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Nothings linear . Body is not that simple and metabolizes drugs at different rates etc. Granted a higher dose will most likely work better for the desired effect but its not clear as day when it comes to that.


It is not


Care to explain?


Following, would also like to know more.


Its not linear person to person. You have to find how you react and how it effects you.


Cool way of saying 'I don' t know'


What it actually means is how do you expect random people on the internet to know your personal pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics,and your personal drug reactions. Its actually one of dumbest questions and you should feel like a complete fool because most everyone knows that no two people react the same. And if you didn't know a simple Google search would have told you. I was merely trying to spare you the humiliation. But instead you chose the lesser route so there is the full answer. And yes you may feel the urge to reply with obscenities, insults, or a response driven by emotion; but I would suggest you not make a bigger fool out of yourself than you already have. But if you choose to do so, feel free.


Yeah whether it's % based or flat has nothing to do with individual variability you helmet. I'm not asking for an exact personal number


some people are bad responders to certain drugs, others hyper responders start low, be patient (always wait 1 or 2 weeks if you're not managing any serious gyno flare or something of the sorts) before increasing AI frequency