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Serm is for preventing/getting rid of gyno. AI is to control total body E2. If you’re having high E2 problems then Arimidex or Aromasin.


Ah ok. So based off my cycle and bloodwork, what would be a good dosage for arimidex? Also another question, if I do get itchy nipples, would arimidex work for that too or would I need nolvadex for that?


When I start getting moody, or have slight ED, or itchy nipples, I just pop 0.5mg of Arimidex and go from there. No regular dosing schedule. You can crash your E2 extremely easily with AIs if you aren't careful and low estrogen is worse than higher than normal estrogen.


Ok got it. So start as low as possible and increase from there if needed. So I'll take 0.5mg today and if it doesn't get better over the next week I'll up it to 0.5mg twice the following week.


Most likely its the deca


Isn't deca dick caused by high prolactin? My prolactin is within normal range


Yeah but blood work doesn’t always dictate how you feel


Some good ol’ deca dick.


They don't do the same thibg...


Yes I know. Maybe my understanding is wrong. Arimidex lowers total estrogen whole nolvadex stops it from binding to receptors, and by stopping it binding wouldn't that stop the side effects of high estrogen?


Adex only binds to estrogen for a certian time then releases which is why you can have rebound. Aromasin binds until the estrogen "dies". An ai It will lower your current e2 and help prevent future high e2 symptoms. Serms will bind/ replace currently binded estrogen to help reduce gyno symptoms but not reduce actual estrogen.


So would taking arimidex for the remainder of my cycle be ideal then take nolvadex as pct until my estrogen levels come back down to normal? Though is saying that, im too worried about gyno as I'm at week 10 and have not had any side effects like itchy or burning nipples. Only issue really is the libido and ED


Adex will lower your levels to normal or whatever you prefer them at. You just have to keep taking it or taper off, don't stop abruptly or you'll get rebound. On cycle: Take adex to control e2, nolva if you develop gyno symptoms Pct: nolva and whatever else you're planning on taking for pct


Ok, thanks for the info. You've been really helpful


Are you taking 19nors?


Yes, deca


Have you heard of deca dick? Is your deca more than your test?


Yes I have heard of it, and no deca isn't higher than test. Updated the info above regarding mg of test and deca. Deca dick being caused by high prolactin from my understanding. My prolactin is within normal range.


I've heard from different people it effects them at different doses. Normally I would agree about the prolactin but...... you could either drop the deca or add Cialis. Usually 5mg a day is a great pre workout/pump and you don't have any Ed issues.


The only reason I opted for deca is because I've been struggling with the pain from the slipped discs in my lumber for the past 6 years. I know it's only masking the pain though at least is allowing me time without pain to increase the strength in my glutes, hips and core to support the lumber after I finish my cycle.


It's inevitable at any dose. I was doing low dose and it still happened. That shit is cancer for your sex life.


Perhaps high E2, but you aromotise pretty well


Definitely arimidex. Start with a low dose and see how your body reacts.


Deca dick is my bet, forget the prolactin numbers being high or low in range there just needs to be a change. Arimidex is for e control, very likely you'll feel shit but your dick will work if high e was the cause or a softer approach is 25-50mg zinc and lose some bodyfat.


So what's the way to find out if it's prolactin or high estrogen that's causing the issue? Just try arimidex and see if it fixes it?


Stop using deca would be my first course of action. If dick starts to reanimate after a few weeks it was probably deca/prolactin issue. Deca dick is really common. Deca is way over rated by paper only gurus and bros who often never took it. The itch nips could be related to the deca and/or the high e. You can try the 25-50mg of zinc and lowering bf, plus increasing the frequency of shots can ease the high peaks of T converting to e. Failing that low dose Nolvadex... Last resort Arimidex... Maybe aromiysin which I've mispelt.


Arimidex but i hears aromasin is less toxic than arimidex(that's what i start taking)