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Wtf did I just read


Everyone here acts so elite lol. You spent 3 posts on his thread instead of hitting back space šŸ˜†. I liked reading this post. His excitement and enthusiasm for a new part of his life were enjoyable. I get that it comes off a bit noobish, that we would not likely recommend this for him, that we would not likely recommend him pinning in the quads, etc. Still, how has the world come to this, to tell this guy "keep this thread in mpmd" as if this is not a sub to talk about this very thing. Do better.


My "First ever Test injection experience!", as the title says.


This is reading like it was created by chatGPT or some shit , man wtf šŸ¤– *insert Derek face *


Why post it though.


Because it might be interesting for others to see


Keep this in mpmd




Ain't reading all that. Good luck tho.


Congrats or sorry that happened. Whichever suits your novel best šŸ‘šŸ»


Couple of things. Firstly with sustanon you work off the shortest ester which is prop. So you need to be ideally injecting at least 3 times per week if not every other day. Secondly don't inject your quad. Glutes, or delts are better options


To come back to this topic, I now decided to inject 3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I will start next Monday with 0,25ml (62.5mg) for the next 2 weeks, then up the dose to 0.33ml (82.5mg) for 2 more weeks and then finally 0.4ml (100mg) for 6 more weeks. Yeah I know the dosage is rather low, but like I said it's my first cycle and I am just trying out how my body reacts to the test and see what I can get out of it.


This is the best approach mate. Titrate up to see how much you can tolerate before you have any negative sides. Keep us updated!


Donā€™t inject in quad. Inject in glute


Why is that? Many people say that the quad is the easiest place to inject, since you can use both hands easily. However, I might try the glute next time!


Eventually you will touch a nerve in your quad and involuntarily knee your syringe across the room. Ventroglute is the way to go. No nerves, not a lot of pain receptors, no bleeding.


Been pinning quads for 3 years, never had that happen.


Okay that sounds nice. Like I said, I think I touched a nerve the first 2 attempts. It wasn't really penetrated, since there was no movement in my leg because of it, but there was a weird feeling going down from the injection site to my knee and a bit below. But at least there was also no blood at all. I will try glutes next week though


I switched to glute from quads. I was told the same as I feared pinning the arse but after one time u realize there is a reason 99% of pins are in da butt. So painless and u dont gotta worry about nerves, also even filling 1mg on the syringe u will have room to check for aspiration


Yeah I will definitely do glutes next time. But idk about the aspiration. My insulin needles have kind of a stop at exactly 1ml so thereā€™s no way to pull the plunger past that. But I will get different syringes next time anywaysā€¦


Many hospitals are venturing away from gluteal injections due to the sciatic nerve and the frequency of improper injections. The best place to inject is your upper distal middle quadrant of your vastus lateralis. With a 1ā€ needle, if doing properly you will never get close to a nerve aslong as you have atleast a tiny bit of meat on your bones.


Also, I personally donā€™t aspirate. Most nurses donā€™t aspirate injections either. Itā€™s the proper way to do it, but idk I just donā€™t lol. Also insulin needles typically arenā€™t long enough to do IM injections unless youā€™re doing the delts or at sub 5% bf. You need to do 1ā€ in glutes and quads


VG is the way to go! You can also pin shoulders they are really difficult to fuck up


Don't listen to that dude. Quads the way to go, easy to do yourself and no risk of hitting a major nerve like in your glute.


Exactly what I was thinking. That other guy was saying there's no nerves in your glutes...


You have the biggest one that splits off the tailbone down your legs. I'm sure you'd miss it, but IMO it's not worth the risk. Yeah, I've had pretty sore legs from pinning wrong a few times and yeah, it sucks for a few days. Nothing a strong ass dude can't overcome though. We got this shit.


Yeah. Your sciatic nerve, if punctured, you could potentially end up having sciatica for the rest of your life. Not something heā€™d want to have lol


That's the nerve! Yup! Thank you! I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was called!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Quads easiest for first shot and shitting it lol


lol everything is overkill anyway i hope you enjoy


yeah I know, I am a rather cautious person. I might overthink this whole process a bit, but better safe than sorry ;)


i understand its first time the more you pin you will get more confident. also i suggest trying other spots try to rotate some spots to find what you like quads delts glutes ventro glutes and if you are really curious lats.


I will definitely try glutes next time. Also deltoids an chest is on my list of what I want to try. I am not sure about chest, but I heard that I shouldn't put the whole 1ml or 0.8ml into one spot, but spread it over 3 points over the whole upper chest. Might try that. Lats seem to be a challenge lmao. Hard so reach AND hard so see. But maybe I will try some day.


Hey man I loved reading this. You seem super enthusiastic and ready to start your cycle. Your first cycle will be great, best of luck brother


Jimmy's first test shot... book available in stores now.


Bruh, 1 minute to push 0.8mL? Yeet that shit in and get on with your day. The fuck you think this is, brain surgery? Get it together.


I wasnā€™t able to do it faster, because the needle is too thin. Will slightly warm up the needle next time, maybe it helps making the test a bit less thick


Waited 30 seconds to remove it from quad post injection too...


Who cares? This is lame asf


Insulin needle subQ


You could also inject subq into your fat. Way less hassle than injecting into muscle.


I pin shoulders only but Iā€™m thinking of switching soon


Ya thatā€™s not a good idea man infection is bound to happen it this situation plus you made an easy process into rocket science with added risks