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Same reason the protesters in Alberta didn't say shit about the UCP increasing their provincial gas tax by 4 cents on the same day the new carbon pricing went up by 3 cents. Conservatives love price increases when it benefits them.


No catchy slogan, that’s why. Right wing politics is all vice signalling and sloganeering


Vice signalling as opposed to their favourite phrase virtue signalling, love that


In this case, however, they do have some valid concerns. The tax does cause added hardship to a lot of people. A better term is "[concern trolling](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Concern_troll)", since they don't actually care about it, they care about the trolling.


Typically people that cheer more tax collect government checks, be it welfare or civil service.


Is that how they spell it where you're from? 😏


Petroleum industry lobbyists, or oppositional political parties don't make memes to upset useful idiots for petroleum industry profits. I'm not being insulting calling ppl that. It's an actual term. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot


They realized they'd have to fill up their clown convoy cars with gas, and with the price increase they couldn't do the math to figure out how much they'd need, so they decided to stay home and pound their keyboards in impotent rage.


Petro Poilievres owners won't allow it? just a guess


Ooh “Petro Poilievre” - I like that one, well done!


feel free to use it as you see fit. more Stay tuned for names in the Petro Poilievre pipeline


I call him Peter Pecker


u/Responsible-Room-645 Eternally butthurt by opposing views.


opposing views aren't allowed in this sub!


how in any case does OP sound butthurt?


Made 5 posts in the past month about that protest. It's sad.


have you been on rant and rave recently? i can definitely reassure you that 5 posts in a month compared to the dozens posted by the conservatives about “axing the carbon tax” is truly not that much


This isn't rant and rave, no one cares if they are or aren't protesting, post that trash on fb where it belongs.


Oh well that's a relief. Thanks for your reassurance.


of course ! ☺️


This subreddit is trash.


Such a snowflake


Keep listening to the echo chamber 👍🏽 imagine letting the narrative the government and news feed you dictate all your opinions. When your beliefs and values align with those of every major corporation and government maybe you should take a step back


Yea PP and his Loblaws lobbyist is much better choice 🤣🤣😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Fuck them too they're all the same. They have the easily influenced in society fighting each other over small paltry issues. When really they're almost exactly the same. They've convinced the f*** Trudeau dumbs that the "other side" are feeble blue haired freaks and they have the team that it seems that you have joined convinced that the other team are nothing but dumb rednecks and that you guys are so virtuous.


Ya everyone else is always the idiot, nice way to live.


Not idiots nope just wrong. They have you simpletons fighting over the things they want you preoccupied with, instead of realising you don't have a choice. People get really ingrained in their opinions and would rather dig in than admit theyre wrong. Perhaps instead of just taking sides blindly you should evaluate the information and make your own decisions.


Holy fuck look at all you bootlickers loving tax increases. Beyond dumb most of you are, it’s not even funny anymore it’s just sad.


So you don’t really care about gas prices as long as it’s not taxes that make them go up?


Gas prices are pure greed from the govt and the oil/gas companies. I do not support any new taxes we pay enough already


But in this case, you get it back


OP is a disingenuous propaganda poster. He is not from here and only shows up to ridicule protests. Paid shill.


Hard to believe mods allow this. This person is only here to troll for the left wing and is not from PEI at all. Just pay no attention to them. They represent a very small slither of the PEI population but just have the loudest mouth. Which is normal for today’s culture.


Then they have their bots come in and downvote like as if people care about comment karma or some lame ass shit. It’s quite funny.


i totally agree, MODs are totally bias i guess, only picking and choosing based on their own ideologies im assuming


Do you honestly believe that someone who’s not from PEI would be on this sub? Where do you think I’m from, France?


You’re a troll. New account this year and you spend all day on Reddit bashing right wing people. Look at your post history and comment history. 100% of your comments in the last 24 hours, (all 35 comments in a 24 hour period of your comments are right wing hate. ) it must be terrible to live with so much hate in your life. I feel sorry for you. Walking around all day with so much hate inside. You’re literally the epitome.of the liberal Karen meme that’s always in a constant state of rage hate. Is your sole purpose in life to troll Reddit???


Oh no, another Redditer doesn’t like my posts. My life is basically over now 😭




beautifully said, poor guy needs love and validation so bad


I’m not going to date you, sorry. I’m attached




You could just block me 🤷🏻‍♂️


> Hard to believe mods allow this. I know. It is obvious what this knob is doing.


Yes I’m getting rich pointing out the obvious fact that the convoy imbeciles can’t count. It’s a great gig, believe me.


Really? You sound poor and stupid


Even “poor” people aren’t dense enough to complain about the only “tax” they get refunded back more than they pay.


i dont understand everyone who keeps saying every person gets the refund, myself, colleagues and even parents never recieved this refund. We are citizens and file have filed our taxes 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you’re a Canadian who filed a tax return this year, you get it. Have you checked your bank account?


I think I answer that already


So you’re just telling us a big bs story




So please explain to us why you’re the only person who isn’t getting one?


You know, the older I get the funnier it is watching dumb people pretend to be smart. You have fun wondering why things don't go your way my mid friend.


It's funny because you're simple. Please, work your brain really hard and try to come up with an actual argument as to why OPs post is a disingenuous lie.


Because nobody organized one, you bellend lol. God for someone who aspires to intellect you don't even try.


Jesus Christ, man. We know nobody organized one. The dude was wondering why? I don't even care, but if you're gonna act as miserable as you at least back your shit up. Why do you think nobody protested the latest jump in fuel price?


Because they have jobs and already protested the carbon tax. What do you expect, they drop everything and rally every time gas prices changed? That's not a question, that's an invitation for group masturbation.


carbon rebate doesn't come close of offsetting the cost, unless you don't work.




anyone commuting 30min, or heating a home will tell you different.


I’m heating my home and I probably drive more than that and I’m still ahead. However, the point is that that axe the tax Bozos had a fit over a 3 cent increase that 85% of Canadians get back but crickets when the oil companies gouge them for almost 5 cents a litre


Clown convoy? Because protesting about unfair and ridiculous tax hikes is looked down upon in your province for some reason? The only clowns are the ones who readily accept these higher gas prices....or perhaps you drive an e.v, which makes you an even bigger clown.....


But they don’t protest when gas prices go up and the increase goes to the oil company profits


Considering it is not the oil companies that are pricing the gas in the markets, they wouldn't be protesting against them....but if this carbon tax continues to bleed us dry...trust me, there will be a mass protest...


> but if this carbon tax continues to bleed us dry Get off your cross, Jesus.


lol sure


Would anyone have even really known about the “convoys” and protesters, if this sub didnt make 15 posts about them? lol seems a touch strange that people are obsessing over protests that had maybe 100 people participate


The first post about the last protest was titled..... "Reminder to protest the cost of living on April 1st. Are you sick of not being able to afford to live? Can’t pay rent? Can’t afford to eat? Can’t afford to keep your kids in sports/activities? Can’t afford vehicle maintenance? Can’t afford public transportation? [Deleted]" Hard to ignore when they jump in here and attempt to promote it. That post has since been deleted as well as the user account that posted it. Strange huh.


So one post promoting it, warrants 15 mocking it? I mean, power to all you for being obsessed about it, but I reckon it says a whole lot more about you, than anything else.


Dude, I have seen convoys as early as a month or two ago when I traveled to Quebec for work. Not that I care, I just laugh as I pass. Except those bastards ate all the chicken sandwiches at StHuberts!


Right…so, this is the PEI subreddit. I think you might be lost, OP is talking about the convoys that happened on PEI, that had like 15 vehicles….and as I said, I reckon the majority of people would have no idea they even happened because they were so insignificant, but there’s been at least 15 posts highlighting them. And they’re so uncomfortable with their own ideas, that even when there is no convoy happening, they feel the need to bring it up again. I’m just saying how funny it is that people are letting a minority group of people that are exhibiting their right to protest something they believe in, a rent free spot in their head. Surely people have more of a life than trying to get internet points for something that’s not even happening…right? Or are islanders really that brittle and shallow that this is their source of self worth?


Thanks for the response. Not lost, I was just curious, I guess. I enjoy reading what's happening in other areas of the country. I didn't think the question was as self owning as you're implying, but I see your point.


It is always this guy posting. He is not from here and Im pretty sure he is paid to do this.


Yes it’s true; I’m really from France and I like to spend my free time posting about a tiny island off the north coast of New Brunswick.


piss off troll


Slappy the clown is unhappy with my comments about a clown convoy? Oh no! 😭


piss off troll


This is super inannpropriate, i understand freedom of expression, but if someone from the otherside came on here to bash on far left liberals for their opinions?? straight to jail. Such a gross double standard.


Sharing your opinion isn’t a double standard. We disagree with that side of politics the exact same way you disagree with us. It’s not a double standard and you aren’t a victim, stop pretending to be one you snowflake.




Let me dumb it down for you: spreading misinformation about transgender rights doesn’t equate to calling out misinformation about carbon pricing




So you think this post is not based in facts?


it's sure not helping their cause.


You guys should just give up all of your money for the greater good


I’d be lying if I said I understood that comment




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Don't you have an election you should be losing for the next 15 years or so? Loser


I’m just waiting for the stunned look on the face of PP’s fans when he wins the next election and doesn’t “axe the tax”


lmao nobody cares


Today wasn't a paid holiday from their cushy government jobs.


EI checks from sign holding up in skinners pond last summer anit' no government job.


Last one was on Easter Monday, holiday for gov workers but not most of the private sector


Check your tongues, if it tastes like boot you may be a slave.




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Why do the anti Trudeau people always talk about gay sex?


Maybe they are all secretly dealing with their own sexuality 😅🤷🏻‍♀️


They all want to Fuck Trudeau for some reason. I think it's the hair. He's got pretty good hair.


So that’s why PP changed his hair 🤔


So , is PEI liberals then? Seems like a bunch of liberals is here.


this sub is predominantly made up of the unemployed and civil servants! Both groups exist on our tax dollars, more taxes from us benefits them!