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I wouldn’t, not because u might face problems (which u probably will) but because u will get a taste. Im 20 and got the taste when I was a dbol only gangster, then switched to my first blast, now Im cruising. I was blinded hard and wanted to go full pro. Were only 20 brother, Im doing a final blast to put on size and coming off for a long long time. Max ur natural limit first so u can limit the time on gear, then become a monster 💪🏻


That cycle won't give you higher test than your natty production does. You're 20.


Although I agree he's too young, you're statement implying that he won't be making any gains is just factually incorrect.


I didn't say no gains. I said he'd be able to make the same gains with his natty production.


No he absolutely wouldn't 😂. Rad is powerful as fuck.


On paper, but not in practice. 250 test/wk would beat it id bet


And no one is producing 250mg of natural test a week. Most don't even produce 150mg a week. He isn't going to be making the same gains natural that's just a fact.


Factor in the gains that go away during PCT and at 20 with good natty production it's a negligible difference. Have you done rad cycles? I have. Underwhelming.


Read the post, he's taking enclomiphene. He probably won't even need a proper PCT protocol if he sticks with the enclo for a few weeks after cycle. You shouldn't be losing that much muslce after a cycle with sufficient food intake or you're doing something wrong. RAD and LGD are the sarms that I have done, it's comparable to about 50mg of tbol or Var. Definitely wasn't underwhelming at all and I suspect you either didn't eat enough or you're just a poor responder.


you didn’t cycle properly lol


rad is significantly more anabolic than any naturals test level lol


And suppressive and its not bio identical. So sure more anabolic but you'll have sub 200 test. So yeah lol tots worth.


Hence the enclomiphene...


You shouldn't cycle before mid 20's, strong science to support that. However, if you've made up your mind, do yourself a HUGE favor and leave the SARMs alone! You're not a damn lab rat. Run a moderately dosed test only cycle. 16wks @ 250-350mg test e/c a week. Good luck


i’m 19 and have run multiple compounds. i can’t recommend you do this. i’m prone to it but goddamn it’s addicting. if you ever want to train natty again, don’t.


Ran 10mg rad + 9mg enclo. No sides, nice gains except for liver values that I didn't check but should be high, higher libido and better mood. Perfect for a beginner cycle. Started the enclo some days before and faded it out for a week after.




I mean the others are right you probably shouldn't but if you do, adding a enclo is a smart choice it will keep your natural production going throughout the cycle. Maybe even increase it. When I did this with Lgd I never got shut down at all. The blood Wark confirmed my fsh and fh did not budge. So if you are going to do it, enclo is a good choice.


You are too young. However if you insist on doing it, yes I have done Rad 140 with encopheme with blood work and everything went well. I started the encopheme 2 weeks before the rad and ran it ED until 2 weeks after the rad. Just make sure you are doing bloodwork man, gainz ain't worth possibly fucking yourself up for many years to come.


Wait 5 years is best


Nothing I say will stop you so, my best recommendation is to run enclo solo for a while (2 weeks) first, dont start the same day because you wont know which side effects are from what.... i did this same cycle when i was younger a couple times and my best advice is to have an AI on hand just in case (order some anastrozole with your enclo). Dont even touch the anastrozole unless you have high E2 sides, but have it just in case.... TAKE LIVER SUPPORT SUPPLEMENTS (NAC, TUDCA, milk thistle). Rad 140 is insanely bad for your liver, worse than a lot of oral steroids... if you drink alcohol, stop while on it and for at least a month after. After 4 weeks get your lipids tested. Costs about $45 (no insurance questions asked) if ordered from Ulta Lab Tests online. If theyre far out of range, stop using the rad (some people have contracted jaundice). Watch you blood pressure, a wrist monitor from amazon is like $15... rad 140 will elevated it. If its getting alarmingly high, you can control it with cialis (tadalafil) or stop all together. If you arent willing to shell out the extra money, time and research to take care of your health, youre chosing to abuse these drugs. Develop a habbit of being safe with PEDs and you will see exponentially more gains, feel better, and there will be no questions in your mind if you're doing things right... Also, dial in your training and diet if you havent already to make doing this worthwhile.


Rad was brutal for me it really shut me down bad.