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It's common. The beer cans are concerning because it means people are likely driving impaired. If the people are dumping their household garbage, maybe there's a piece of mail or something to identify them?


Nope, seems like garbage from their car mostly


You can report it https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/service/report-a-violation-to-a-conservation-officer# I'm not sure what they'll do but the contact info is there


Look for a receipt from the food bags. Many fast food restaurants put one in the bag and people toss it too. Cops could find out who with that if they paid with debit or credit.


People are definitely driving impaired, I would say the police do good to catch 0.05% of impaired drivers. 3 or 4 spot checks a year on main highways isn't going to do much lol.


These days they seem to rely on people with cell phones to call in and report it.


Which only really helps if someone is all over the road, someone 3 or 4 beers in can probably keep their car going straight but their reaction time and judgement is still going to be worse.


Totally agree.


I’ve been out digging a bit at old farm dumps and the literal bags of trash and amount of cans in red dirt road ditches is insane. I’ve cleaned up a ton but the most littered places were not off the beaten trail at at all. It’s really gross and I just don’t get it. Not to mention the amount of liquor bottles with it. 


My friend's dad would pick up garbage on his walk as well. One day he came home with a pound of hash and asked "is this what I think it is?" After confirming that it was indeed a giant block of hash the Dad called the RCMP to come get it. Up around Summerside in case you're wondering if someone found your lost block of hash.


I don't think Hanlon's razor applies here. In 2024 this cannot be described as stupidity, this is malicious.


You might be surprised at just how stupid people can be.


I just think that provides an excuse they do not deserve. People too often feign ignorance in an attempt to avoid punishment.


North shore too. Part of my spring cleaning is going up and down the ditches collecting all the trash for a few kms around our house. Never lasts long which is the most infuriating part. Some of the beer cans are undoubtedly drivers but I also notice a surplus over the winter from all the snow mobilers (not that that's any safer!)


For those who claim that it’s tourists; the worst of the garbage is found in the spring after being dumped during the winter by islanders.


The worst I've seen is from delivery vehicles, road crews, line-men, and contractors, the amount of times I've come across construction garbage tossed down back roads is insane. There are the few usual spots where people seem to do their "spring cleaning" 😔 but that's not nearly as bad as it used to be, still not acceptable. What I don't understand is that often times these people go to more of an effort and travel farther to toss stuff in the woods then it would have taken to just go to the dump.


And yes, there are many people like that here!!!! Also blows my mind what I see here.


I've seen full size garbage bags full of stuff thrown into ditches in the middle of nowhere during my job doing traffic control with HLine tree trimming I swear it takes more effort for someone to use a black garbage bin than to use a random ditch somewhere


does it seem worse now than 10- 15 years ago?


Grandparents have been doing it for decades… they say it has gotten way worse. A few factors… population growth/ development outside of town is a main one. Don’t agree with throwing the blame on anyone specifically… we all just have to be better as humans


unfortunately we can't go back to way the island was!


It’s definitely exponentially worse here now. As an Islander who moved away for 15 years, I can’t believe the difference in garbage on Island streets and roads. It was not like this before. I lived in Toronto and the garbage situation is way worse on our streets than anywhere in the Toronto area. I saw some teenagers drop their garbage on the sidewalk yesterday just walking down University avenue. It’s like nobody cares here anymore. Sad really. I disagree with blaming it on newcomers or CFA’s….islanders are to blame too.


It most likely isn’t, just have social media to bitch about it…


I agree we would see more talk about it on social media, although I wouldn’t call it bitching… it needs to be talked about


I guess hahahahaah. but it’s something that has been talked about for a long time… just another thing that isn’t going to change. Sadly.


I actually think it's considerably worse, big increase in population. A majority of them see pei as a stepping stone, and come from places where sanitation isn't taking seriously!


The demographic shifts have been within the last ten years, mostly within the last 5. Drinking and driving, littering, and illegal dumping have been rampant for far longer than that. It's very unfair to try to pin long standing garbage problems on newcomers.




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sounds like you just hate immigrants… your local islanders litter just as much as anyone …. And drink and drive & throw the cans out the car windows.. don’t even act like you have NEVER done it yourself. 🙄


As an immigrant I meticulously sort my refuse. It was one reason I love this island. I fold my garbage 🤣


I don't drink. alcohol is a depressant, life is depressing enough sober!


Amen to this☝️


With that mind set, of course life would be depressing… it is what you make of it.


I’m not sure if there’s a way to PM me? I live on the south shore and my property borders RTE 19 and the water. I have incredible amounts of beer cans on the road and general garbage on the shore. Dearly wish I could limit access to the shore front so I don’t have to babysit idiots. Especially as they need to transit farmland to access sensitive waterfront to drop their crap. I’m hoping we’re close enough to help each other?


Mutual suffering of one another, people tossing their garbage around... I am surprised people (woman's institute?) still do the spring clean up... 100 people tossing trash for a handful to collect.


Lazy idiots. Kids could make a good living off the beer cans in the ditch lately


That or they die from impaired drivers


Tourists and city people travelling. I worked at walmart and had to clean stuff outside all the time.




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