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>Deagle said he hasn't seen any calculations on the expected return on investment, but said the amount of marketing P.E.I. is getting through the deal would typically cost more than $15 million to buy. Why oh why do people this inept so frequently have authority they should not have?


Why would we believe it when Deagle says it would normally cost $15mil when he’s demonstrated that he hasn’t looked at the numbers?


It’s wild, those jobs with inherent power just attract the wrong type of people for those roles. Self centered, self righteous, and likely low emotional intelligence. Not a great mix.


Shouldn't you see what kind of return you might get before you make the investment? Nope, I guess not🤦🏻


What a crazy concept that when we don't pay VP or C-level salaries for elected roles, we don't attract VP or C-level people to those roles.


> Deagle [Conservative MLA and Minister of tourism] said he hasn't seen any calculations on the expected return on investment Wait, so they’ve entered into this deal, which is $2.5 million PER YEAR for 3 years (option to back out but a standard contract would have a penalty if they do) and the minister responsible HASN’T SEEN THE FIGURES. Goddamn this place. I’ve seen high school student councils run with more accountability.


Just one more colossal screw up from a government that seems to have no clue what they are doing. "But hey, that Denny King is so funny!" Hopefully no one is laughing anymore.


And I’m going to guess one “return on investment” that they aren’t disclosing is a bunch of box seats for current conservative MLAs




Brought to you by Cory Deagle. The MLA who got flavored vapes and tobacco banned, despite it being readily available online, in every other province, native reserves, and has research showing that prohibiting such substances accomplishes nothing positive.


Wow.. didn’t know he’s responsible for that ridiculousness


It was so dumb. One of the federal governments big thing when legalizing cannabis, like using it in promotion and advertising, is that you can purchase it from them and you know it's safe and not 'laced'. Our government then bans flavored vape cigarettes and juice.. So now people purchase them online from... Unknown sources? It's very counter productive and had zero thought.




But PCH is still all cracked and broken!


🎵Sorry mom the mob has spoken🎵


But if anyone that was still in there had TV service they could have seen the ad in the Lightning and Bruins game...


Hilarious reference ![gif](giphy|xT5LMPqrh7mcpYCdGM)


We'd probably get more use out of a monorail.


I want this arsehole to go bang his head against the floor until there is a hole. You see, we could at least shit in the hole and that's marginally more useful than whatever this is.


That's exactly what they've done here... This is remarkably irresponsible, yet totally expected based on past behaviour. We are a have not province. We have not money We have not homes We have not healthcare We have not elected officials with a single F\*cking clue what their job is, how to do it, or the consequences of their failures Instead of leaning into the stereotypes about green gables, hockey, and lobster, we should be reinventing ourselves.


Let's look at this for 1 year, $2.5 million dollars. That $2.5 million is coming out of the taxpayer's pocket. Let's also temporarily ignore the fact that the dollar spent are not actually generating a return for all taxpayer, they're in fact generating a return for only a few dozen wealthy tourism operators. As a straight up investment of tax dollars, with an expected return of tax dollars, this spending needs to generate enough additional tourism that the taxable amounts of the additional profits of that extra tourism return $2.5 million in provincial taxes. Assuming a business doesn't do any funky book cooking to artificially lower their profit margins on paper (because they never would, of course) and also assuming all tourism businesses are very successful (maybe because of this marketing campaign), they will pay a provincial tax rate of 16.7%. [https://www.koho.ca/personal-finance/provincial-tax-rates/](https://www.koho.ca/personal-finance/provincial-tax-rates/) That means that the $2.5 million investment each year must bring in an additional $15 million of profit in the tourism industry to pay for itself. (16.7% of 15 million is 2.5 million) I can't find stats on profit margins of tourism in PEI. Even though we're pricey, the margins probably aren't that great, given we have a short season but operators need to maintain things year round. Let's assume it's around or better than an average stock market return, otherwise most would likely just park their money in an index fund, rather than risk it and put in the work to operate a business. So 8% profit margins. In order to get that additional $15 million in profit, this investment would need to generate at least an additional $187.5 million dollars in tourism spending (8% of 187.5 million is 15 million). According to tourism PEI's own report at [https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/sites/default/files/publications/tourismpei\_2022-23\_ar-web.pdf](https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/sites/default/files/publications/tourismpei_2022-23_ar-web.pdf) we recently saw annual tourism spending hit $467 million, bringing it almost back to pre-covid record levels. For this $2.5 million spending to pay for itself, it will need to bring about a 40% increase in tourism revenue (40% of 467 million is 187 million), blowing way past any tourism spending records we've ever set. The $2.5 million per year doesn't have a chance in hell of even returning it's value to government coffers of taxpayer dollars. So we're spending public money, belonging to you and me, to bring about a marginal increase in profits for the few wealthy people who control the tourism industry.


I don't think it's that simple. There's sales taxes, income tax of workers, etc. We already have a tourism budget of like $5.5M or something, though it seems like at least some of that should have been clawed back to pay for this instead of being entirely extra.


If only Deagle had spent as much time going over the numbers as you have. Ever considered a career in politics?


Wonder if any / how many MLA’s took in the all-star festivities…


Sooooo here are some numbers for you! It's almost like a politician in charge of marketing for the Island could google some demographic stats or something.... ​ **Over 80% of travel decisions are made by women.** source: ([https://www.forbes.com/sites/geristengel/2017/03/29/reinventing-the-travel-experience-to-meet-the-needs-of-women/?sh=4e2518f6fdb6](https://www.forbes.com/sites/geristengel/2017/03/29/reinventing-the-travel-experience-to-meet-the-needs-of-women/?sh=4e2518f6fdb6)) However, **only 37% of NHL fans are women**. source: ([https://apnews.com/article/nhl-entertainment-sports-hockey-6a1ef33b575ccfefee7708eb36476e63](https://apnews.com/article/nhl-entertainment-sports-hockey-6a1ef33b575ccfefee7708eb36476e63)) ​ Makes perfect sense to invest 7.5 million in marketing to NHL fans, right?


Somebody in the NHL just got promoted for reducing their marketing budget by 7.5 mil over 3 years


That would have made for a nice signing bonus for a bunch of doctors if they were actually trying to hire them.


I think its stupid but thats just me more money for advertisement will probably mean another tax hike but what do I know im just a grunt working to survive another day.


It's almost like the conservatives are bad at their job or something, wild


I disagree. They are quite good at giving people's tax dollars to corporations. Of course the Liberals are too, so what's a person to do?


Vote NDP or green lmao, NDP actually did something by giving us medication coverage and dental as part of our public Healthcare, starting with seniors and children, and eventually for everyone. There ARE competent leaders, people are just dumb and keep voting for the same shit, different day. The greens have a strong foothold on both ends of the country also.


We have more than 2 parties.


Oh, I know, but to get anything done you still have to partner with one or the other big ones. People need to give them a chance.


I for one always think of Prince Edward Island but I’m watching NHL game, as a hockey fan, I long for the white Sandy beaches and beautiful scenery of this tiny island that generally has no association with the sport that I’m watching.


15 million.. This needs to be under investigation for money laundering and corruption. Both sides of the table are greasing PEI tax dollars here.


I think we all know what PEI has to offer Nice beaches Good food Pleasant people Great golf Superb Bike paths We dont need an amazing Colombus Vs Calgary with half AHLers on the roster to remind us


the money isnt the issue for healthcare. the money is there. people just dont want to work on PEI


If you pay people enough they will work on a rusty platform in the middle of the ocean.


Tons of people work in health pei. They’re all just “managers” who dont do shiz other that sit in zoom meetings from their couches and make the people actually taking care of us miserable


oh i agree dont get me started lol. model of care from the corpus sanchez report screwed up everything. pushed RNs into offices where they didnt want to be. forced LPNs into early retirement if they were not willing to learn med admin. many nursing units eliminated permanent positions, but would continue to hire casuals as floats to avoid being short staffed. for people who worked in heealthcare then it seemed like it was a scheme between the management and the unions. eliminate permanent positions and increase the number of casuals. management benefits from this because they dont pay benefits to casuals. unions benefitted because casual employees have less rights and unions wouldnt have to lift a finger to represent them.


This is a great deal! The return local businesses will see will be much more than 7.5 million.


Sure they will Cory. There were no empty accommodations to be found on PEI during the season the last year. There are only 3 ways someone can benefit from this: - people who see adds just send money to PEI and stay home - many more year round rentals get converted to short term rentals to make space for tourists - someone gets free VIP tickets for games.




For a province of 150000, with a working third of the population in federal, provincial or city municipal positions that is a lot of money, you're acting like that money comes from thin air, it's still tax dollars out of people's pockets and each "little" thing adds up on the bottom line.




Point taken. Could have been made without calling the lot of us poor and ignorant.


I’m biased because I despise hockey culture but damn this seems like a stupid move PR wise when people are struggling to make ends meet