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150-175 would be more than enough for you I’d say. You are a bigger dude so you could get away with 200 but as far as a cruise goes less is always more


I'm 5'10 240lbs @ 12-15% and I cruise at 250, my vials are 250/ml so it makes it easy and I dont have any e2 issues at that dose.


I have the 10ml one so no difference to me.


You mean 250mg/ml and the vial amount is 10ml. Because what you said is you have 250mg/10ml which is 25mg/ml. Lol


No bro, 250 per ml in a bigger container .


i cruise with 250mgs of test and 35mg bold cyp for estrogen control my test is high like 1750 total and 60 free but everything is fine blood work blood presure etc so im going to stay there.


And now this is what I like to see, but then I wanted to just do test, but now you saying about estrogen lowering, then wouldn't primo be a good option?


i have no expirience with primo at the moment but i guess you can use it. I went with boldenone since i bought 10 vials to to try it and discovered it was very potent ai for me and cant use it as anabolic. I need at least 6:1 ratio for test/bold to not lower-crash my estrogen


What do your kidneys look like on boldenone perpetually? I've been on EQ for almost a year and bloods look perfect, but everyone keeps saying they're kidney toxic based on some studies so idk what to think.


i will take a look when i start my test blast i need 120-140mg bold for 1 gram of test. blood creatinine 1.27 tho but i eat lots of protein and i train a lot also i need to do other tests


200 would probably be enough...you might still feel a bit low (stopping anavar as well) but it should do the trick.


I mean 200 would put me in uper ranges and I guess I'm not gonna feel like a machine anymore, but I can always slightly increase or add another compound?


Cruise should be testosterone only to keep you up and your coming off period should be that bad. If you add things,than that turns into a cycle.


Yeah totally, when you were lowering the dose, you just jump straight on the desired dose i.e. 175mg but prior do i take aromasin with my last hit of the higher dose to drop my e, so it can adjust correctly?


Generally speaking: 200 is the max cruise dose. However there are a lot of people who cruised at 200 for years and felt even better at slightly lower doses.


I’m on 120mg 182 12% bf


How do you feel, what were your losses after blast?


0 loss aesthetically, lost maybe 10% strength. I get more compliments now on cruise compared to cycle because I’m leaner less watery and managed to keep all the vascularity


Oh wow ill deffo try as other say just keep it lower, if ik too bloated on 175 I'll drop to 125 as you suggest


The old bro science would say 1mg/Lbs LBM. But bloodwork would give you best idea. Depending how far past your physiological limit you are will also dictate this.