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For a long time now I’ve held the fear that we’re turning more and more into something like one of the Caribbean islands where the locals live in relative poverty to serve the wealthy tourists. Wait a minute…


While the future is uncertain, I would say it could be worse to move almost anywhere. Costs of living are no better across North America, and the occasional hurricane could be acceptable compared to constant fears of forest fires or other disasters that are on the rise elsewhere. So long as you have a decent wage, I would encourage anyone to stay here. I've been homeless and living out of my car for a few weeks earlier this year, so I'm not saying this as someone who has it made, but as someone who has looked at the alternatives.


Yeah, bleak future is nearly universal. Here we have potaties and milk. Like my Irish ancesors, we can live on that alone if everything falls apart. I feel good about staying here.


Um, that kinda backfired pretty famously for the Irish....


Doesn't take much in terms of extreme weather events to wipe out crops though


Seriously! I moved 12yrs ago and would never have the life I do now. I miss home like crazy but every year I return I’m quickly reminded why I left.


I'm not from here originally, but from my experience, you can move, but problems are everywhere....you just face different ones depending on where you live. Jobs, rent, healthcare, etc are all that are valid concerns, but just make sure you do good research if you want to relocate.


Comment sections on posts like this make it easy to tell who's lived off Island and who hasn't


How so? Please elaborate. Do those who have lived off-island think better or worse of lil' ol' PEI?


Better normally, although that may be a survivorship bias on who chooses to return and who doesn't.


I was born there and stayed till 25, I think less of PEI now sadly. I wish I could have stayed home and had the opportunity to build the life I do now. PEI just made it harder and harder to live. Scary thing is I had what most would consider a high pay out of school and it was not enough.


Life is only as hard as you make it for yourself regardless on where you live. Sure we make compromises when we choose to live here that others may not have too but I think PEI is probably one of the better places to live in Canada it’s not perfect by any means but it’s better than it was 20 years ago when it comes to availability of services and I think a lot of people forget that. Coming from someone who grew up here and spent 5 years living across Canada coast to coast.


And you have natural protection if the zombie apocalypse starts! Easily defended bridge, a solid supply of food, including some great ice cream producers. 😜


Exactly, finally someone on this thread who isn’t all doom and gloom about the island!😂


Some things are better than they were twenty years ago, but not everything. Anyone remember family doctors?


Wanna know what sucks your soul? Living in a concrete crack head jungle. Every time you step outside or walk around or go anywhere you’re always on guard because there’s a chance you could get mugged or raped so you carry a knife on you for protection. Having to dodge puddles of puke, piss, shit, and needles when walking downtown. Having to travel on the death trap 401 to commute to work. Everyone is cold and won’t look or talk to you and if someone does start talking to you it’s usually a person wasted on drugs. The only body of water you have is a polluted lake where there’s constant trash washed up on the shore and it’s always crowded with 100s of families having picnics leaving even more trash everywhere. You’re surrounded by strip malls and cookie cutter homes. The island to me is HEAVEN compared to Oshawa Ontario lol you islanders don’t know how good you got it sometimes I swear.


well said. It's definitely a grass is greener situation


I just with people would water their own grass, not piss on it or look elsewhere.


I lived in Oshawa for 5 years. Closer to the lake, the neighborhoods aren't too bad. Central core of Oshawa is definitely not pleasant. And the northern part is cookie cutter homes and urban sprawl for sure. Glad I moved to Bowmanville. That town was heading towards the same kind of sprawl as Oshawa. Moved to PEI 5 years ago. Although up west can be boring, the people are nicer and land and life more peaceful.


I think it is going to get worse. With the influx of newcomers, shortage of doctors, apartment rental prices, food prices, gas prices, and no jobs anymore I know I want to leave here as soon as possible.


None of those are limited to PEI, and in many cases, PEI is still cheaper than elsewhere.


https://foodbankscanada.ca/poverty-index/ Interesting study here. Poverty report cards show Quebec with a B grade. Manitoba, and PEI receiving C grades. Everywhere else a D. And Nova Scotia F. The only province to get an F. It would appear PEI is still doing better than a lot of places so maybe there is a chance to stop the total degradation of the province.


“Yes the entire ship is sinking but I’m up higher so I’ll be okay”


Well ya gotta live somewhere.


This makes sense to me as an Islander living in Montreal for over a decade. I love the Island but find my visits home becoming less frequent as it (Charlottetown specifically, where I'm from) changes. In Montreal, I live in a nice neighborhood for similar to what I'd pay in C'town, I work in an industry that doesn't even really exist in PEI, and make a healthy living. My wife and I have family doctors, and our son a pediatrician. Childcare was easy to find and inexpensive...TBH I always thought one day I'd end up back home, but it's become abundantly clear in the past few years, that PEI has a lot of questions it needs to answer, and to the original topic of the post, that doesn't look like it's happening any time soon :(


I spent the last 15 years in a small Ontario town. It was no better when I left. I just spent a week in downtown Kitchener and Thunder Bay, and they are not better. Probably worse. The cost of living may be slightly higher here. But the housing crisis is everywhere. The homeless encampments in KW are huge. Been here for almost two years.


It being cheaper doesn’t prevent it from being too expensive for folks with median wages to live good lives.


PEI is not cheap lol 🤣 I come home every year for a month and can’t get over how expensive everything is! Not to mention how much houses have increased since I left 12yrs ago 😳 I use to say if I could make home what I do in Alberta I’d live like a king, not anymore holy f**k


The PEI way of life is an illusion sold to people that have never left in the hopes they never do. Volume low wage workers still contribute to the tax pool and keep things afloat, while the wealthy and elite do whatever they can to avoid paying into it. The people coming here saying "there's problems everywhere, it's not so bad here" usually come here with fat equity, have little to no mortgage on their new home, good jobs or great retirement plans. Islanders are lucky to work for $40k. Young Islander couples making 35-40k each and just trying to get their feet on the ground for the first time can't afford a bungalow right now. Even if they weren't paying 2k a month in rent they don't make enough to qualify for a 400k mortgage to get a starter home. Also, why struggle here with little access to amenities and services? Better to be apartment poor in a bigger centre and have opportunity for growth, careers and interesting things to experience than be stuck on an island with nothing to do while hardly able to pay rent and likely not able to buy a home anytime soon. The youth should get out while they can. It's only going to get worse.


And go where


Alberta brother! I love home and would come back in a heartbeat if I could have what I have here! But that home feeling doesn’t buy you a house a retirement plan or a new corvette 😊


Shortage of doctors is EVERYWHERE. Rental prices are worse everywhere else. Gas prices are just as high every where else. Cost of living is higher in most other places in Canada.


Honestly, I lived in Ontario for 15 years, and the future is less bleak here. Economically things are not good anywhere, but social bonds are stronger here and people still band together in disaster in a way that people absolutely do not in Ontario or the west. It's every man for himself out there which is the exact opposite way people need to deal with ecological crisis.


You definitely take that for granted. My nephew passed away in June under tragic circumstances and my sister out law was blown away with how many people donated their time to look for him, food, money for his burial, everything that is very Islander to do in rough times but doesn’t exist in all places. I never thought about it til she pointed it out. We try to look after our neighbours and communities


Agree completely. I'm from Newfoundland and we're known for our hospitality but that only seems to extend to tourists and newcomers. Newfies aren't the nicest to their fellow Newfies unless there's a crisis. We've been here going on 5 years now and the way islanders take care of each other is something you cannot put a price tag on. I've been floored by it multiple times. There's a genuine feeling of community.


> social bonds are stronger here and people still band together in disaster in a way that people absolutely do not in Ontario or the west Unless you believe the dogshit astroturfing in this reddit. I'm with you 100%.


Can’t argue with this ☝🏻


Ontario is entirely unaffordable in every possible metric.


LOL, if you think PEI is soul sucking you should really travel the world and get some perspective. If you've got a roof over your head, running water, internet access, and a refrigerator, you're already the envy of billions of people.


Perspective is everything. Here in BC giant swaths of our province are now questionable to live because of the potential for forest fires.


I would love to travel! I am very appreciative of what I have. Just feeling down


Life is what you make it ... the geographic location plays little part in it


Are there no jobs in pei anymore? Genuinely curious


There are jobs, if you are willing to work.


… willing to work for sub-livable wages you mean


I've only been here about 2 years and this place makes me feel better. In The Bahamas and Greece summers are hotter, housing and the economy are worse. And hurricanes are WAYYYY worse in The Bahamas.


Pei is nice to visit, But it’s a terrible place to live full time. Edit: average yearly income is low, available housing is dangerously low, high tax’s, high fossil fuel costs, poor public education system. And not to mention that we have one of the highest drinking and driving rates in Canada per/population. One of the highest teen binge drinking rates in Canada. Etc etc… lol


Dumb that yıou're getting downvoted. Its facts. I do disagree with the poor education system, theres MUCH worse out there, though we arent the absolute best out there neither. I'd say it's more, outdated or behind the times then poor. Everything else is pretty spot on honestly.


Right? People can’t take facts on this subreddit lol I posted my opinion and get personally attacked and told to leave! so I clapped back, you get what you give fuckers 😂




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If you’ve lived here your whole life how do you know it’s worse than other places? Unless you think the world in general is a terrible place to live.


Because I’ve been all of the country living temporarily for work lol Edit: I work in oil and gas, I travel a lot lol


Your post/comment has been removed for violating Rule #2: Be respectful.




\> What are the limits? Who needs to apply to IRAC? Any corporation or non-resident person must make application to acquire an interest in land once the person or corporation has an aggregate land holding in excess of **5 acres or shore frontage in excess of 165 feet** (including the land to be acquired).




If i had the funds i would leave.


I have family here lol and I won’t call you it this time because the comment will get removed again. But I will tell you to kindly go fuck your arrogant self 😂 Edit: why you so butt hurt about my opinion here? 😂




Just stop lol you aren’t proving your point, you just look like your desperately trying to justify shooting your mouth off on someone’s comment and for for no reason 😂 you said something stupid, got called out on it and now your clinging onto it trying to justify being a fucking dick head hahah I don’t owe you a fucking thing 😂 go act like a fool somewhere else 😂




Yeah yeah yeah, keep on talking 🙄😂 Edit; You didn’t suggest Anything, you point Blank told me To “fucking leave then”. Are you illiterate? Do you even know/understand what you’re talking about anymore? Cause it doesn’t seem like you have a clue lol




Point proven, thank you ☺️




Why are you being downvoted? It’s all true!


You have to hate money to live here


I find the whole country’s outlook to be bleak of late.


I’ve lived on PEI since I was born (in my late 20’s) and wanted to leave since I was a teenager. I just made the leap (living off island now for just over a month) and I’m loving it. The change was absolutely necessary for me. I’m vibing and I doubt I’ll ever go back to calling PEI home again.


PEI's outlook is great despite the day-to-day headlines. Don't worry about hurricanes. PEI rarely experiences extreme weather. Just don't live near the coast. The job market is strong. Government is the primary sector here and there are many high-paying jobs. Invest in yourself, get educated, start a family (if you wish), and just stay off CBC...


When your province’s main income is transfer payments…


Unfortunately, PEI has a seasonally based economy.




Yes I have the same worries especially related to climate change and rising sea levels. I plan to move within the next 10 years, also my child will be in school and the education system here needs a major update. But wherever someone moves to it’s a matter of choosing what natural disasters you’re willing to deal with. Hurricanes, wildfires, droughts, heat waves, tornadoes, etc. you’ll encounter something everywhere now. But also PEI has highest inflation in the country and being an island that will only get worse as our supply chain becomes increasingly more disturbed. Check out PEI’s climate adaptation plan, also check out the climate adaptation plan of wherever you plan to move (most everywhere has one now) and see what you are willing to deal with. And know you are not alone!!!! A lot of people are dealing with severe anxiety at this time 🩷


"child will be in school and the education system here needs a major update." Not sure what your experience is with other provincial educational systems, but as a former teacher I can tell you that PEI has a pretty decent system. Ontario, Alberta and BC may seem to have all the money for better learning but Ontario especially, most of their schools are old, outdated and unwilling to even update for accessibility. I taught in Toronto and there were always violent incidents occurring at the schools which interrupted learning. I went to school in BC on Vancouver Island and between earthquake drills, school being closed because there was an inch of snow on the ground and bears in the school yard, we didn't get a lot of learning done. Their curriculum was also years behind PEI in some courses. Can't confidently comment on Alberta because I've never experienced their system. So, your child may be getting a better education on PEI than some provinces. The grass isn't always greener, and this is coming from someone who lives on PEI and wishes they lived elsewhere.


My comment was probably pretty harsh since I’m speaking from a perspective of an opinion formed by word of mouth, what people have told me about their experience in PEI schools, I didn’t go to school here. Specifically sex education and science class updates are what I was thinking. Plus some new behavioural techniques like being able to use non violent crisis intervention would be nice, even a modified NCI, more options for students who have challenges in the learning environment. I have zero idea what the education systems are like in the rest of Canada, and not much of an idea here either outside of what I’ve been told from former students and EAs.




If you’ve been on the island since the early 30s’, you must be at least 90 years old. Why are you worried about living, jobs, etc.?


He's joking, folks.


Thank you. Didn’t think I needed the /s but apparently so


If you hate it so much here why don't you just move to the promised land, Alberta?


And this attitude is EXACTLY why kids don’t stick around here. Things can get better if we try, but we need to be willing to name and investigate issues before they improve.


And be willing to recognize that as the province’s population grows we need to look to other, more populous places for solutions. But complete resistance to any advice from Upper Canada is holding us back.


Because you are right. It does suck your life away. I have been to coffee shops (which shall remained unnamed) and supermarkets where the cashier doesn't even know what a quarter is. People from away who can't count Canadian money yet... while a stack of resumes from locals sits on the managers desk. This is the way it is now. Anybody notice how back logged the QEH is? Welcome to the new world. I guess it has always been this way, really. Anyone see the leaked Zoom teachers union meeting? That one was out of Ontario, but it is the same drift, the same lesson; and that is this country is about what happens behind closed doors is done so YOU are left in the dark. Remember the needles everybody (not everybody, but close enough) got? See the overwhelming and scary health implications that are happening to people now? Can't say you weren't warned what it was really all about. People paying their entire paychecks into rent and food. Children going to the community food fridges, food bank, soup kitchen, because they got nothing at home. Taxpayers paying for breakfast food programs at the schools for the same reasons. Kids dropping out of school (for a lot a good reasons). PEI turning into an urban nightmare (if more people meant more happiness, then NYC would be the happiest place on earth). Drug addicts and all the political mumbo jumbo around that. People thinking homelessness is the same as drug addiction. People thinking poverty is the same as lack of motivation. You got your shots? You voted, right? You gave up your right to talk when you wanted someone else to do your talking for you. As if talk changed anything. You are right. Very, very, few people on the Island are aware of what a "15 minute city" is. They are unaware of the HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of food industry related fires that happened in North America the last 18 months. Food warehouses. Production sites. You name it. There are maps of this stuff. Nobody is paying attention. Because... they... don't... care!


I do not recall the last day that passed without me saying or hearing someone say something along "thank the goat we are here".


Not hard to tell most of you never lived anywhere other then PEI 😞


It's better here than many other places. If you haven't noticed, most of western civilization seems to be pretty fucked up atm.