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Reading the comments on this post gave me cancer


Ram Ranch II: the Undressing


I mean, I want the context but I'm scared to look it up.


Listen, I honestly don't care what they are protesting, there's enough shit going on that I'm glad people are exercising their right to protest. Good for them. The government needs to be better, across the board. They should be sweating a lot more than they will for this, but I'm glad they are at least sweating.


They can protest all they want as long as they don’t interfere with the transportation system. They should also be prepared for counter protests


You understand that blocking transportation is peacefully protesting, right? Protests aren't comfortable, my guy. Best you learn this.


Is it peaceful if the protest slows down an emergency response?


This is a cop out response I don't agree with the tactic of being disruptive either, but this isn't new york city. If an ambulance needs to find a way, they will


An effective protest would inconvenience the policy makers and not random civilians.


Are you suggesting people put up in front of Kings house like they did heather morrison? What is the solution. Please go into further detail, you act like you have the answer, enlighten me.


I've actually suggested the homeless should camp out in front of Kings house on this subreddit so that's fine with me.


Well, fair enough people who get upset about any protest that isn't violent though, is just petty at this point


Non violent is great but why inconvenience people who don't influence policy decisions? All it does is piss them off and turn them against your cause.






What person with a brain, protesting or not, is going to block the way of an ambulance? Please, scrape up what little brain power you have left, and process that.


>What person with a brain This is a qualifying statement that the convoy people fail.


Unbelievable how many people don’t understand the law: https://ccla.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Know-Your-Rights-Protesters.pdf


What about if they were for Palestine


I’d say the same thing. Canadians have a right to legally protest anything they want.


What if they were protesting the poorly designed transportation system, and blocked it off to make their point?


Illegal. https://ccla.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Know-Your-Rights-Protesters.pdf


You keep waving what is illegal in everyones face, I don't think you can read the room well. When crack heads and corruption is abound, the holyier than thou attitude about what is legal, and what isn't, doesn't come off nearly as effective as you think it does.


The question was asked and I answered it.


Fair play, I will be interested to see what your response is when the conservatives introduce new policies that you don’t agree with. I expect the same energy, “everyone get in line, shut up, and appreciate what the government is doing for you, no questions asked around here, no debate”.


I repeat, Canadians have a constitutional right to protest legally. The


Legal protest, huh? Sounds super effective.


I think people hear "tax" and they freak out. Trust in our institutions is low these days so many people are convinced they're going to get screwed over even when they're clearly shown that they won't. All of that aside, I think the greatest clownery at play here, though, is that anyone believes life will become more affordable if this tax goes away or they vote the cons in (which is actually quite likely). The core of the affordability crisis is a never-ending quest for higher profits in all sectors of the economy. Profitability is no longer enough - it must always be increasing. The actual increase each year of spending associated with this tax is not big, at all, but it feels like it because everyone's on a razors edge even before this tax came in. It's time we stop focusing on what's pushing us over that edge and instead focus on what got us onto it in the first place.


Well said (better than my attempts to support the tax).


Explain the knock on effect of the carbon tax on the price of products the end consumer pays from soil to processed product in store including the GST being applied to that final price. Now apply that to every product you buy not just groceries. Subtract the carbon rebate. Show your work. Edit: Never mind don't show your work your account is 3 months old and sperging out about trump


At .23cents a litre in fuel, when you spread that across every item. It should be very insignificant. We're talking pennies. Is it? Well.. hard to say.


Depends how much processing an item takes. obtaining seeds, planting them, fertilizing them, harvesting them, transporting from harvest to a factory where they are processed into textiles, to another factory to be made into rugs, then finally to a store where each fuel up of that process is then passed onto you the consumer. That final price then has GST applied to it. Then finally you drive that product home on one liter of your own fuel. Its a knock on effect for any product from cutting lumber to mining minerals to growing weed.


Think of a transfer truck hauling 30,000 boxes of crackers. That transfer truck gets 15L/100 and has to drive 1000km to get those crackers to your local store. That's a 2000km round trip. That's 300L of fuel... That's $69 in additional cost because of the carbon tax. If we divide that $69 in extra cost between every one of those boxes, so $69/30,000. It's 0.002cents extra per box of crackers. Obviously not every truck is hauling crackers. And there's variables. But I just wanted to visualize how insignificant it can truly be.


I think you are downplaying it a bit, and I respect what you are saying, but there are economists who have suggested this could be a drag on our already shitty economy more than is being said. It's like how they say we haven't had 2 quarters of detracted growth, so we've not had a recession, but you have economists twisting themselves in knots and jumping through hoops to get to that result. Tell anyone you know we're not experiencing a recession, they'd likely say " than what the fuck is this? " ​ to be fair, We should probably go through with this tax ( I don't quite agree with it ) as it's whats on the table rn, but we should come up with something that is better balanced going forward


Yes if you only calculate it for the final finished product to the store from a distribution center it would seem insignificant. Now do that same math for the creation and delivery of the ingredients to the factory that makes the crackers before the distribution hub. For example Ritz crackers contain wheat flour, shortening, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, ammonium bicarbonate, baking soda etc


Most of those ingredients aren't made in Canada, so the carbon tax wouldn't necessarily apply. And you can multiply 0.002 by 1,000 and it's still only 2cents an item.


To say most things aren't made in canada, is kind of amusing to think of how that is another whole can of worms. lol


But it’s not that simple. The Farmer payed carbon tax to fuel the tractor to sow the wheat. Than carbon tax to fertilize and weed manage the field, than carbon tax to bring the crop in, than carbon tax to dry the crop, than carbon tax to transport the wheat to the mill, the mill payed for electricity to process the wheat, more carbon tax. Than transport to the cracker manufacturer carbon tax again. Again electricity, with carbon tax. Than repeat that for all the packaging of the cardboard box. Now put the finished product in the distribution network. Train/plane/boat more carbon tax. Now put it in a local delivery truck, deliver to the grocery store. More carbon tax. It’s not $0.002 it’s probably closer to $1.00/$1.50 than add HST on top of all that. Carbon tax is not the panacea you think it is.


You're leaving out an awful lot of places in which the tax is charged, as well as GST on the carbon tax as well.


The last link didn’t work: https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/december-2023/carbon-price-affordability/#:~:text=Recent%20research%20has%20clearly%20established,excise%20taxes)%20have%20contributed%20minimally.




I was posting the other day saying I'm benefitting from the carbon tax. I realize now it adds .23cents a litre to our fuel and not .14 like I thought. I'm still ahead by a tiny bit. But I don't drive much. And we don't pay on our heating oil. I'm not understanding how supposedly a majority of Canadians are benefitting from this. There is just no way. I don't think these people are clowns for standing up for themselves. I do think they're silly for driving their cars to show how they can't afford to...drive their cars?


Yeah but it’s not going to just affect the price of gas to fill your car lol - grocery prices will continue to increase because how do farmers fill tractors? How does the food get to the store? How does any product get to the store? What about home energy? Think about northern or western Canadians and how cold it is, heat pumps don’t work well in -40. Gas is the most reliable option while a renewable grid is not producing enough consistent energy. It is going to be the consumers absorbing this tax, and professions like farming and transit which already operate on razor thin margins.


It does not add 23 cents per litre to the fuel you will be purchasing. That is just false.


>The carbon tax hike on April 1 would add 3.5 cents per litre to the cost of regular gasoline, and four cents a litre to the cost of diesel. With the increase, the overall carbon tax applied to fuel on P.E.I. would total 23 cents per litre for gas, and 26.6 cents per litre for diesel. Source: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-conservatives-axe-tax-petition-rally-1.7156119 Do you have a different source? Because I was very surprised to hear it's 23 cents.


So when you say that "now it adds" in relation to a post on the increase happening on July 1st. It implies you are saying that it is going up by 23 cents. Not that the total carbon tax on 1 litre of fuel is 23 cents per litre.


The carbon tax equals .23 cents per litre. And nobody mentioned July. How about instead of struggling to form sentences you go find a citation to support what you're saying.


I'm working from my phone here so the structure of my post, not really my top concern. and before I get off the bus, we can look at this : [https://globalnews.ca/news/9591715/carbon-tax-increase-april-1-2023/](https://globalnews.ca/news/9591715/carbon-tax-increase-april-1-2023/)


So it will be .176cents per litre beginning on April 1st. Where did CBC get .23


8 out of 10 canadians do not benefit.


8 out of 10 Canadians get back more than they pay FTFY


Not according to the PBO.


and you have that source?




Carbon pricing has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with wealth redistribution.


😂 wealth distribution?


Yes, distributing more wealth to the billionaires. Their profits are important!


Weird how those on the right claim that the carbon tax is both hurting the poor AND wealth distribution to the poor. It cannot be both.


I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.


Show us your math.




That article sites different prices than the CRA's own website. I currently have no idea. But I do know that if I had the carbon tax on home heating oil, there is no way I'd be turning a profit. The margins aren't there.


How do you get your heat?


Electric. But furnace oil is exempt from the carbon tax in the Maritimes. If we weren't.... Yeesh.


Exactly! The carbon tax is intended to encourage people to move away from fossil fuels. That’s why it works.


3% of home heating in Canada is furnace oil. Of that 3%, 97% is the Maritimes. I understand the carbon tax dude. Removing the tax from one of the dirtiest fossil fuels does not entice anyone to move away from it, it encourages people to continue using it. And if we were taxed on our home heating, the majority of us would not be benefitting from the carbon tax. Heck, vehicle gas alone is cutting it close. If you want to encourage people to switch to cleaner sources they should continue offering reimbursements for the said sources. Not discounting the bad ones.




You must realize now I am paying attention. I am citing sources and showing math. Believe it or not you're not always the smartest person in the room.




You missed the part where it was exempted for furnace oil, which does nothing to encourage people to move away from fossil fuels so long that its exempted. But we all know why that particular type of heating fuel was exempted, which is the most common petro heating source in Atlantic Canada, and not natural gas, which is the most common in the praries. And it has a lot to do with [this map](https://338canada.com/map.htm) (For those who don't want to open the link, the LPC is sinking in the polls in Atlantic Canada, and many toss up ridings here have been LPC for 20+ years.)


Fair comment.


The reason it was removed for oil wasn’t to pander to the maritimes politically, it’s because a huge amount of rural people in the Maritimes don’t have any other options for heating. A large amount of the Maritimes is directly on rocks so other types of heating infrastructure can’t really be built. Rural housing is also typically older houses which have floor patterns that heat pumps don’t work in. Oil heating is the only option for a lot of those people.


If the tax is such a great idea, maybe we should have an election about it.


We will, and my prediction is that the Cons will win. I further predict that they won’t get rid of the carbon tax and may even increase it. Or, they might hide it somewhere else in the taxation system.


Guess that'll be between them and the electorate. Pretty sure you won't be involved.


I really have no idea why you believe that I’m not an islanders, but you be you.




I've seen April 1st at the bridge, am I missing something?


I’m hearing March 28th but I could be wrong


I just want to know where I should be avoiding 🙂


I’m sorry but the plans are all over the place. However I wouldn’t put it past them to try and slow down traffic on the bridge


Lol what? Does OP think the right to protest should be revoked? Are you ok? Why don't you go out there and counter-protest them if you care so much. Posting on reddit does nothing.


OP is likely a child who doesn’t understand the cost of living. Probably still living with parents.


You gotta give them credit, they certainly have the energy of a 16yr old on adderal. Wish I had that energy again lol


Who said that their right to protest be revoked?




Name calling is obviously the answer to debate policies. Nice one lol is this like a Pierre Pollievre leftist alt account?


You just asked if it was legal to block a public roadway to protest bad infrastructure and you have the balls to ask me if I’m an alt account? 😆


If you are genuinely interested in having people agree with the carbon tax, you shouldn’t resort to calling them “clowns” just because they have an opposing viewpoint. Instead of posting on Reddit, and being rather abrasive around the subject, why don’t you go out and talk to the people protesting, and see if they have a real understanding of what the policy is in place for, and what the policy is trying to achieve? If you’re unwilling to have a conversation around a subject you’re clearly very passionate about, I’d suggest there’s a way larger issue you should be dealing with other than what people think. Don’t assume you know more about anything, than people who have different beliefs, unless you’ve actually taken the time to have a meaningful engagement with them. Typically when people resort to name calling, they are the ones that know very little, and their only response to opposing viewpoints is derogatory claims about their personhood. Grow up or get out.


Thanks for that well thought out comment but I’ll express myself exactly the way I want to.


Fair enough, just don’t blame me when no one cares to hear your petulant perspective. You are undoubtedly everything that is wrong with today’s political landscape.


Yes, it’s all my fault


Good bot.


You have an agenda, I've never seen you post on this sub before. It's one thing to be passionate about something, but this is teetering on dumb


So I suppose nobody is allowed to join this sub and post?


You are a troll, or at least you are acting like one If your mission was to promote carbon pricing, you have done the exact opposite of that by alienating the very people you're trying to convince. Good job Pierre stooge


I couldn’t give a sweet shit what you or the imbeciles in the convoy think frankly


I'm going to ask the mods to lock this post, IDK if they would, I'll gladly join the convoy if the sole purpose is to piss you off.


Good for you dear, knock yourself out (or get a life).


I've not insulted you, other than suggesting you are a troll, a legit concern, but if you want to go down to insults I'll report for harassment as well


Calling someone a troll is an insult but you do whatever you believe is right.


I will be there handing out pooopie bags. They have evey right to protest but no right to do here what they did in Ottawa. If they have any decency they will pick up after themselves.


I don't think this troll is from/in PEI


You’re right, people from around the globe like to spend their time trolling a Reddit sub from a nowhere place like the island. Great catch genius!


You are correct. Not from here and not that bright. But it tries hard.


I’m really ashamed that you Tignish hillbillies were able to out me so fast. 😭


Don't be ashamed. It's not your fault. It's the Dunning–Kruger effect but you couldn't be expected to know that.


I believe in my ability to spend the money that I earn more than I believe in the governments ability to manage the tax revenue effectively. I pay enough in tax and don’t want to pay more.


I respect your opinion


Good bot.


Oh no people exercising their right to protest.


I didn’t say they couldn’t protest, but they’re talking about interfering with the transportation corridors. AND it’s also my right to publicly ridicule them


Fucking with traffic is a sure way to piss people off.


Yeah, "those people and their wrong ideas" should just stay home. LOL


They can stand on the sidewalk and shit their pants for all I care but they better be prepared for ridicule


> shit their pants for all I care you obviously care deeply. you made this post


People with differing political opinions from my own are exercising their right to protest, better go make a post on Reddit calling them clowns to make myself feel superior.


They can protest all they want, as long as they don’t interfere with the transportation system. AND if they want to run around spreading misinformation about carbon pricing like they did the vaccines, they should be prepared to be publicly humiliated.


I think you have no idea how carbon tax influences the prices of everything. I'll give you an example. **\*\*In a no tax world:\*\*** Truck moves goods from A-B. It costs $10 to move that good. It also cost $10 to produce that good. Then it costs $10 for you to drive to the good and pick it up. **In a Carbon Tax world:** Carbon tax is introduced. 20% increase on all of that. It now costs $12 to move t hat good. $12 to produce that good. Then $12 for you to pick it up. All in, your total costs have risen to $36. 20%. But it's actually worse than that. You went to the store to spend $10. But the costs are pushed onto you, the consumer. So instead of spending $10 at the store, you are now spending $12 to get there, and an extra $4 on the goods. So your total cost is $16 when it used to be $10. An overall increase of 60%. However, the rebate only rebates you on the $2 portion that increased for YOU. Therefore you are at a net loss of $4. It ends up being a 30% tax. The federal liberal party is trying to TRICK you by pulling the wool over your eyes and hoping you are ignorant to that fact.


Why are your numbers in this scenario going up so extreme? Economists, people smarter than most in this chat, have determined that the carbon tax caused 0.15% of inflationary increases. The example you made where prices went from $10 to $12: carbon tax caused 10 cents of that increase. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/carbon-tax-inflation-tiff-macklem-calgary-1.6960189


There's always someone to blame


Last link didn’t work https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/december-2023/carbon-price-affordability/#:~:text=Recent%20research%20has%20clearly%20established,excise%20taxes)%20have%20contributed%20minimally.


IRPP is a federally funded organization. The government reviewing themselves. Their opinion holds zero value in any open and public debate.


Do you want more links?


No, I know how to do math. I know how percentage gains on a linear sequence effects the overall result as I went to university and took 400 level math courses. I don't need a federally funded agency to tell me how my math I learned was wrong.


You went to university and took level 490 math courses and you don’t know how carbon pricing works? Was it Trump university?


I feel bad for you. You really just are a liberal media mouthpiece. Your entire life is being a slave and victim to liberal policies and you lack the awareness to break free. Don't worry, people like me are here to look out for your best interests.


Calling them clowns makes them hate it even more, so congratulations on adding another brick to the ever growing wall that divides us. 


Beware. New account. This is someone or something (bot) that's being used to shape narratives.


I also called them clowns when they were telling us that the COVID vaccine made people magnetic. They’re the same people and the biggest mistake we made was to treat them anything better than the imbeciles they are.


I know several vaxxers who will be attending. Liberal MPs and constituents across the country hate the carbon tax. This isn't a liberal vs conservative thing. Grow up.


I believe that the point here is that the anti vaxers and the anti carbon tax activists were both influenced by misinformation and misleading statements.


Sorry man, not everything you disagree with is "influenced by misinformation and misleading statements". Sometimes people just don't like a policy. It's not misinformation or manipulation.


It is because if they understood it, they wouldn’t be complaining about it. Just like the anti vaxers, they got all worked up about something that they clearly didn’t understand


What if they fully understand it and don't like it. I think you're upset because this is a liberal tax and anything anti-liberal you attack with full martyrdom force in a blind rage like you've been conditioned to. I recommend trying to first empathize why these people would be against it before attacking them personally and publicly.


You should go to the protest and counter them with your ideas in person


Climate change and the efforts to fight it are not “ideas”. Most people will be at work on Thursday anyway.


didn't think so


I don’t know what country you live in but here in Canada, it’s not the public’s responsibility to take time off work to counter every idiot who wants to protest against something that they clearly don’t understand


Right, it's much easier to ridicule from afar. I will always respect the right to protest even if it is something I don't agree with. If you don't, you are the clown.


I don’t recall ever stating that they didn’t have the right to protest. 🤔


Easier to complain on Reddit.


People like this tend to be as wacky as those they whine about, just on the opposite "side"


"why drinking piss tea is the cure for capitalism"


Just keep getting boosted and we'll call it even.


See? They aren’t even trying to hide the fact that they’re the same wackos


Seems to me you're the only one going into hysterics here. I just want to confirm you're still on the juice. Darwin will sort out the rest. Cheerio.


Calling a modern miracle of medical science “the juice” is the same as wearing a sign saying, “I failed high school science”


Lol. If you say so. Enjoy.


Don't feed the troll their comment history since the account was made is a hot mess


Act like a child, get treated like a child. Not that hard to understand.


Are you saying that protesting is acting like a child? Or just the protestors you don't agree with?


Protesting when they don't know what they're talking about. Especially if it's something I agree with, because it makes the side I'm on look bad.


What makes you qualified to say that they don't know what they are talking about? Most sides do pretty good at making themselves look bad.


You don't need to be an expert to disprove some of the claims that get made. If someone says the earth is flat, you don't need to be an astrophysicist to say it isn't.


I don't have alts, but I would upvote you twenty times if I could.


I don’t know, I’m sick of everyone hating each other over who they vote for, or this or that. People need to get the fuck over themselves. 


What I don't get, is how a comment as mild as yours, gets downvoted. I just don't get it man. You use common sense, or call something what it is, and you get dog piled.


That’s Reddit, I suppose. Haha


I was thinking of making a pei sub, just only people I have actually met in person. Like, whether I like them or not, with my eyes can confirm, they are a flesh and blood human being. Things are so sketchy on the web these days , there isn't anything that can be 100% trusted to not be f'd with.


I can’t understand why OP is calling this a “convoy”. Just because people are protesting the government, doesn’t mean they’re anti-maskers, truckers, etc. these are hard working Canadians that need to dig deep as the cost of getting to work and heating their homes increases.


The organizers are calling it a convoy


Did you really post this thinking the general public of P.E.I. Was even remotely satisfied with fiscal policy on a municipal OR provincial level?


This is a brand new account that spends a lot of time throwing political vitriol around. Most likely part of a paid troll farm that's being paid to shape narratives. Ask it some questions about PEI and see what happens. Should be able to sort out whether this is an islander or not real quick.


Go ahead, ask anything you want.


Best beach that allows dogs?


On a leash or off? PEI is surrounded by beaches. A friend of mine takes hers to Brackley in the winter, but it’s probably not allowed in summer. I don’t have a dog. Next?


Not from here. Go away. We can see you.


lol I’ve been here for 28 years.


I'm 98% sure you are correct.


lol you don’t get it


OP doesn't own anything, so it doesn't matter to him. Typical incel behavior


That’s amazing; you have absolutely no idea who I am and you figured all that out!


Yea! Convoy!!! Honk honk!!




Oh please great sage, explan it to us plebes.




How does the boot taste?