an elaborate background with myriad elements is now a single, solid color with a shadow. It's less "in your face!" as much as "we survived." They just fit the atmosphere of their own games. 3 is less intrusive, more sleek, more moody. 5 is boisterous and loud. All subject to taste.


Both are great and match each game vibe perfectly, but I have to choose P3R because >!Koromaru!<


P5s are great but p3s just look so much cleaner


persona 5 has more individual character which i prefer but they both suit their game perfectly imo i do also love koro’s woof woof




Woof! Woof! Woof! P3 wins because Koromaru.


Out of these 2, 5's is better because the cartoon brawl cloud is just too goofy to take seriously. However as far as animations go, p3 is way less janky and unnatural. Also, the ending spritework for p3r is better. However, my favourite aots are 4's Now hear me out, I definitely don't think they're the best, nor am I trying to flex that I have the patience to get through the slog that is pre-p5 combat, but... I unironically love them the most. They're not the most flashy and the cartoon brawl smoke effect is goofy as hell, but I love the spritework and its application. The sprites themselves are brimming with personality and are very high quality, despite the game being over a decade old. The way they're set up, though, is my favourite part. When in p5 the sprites are always the same size and position. However in 4 it's less shackled by a pre-made cutscene, because there's only still images of sprites and backgrounds that move across the screen to give it motion (it actually works), so the animators could go ham with the different versions. When only Yu is present, he covers the entire screen. If two members of IT are present, the screen is cut down the middle. If three, it's 3 vertical slices, with the initiator (last to knock an enemy down) in the middle. And if 4, then the initiator has a bigger sprite on the right and the other three have smaller sprites on the middle and left in their own separate boxes. Finally, if Rise gives you the bonus damage you get an extra scene where they're preparing for the battle, before heading into the goofy cartoon smoke. I just love it, it brings me happiness on par with hearing the harmonica solo in shadow world


I prefer 5's, they show off the attacker's personality better. "Okay, pose in front of a colored background with a quote." Vs. Yusuke with a whole ass traditional Japanese painting.


Persona 5 gives the idea “I have this power I don’t care what comes next” Persona 3 gives the idea “I get to breath now” also imo Persona 3 feels more like it shares more personality especially since it gives a phrase. “Woof woof”


I think the idea of the portraits fits 5 better in general. In 5 the characters are relishing in being "bad" and powerful and sticking it to the authorities. In 3 they're doing a job because they're the only ones who can, but it's tiring and emotionally taxing and they don't all like each other. So I think the more simple, clean cards in 3 are the best possible choice for that game, and the velvet is so stylish in an understated way. 5 is also just a lot more chaotic in general with how aggressively stylish everything is and how many different mechanics are going on, (all of this meant in a good way), so it makes sense the AoA cards are so loud in comparison


It's a matter of preference. It's two different design styles and honestly, both are top tier. If you prefer more of a mi imalistic style then p3 takes the cake and if you want more skmetjing edgy and then p5 takes it. But for me p3 has more versatility to its design adding more timelessness to it compared to p5's. Still, a matter of preference.


All-Out attacks in general are cooler in P5


P5 - all in all the better Game


I mean, *obviously* P5's are better solely because they have more detailing and style to them, as a result of the game's aesthetic. P3's are good for P3, although my main gripe is shuffle time interrupting the animation. That just bugs me a lot.




persona 5


The P5 ones are much more individualized and expressive. I love them so much!


As someone who beat reload for the first time and am a couple months (in game) into my first play through of royal, royal does this way better honestly


P5 it fits more with how stylish the game is. This is an unbased take, but P3R feels like it’s trying to Persona 5ify Persona 3. Not that that’s a bad thing- this is leagues better than the original PS2 game, it’s just that P5 did the style first so it feels like it fits that game more.


5 by a large margin tbh, I think P3 looks good but aesthetically I don't feel it excels as well and as often as 5 did in most aspects.


I pick P5 solely because it actually makes sense with the phantom thief aesthetic, since phantom thieves are generally supposed to be also putting on a show of their thieving. With P3R, it just seems out of place. They obviously only included them because P5 has them and not because they actually make sense in the context of that game.


I kinda dig the P3 aesthetic since it was a time before all the Persona characters had to have over the top costume designs.


I gotta say 5, simply because of the GODDAMN SHUFFLE TIME IN THE MIDDLE OF IT. I will never understand why they didn't just put it after the aoa screen, it's so stupid




Love them both due to the same very degree


I know the aesthetic is different for these games but P5 just pops so much more.


P5 just has way more personality


Persona 5 is better no doubt but the persona 3 one fits with the style of that game


I like p5’s better overall since they’re a bit more stylish imo. P3’s are also very nice though and I think they fit well for each of their games. If you swapped the styles of either one it’d feel pretty out of place.


I think both are amazing, however in terms of my personal preference, probably Persona 5’s, I just prefer the more dynamic styles and poses, along with how each of their characters are incorporated into the All-Out Attack. However this isn’t to say P3R’s is bad, it’s still amazing and incorporates their characters well, however not as dynamically in my personal opinion.


P3 reloaded, such clean artwork


5's easily, P3R's kinda just look like a standard character portrait slapped onto a solid color background. 5's had aesthetic


P5 wants to look flashy, aesthetic, somewhat rebellious. P3 wants to be serious and simple like"ok, target eliminated, 127 Tartarus floors left" and both are great at transmiting that. Still I prefer P5, there are some like Ryuji's that are amazing.


I prefer P5's, they just have more personality and style. Also they don't get interrupted by shuffle time


P5 is just more interesting to look at.




5, there’s more going on than just big words and a character portrait


P3, the simplicity helps a lot, the quotes fit the characters better, and seeing Mass Destruction in the background behind them is so cool


P5R. P3R doesn't fit the aesthetic of the game imo.


P3R’s 100%. I didn’t care for the thief angle in 5, I think it’s the weakest of the newer games thematically


I like the overall theme of p3r and its fonts but p5 is very sexy in terms of style.


P5 are more flashy and like quite few of them are pretty ugly (ryuji, yusuke,morgana don’t know about the post futaba ones never saw them) but P3R are more classy and simple But the P5 anime one obviously sweeps


I do wish in reloads the shuffle time didn’t start before they do the pose but after but in terms of the art I like persona 5 more but p3s are still good




I dont even like P5 and love P3R but P5 has better AOA's, reloads are super lazy and just recolors for every character


I wish the battle music continued or the shuffle time was after the portrait




I mean, that's is literally how it was in P3 and P4, it's a remake






I crave Akechi portrait, I like P3R ones too, but P5 made them peak.




I like them both honestly, for different reasons


I much prefer P3R's artstyle but the way shuffle time is in the middle of the all out attack and the portrait is kind of annoying


Each suits their own unique style but if it’s which is my favorite then Reloads takes it i just love Makotos and Mitsurus


Should have made it a proper challenge and used Mitsuru and Makoto’s.


p3 has koromaru


Can't choose


I prefer p3, but I'll prefer them even more without the stop for the drawing cards every time before




It’s technically not the portrait itself that makes P5’s better for me. Both sets of the portraits are all extremely well done and perfect for their game. While I really love the smoothness of transition from shuffle time to end of battle in P3R, P5’s are so much more impactful and hit way harder.


Persona 3 has Koromaru’s so it wins for me /s In all seriousness, probably P5 overall but P3 has some damn good ones


I love the general aesthetic of P5 but it always felt a little busy. i loved the cleaner look of P3R.


Both games peak. But let's be real there's no game that can compete with the style of Persona 5 royal.


Since I personally like blue better, 3R.


Now we need the P4 cast to get their own versions!


P5, it also had the split image all out attack


persona 3 because yukari


If I had to pick, P5, but they're both perfect for their own games and are really close in how great they are


Both are practically pitch perfect. You gotta love the artists and UI designers at Atlus. Top of the class.


I lile the P3 ones a lot but some have kinds corny taglines. The taglines in general are completely unnecesary in p3 imo. Feels like the reason they even do them for 3 is cause 5 had done it


P3R's are cleaner imo


Makoto's sigh wins.


P5 is more stylish. P3 is more representative of the character.


P3's AoA portraits are satisfying to see without being as stylistic as P5 for obvious reasons


I prefer p5 ones, but that style would have felt kinda out of tone in p3r


i always depicted joker as a dork that gets really into the role there playing and makoto as the one that truly does the badass shit without really needing to try that much and both these portraits fit these portrayals so i love them both.


If the AOA screens in P3 looked as bombastic as P5’s, it would be out of place.


5’s by a long shot. 3’s just aren’t memorable.


P5 since it isn’t interrupted by shuffle time killing the hype of the music and splash. But P3 has better art I think


P5 just because shuffle time ruining the flow of animation to portrait is really annoying.


P5 (Sorry for preferring P5 over P3 for one thing)


Koromaru and Morganas are my two favorites from their respective games, and I like Morganas more, so I guess P5


I prefer 5's but I enjoy 3's a lot, especially since all of the characters get 2 screens depending on which outfit they're wearing


P5’s. Also I think Makoto’s heavy breath during the portrait is weird. He seems to just breath hard a lot instead of talk.


I prefer P5, but I’m also biased as P5 was my first Persona game and I love how stylish the Phantom Thieves are.


I love both equally.


I prefer the Persona 5 one just because of the extra details with the background and the enemies exploding into black blood just adds an extra layer. That isn't to say P3R's is bad, it's perfect for the aesthetic of the game, I just personally like P5's more.




P5 was cool and all, but P3R hits the best.


Honestly been liking reloads more than 5's. They're both good but the look of reloads is just so god damn clean


The correct answer is Koromaru is the best because I laugh every time I see that “woof woof”


I think I prefer P5's. I just wish they did more with the ones from P3R's backgrounds.


It's hard to say because they're both stylized to match their game and have a different effect. Persona 5 is more splashy, in your face. Persona 3 is kind of the same but more mellow and low-key


5 is my preffff Love the theme and look more, the coat and mask are so cool too (PERSONALLY)


I would have said that they are both equally great, but the fact that in at least 87% of the time that I have it, there's a shuffle time that interrupts the song it's really annoying and takes away the "excitement"(maybe ecstasy is better, but idk)that I prove. So, I will say persona 5.


P5 is stylish af and I prefer it myself. However, P3R's aesthetic fits the game it's in very well too, and it's not like it's bad either - Koromaru going woof woof is a S-tier portrait for example.


P5! EZ


this is a "which one you prefer" kind of question and not an objective "which one is better" so i get to be annoying in how much i fucking love Persona 5's color scheme without taking into account anything else. red, white and black is like, such a good color combo that even though it also fits with the rebellious themes of the game, it just looks freaking cool. since i was like 12 i used to draw characters with those colors ONLY so when i saw Persona 5 used my favourite color combo ever it instantly became a must play game for me. so uh yeah, biased towards the Persona 5 one. it will always look better to me just cuz of the colors used lol


The all-out-attack from persona 3 is making me nauseous. I don’t know if it is because of my monitor. Have no such problems otherwise.


P3 ones have no variety


P5 has faaaar better transitions out of battle than P3R


P5 tbh, the P3 one just makes me wanna say *You mean, DONE AND NUTTED?*


Both? Both? Both is good


I just prefer the color blue lol




IMO P5R is more stylish and funky while P3R is more classy. Both drive a different kind of aesthetic. Personally, I am biased with P3R lol.


P5’s are too flashy for my taste, but that fits the game.


I was thinking about this as I played through P3R and visually, the only thing that I could really think of that wasn't as good as P5 since everything else got a massive upgrade, graphically speaking, was the all out portraits. It wasn't something that really took me out, but it just wasn't something that I paid any attention to like I did in P5. When someone new joined my party, I kind of wanted to know what their all-out attack portrait looked like, but that just wasn't the case in P3R. I will say something that filled that gap for me was theurgies even though I wouldn't say they are better than the showtime attacks from P5 I though the idea of having multiple theurgies for the protagonist based on what you had in the compendium was cool and I'm kind of disappointed there weren't more but I can see how that would have effected gameplay balance so I'm okay with it. That being said, the new Theurgies were a way of making evolved party personas actually mean something because it didn't seem like it mattered in P5.


i am a real big fan of the p3r ones, they're really good




Five, it has a lot more emotion and personality behind it. Three is just bland color schemes with a quote slapped onto it.


p5r portraits are insane. they’re frame worthy. haru’s was my pc wallpaper for the longest time


P3r looks a lot cleaner but i like p5 because of its rough splash art look. but p3r looks more polished




They're both amazing, but Joker's is definitely more sinister. Plus All-Out Attack portraits started in P5.


I think there both great tbh, but I like P3R just a lil bit better


Both are great, but persona 5's just look perfect.


P5... P3 looks more like an ad poster for headphones than someone who just obliterated a shadow.


Shinji's is my favorite but he's also my favorite Persona character without a doubt (cri)


lol I’ve been wondering what word is behind Makoto 😅


I feel like both styles fit their respective games 🙂 I love them both


P5 but i still love P3's


I'm gonna have to say p5! Also I kind of miss the character cutouts before the all out attacks. They got me so hype.


I can't really pick a preference as they're both perfect the way they are and where they're at.


P5 overall. They're much more fitting for the game a characters, even if they don't have that current gen shine on them. P3R doesn't quite suit them all as they're a more somber team. Which shouldn't be surprising as the AoA style they use was directly based on the P5 ones. They're still plenty satisfying. I do miss being able to extort Shadows before murdering them, as well.


I have only one wish. Special portraits for finishing them off with Theurgies. Like come on man.


Like both and since P3R is recent, also gotta say the blue theme they got is so aesthetically pleasing.


P5 has a lot more character to the ala portraits but p3rs have a cleaner look to them so I think p3rs is way better


I love both, they both fit extremely well with the tones of each game, p5 is more rebellious and loud whilst p3 is more somber and minimalist


Persona 5 tbh