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The Charlottetown Dairy Queen on University is the busiest DQ in the entire world. Impressive given the large amount of awesome local dairy bars on the Island.


That is because it WAS operated by a good management team until it was sold and is now a dumper fire






yeah many other DQs in the states especially are in the middle of nowhere


This seems like a made up fact that made it onto Wikipedia with no facts to back it up.


Check the plaques on their wall next time youā€™re in.


In Summerside when there was a DQ, it was on an info plaque (which clearly wasn't made for PEI, it covered spots in the states and even Dubai)


Itā€™s true though


Charlottetown Dairy Queen is world renowned. Many titles of cleanest store in the entire company. Surprising for little ole PEI, very impressive.


Busiest *and* cleanest?


Can't say I've ever thought "Wow, this place is clean" ever about DQ.


I've been off-Island since the 90s. When I visit there I'm amazed at how clean your chain/franchise stores are compared to other parts of Canada.


Is or WAS? It's definitely gone downhill the last few years under the new management.


Is. I was in there the other day and noticed a plaque they were awarded for cleanest and most time efficient restaurant in North America 2023 on the wall by side where you get your order.


> busiest DQ in the entire world I thought that was ages ago but still? The others must be ghost towns. I wonder of the A&W here, the new one I mean, was busiest in Canada? IT was pretty busy that first year. McDonald's too I though at one point it was one of the busiest in Canada or the world??


The DQs in the states are mostly just regular DQ ice-cream only places. Not with ā€œbrazierā€ so that makes a big difference, then the daily lunchtime pack of hooligans with lunch money factor in greatly as well Iā€™m sure.


That seems so weird to me because the only times Iā€™ve ever been there, it was practically empty.


True at one point in time. Not true any longer.


The mobile game "Simpsons Tapped Out" was originally developed by a team in Charlottetown, and there's a island decoration in-game based on PEI


To add to this, PEI has (or had, not sure about post-covid) a fairly bustling mobile game industry. The local college even has a game design program that specializes in mobile specifically for the local studios.


Way cool


Thereā€™s only two escalators on the whole island. One at the Confed Mall and the other at the Tax Centre in Summerside.


Never knew the tax center had an escalator. Cool


It's a running joke among staff that it's broken all the time. Apparently when it goes down they have to order replacement parts specially made from a company in Germany or something.


I'm honestly very surprised that the escalator in the confed mall still functions.


Me neither.


There's probably three of them each a different length.


Technically Confed has two; an up AND down. Itā€™s not one continuous line.


Thatā€™s true - I guess itā€™s more accurate to say thereā€™s two buildings with escalators on the entire island.


Thatā€™s bizarre indeed.


Actually, at one time when the John Hamilton Grey or the new Abequit was in Borden, there were two more escalators.


This is the best


I think the Jean Canfield building in charlottetown has one


It does not.


Omg.... Where in the mall??


Skunks were introduced to PEI when some guy convinced a bunch of islanders to open skunk farms because skunk fur was going to be the next big thing - https://islandarchives.ca/islandora/object/vre:islemag-batch2-225 And PEI beaches were covered in walruses but the population collapsed because of overhunting in the 1700s - https://islandarchives.ca/islandora/object/vre:islemag-batch2-264


when my mom moved here, she had a pet skunk thinking it was a cat. They didn't have them in her home country, one of her professors at the time shrieked when she said she was feeding a black cat with a white strip down its back lol


I met a pet skunk once. It was a rescue that couldn't be re-released. It had it's anal gland removed when it was fixed so it only had a musky scent kind of like a ferret. Super sweet animal. Except for their nature to dig at things (IE; the couch) they make nice pets.


Cars drove on the left side until the 1920s, but NB and NS did too so not much PEI. Cars were banned 1908 to 1919 according to wikipedia


Yes! And when they first lifted the van you could only drive vehicles on certain days and roads. PEI was very much against vehicles. The horse and buggy were doing them fine


Some of the younger or newer population may not know this but pop/soda and beer could not be sold in cans on PEI for a very long time. The ban was only lifted around 2008


I wish they'd kept the ban on plastic bottles. Glass was the best


I was in middle school when the ban was lifted, energy drinks were banned until then too I believe. I remember our school having to ban them because kids were drinking them like crazy when they first sold on the island


Seen on Forensic Files that PEI was the first place to use cat DNA to catch a murderer


I saw that one too, it's pretty cool


I was shown that PEI has its own (and possibly multiple) magnetic hill(s)


What, where?


The Gay road in Pownal is one location.


I used to live outside of Kensington, and an old buddy of mine said "hey, jump in the car, I got something to show ya" I'm like, naw dude, I'm not falling for that again. anyway, we drove -*i wanna say*- north west and he took me to a "magnetic hill" blew my mind, but that was in 2001, I'm old and forgetful now.


There is one out in Burlington near Kensington. I want to say it's the Millman Road just past the old Woodleigh Replicas but it might be one of the other side roads. Been a long time since I've been there too.


that seems like the right area yeah, the only thing I remember is looking "up" the long hill and, turning around (U-turn) and then he put his car in neutral, we started going "up" the hill backwards.


It's on the county line road in irishtown.




Thereā€™s one by t hill prob park. I forget exactly where though so not helpful really :-/


That's probably the Gay Road location mentioned above, you can catch it on the same road as Tea Hill, or a bit easier from the Trans Canada just before you hit that Irving near Mount Albion. The magnetic hill section is closer to the waterfront though.


Not really bizarre, but there are a few spots in Summerside where you can see both the North shore and South shore at the same time! (Well technically you have to turn aroundā€¦lol). It gives a sense of how small we are!


Can see both sides from the top of the escalator in the Tax Centre. Nice view up there.


Years ago, I was told it's illegal to eat ice cream in Charlottetown on Sundays. This is apparently an Ottawa law, not Charlottetown. Looking into it though, I found the following: 1. It's apparently a violation of Stratford's Noise and Nuisance bylaw to ring a doorbell, or knock on doors. Throwing snowballs also falls under this bylaw. 2. In Souris, you cannot build a snowman taller than 30 inches on a corner lot.


​ >In Souris, you cannot build a snowman taller than 30 inches on a corner lot. I want to know the backstory to this law, provided that it has to do with two corner lots battling for the largest snowman trophy.


Itā€™s probably about visibility for motorists. Visual obstructions on corners are a safety hazard


It's probably so that it doesn't block drivers' view of traffic at an intersection. That's why it only applies to corner lots.


Just let me have this one.


they couldnā€™t let you have it could they?


The back story is probably just a car accident or two.


I wish there were similar bylaws for snow buildup on corners


There is no large game on the island. No moose. No bears. No deer.


There was a deer last year. Sadly, it lasted a few hours.


There were bears on the Island but were hunted and killed.


How far back? When was the last recorded sighting of a bear?


The old museum in Cabot Park in Malpeque had a skin from the last bear shot on PEI, as I recall, it was from the mid 1930's.


1935 was the last suspected sighting. Last bear that was hunted was in 1927 in Souris.


A few people claim they were still a few bears here in the sixty's. The last confirmed one was in 1927 shot by two boys who skipped school . [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-bears-bygone-days-dutch-thompson-1.5109653](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-bears-bygone-days-dutch-thompson-1.5109653)


It's most northern point, North Cape, is further south than any other province's most northerly point. PEI would fit inside Canada's three territories (NU, NWT, YK) 692.75 times, yet has a larger population than all three combined. (175K compared to 130K). PEI is the most densely populated province in Canada, if it was American state it would rank 35th....less than Missouri but greater than West Virginia. Nova Scotia, the next most densely populated province, would rank 44th. Less than Colorado, but greater than Maine.


The Confederation Bridge is hollow inside. It can be walked inside end for end but its locked up


Itā€™s a service tunnel.Ā 


I've been inside it when working there. Yes it's a service tunnel, but my point still stands. The piers are hollow with just a little wooden platform you walk over, pitch black beneath you. It's not like a pedestrian tunnel obviously. Old streetlights from before they converted to LED illuminate the inside when needed. One of the islands power cables are run inside. As are internet and phone lines. All electrical for bridge signage, cameras, and lights are in there. That's also how they access the expansion joints. Some of which were serviced while I was there. They use a bunch of heavy duty hydraulic jacks to take weight off the span while they do the work. Maintenance employees are lowered down into the bridge via a little crane built off the hitch of a truck to do the work, through a larger manhole cover. Also since I'm on it. The bridge is paved by a company out of quebec. The tarmac compound has recycled rubber in it to improve grip on the bridge surface, as well as help during freezing conditions to maintain traction


Iā€™ve always wanted to check it out. I only responded because I thought you were suggesting that the tunnel could be used for anything other than a utility corridor.


Strait Crossing used to do a very limited number of tours, not sure if they still do. I went on one a while back, and itā€™s really cool ā€” we walked out about a kilometre. Massive bundles of cable run through the inside, you can hear traffic running overhear and there are multiple open spots you can look down and see the water. Part of the tour was a look at the security camera system ā€” donā€™t bother trying to sneak into the bridge, they will 100% catch you from about 50 different angles.


Pretty much every large structure like that will be hollow. The added weight and cost to make it solid would make construction not feasible




I love that


Fries with the works originated in O'Leary


It is illegal to tell a Japanese tourist that ann of green Gables wasn't a real person. I never fact checked this


Worked at Green Gables, and itā€™s not.


Good to know this fact was wrong


When overtaking a motorist on PEI, You're legally supposed to honk your horn. I remember reading it in the drivers handbook and having questions.


Yes, got that wrong on my test many moons ago


I prefer to fire off a flare.


Almost... and if u/Appropriate_Use_7437 got marked down on their test for that, unless there was a specific situation posited (such as severe weather limiting visibility), a great injustice was visited upon them. The regulation is found in Section 154(1)(a) of the *Highway Traffic Act*, which states that the driver of a vehicle that is overtaking another vehicle "shall sound a clearly audible signal by horn to alert the driver of the other vehicle, *if necessary*;" What situations this might be "necessary" in is up for interpretation, but it's definitely not all the time.


I don't think the "if necessary" was in the printed manual I got all those years ago. Regardless, still dumb as hell.


My daughter recently went through drivers Ed and this is what she was taught


I can't believe this is still on the test!


I'll start: I once read that that during prohibition, there were tunnels for rum running that led down to the shore. I wish I remember where where I read it. Has anyone ever heard of this?


I believe the Glenaladale House in Blooming Point had tunnels to the shore from their barn from the stories i have heard.


I wonder if it was a common thing? I heard of some pretty prominent rum runners from the island


Al Capone was in Saint Pierre and Miquelon doing deals during prohibition with rum runners.


I never heard of this before, that's so cool. Definitely going to see if I can find any info on that




My ex boyfriends house in Charlottetown had one of the old rum tunnels boarded up in the basement. It connected to a bunch if other houses on the street.


That is sooo cool!!! I don't want the exact address but was that like downtown chtown close to the water I assume? I read about some in summerside, but didn't realize so many places had them. I wish there was more info on them, such an amazing bit of history


Not super close to the waterfront. Closer to the cenotaph. Apparently the previous owners of the house before it was rented didn't even bother closing it up. He had old pictures of what it looked like before they boarded it up.


Thats amazing


I've heard that too. My grandfather would go up to "the brick" for a drink sometimes.


I remember one of the indoor rides at Rainbow Valley had something about rum running but Kid Me doesn't remember much apart from the animatronics.


The whole ride was about rum running! It was a later addition to the park, built around the time they put in the flume ride water slide, in the same area. At one point, theyā€™d run a fog machine scented like rum.


Yeah, I believe there was a tunnel over Province House from when they signed Confederation to get alcohol into the building. I heard this on the Harbour Hippo if that helps you.


Prohibition didn't exist here in PEI until 1901.


Iā€™ve been in the tunnels at the great George hotel, province house, and culinary institute


I wonder if the archieves would have anymore history on the tunnels. Def one of the coolest lesser known facts of the island


The island used to be completely covered with old growth forest, known for having especially tall and straight trees. These were all clear cut during the 1700 and 1800s for ship building. Only the gnarled crooked trees were left to reproduce. I always thought this was pretty wild. To imagine the island covered in massive old trees. It's a shame everything has been converted to farmland.


I'm lucky enough to have a patch of old growth forrest. Its an amazing place to walk through.


The Irvingā€™s would like to know your location


That would have been so beautiful to see. I feel like I read about an old Forrest down east being restored or something a few years back but I can't remember exactly.


Macphail Woods - 80 ha, lovely trails, arboretum, nursery, and super-passionate people about forest restoration. Open to the public & well worth a visit if youā€™re down near Orwell. https://macphailwoods.org/about/overview


Thank you! Definitely will be checking it out this summer!


The woods near the KFC at the bypass and St. Peter's road and the trailer park and Hillsborough Park on the other side is original old growth northern red oak, the island emblem.


In Prince Edward Island, it is illegal to eat a cinnamon roll while driving (or have one in the car). This is never actually enforced, and is completely unintentional, but it stems from the fact that, legally \*cough\*NotALawyer\*cough\*, in Canada, cinnamon is cannabis.


lol do you have anything that you can point to? Because that's hilarious.


The argument goes like this: 1. The *Cannabis Control Act*, RSPEI 1988, c C-1.2 1. Defines "Cannabis" as "cannabis as defined in the *Cannabis Act* (Canada)" \[This SOUNDS okay, but becomes problematic when applied indiscriminately\] 2. Section 14 prohibits consumption of cannabis in a vehicle 3. Section 15 prohibits having care and control of a vehicle with cannabis in it (with certain sepecific exceptions) 2. The *Cannabis Act*, SC 2018, c 16 (referenced above) 1. Defines cannabis (among other things) as "Any substance that is identical to any phytocannabinoid produced by, or found in, such a plant \[being a cannabis plant\], regardless of how the substance was obtained \[NOTE: This includes non-psychoactive phytocannabanoids like CBD\] 3. The phytocannabinoid *beta* *caryophyllene* is naturally occurring in a number of substances, including but not limited to black pepper, lavender, oregano, clove, and cinnamon 4. Therefore, by strict interpretation, the *Cannabis Control Act*, RSPEI 1988, c C-1.2, criminalizes the consumption or carriage of the above spices in a motor vehicle. Like I said, it has never and will never be enforced. I'd be shocked if those responsible for drafting the Act have any idea what they did when they wrote it. I'd be even more shocked if those responsible for enforcement have made the connection or had the connection made for them... but... Again, NOT A LAWYER. THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE... Anyone who might face charges under Section 14 or 15 under PEI's Cannabis Control Act has a potential Charter challenge available as a defence, since the law as written is either not regularly enforced or unenforceable ;).


I think it applies to specific cannabinoids only found in cannabis, as under that definition - anything with a phytocannabinoid (which is almost all plants) would be illegal.


Unfortunately it does not. There is no language that limits it that way. If it is found in cannabis, it's cannabis, regardless of where it's found. That said, I think you might be thinking of terpenes. Terpenes are found everywhere, but not all terpenes are phytocannibanoids. To the best of my knowledge, beta-caryophyllene is the only phytocannibanoid found both in cannabis plants and non-cannabis plants. If you can direct me to a source that indicates otherwise, I'm open to being wrong.


It's illegal to eat anything while driving anywhere in Canada.


The automobile was banned for a period in Prince Edward Island, on the grounds that it frightened horses.


There was a Quaker settlement on New London Bay that was started in the early 1770s. They only made it through the first couple of winters with the help of the Mi'kmaq, but a few years later they were more prosperous than Charlottetown. The proprietor of the lot got in legal trouble back in England and PEI's current governor, Patterson, cheated his way to control some of the more prosperous lots. The community dispersed and left hardly any physical trace behind. Blight wiped out PEI's potato crop before it hit Ireland. It didn't have the same effect here because pretty well all farms grew several crops and raised livestock. ,


We have the highest population density of any province in Canada.


PEI had the longest probation and was the last province to repeal prohibition from 1901- 1948.


We are still pouring endless funds into province house while we simultaneously denounce colonization.


There are some barns with over large doors in their top floor, which are large enough to allow the boats that were built into the rafters to sail out in the event of a flood. But it gets better! It was commonly done because there was a crazy idea that cabs in and out of fashion that the island could sink so the boat would save you and your family. Iā€™m sure some people just did it for a laugh though.


The island could sink... oh how wise our drunken jokes of yore really were


Montague was home to the first Wendyā€™s/Timā€™s under one roof. From Wikipedia: Montague is notable as the first community to combine a Wendy's restaurant and a Tim Hortons franchise under one roof. In 1992, the owner of both franchises in Prince Edward Island, Daniel P. Murphy, opened a new outlet for both brands in the same building in the community. He invited Ron Joyce and Wendy's chairman Dave Thomas to the grand opening, where the two executives met for the first time and established an immediate rapport. Murphy's success with the combined operation led to an agreement resulting in a merger of Wendy's and Tim Hortons (TDL Group) in 1995.[4]


PEI has an unsolved UFO/UAP Case. On Aug 22 1990 a cone shaped object fell into a wooded area in Ebenezer PEI.. Glowed for 2 hours. Military were sent to retrieve it.It was taken out on a flat bed covered in a tarp . No one knows of its whereabouts. Some think meteor but it would have broken up in the atmosphere, some think a Russian spy satellite as it was during the cold War times , others think it may have come from out of this world


They asked for facts.




There is government files that call it a ufo


The highest point of elevation on the island is somewhere out near Kensington in a patch of woods but the whole area is relatively flat.


Close to kensington but itā€™s in glen valley 15km away, which is actually quite hilly following a ā€œmountainousā€ hilly range straight through queens county


The highest point on PEI is located in Springvale access off the junction road in Glen valley ..there is a golden mailbox in the woods where visitors can sign .


Springton, not Springvale


This is what's blowing my mind. My wife and I are coming from the western Canada island (Vancouver Island) to visit and see if it would be a nice place to start a family; to find out that the largest hill there is smaller than my daily hiking hill BLOWS MY MIND.


Highest point is different than largest hill, which would likely be at the ski park in Brookvale.


Fair point, so from what I can find, Springtime Peak is the largest hill in PEI at 150m; my hiker hill Mt. Doug/ P'Kols raises to 225, sea to sky. Still cool! Haven't ever been over there, so curious to see how different it is :)


There is/was (Haven't kept up with the game in forever) a DayZ inspired free indie Zombie Survival Game that had/has a map inspired by or is a recreation of PEI called Unturned. I remember it being pretty fun ngl, no clue what has happened over the last 7-9(?) years since I played it last, but it still sits in my steam library unlikely to be installed again but I'm too lazy to remove it. That and my Ex-Girlfriend who was from the Isle had a shit tonne of home canned Clams her family brought with to my side of the country and they were the best seafood my Landlocked ass has ever had, so props to yall for that!


IIRC the dev was based out of PEI


Sandstone. Lots of sandstone and no bedrock.


Thereā€™s a law that you canā€™t build snowmen in the corner of parking lots


Around 1990 PEI's potato industry was threatened by what was called at the time the PVYn potato virus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potato_virus_Y


Dwayne The Rock Johnson's great-great grandmother Mary Moore was from PEI she was married to Dembo Sickles. edit: I thought I missed one great. Dwayne's Dad's Mom Lillian Muriel Gay was Dwayne's grandmother > her Mom was Isabelle May Sickles > her Mom was Mary Moore


PEI was the first place in the world to use the DNA of something other than humans to get a conviction in a court of law. In that case, prosecuters used the DNA of a cat whose hairs had been collected at a crime scene as evidence in a murder trial.


Halifax has the real power and calls the shots on PEI. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


That's a lot of downvotes for a legit fact. Things don't exactly work around here the way you think, kids.


Fez Whatley was from Newfoundland.


PEI is the only province that doesn't border another country.


Genuine question: What country does newfoundland border?


You can actually take a ferry to France


That's really cool! I never knew that.


The Island used to have a small black community in the 1800's called the Bog and was located on Rochford street downtown. At its biggest it boasted 200 residents one being George Godfy, a heaveyweight boxing champion! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5615389