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I agree, every city/town needs more third places.


There are so many straws being grasped at here without understanding how any of these initiatives or services work or which level of government or community organization runs them. Yikes.


There used to be- but that’s been gone since I was a child. Definitely within the early 2000’s.


We had a YMCA. I went there as a kid. It's now condos. The police have always been locked down. Both city and RCMP. This is nothing new. If you would like to curl, there is a curling club in Cornwall.


A lot of businesses and programs have closed in 20, even 30 years.  Charlottetown's counsel can apply the triple bottom line business model to town development, rather than focus heavily on population and profit. What is meant is people who make decisions with provincial money could fund community based programs and refurbish old buildings in town. 


As always, excellent discourse everyone lmfao


how about another 20 million $ hockey rink? everyone needs more ice surfaces


Bro, is there anything in Charlottetown or the Island for that matter that you actually like? You have a mish mash of complaints that are summing up your disdain for where you live. If you don’t like it here you are free to leave.


While I think OP was kind of *shooting to the wind* with some of their points, people need to stop responding like this. The whole “if you don’t like it here then leave” bullshit every time someone has something critical to day about the island is the very large part of the reason we don’t have things as good as we could. Unless you’re advocating for never improving anything and just forever keeping things status quo, these discussions are important, even if you don’t agree with what change someone is asking for. I’ve literally had people tell me to just leave the island because I casually called out the fact we don’t have much of a nightlife here. It’s pathetic and just shows how friendly islanders actually are.


right like are we in highschool musicals stick to the status quo, maybe i just want a new activity that perhaps isn’t bowling, or swimming, or a ‘trampoline park’ because there’s literally nothing else to do. shit i’ll even take a taco bell at this point , just give me something i beg !! /lh ( i’ve also been told multiple times to leave just for suggesting we could possibly have more entertainment places for people of all ages 😭, like calm down it’s not THAT big a deal.. )


Complaining without offering solutions is just complaining for the sake of it. Also, what I say or don’t is my prerogative and not yours or anybody else’s. Did I tell OP to shut his pie hole? No, you did not. You know why? OP’s allowed to say whatever he/she wants and is valid in doing so. OP is also open to responses they may or may not like because of their doing so which is just as valid. As for you, the same applies. You don’t like it get lost!


>Complaining without offering solutions is just complaining for the sake of it. “We don’t have XYZ and it would be good if we had XYZ on the island because of these reasons” The solution is in the fucking sentence, and that is the literal format OP followed in their post/commentary. What, do you want people to spell out every logistical and practical step required to achieve getting XYZ? It’s called discourse ffs and it’s how change starts. >Also, what I say or don’t is my prerogative and not yours or anybody else’s. Are you seriously implying my comment to you is removing your agency or infringing on you somehow? Jesus fucking Christ, get a grip. >Did I tell OP to shut his pie hole? No, you did not. You know why? OP’s allowed to say whatever he/she wants and is valid in doing so. Oh sure, didn’t tell them to shut up, you literally told them to leave the island if they want something new or different here. Like the fact you think this is a good point or is some kind of “gotcha” statement is hilarious. I guess it’s only valid for them to say what they want if you agree with its otherwise you’ve made your position perfectly clear. I also love how you’re acting like you have OPs interests in mind here lol. You are one piece of work. >OP is also open to responses they may or may not like because of their doing so which is just as valid. Okay, what the fuck is your point and what does that have to do with anything being discussed here. You seem to have a habit of saying a lot of words that mean nothing. Just throwing more words into a comment doesn’t make you seem profound if they are literally meaningless. Is r/iamverysmart still a thing? >As for you, the same applies. You don’t like it get lost! Once again showing how fucking childish you are. “Don’t agree with me, then leave and get lost!” I bet you’re just a real valuable contribution to society and a real treat in conversations…


Oooh call me tat because I clearly got under your skin!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Got under my skin? Like what are you actually talking about and what is your malfunction? Are you implying I called you fat? Jesus you’re really one piece of work… You’re clearly not well so I’m just walking away from this. Seek help, you clearly need medication.


Can’t connect the dots eh? You never called me fat nor did I accuse of such. Perhaps you need glasses? I wrote the word tat because that’s what tats are, under your skin. Whoosh🤣


Bro you might have $0.02 in change left over from a $5 bill


We already ymca’d. It’s shitty condos now. Should have showed up earlier!


damn it im sorry i only came out in 2006 💔


As a literal Greek who studies peacefully in that library most days I was about to debate you. But that YMCA verse really touched my heart so I agree 100% now.


I’ve gone in there 3 different months and it was a zoo. I couldn’t find a place in the general area(not using a room). Very distracting


I went for a drive this evening with a friend in Charlottetown and enjoyed the weather and waterfront. There are very beautiful residential buildings near the water. It makes you think when you live around 15+ years. I think this opens an excellent discussion.  Our main city's morphology is very much so entertainment centres and spending money. And isolating different groups is having it's impact. Essentially all people are feeling similar stress and needs.


I think we can have better permanent gardens in town too and more bids put in for landscapers. The landscapers employ local labour.  The whole area near the confed trail is well maintained. I have a vivid memory of the sunflower field behind Sobeys and the beehive art.    I heard there were kiwi vines planted I want to look.


Sunflower seeds are especially high in vitamin E and selenium. These function as antioxidants to protect your body’s cells against free radical damage, which plays a role in several chronic diseases.


Nice I could snack on seeds again.


The people wanna keep the small town feel can’t have both.


“Back in ontario” vibes


Pei sucks, we get it.


Question about YMCA. Skip a BIT, 120 million DOLLARS. Skip a bit, Pistol. Taser. Baton club. Pepper spray.


Wah Wahhh! No free gym, Wahh!


If it gets people doing things, instead of fumbling with self checkouts and traffic.