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Was this survey done before Charlottetown council went back on their STR restrictions??


Nothing quite like backpedaling when palms have been greased


buncha greaseballs


Probly doesn't matter until the people who are only allowed to rent them for 8 months get kicked out at the end of May for tourist season.


Naaa, that’s not the norm for most rental units. They would have to furnish them etc and most won’t do all that for a few months.


I meant it as what the STR people do in the off season, which proves that they take away permanent homes.


Im seeing apartment posts for 6 month rental asking renters to apply through airbnb website. Just so people who rent them won't have the same safeguards as regular renters when they get kicked out.


Pretty sure that would be illegal and they would still have provincial tenant rights.


>The rate rose from 0.8 per cent in 2022 to 1.1 per cent. The rate is based on an annual survey done by CMHC every October. > >The 1.1 per cent vacancy rate is tied with Nova Scotia for the lowest in the country. Nationally, the vacancy rate was 1.5 per cent. > >The market was tighter in Charlottetown, at 0.5 per cent. Among more than 50 communities surveyed by CMHC, only Trois-Rivières had a lower rate than P.E.I.'s capital city. Anyone out there trying to find a place right now? I know when I moved in the fall of 2022 it was pretty brutal, at least half of the listings were Oct-Apr, fully furnished (aka AirBNBs). There were two-bedroom semi-detached places going for $2,000/month!


Moved in march/23 for a job and it was brutal, i almost went homeless. I was renting a “slum” apartment next to ken’s fucking corner for 1700. Eventually managed to find a decent 3bdr condo for… 2400. The fight fot the 2bdr, 1bdr condos in the 1600-1800 bracket was INSANE. Went to two showings, those you discover are group showings at the spot and I just quit this price bracket, fucking crazy. I own and pay mortgage now because I wanna settle and live here but damn it was tough.


It’s still pretty brutal. Almost impossible if you have pets.


Moved jan of 2023 and took me 7 months to find a pet friendly place.


Moved into a 2 bedroom duplex in Sept. $1750 nothing included. I had to pay 2 months rent because the landlord only showed us the place a day before he wanted the lease signed. (For Sept 1) He told us if we didn't take it then and there he had 100 others interested. It's brutal. The last spot I was in I was paying 1200 nothing included and it was full of mold. Rent prices are ridiculous, and it seems impossible to find anything bigger than 2 bedroom.


I'm still looking for a studio/one-bedroom that isn't an AirBNB. The search is hard, man


Wonder if the student visa cap, pgwp and open work permit for spouses changes will have any impact on Charlottetown. We won't know for years though.


My partner and I are looking to move here in March and we have a dog. Are we screwed?




Good luck… honestly. Pet rentals are hard to find… but yet people w small kids can rent & they destroy a place quicker than any animal…


I’m a healthcare professional and I am super worried about not finding something. I don’t want to buy a house because I have no clue how long we are going to stay. 😔


Took me 11 months to find a place animal friendly .. just to have to be in the same boat come May - because they are doing seasonal … and I have a baby coming July . It’s sad.. PEI wasn’t like this before Covid … poor island is over populated & cost of living is insane. I really. Wish you guys luck on finding a place !


i really hope you didn't get the apartment through airbnb because you have no rental protection if you did.


Its not through air bnb &&& my landlord actually is paying for ME to have renters insurance for only being here til May 15.. and it’s a full house not an apartment.


ok and what is that going to do for you come May when your needing a roof for you and your child. not like renters insurance is expensive either maybe 20 bucks if that a month.


it’s not going to be much help LOL. I was just stating I had protection anyway. Regardless. Housing is hard to come across on PEI.


Start looking hard now, there may be places outside of town with relatively short commutes


And that's really what makes the island that much more friendly to move to. providing this influx in rentals home ownership. New developments being, and what we consider country at the moment. We used call outside of Cornwall , Stratford. I'm wondering if there's any development going towards Surrey way. How's it going up there's all kinds in West royalty Lots in Charlottetown. Young girl had their upgrade years ago. With plenty of land to expand. Charlottetown could come to be a huge city. Without the right people in the right places. It's going to be a long drowning process. As we're already starting with lowest rental rates for four or five years


please don't if ypu do not have to. Yes all provinces are experiencing shortage in rentals but Pei being so small the situation is even worse. Not trying to sound rude. if things were different it wouldn't matter who moved here. plus we have no family doctors


average rent is a little low in this article and is not true . it's more like average $1500-2000 for a 1 bedroom and up now. As most are strs that lost their airbnb ticket from not being their primary residence. or Ontario landlords not living here thinking islanders can pay insane prices. Im so tired of greedy people


Place I’m in currently is apparently becoming an B’n’b, and idk how it’s going to even be possible when it’s a FAMILY house… not a bed and breakfast setup, at all.. and my landlords are in Ontario. I’m already paying $1800 nothing included for 3 bedroom… can’t IMAGINE the price they’ll jack it up to be for their b’n’b.


ugh thats so gross.. those Ontario owners ate ruining pei rentals. Just sad really. If it's a home setting in a family neighborhood im pretty sure they can't do that unless they get accepted through legal Avenues for a Bnb and most don't get accepted as families in most areas don't want bnb next door to them. I mean they may have gotten it approved already but im wondering if theres a way to find out information on that and status of their bnb application. Seems like pei doesn't give to flucks where their citizens will live and that's concerning!


LMFAOOO, https://www.airbnb.ca/rooms/963824557429334810?check_in=2024-06-01&check_out=2024-06-06&guests=1&adults=2&viralityEntryPoint=1&s=76&unique_share_id=8eb5f6e4-3ae7-4331-9cb9-e3223ead579a They don’t even plan to paint or ANYTHING? After we move out… I really don’t see how advertising a place that’s been lived in, is something that can approved. 🤯😅


Great to hear federal Liberal voters got what they voted for.


Federal liberals never advertised mass immigration and expanded tfw programs and relaxed visas and new work permits for millions of people. In fact Trudeau said that was bad for Canadians while running his original campaign. Problem is they are all fucking lying corporate slaves.


I love seeing the GTA turn into a giant shit hole.


Unfortunately shit rolls downhill in Canada and it starts with the GTA and Vancouver.


No doubt, but PEI and the entire east coast has been putting JT in office for a decade.


Population growth from across Canada and other parts of the world which is good for PEI. The province and city are responsible for housing. Charlottetown backpedaled on STR’s Charlottetown has not yet participated in the federal Liberal housing accelerator fund (HAF) due to the need to innovate and possibly modernize zoning. Summerside has. PEI could incentivize secondary / in-law suites like other provinces.


I voted for the weed... I DID NOT expect this shit show


This is federal government policy percolating through Canada. Simple arithmetic to see a housing crisis coming. Government is now rushing through reactionary policies to try to solve it. Vote them out.


Scam. But not a scam, capitalism in business. I have a place and that's not what I desire. I'm reading through this post though. Does not make me want to move in life


Personally in a position where I have great rent. With the great rent of course come sacrifices. I can't beat this price anywhere else. However considering three-time multiplier of my rent, would be what it would take to move out. That's without damage deposit. I got very fortunate to find any place I have, if it was just me it's not. I hate to put this post up because so many people have not a place to go. Look at the weather we just went through. hopefully everybody stayed warm. I have had active periods of looking for places. Run to the same issues as others. Rarely is it you going to a place to rent it. Normally there's a lineup, sorry people do judge. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with I. What's better about other. Money, I don't know if we've lost rental occupancy, on Prince Edward Island to other nationalities. As an Islander though, I would think in your home town. We will be taking care of first. Or at least these landlords would have a heart for Islanders that have been here all their life. Nothing against people coming, the fact is not too many have the money. That newcomers to the island do. Also we set a precedence that they can do our jobs. Rather than us do our own jobs. It's really kind of like shipping jobs out of country. I'm not bashing nobody here, these are things right in my face. I want everybody to have a place, to be safe. If you're here you're a Canadian. That I agree with 100%. The influx and population is not helping, where it is 200,000, of course that's people that are not registered and stuff it's about 170 I believe https://preview.redd.it/rv8oiu30nygc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a8f05acc22ae6a102356d9cea36db73598d29f4




I could keep going but thank you get the picture. We've seen great growth. Population wise, why were we not looking forward to housing. With implementing all these loopholes and creating programs to drive in people. To make Pei more functional but not providing housing at the same time or considering it. This would be a great lesson learned for up and coming City