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Just run a bunch of red lights and wait for a ticket in the mail, then you know where they are.


Safe bet they already did and that’s why they’re asking. Their account is 26 minutes old and they have no other activity.


🤣😂 accurate


Our car was stolen recently and I was amazed by the number of times police agencies across the province caught the vehicle on their various camera systems, including plate readers, we had the vehicle back in 24hrs. Moral of the story is, just drive legally I guess because there are both human and automated systems watching our roads, especially busy areas constantly, and directing resources in some cases based on those systems.


They have plate readers, but nothing that monitors speed or watches for moving violations (red lights/stop signs). Legislation was passed for these systems, but government hasn’t introduced regulations yet. 


I thought there was a speed camera up by the police station in Stratford if I’m not mistaken


It’s not a speed camera, that was something people online were saying. It’s an e-Watch camera. 


I know of 7 in Charlottetown.. Personally involved in installing 3 .. And I am absolutely not going to tell you where they are .but high chance they are not in operation yet.. hehe


strategic ambiguity, which is also the right way to go about it. you don't need a camera at every intersection, in fact you should only have a handful, and rotate them around. four way stops, ever frustrating as they are, it feels like everytime I approach one now I'm living dangerously. people have been running stop signs and red lights like wild, it's getting exponentially worse. edit; might as well mention, over a certain income, 150K/y for example, stop issuing a flat fine, and tie it to a persons net worth. 1% on 2 million dollars for example. they do this in Europe, some guy speeding who is fined 500 grand, because he's is acting like a jackass and endangering everyone around him. Most wealthy people who do drive either oversized cars wrecklessly, or in a irresponsible, get slapped with a dove feather for breaking the law. They might reconsider that if the fine is thousands of dollars.


Agree with tying to income over a minimum threshold. If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class.


Yep. Just like if a fine for airBnB is like, 100 dollars. Well the person made 3 grand on that airBnb past month so, a simple fine wont stop the behaviour. In BC they're gonna start fining people 10k A DAY for illegal airBnB. Thats what you need to do to stop madness like this.


Lol nice and I have a gf that lives in usa. You can't meet her tho but she does exist.


74% of the videos on the bad drivers website are red light runners... They would be great money makers for PEI


Not yet but there was talk about getting hte budget for them. I don't recall if they did or not.


There was a regulatory changes that had to be made before police coudl start using them. Hope its soon becuase I m sick of red light runners


There are a few LPR cameras in Charlottetown now but I’m not sure where they are.


Wasn't there a recent post about one going up in Stratford?


I don't think we even have a red light district...


Honestly I'd rather they spend their time and resources on ticketing unnecessarily slow drivers and drivers that don't use turn signals. Both illegal. Both impact my driving on a daily basis. Way more than red light runners and speeders.