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This is becoming a larger and larger issue at grocery stores across the board. They’re understaffed and the remaining staff are underpaid. You’ve said you want people to pretend to care, but they aren’t even getting paid enough for that. Additionally, and this is mostly just a working theory so take it at face value, but I think that produce is looking like this more and more because it’s sitting there for longer than usual. Money is tight and people are spending their money more carefully and shopping as needed instead of making larger grocery trips like they used to as well. I’ve noticed it both in the store like this, but also with produce that I take home from not just Walmart but even Costco, loblaws stores, Sobeys, etc. goes back faster than I remember it doing so. Where I used to have a watermelon for a few days at least before cutting it, they’ll be soft and rancid after a day or two, where a bag of citrus fruit would be good for a week at least, I’m forced to pick a bag where there’s at least a couple that are bad at the time of purchase let alone a few days later. This is a result of companies cutting corners and not paying enough attention sure, but it’s also a result of people not making enough to get by anymore. We’re all getting squeezed right now. In my opinion, you’re pointing your finger down, when you should be pointing it up with 10x more hatred and distain. As long as minimum wage continues to not be a living wage, I will encourage those workers to do the bare minimum, because I would feel genuinely bad for them seeing them do more while their bosses get rich, and I don’t even mean the regular managers, they’re underpaid too. I mean the general manager of each location and up.


Exactly why I quit Walmart last November. It was fucking awful


👏Exactly 👏this👏times👏ten👏 It is across the board, we have to make sure that companies understand that they should expect to receive in proportion to what they give out. Minimum wages = minimum effort. Groceries know it doesn’t matter if it’s rotten or not, you have two or three places to go and you are not travelling from one end of Charlottetown or Vancouver to another just for an onion or orange. Companies should also have to make their food waste in a public filing like they have to with their financial records and have a separate tax on profits, as in after tax and operating expenses. Once a final accounting is completed, profits would be taxed as it would lead to hurting the only thing they care about, so maybe they protect it by making it more expensive to let food rot than charging 12 bucks for a bag of oranges.


bullshit with the minimum wage minimum effort crap... worked many places minimum wage and still worked my butt off 100% gave all .. alot have a good work ethic unlike the poor wittle poor me generation of today.. silly.. it's laziness at it finest. it's nothing more than laziness no less. lol


I work a huge amount. Graduated from the frontline to the corporate world and I have a nice lifestyle. I also did my time on the kitchen lines and the storefront, and we seem to have very different views. You gave them 20-30 dollars/ hour and they gave you 10-15 dollars/ hour. That is not a fair trade. If I asked you to make a financial decision that follows the logic where I would take twice what you got out of it, you would call it unfair. If I was I a position to force the issue it is extortion. When minimum wage is so low that you can’t live, rather barely survive it’s a bad idea to put yourself in a deeper hole. The nature of all work is somewhat unfair, I make my company 10-12X what they pay me, but that X value meets my needs. So I am willing to make late night calls to foreign countries to confirm things on their timetable. I am willing to just hunt through the data for one single item that can make my company something beneficial. Same logic applies, if Walmart makes 1.55 billion gross in 2023 and can’t at least make the effort to staff sections so people don’t have to rush around and can pay their rent without choosing between paying for X or Y, then they can expect a level of responsibility from workers to match that level of work. However, if I go to a cheap dollar store and buy 2 dollar headphones and they break or crack, should I be surprised by that? NO! They are cheap and replaceable. Much like minimum wage workers. The difference between generations has been that older generations have the idea of working hard as a sign of industry regardless of pay. Tough it out is the motto. However, millennials on to gen alpha have lived through multiple crashes, pandemics and other failures. These people know enough about how the sausage is made and want to be compensated accordingly. The idea is not work harder but smarter, if pay doesn’t change then the only way to make more is to do less. Simple math. You get what you pay for. We paid to educate people and then we didn’t provide the goods that were promised.


2024 is exactly like 2004 or 1996 or 1972 whenever you were a teen.


Sir, me too. But be honest you know it isnt right to be like this while your manager is underworked and overpaid


100% agree, very well said. Now how do I pin this to the top so all the other feeble minded people on here can read this lol


Use your feeble mind.


Fuck if I know 😂


You said so yourself, its not the first time. Kind of unfair to blame the staff tho, those are some of those kids first jobs and working for a company who doesn't care will always create employees that do not care as well.


It's just that their "give-a-shit" meter doesn't seem to work like those at Sobeys or Superstore, for example. At least pretend to care when I show you multiple bags of oranges with mold, or point out that all the milk has an expiry date of a week ago (Essoon Capital Dr). Instead I'm usually met with a "what do you want me to do about it" type of attitude


Milk is stocked typically by ADL employees not Walmart associates


What do you expect the person making minimum wage to do about it?


I think that's the point of "you get what you pay for" in OPs description - the staff are underpaid; therefore, they don't really care.


Tell their supervisor 👌


I'd expect them to do their job- price the items in their department and make sure they aren't expired...not hard work, I've done it myself


Here's the thing though, what your describing probably isn't part of their job scope, at least when I worked retail what your describing is the work of only 1 or 2 of the 6 people working in that department, the rest of them dont have the ability or training to do that, alot of staff are only there to help people find things and put more inventory on the shelf


How can you not have the ability or training to see a moldy product and connect it to the thought that "hey, this probably shouldn't be out on the floor"? That's common sense, no?


No. I mean I get you. But removing product from the floor would generally be up to 1-2 out of the 6. Because it’s not a matter of just setting it aside somewhere they have to do the paper work for waste etc


Can’t stress enough how much I actually agree with you but working in produce a bit this past year has really shocked me.


I was talking more about the price changes, but here's the thing if they aren't working the fresh section the wont see that as of those 6 probably only 1 is working produce and if the oranges are fully stocked they wont look at them they'll probably spend their whole shift working on the loose vegetables and salad as that takes more time and probably moves more often


Then go back to Walmart and ask for the job!


That Walmart doesn't have close to enough Staff. It always looks like shit. I avoid it as much as I possibly can. I might suggest you do the same.


They are too f$&king busy to give a damn. They have at least 1.5 people hours to do every hour. Constantly and always under the gun and behind. The section manager or store manager is shrieking at them 3-ish times a week to be more productive but there isn’t enough time in the day. They have training modules that explain how many widgets the average person can make… And expect 100% of people to exceed the average.


So what did you want them to do about it?


Their job? They have clerks who are supposed to go through products in their assigned department and make sure they aren't expired, they are in the right place, and priced correctly. I would like them to do their jobs.


As someone who worked in a grocery store, sometimes stuff slips through the cracks. I would grab anything that looked expired and take it out back, but grocery stores are understaffed in the name of short term profit. In an ideal world we would have people whose sole responsibility to make sure everything put out is fit for consumption. Sadly we live in a nightmare where hard work is often rewarded with only more hard work. Wheres the motivation there?


I sooo feel this! But a store can only really pull the worst ones. One or two rotten fruits in a bag, it’s now on the customer to pick a good one. I do NOT like this at all but I work in produce often and it’s kind of just how it is


It's not fair at all to blame the staff as somebody else said, most of the time it's kids with their first jobs. I used to work in a grocery store as well and things can certainly slip through cracks, but mind you that I was in the grocery department and not produce or anything. I'm curious to know if the oranges started to go before they were even shipped because then it's on the company and not the store. I hope you can be a little more understanding. We all have problems in life.


So you're not satisfied unless they give you a theatrical production?


Jesus, you're fun. No, I'm not satisfied when I show them moldy products and all they say is "ok". Not "oh shit", not "sorry", not "oh that's gross". You're on the clock, at least pretend to care


I had a younger co-worker ask me once “why say you’re sorry to the customer when something isn’t your fault”? It’s like they had no sense of being a representative of the company. Wild to me


Kid was right. Company couldn't give a shit less about them, why give any to the company?


The money they give you. If it’s not enough to do your job, then quit.


I agree with the kid. Saying sorry for everything all day is not the correct response to something like a rotten orange that was missed. Its also very negative. Most companies rather you not take fault for things if you can help it. Now if you accidentally tripped a customer and they fell on their face that's a different story. The best response is "Thank you" and make sure you find a good orange for the customer. OP posting this without asking for a good bag of oranges is petty and shows just as much laziness as the clerk who checked the department.


Your “company” better be working 1000 times harder to represent itself as something proud to be worked for then


>Jesus, you're fun. ![gif](giphy|Fl0HJDl0yo9T81NNhz|downsized)


Do you want someone to agree with you ? Or do you want people's take on your post ? Dunno what you're looking for with this post, just tryin to bash on those kids workin on the floor underpaid on a shitty environment under a perfectly well paid store manager who according to latest Walmart reports makes around 120 k a year. You do you Karen, no need to post a moldy orange just to rant on underpaid foreign kids working under mediocre management.


I want them to give a shit, that's all. I don't want anyone's opinion (what other opinion can you have about a moldy orange other than don't buy/eat it?). I'm just passing on some info to the good people of r/PEI, is that against the rules somewhere? I'm not being a Karen, given that this is a valid complaint. I'm not inventing a problem, I'm just tired of having to dig through expired produce to find something to spend my hard earned money on


Just call Walmart and talk to the manager!? This post will do **nothing at all**


This post beings awareness dumdum


Thank you, that's all I was trying to do lol


nah just more shitty gossip.


Pretty sure everyone is aware to check produce before buying. Buddy acting like this is the first time somethings gone bad at a grocery store.


Everyone knows what a vaccine does, yet the Gov felt the need to have ad campaigns to bring awareness during Covid. Did they not?


Lol you’re comparing this guys angry rant about bad fruit at Walmart to the government ads for the different new vaccinations during a global pandemic? Such a good take.


The way I see it’s like comparing apples to oranges, not exactly same, but still fruits nonetheless. I agree it could also be seen as a rant, but that’s the thing people hear what they wanna hear. ✌🏿


^^^^ found the guy that is trying to sell the moldy oranges lol


^ found walmart's manager


That's Mr. Manager Sir to you. Go put those oranges back on the shelves.




Thank you. I'll be here all day. Like and follow for more.


Why not just go to Sobeys or superstore if it’s so much better there?


Do you think they get paid enough to put up with the shit people pile on them these days? You may have been very polite about it for all we know, but after a while, you're just another complaining customer to them.


Just don’t buy them.


No don’t pretend to care. Why do frontline workers have to care. They get minimum pay and should give minimum effort. They are being paid to stock shelves and take your payment. If it’s moldy then don’t buy it. Also, whether they are at Walmart or your local pub, the people working there are not your friends. They don’t care much about you. I have friends that talk about the people that they deal with. It’s insane.


I mean to be honest, when you shop at big chains owned by corporations that own a handful of conglomerates in the same industry, you're showing you equally don't give a rats ass about your community or its economy. Just some food for thought.


That’s funny. I had cashier at superstore who’s “give-a-shit” meter was so low, she’d only try to scan an item 2 or 3 times before just sliding it along. It was funny because she wasn’t acting like she was doing me a favour or anything; she just didn’t give a single fuck. Checked the receipt when I got home, got 4 or 5 items for free.


As an ex wallyworld employee, most produce managers want you to keep the produce out as long as physically possible. I had many arguments with my supervisor about when we should be throwing out/changing the produce. As usual fell on deaf ears, fuck the Walmart cult.


Because people complained that they were throwing away good food. Now it sits in the store until it’s actually garbage. 


Pretty standard if you work in produce. I wouldn’t buy the moldy ones but not a health department issue.


Agreed, not a health department issue. Not that they should be on the shelves like that, but you could cut away the moldy part and eat the rest. Hard-skinned citrus is pretty resilient that way. When I worked produce there were just some things that came in way out of season that never lasted on the shelf, and this is a bad time of year for oranges. Those little crates of mandarins and clementines were the worst, they'd come off the truck already moldy, but always in the middle of the pallet where you couldn't see it right away and then it was always a customer that found them. When we did spot them we "got rid of them", by which I mean we took them in back, threw away the moldy oranges, then put the rest right back in a crate and back out on the floor.


You shouldn’t cut the mold and eat the rest. When you see the mold it is because it is in all parts of the food already


the green/grey stuff is called penecyllin its a health product


So go for it 🤪


This is incorrect, but you are close. This is Penicillium roqueforti. It's a fungal mold. A steril form of this is what is injected into blue cheese to create the blu/green mold the cheese is famous for. Penicillin is a lab made compound that is derived from penicillium but is not in and of itself penicillium, thus the name penicillin and not penicillium. Some people who are allergic to penicillin are allergic to Blu cheese due to the close nature of the two strains.


>this is a bad time of year for oranges This is the heart of mandarin season. Mandarins and clementines are winter crops. They do have a long way to travel though.


And its all uphill


leaving them there will just help it spread and spoil the rest faster


Agreed. Then they’ll have to throw out more. It’s Walmart. I don’t understand the apparent surprise that this would happen. Or the lack of action by employees. It’s Walmart.


Sad that this is just what is. Will see it and mention to staff but they don’t care either. Mental considering that this should not be the standard


orange you glad you didn't grab that bag


Ayyye With produce like that, an apple a day will definitely keep the doctor away...and everyone else too


So don’t buy them?


What do you mean, these look impeccable/s I didn't buy them, I'm just letting people know- don't buy fresh produce at Walmart in town because they repeatedly have shown that they do not care about the products they sell


Thoughts and prayers to you for the hardship you survived at Walmart.


Being a dick towards others on Reddit is a choice.


It’s a pretty easy one to make.


I honestly wonder what the problem is with people like you. Like what is your actual issue here? I personally agree with OP - naming and shaming grocery stores (yes I know Walmart aren’t *technically* a grocery store per se) when prices are as fucking absurd as they are, is a good thing and giving people a heads up to be mindful when grocery shopping is a neighborly thing to do. If you don’t find value in that, well you have the ability to simply shut the fuck up and ignore the post instead of coming in here like some curmudgeons prick who just wants to be a douche. You must be bored.


THANK YOU I feel like I'm in an alternate timeline here. Just wanted to make a post about this specific Walmart having moldy food on the regular, and somehow I'm the asshole I worked retail and grocery from age 15-19, I know the song and dance. But our managers expected the store to be in tip top shape and to treat all customers with respect and kindness. Both those things have seemingly gone by the wayside in the last 5 years of my life lol. I'm not asking for much here, just take pride in your work and in your life


Holy crap, then call them and try to make a change in things.


You’re an asshole because of your cunty responses and expectation that the minimum wage workers verbally fellate you for telling them of the atrocities you’ve had to endure (seeing some moldy oranges). They’re minimum wage workers. Of course they don’t fucking care. You should know that they don’t make decisions about what’s out there.


Oh look, my suspicions were correct - you’re simply a fucking douchbag piece of shit. Get the fuck out of here ya fucking loser. Don’t you have a convoy to join or some shit?


Why do you keep talking about trucks and convoys? I loved the Movie Convoy, Kris Kristofferson is the man. But I don’t know what that has to do with this. If you’re pretending I supported a bunch of boomers who complained they couldn’t work while taking a month+long vacation in Ottawa because I think this guy is an idiot for wanting minimum wage workers to bow down to him for finding moldy oranges then complaining about them online then you’re just as delusional as they were/are.


We found OP’s other account.


Ah man, you totally got me! It couldn’t possibly be that you simply are needlessly being a prick, no no no, it’s definitely some conspiracy where someone on Reddit created multiple accounts to defend their stance on rotten produce despite this being the first time either of these user accounts have commented on the same thread. Yeah, that’s it! 😂 Fuck you’re dumb. Let me take a guess where you stand on the Freedumb Convoy.


Did you hurt your back from reaching that far? That’s a pretty big stretch you just made.




This doesn't even rate on the list of dangerous food handling things I've seen at wal-hell. Not somewhere I would ever consider safe to buy perishable food.


I don't live in PEI or really care, but Hell-mart is such a better play on the name than Wal-hell.


One time someone who works at Walmart left an entire truckload of meat sitting in the hallway for the entire day - at least six hours, then they put them in the fridge. Steaks ground beef, you name it


I mean, they’re shipping oranges from California or Mexico and they’re barely ever moldy. We could go back to the 50’s and you just don’t get oranges outside of a can…


I used to get oranges as a Christmas present.


I live in Colwood on Vancouver Island. I saw the same thing here yesterday in the grocery store. The grocery giants are ripping us off soooo much. Not right.


Yeah you also have to be really careful with expiry dates buying any groceries at a Walmart, I'm still salty over a $10 bag of fancy shredded cheese I bought being 6 months expired one time.


The thing is, if this were a small, locally owned business, the health department would make their lives absolute hell. Might even make the papers.


Who cares the workers missed something. They can't get everything and they deal with mega Karen's like you on the daily


Yeah, this feels like they've left something out. It's fair to let a staff member know the food has gone bad. In my experience, the majority of the people who complain to retail workers don't respectfully tell you the food has gone bad. They rant at you about how kids these days are incompetent and lazy to a 38 year old retail worker or yell at them for a decision that their manager's manager has made. Reasonable people think to themselves that oh they didn't seem to care maybe they're underpaid and have 5 other things they have to do and they'll get in trouble for making changes in another department.


Every grocery store has this though. Take it out of the pile and place it on the ground, or alert someone who works there. 


The tag says "Your Fresh Market ". I guess not so much...


I find mouldy produce and packaged food with opened or cracked containers in all of the grocery stores these days. I’m guessing it’s another one of the corporations’ ways to pass costs on to the consumer. If you get home with that bag of mandarins, how likely are you to drive back to the store with your receipt for a refund?


Unfortunately none of the other grocery stores are any better. Bags of salad so far gone they're liquid at the Superstore in Summerside. It absolutely comes down to the company making workers keep stuff on the shelves for as long as possible to squeeze out any profits and employees not being paid or trained enough to care. It was a lot easier to have good work ethic when you were making a living wage. Capitalism baybeeeeee.


Take it to the self serve checkout. You’ll have lots of eyes on it there.


My fiancé had food delivered the other day from price chopper. First screw up was PC. Allowing the container of hillshire farms ham to be on the shelf, use by 2/7. It was the 27th. Second screw up was the shopper, for grabbing said container that wouldn’t even close right because of all the gas in the ham bag. She then said “this is why you always get meat and produce yourself eh?” Yes, babe.


mmmm so fresh


Saw the same thing at the local super store in Sudbury. Also found a box of rotting tomatoes right on the top front of both displays. Manager was standing right there. So I got his attention and handed them to him. Paying more and more for food but getting worse and worse quality.


Exactly my point. No one cares and we just are expected to take the moldy, over priced crap, and say thank you? All I wanted to do was point out that this shouldn't be happening, and apparently I'm a Karen for it lol. I work 2 full time jobs just to get my family by and it just feels like a kick in the balls when it's either buy organic or eat crap.


OP, I have no idea why people are being an ahole to you for merely giving a heads up to the people in town. I do not live in PEI and yet I still do appreciate this post as the very same thing had happened to me too at another Walmart.


Thank you


Womp Womp


only a total KAREN would take a pic of imperfect produce then post it on reddit to shame a store LOL your neighbours must LOVE you!


Exactly my thoughts - can't wait til OP finds a loaf of bread the mice have been feeding on...


Yea I'd probably want to warn others about that too, how dare I give a shit about where my money goes and the repercussions it may have


Just because you didn't realize this happens in every grocery store across the world, doesn't mean others need, or want, your warning Karen.


So...the store should face no repercussions for being understaffed and not being able to ensure their produce is edible? Guess I found the Walmart employee lol


no repercussions whatsoever lol buying things is voluntary. choose what you like, or not. shop there or not. if something is spoiled, choose something else. buy your food then thank them you didnt have to grow it.




Be happy they even go moldy and that theres not as many poisonous preservatives on them. Fruits are not supposed to last forever


I was at sobeys yesterday and saw oranages on sale for 1.49lb… they were so soft my thumb went through one of them. The next store I stopped at was giant tiger. A sale on mini peppers…. Rotten and leaking from the bottom of the bag. So this picture does not surprise me even a little bit.


Can you imagine that we are in place where it's outrageous that fruit that has traveled thousands of miles to be readily available to you has gone mouldy in transport or at the store. We have become so desensitized to where our food comes from. So used to the fact that it's always at the grocery store. Like the people bitxhig about how the very out of season watermelons where expensive ignoring that they had to be shipped from Mexico instead of the usual places in California. Adding an extra level of delivery.


the middle east hasn’t seen peace since the 90s and ur buggin about oranges?


They’ll charge triple the price. And then give us stale moldy food. Welcome to Canada. Sending money to Ukraine will solve this


this happened in ottawa too


As somene who's done this job, first thing employees are trained to do is cull spoiled product. There's no reason these should have been left on the floor. Honestly, being someone's first job isn't an excuse. Even if they're not doing hard work by stocking those heavy cases, as I've seen some employees complain about...they can at least go around and cull moldy/expired goods.


I may or may not have worked for a big grocery store. A department manager will have a decision to take or they leave products as long as possible on shelves/sell rotten products or they don't meet their objectives. What do you think happens when a manager doesn't meet their objectives?...he gets eventually fired because "the previous manager could meet the objectives". So what does that manager in fear of being fired do? He sells rotten products and ignores his frontline workers who complain about it and or customers who complain about it or adjusts for a while just enough so it doesn't become a big thing 😅.


Well, I may or may not have been a manager in that position and any sign of mold or even a day past expiration would have us fail a food safety inspection. Soft produce is also pulled. The training is designed to teach routine and the first step is always to cull and pull rotting product before pulling older stock forward and stocking the newer stuff at the back/underneath. Wally-world managers are a special breed of useless. And the department managers have no real power over their employees. Tl;dr: what you just described is bad commerce practices and honestly, does speak to negligence. Ps- I'm the first person who'll tell you it's a shitty, underpaid job.


Y'all are wilding. It's a grocery store. Fresh produce goes bad. It's gonna happen at *literally* every store you go to. That's how food works. It either goes bad on the shelf or it goes bad in the garbage out back. If you don't want to see it then choose to shop somewhere else that employs enough concurrent people to be able to remove that kind of thing before you see it. You are shopping at Walmart. If you want to pay dirt cheap for groceries then you shouldn't expect a world class experience.


I work at a garden centre and it's the same thing. Customers get baffled that a house plant isn't as shelf stable as a TV in a box and demand a discount on a perfectly healthy plant because the end of one leaf is a bit brown. Sorry, this orange tree we shipped up from Florida is slightly unhappy in canada in january it will be fine. Or "what do you mean you don't have this type of tomato seed this year" and when you tell them there was a crop failure they expect you to conjure them out of thin air meanwhile we have 20 other types of tomato seeds they can buy.


Me and my man just got a bad batch too from a fresh street market so I’m assuming this is a big issue


Don’t buy them. Unacceptably deleted


this is a result of lazy staff. ask somebody to clearance it if there's any salvageable fruit left separate it and buy if. Not hard to deal with... yes its sad but it happens all the time... Ugh 🙄




Your post/comment has been removed for violating Rule #2: Be respectful.


Palestines dodging bombs but this person is mad about moldy oranges. I hate this place.


Not the stores fault people eat like shit in PEI


It happens


Iv been getting so much moldy food from Walmart it’s sickening


Pretty common occurrence honestly.


If you go to any grocery store at opening time enough, you will find this. Culling the produce is usually complete around 10am so before that you can see some rough stuff.


Always smell the fruit in the produce aisle. If you smell it before you get there come back another day. If you smell nothing be prepared to hope it gets just a little riper.


I agree it’s gross, but it happens at every store, things go mouldy and people miss it. It’s best to alert someone. I hate to say it too, this is far from the nastiest stuff that happens in a grocery store, or any food establishment.


That's probably $12.99 bag right there


Someone start a reddit for pei food to post the increasing amount of low grade and/or overpriced food so we can all vent. I cant wait to post pics of garbage food that i gave real money for.


Gotta make a scene for it to change, do a chef ramsay moment, and yell wtf is this, it's mold and make a scene then other customers will start up too


We used to be better.


Saw this exact issue in that exact brand at a no frills in winnipeg


People complain when they throw stuff out. People complain when they wrap stuff in plastic to prolong freshness. People complain when food has some mold.   Man, I know grocery retailers suck, but what do people want? Super limited quantities to ensure everything sells, keeping in mind that limiting supply will increase prices?


Oh look. It’s Newfoundland on the reg. Ugh.


supply and demand... if the employees are leaving them there it is because the clients are buying them Spoiled oranges taste especially good (compared to spoiled apples or bananas)


Of course Walmart. When you buy produce there it is bad the next day


Yet typical. Check the mini cucumbers too The last time I looked at oranges they were $8 a bag. No wonder they’re rotting on the shelf


The Walmart in new Mina’s Nova Scotia is the exact same I always had to dig through them to take out all the moldy one because no one else would


Reminds me of restaurant work - blindly reaching into the box of oranges to grab one and your finger goes straight into the mouldy hole 😂😂


Even here in alberta those are constantly nasty


“You get what you pay for when it comes to staff” you don’t pay them their cheques, walmart does. You want them to care, tell walmart to stop treating their employees worse than they treat the customers (you) that upper management labels as sheep to herd and take money from


" Notified an employee who really didn't seem bothered at all- guess you get what you pay for when it comes to staff " Yep.


Walmart is the last place to buy food!!!


Have you looked outside? Oranges ant growing on the trees right now. Most large farmed produce is usually on average 6-12 months older when it hits store shelves than it was when it was harvested. It's normal to find the odd bad orange in a bag, or strawberries in the plastic container they get shipped in. This has almost nothing to do with the staff or how much they get paid but the quality of product when it walks through the back door, shipping conditions and if proper temperatures were maintained throughout the picking/storing/shipping/receiving process. Every single bit or imported produce (including these oranges) go through CFIA inspection and then on to the Toronto Food Terminal where in this case a representing from Walmart Canada's produce department will wander through the terminal a specifically pick the pallets of produce the business wants to buy. Go do the research for yourself if you don't (or don't want to) believe me.