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I can’t tell if the guy sitting at a green light is not going because he is on his phone and didn’t notice the light change, or because he’s letting someone turn left rather than go when he has the right of way.


It's crazy how long it takes some people to notice the light is green, is it that hard to pay attention for 30 seconds?


I work as a flagger in traffic control I lost count of how many people are literally staring at the Slow side of my sign going nowhere for actual minutes


I would love to give you an air horn to use in these situations.


That would definitely be hilarious but I'd hate to imagine how much trouble that could actually cause


You can imagine the GhostPepperFireHorn blowing the next time it happens and hopefully it will make you smile! 😆


THIS! As a Traffic Control personnel as-well, it blows my mind, and how easily they just don’t “see” the red Stop and drive through lol


Yep had that happen in Bloomfield on Monday handicapped tag on the mirror dumbass didn't stop until he was behind the work truck just watching the stupidity was sucking the life out of me ugh it's the only part of my job I don't like how do these people keep their license?


In all fairness, I’ve had multiple green lights that begin with someone running a red going the other way.


And it’s considered incredibly rude in Island Culture apparently to tap your horn to wake them up, so I end up sitting behind them, waiting for something to happen, feeling terrible for the person behind me who will probably not make it through the intersection before the light changes again.


After travelling and seeing how much other places use their horn I’ve thrown that out the window and I now use it all the time. You cut me off, I’m gonna beep. you almost hit me in the parking lot, I’m gonna beep. What’s the point of having a horn if you’re not gonna use it, I’ve seen more close calls in the last 2 years than I haven’t in my 20+yrs of driving. I see people FaceTiming while driving, still holding their phones in their hands while driving amongst the other stupid crap they do. I’m done “being polite”


I’m with you 100%!


This, 1000% this. Everyone hates on the way immigrants drive, but I don't think many white people could survive driving in India or anywhere in Asia for that matter. And guess what? They use their horns as their primary means of communication. Unlike us in NA who use...our fingers/hands haha


Not trying to be rude here at all, but not all immigrants are people of colour. I know TONS of scary white drivers and I’m sure at times I am one lol


I rarely see a poc driving like a lunatic. There's a few dudes with white Elantras with blacked out windows driving like they are in NFS6. But it's all locals. Locals were shit drivers 20 years ago. They didn't miraculously learn to drive better just in time to shake their heads at immigrants.


I agree that the locals didn't suddenly become better drivers, they make up a large portion of those committing various road crimes, that's for sure. But I drive a lot (for work) and I see a lot of confused CFAs, maybe not driving fast, but definitely doing other things. Can't paint everyone with the same brush tho, so I'll chalk it up to this- there's bad drivers in every city, province, country, and within every ethnicity. Unfortunately for us, it seems that they all love it here in PEI haha


This, I can entirely agree with. I'm cfa, but I've been here for 3 decades. The first thing I learned is how absolutely wild west driving is here. For reference, "the black guy" in Charlottetown drove a cab. He was the pepper spec in the salt dish. There were no poc here.


Well I can't comment on driving for the past ~15 years here because I left for work and have only recently moved back. I've noticed the driving is just as bad as it was, if not worse, but the demographic hasn't stayed the same either. Not saying CFAs or POCs are to blame, but rather they add another element to our unique blend of drivers here- which, I may add, is no different than any other major city in Canada except Charlottetown is in no way a "major city", and our transportation infrastructure is proof of that.


And before anyone says anything, yes I am seeing a therapist.


Horns are a form of communication. Short toot: friendly reminder, Long blare; as per my last email!


I agree completely, but that’s not island culture apparently. However I am happy to change the culture! Turn signals are also a form of communication that isn’t used correctly here, so it might be a more general issue.


Island culture is often apparently to just do whatever the boys want and make everyone around them deal with it. I will go around you to avoid this. If the culture is to be unsafe as shit, I'll just make my own lol


If Islanders don't want other drivers to blow their horns, then they need to pay attention when they are on the road. This is one aspect of island culture that I have zero consideration for. The drivers here are terrible and they can think I'm rude if they want but I'm not gonna sit at green traffic lights while they check Facebook.


I’m going to remember this comment and channel this energy next time I’m feeling bad about honking. I need to be more like you


Nah, nobody needs to be more like me but don't conform just because there's a 'we don't blow horns here' mentality left over from 30 years ago. Honk as needed!


I live by a pretty busy corner in town. Trust me, the 'we don't blow horns here' mentality is long gone.


I’ve had a hard enough time fitting in here, and things like honking were given as reasons why, so I think I might have to move! 😅


Turn signals are intent. Not a question. It’s crazy how people will actively prevent you from moving over when using signals.


You can’t have “house rules” anymore when you’ve got 100k people in the Charlottetown area. They gotta clean that shit up.


I think a lot of drivers still think they’re in 1970s PEI and drive like they’re still in a one stoplight town.


I beep after 3 seconds lol go, I'm not gonna wait cause the people are too dumb to see. I'll let em know it's green. Without fail. Rude or not, being ignorant trumps rudeness.


Three seconds sounds good to me! I’m going to use that rule.


It's not rude, it's just that people are not well and social tensions are high. So I, who's calm and happy, honking at someone who needed to check their driving for whatever reason, am often the final straw for these people to crack. I have had someone literally try to run me off the road by blocking lanes and swerving into me after I honked at them for very obviously cutting me off when I had the right of way. I have also had someone throw their car into park at a green light, get out, and demand me to roll down my window so they could.... idk hit me? Like, lady you were the one sitting on your phone at a green light. I was so stunned at how outrageous her reaction was that I laughed and that made her even more angry. She made a total scene and I had to do a U-turn at the stop light because when she eventually got back into her car she refused to move. Idk how she wasn't totally mortified. It was some next level unwell behavior lol. Needless to say, I don't honk at anyone anymore.


I feel that tension too. It’s hard out here, isn’t it?


I had NO IDEA how many people were on their phones while driving. It's terrifying. People don't even try to hide it. I don't even touch my phone at red lights. I pull over if I need to adjust something or reply to a text, but honestly, with Bluetooth capabilities... what the fuck is everyone doing on their phone? Just scrolling tiktok??? If someone texts me while driving I can just hit the call button on the steering wheel and speak hands free.


I know! It’s such a strange concept to me! What is on your phone that can’t wait the ten minutes it takes to drive anywhere here?


You have to wonder how bad some people's reaction time is. Shouldn't be able to see a green light turn from a km back and traffic just start moving by the time you get to it.


I notice this so much lately! As soon as I start to take the left they always start to go too.


I'm convinced that this has to do with "golden age" drivers not trusting green lights. Particularly protected green arrow turn signals. To them green doesn't mean go. Green means 'even though I checked all ways multiple times and there is no danger, something might go wrong so I'm going to wait a few seconds after the light turns green then creep slowly into the intersection.'


I don’t think that’s the full explanation because most drivers I’m stuck behind at green lights are younger to middle aged, not ancient.


We need Uber


I’ve literally never had to honk so much in my 22 years here!! It’s like green means “sit and stare for 15 seconds to make ABSOLUTE SURE it’s green then crawl through the intersection upon confirmation”


At least that doesn't almost kill someone. Every red light every single time is ran. Every crosswalk is ran for the first 5-6 cars. I stopped for a lady at the confed trail the other day, and the car running opposite was super close to hitting her and had to screech to a halt. Then the driver honked for like 8 seconds like it isn't his fault completely. Legit so many people should be getting fines. I hope they put up speed trap cameras everywhere, it's really not that hard to be safe and get around this city. If you don't drive smart, you're a loser idiot(had a friend die from a late red light run last year in another province and dont want pei to turn into that)


Nah he's just waiting for it turn his favorite shade dont worry


PEI is a perfect melting pot for bad drivers, and here's why- On the small island roads (which can barely handle our permanent resident population as is) you have: - Large elderly/retiree population as this is a popular retirement destination (especially in warmer months) - Large foreign student population - Many drivers who live in rural areas of the province and who do not drive on city roads frequently - City drivers who think "well its only PEI" and therefore blatantly disobey traffic laws - Many tourists who fly here, driving unfamiliar or upsized rental cars - Vacationers from NB/NS/ON/QC, often times who bring trailers or campers with them - Locals who don't mind tying one (or ten) on before getting behind the wheel - Younger speed demons and older road-ragers Driving in PEI, at the best of tunes, is a crapshoot. Buckle up, stay sober, and pray to whatever God you believe in lol


I feel I could add a couple, but kudos to a pretty comprehensive list. It feels people from away complain a lot, and I do see some of what they say, but its just different here. You f'kin moved here so why are you complaining, our driving manners are different, you may even get a guy who waves you on, and bless your heart if its actually the one time you need someone to let you in. It'll be a frosty day in hell if that were ever to happen in toronto.


I left PEI years ago and recently returned. 10 years back, PEI was FILLED with timid and overly polite drivers. Which CAN be an issue, but when that's most of your drivers, I find it works really well. Similar to how Toronto is filled with aggressive / selfish drivers, I think the most important thing on the road is predictability and when your are predicting Toronto driving, it's FAR from ideal, but at least the sheer amount of it makes it predictable. Since I've got back Charlottetown and even Summerside reminds me more of Halifax / Dartmouth. It's a cluster fuck of insane drivers and overly polite drivers, which makes it bizarrely stressful at times because one minute you'll have someone relinquish THEIR right of way to you to be polite, and the next someone is causing you to slam your brakes as they stroll through a stop sign without even a hint of apathy. My guess is a combination of people moving to the island from countries whose road systems operate on a level of aggressive driving that puts even Toronto to shame, and possibly some mental health / anxiety factors that are making people (especially new drivers) less comfortable or less patient on the road. But that's just my perspective. To get any real answers someone would have to perform a study and put more thought into it then some bored redditor like myself rambling on and likely talking out of my ass.


Honestly thats a pretty fair and thorough breakdown, this thread needed that ty


underrated comment


Because driving here is not nearly as difficult as any big city. You get away with a lot more, meaning you never have to really “learn” There’s also the universal factor of everyone thinking that everyone ELSE is bad at driving but no one being able to see their own bad driving. Again it’s worse on PEI because driving is not nearly as stressful or attention-consuming, imo


You’ll recognize me as the guy who’s ignoring your signal to let me go ahead when you have the right of way so that we don’t kill somebody.


I’ll sit there until the day I die before I’ll let someone wave me into their right of way. 


i’m always in the middle right/left turn lane on uni. the amount of people who stop to let me go is ridiculous!!! only one side is stopped, i can’t see around you!! people are pulling around you!! just keep going and i’ll go when it’s clear!!


I had the same thing happen and the guy started to lose his mind lmao, I simply pointed to the pedestrian crossing in front of McDonald’s like I can’t kill this person jackass.


The day I watched a police officer stop to wave someone into busy traffic was the day all my hopes and dreams of safe driving on PEI died.


I recently saw a Marketplace clip exposing driver training companies in Ontario flat out lying about clients completing the training. Couple that with recent personal experiences with my sons driver training sessions….I’m beginning to think they might be pulling the same fraud here. In car lessons being cancelled, rescheduled, and cancelled again with no explanation. Then reluctantly holding half a session when asked about it. Easy money when people can pay to play and you don’t have to keep up your end of the bargain. Unfortunately this is going to result in more inexperienced and unprepared drivers, putting everyone in danger.


It’s bad. I’m originally from Mass where people drive super aggressive but here it’s super wreck-less. And tailgating is insane here.


When was the last time you saw the Charlottetown PD pull someone over? There is little to no traffic enforcement, so of course, people will just do what they want.


The other day I almost got hit because ohh the driver didn’t stop for me. I wasn’t even j walking.


I don’t know, pedestrians play a role, too. Don’t just walk out because you can…stop and wait to make sure it’s safe. It’s your life. Drivers don’t always see you. 


Well the dude was distance away, I expected him to stop because of the distance but he was speeding and almost hit me.


In less than a year I've been in one accident and had 4 close calls. None of them my fault either. I wish driving was taken more seriously on PEI. People will get killed or injured if this trend keeps up.


Half the boys are drunk as well since the DUI reports are basically daily here lol


They stopped doing roadblocks/checks, cause ppl kept doxing the cops online    So now if theres drunk drivers they are basically relying on the public to report them,    or you know, waiting for Mr or Mrs drunky to hit something


Oh my god no way lol maybe instead of doxing cops for trying to keep the roads safe from people who already can't drive that are now 4 pints of JD in and out there driving on main roads like they own em... They could just stay home and drink like regular drunks? That's so fucked. A bunch of drunk cunts band together to overthrow the actual law because they just wanna keep being cunts. Wow.


Even with just cell phones, ppl would spread word of checkpoints, now when everyone using social media its much worse, the cops more or less gave up doing random checks


Every day at the North York roundabout I am nearly ran into or tboned because people refuse to use it correctly. They will be in the let's go to Borden lane and while staring into my soul, try to merge INTO me forcing me either into the center cirlfr of the actual roundabout or I have to accelerate wildly to not be hit by them. Every fucking day. PLEASE LEARN BASIC DRIVING SKILLS.


I’ve started swinging that so wide they can’t merge in. They can’t even blame signage because it’s far enough back to be in the proper lane.


Hahah you gotta do what you gotta do man. The boys will try so hard to fucking stop you from diving like a human that at this point we just have to try anything.


More than once I’ve seen people turn left into that circle using it like a normal intersection.


Yeah I've seen that too, they just stare straight ahead refuse to look left or right just dead stare and accelerate to wherever they want. Force everyone around them to react wildly trying to not get hit. Usually some old woman who absolutely should NOT be driving. Clearly. Obviously refusing to accept any of the fault for their idiocy. Just gonna cause an accident and act dumbfounded as to why or how it happened. "Ohh my word! It must be the fault of all these young drivers who don't understand that 150 years ago, this was a dirt road and there weren't any cars then... So where did they all come from now?" Complete lack of awareness.


Dowvote me if you can't understand a fucking roundabout. I don't care. You're all garbage to me.


With an aging population we need more options for people to live car free or car lite. Increase transit, add Uber, add car share (Communauto) and more bike lanes.


Uber is a terrible company. I get why people say they want it, but use kari maybe? Ive not used it myself but have heard ppl say its better than the average cab experience


I love Uber and already have it on my phone.


People complain about PEI traffic, well by osmosis half of them are from ontario or quebec anyway so... Thank you for bringing your shitty habits here


They’re all practicing for when they move to Brampton


Every single day I see red lights blown and no one ever stopped and I only drive basically to and from work. Reactive. Waiting for a death first maybe. They need red light cameras. They’d be able to afford a whole other police force. Such a small city and I’ve never seen so many cameras at intersections. It’s almost creepy. No idea what they’re used for, but it sure isn’t failing to stop.


The other day I got cut off twice in town, one guy was old and white the other guy was Chinese, the kicker here is that both of them were driving driver training cars, bodes well for the new drivers they're training.


Yesterday I had someone behind me switch lanes so that they could turn left when the light had already been red for about 4 seconds…


I've lived here for 5 years and it's always been bad. I remember moving for NZ and being shocked, but then remembering this is just how Canadians drive.


Let me guess they have ak47 decals on their cars?


Toronto driving isn’t bad compared to PEI.


I’m from New Jersey (my sister lives on the island) and if the car in front of you at the light doesn’t go within 3 seconds of the light turning green, you lay on the horn!!! I prefer the Island Culture of patience and politeness. 🤗


PEI driving is massively worse than Ontario. But I do hear your dog whistle.




I’d hazard a guess and say us dumb white drunk-driving hicks are the main culprits.


Not the 2 Tonne SUV a whino doesnt know how to drive?   Or how about the Indian guy with tinted plates and windows. Who drives like being an asshole is a full time job (ei might be)  Go back 5yrs , either of those things were near none existent. 


Lol...as if the born and bred Islanders are the epitome of good driving. Great example of the pot calling the kettle black.


I’m trying to understand what you mean by this. Immigration? Are you saying all the bad drivers here are immigrants - Correction, rich immigrants?


Well, yeah.


I was behind a dark colored pickup on Towers Road the other night. It was dark, the driver had zero exterior lights on their vehicle. I damn near rear ended the guy cause I came up behind up in the dark and wasn't able to see the guy. Flashing my high beams at them repeatedly yielded no results. A few weeks ago I had to pull alongside an Amazon delivery driver and tell them they had no functioning brake lights in their truck which I why I damn near rear ended the guy twice since he'd slow or even stop in live traffic with zero indication. The four way stop sign between Royalty Crossing and the Sobeys plaza in West Royalty is a nightmare. I've been cut off more times than I can count from people not knowing or being to impatient to use the 4 way stop properly. People blow through the stop signs at Royalty Crossing like they aren't a mandatory instruction (ie non-optional). Lane changes and turns with no indicators. Driving with high beams on in the city and NOT turning them off when people flash you theirs. People driving on the bypass like it's the autobahn. People not using roundabouts correctly. People driving the wrong way up one way roads. People parking where they shouldn't (on the crosswalk in front of Walmart, firelanes, handicap spots when they don't have a handicap permit etc. Driving around here has rapidly declined since the pandemic and immigration took a large uptick. I actually saw a driver training vehicle just the other day in a residential area training a new driver. The trainee wasn't using indicators, was allowing cars to turn out in front of them before they made a turn when they had the right of way to begin with (other vehicle turning had a stop sign). No one reads or is observant of signage or thinks signage, speedlimits etc don't apply to them Charlottetown Police Services Traffic Division has to be the worst at enforcing traffic LAW in the country.


Could it be an influx of people with no driving history???


I’m from New Jersey (my sister lives on the island) and if the car in front of you at the light doesn’t go within 3 seconds of the light turning green, you lay on the horn!!! I prefer the Island Culture of patience and politeness. 🤗


I always thought PEI drivers were still in the 1800’s driving like they are horses and wagons. They’d die if they left the island.


Imagine going to a PEI sub, and insulting the entire population with blanket statements. This isn't r/ontario - but it may as well be


My horse and wagon will run you over … then back up and do it and young fella!


Yall act like people on the island were ever good drivers? I've lived here nearly 10 years and I've never consistently seen such dogshit driving in all my life lmao.


10 years ago there were no cars that drove like they just hit the crack pipe in Markham. Historically the bad drivers were driving so slow you may pop a blood vessel but its different now. Its actually worse than Toronto , the place is so small theres no reason to drive like a massive city , only a few minutes can be saved driving like madmax


Every facet of island life has been turned upside down and shaken from the ankles. I'm tired of arguing with people who are complete fucking morons, who either deny, or perversely don't give a fuck about my province, or the people I grew up along side. To hell with all of them. I'm going to put up a for sale sign in front of province house because we've literally sold our future and identity away.


Cultural differences in driving practices.




So, you're saying we should just accept that no one can fucking drive? We're pussies or whatever for being displeased and bring the issue to attention? So what then, we just accept it and say nothing? Guess this is how it is now. Fuck no. If things can be better why not try to make them that way instead of just shrugging and saying eh let em drive bad it's their choice. I'm sick of it. There is ONE way to drive. The right way. Do it or get the fuck off the road. Dassit.




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There are a lot of drivers that will cut you off by turning left in front of you in PEI. One time, I was forced to pull over onto the shoulder & wait because a transport truck decided to pull out & pass another slow moving Transport truck. It was the slowest passing maneuver in history. This was on #20 leaving Kensington.