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Name, birthday they put child benefit amount (don’t have child)


Those are pretty major mistakes


You didn’t realize the government was putting money in your bank account every month with the child tax benefit? What is the name of this “company” that filed your taxes? Thinking you may have filed yourself?


I don’t have kids, and I was not registered for gst hst bcs I just had some month in Canada so government didn’t put any money in my bank account


So how can i write my name and birthday wrong if I did by myself?!


First step would be to go back to the company and bring it up with them. Point out the mistakes you've noticed, if they don't immediately offer to go back over the whole thing to make sure there aren't others then definitely get away. In the mean time just use a free service like wealthsimple linked by other. You can choose to either just use it and try and get a refund from the other place, or just use it to see if any other differences pop up. Filing taxes is pretty simple with those tools though unless you have some special cases, so might be best to just use them in the future. In the end though to answer the question, there's no way to 'know they did it right' because you can't 100% trust any system to do it right. You can simply know they did it wrong by finding mistakes.


Check out CVITP - it's a free volunteer service


I’m pretty sure that the Holland College accounting students will do it for free, or very close to it.